Running Branding Queries

This chapter provides an overview and lists common elements for use in branding queries and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Branding Queries

Oracle's PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal branding provides queries you can run that detail branding design data, site assignments, and theme assignments.

Click to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in Branding Queries

App Pkg:Class:Methd

The application package, class name, and method name.

Catalog Image Obj Name

The image object name if the image source is Catalog.

Custom Link URL

Destination defined for a custom link. The link may be to a site, HTML page, application, and so on.

Download Results In

Enables you to download query results in the following formats:

  • Excel spreadsheet

  • CSV file (Comma-separated format.)

Effective Date, Eff Date

Denotes the effective date for a portal site, theme, override or any component parts of a theme, such as a header or footer.

Element ID

Displays the ID of the element.

Element Type

Displays the type of element.

External Image URL

Displays if the Image Source is URL. Specifies the location of the header or footer element image.

HTML Entered Text

HTML entered if the HTML source is External.

HTML Object Name, HTML Obj Name

The HTML object name if the HTML source is Catalog.

HTML Source

Source of the HTML. The valid options are:

  • System Catalog. The HTML source is a record in the Application Designer HTML catalog.

  • External. The HTML source is from an external source.

Header or Footer ID

The Header ID or Footer ID about which to generate information.

Enter a header or footer name, or click the Lookup button to select among the defined headers and footers.

Homepage Footer ID, optnl

Displays the homepage Footer ID for the theme, if a footer exists on the homepage.

Homepage Header ID

Displays the homepage Header ID for the theme.

Image Object Name, Image Obj Name

Displays if the Image Source is Catalog. Indicates the name of the image object that displays for the header or footer element.

Image Source

Displays the source of any images associated with the header or footer. The valid options are:

  • Catalog. Indicates that the image is from the Application Designer Image Catalog.

  • URL. Indicates that the image source is located via a URL.

Menu Item Object Name

Object name for the menu item.

Portal Site Default Theme ID

The default theme ID for a portal site/registry.

Portal Site for Menu Item

The portal registry or site where the menu link is located.

Portal Site Name

Name of the portal site for which information is displayed.

In some cases you must enter a portal site name, or click the Lookup button to select one.

Override Section

Indicates if the override value applies to the homepage header, homepage footer or target page header.

Site ID

The Site ID about which information is generated.


Indicates the status of the element, theme and so on.

The valid options are:

  • Active

  • Inactive

Style Class

Displays the class name associated with the header, footer or menu override.

Styled Menu ID, optnl override

Displays the styled menu ID for the homepage, if an override has been defined.

Stylesheet, optnl override

Displays the style sheet object name for the homepage, if an override has been defined.

Target Page Header ID

Displays the target page Header ID for the theme.

Theme Descr/Descr

Provides a description of the theme or portal site.

Theme ID

Displays the Theme ID.

View Results

Click the View Results button to generate query data based on the effective date you entered.

Click to jump to parent topicRunning the Theme Definition Query

The Theme Definition query enables you to generate and view information about the active themes on the portal. All theme definitions are sorted by effective date.

Access the Theme Definition query page (Portal Administration, Branding, Branding Queries, Theme Definition).

Database Default Theme?

Indicates whether the theme is the database default.

Valid values are:

  • Y. Indicates that the theme is the database default.

  • N. Indicates that the theme is not the database default.

Information on other data used to generate this query or on data that the query displays is located at the start of this section.

See Also

Common Elements Used in Branding Queries

Click to jump to parent topicRunning the Database Default Theme Query

As its name implies, the Database Default Theme query provides details about the default theme running on the database.

Access the Database Default Theme query page (Portal Administration, Branding, Branding Queries, Database Default Theme).

Database Default Theme as of

Denotes whether the theme is the database default as of the effective date in the column to the right.

The valid values are:

  • Y. Yes.

  • N. No.

Information on other data used to generate this query or on data that the query displays is located at the start of this section.

See Common Elements Used in Branding Queries.

Click to jump to parent topicRunning the Portal Site Default Themes Query

The Portal Site Default Themes query enables you to generate information about site/portal registry default themes on the enterprise portal.

Access the Portal Site Default Themes query page (Portal Administration, Branding, Branding Queries, Portal Site Default Themes).

A description of the data that the query displays is located in the Common Elements section at the start of this section.

See Common Elements Used in Branding Queries.

Click to jump to parent topicRunning the Themes Assigned to Roles Query

The Themes Assigned to Roles query enables you to generate information about the portal themes that are assigned to roles based on the Portal Site Name that you enter.

Access the Themes Assigned to Roles query page (Portal Administration, Branding, Branding Queries, Themes Assigned to Roles).

Assignment List Effective Date

Displays the effective date of the role assignment list.

Priority Seq#

Displays the priority sequence number of the role.

Role Name

Displays the name of the role.

Assigned Theme ID

Displays the theme ID assigned to the role.

Information on other data used to generate this query or on data that the query displays is located in the Common Elements section of this section.

See Common Elements Used in Branding Queries.

Click to jump to parent topicRunning the Header/Footer Objects and Details Queries

The primary purpose of the Header/Footer Objects and Details queries is to identify images, styles and HTML objects required for branding theme deployment.

The Header/Footer Objects query enables you to choose a header or footer defined for the PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal and generate basic information about the it, such as its effective date, ID, HTML layout name, and more. The Header/Footer Object Details query enables you to choose a header or footer defined for the PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal and generate detailed information about it.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Header/Footer Objects Query

Access the Header/Footer Objects query page (Portal Administration, Branding, Branding Queries, Header/Footer Objects). Select the object name you wish to query, then press enter.

HTML Area Source

Three sources:

  • Appl Class. Application class in Application Designer.

  • Catalog. HTML catalog in Application Designer.

  • External. HTML code is entered here.


Entered with the HTML Source is External.

Information on other data used to generate this query or on data that the query displays is located at the start of this section.

See Common Elements Used in Branding Queries.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Header/Footer Object Details Query

Access the Header/Footer Object Details query page (Portal Administration, Branding, Branding Queries, Header/Footer Object Details).

Image/Icon Source

Source of the image or icon. The valid options are:

  • System Catalog. The source is a record in the Application Designer HTML catalog.

  • External. The source is from an external source.

Information about other data that this query displays is located at the start of this section.

See Common Elements Used in Branding Queries.

Click to jump to parent topicRunning the Style Menu Definitions Query

Use the Style Menu Definitions query to generate a complete list of information about all styled menus for the portal.

Access the Styled Menu Definitions query page (Portal Administration, Branding, Branding Queries, Styled Menu Definitions).

Re-Styled Menu ID

Name of the restyled menu.

Overrides: Definition Label

Description of the override definition.

Overriding Style Sheet

Name of the overriding style sheet.

Alternate Style Sheet

Style sheet applied for browsers other than Microsoft Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator 6.0.

Background Style

Name of the applied background style.

Alternate Bckgrnd Style

Background style applied for browsers other than Microsoft Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator 6.0.

Open Folder Bckgrnd Style

Name of the background style for open folders.

Folder Edge Style

Style name for the folder edge.

Folder Link Style

Name of the style applied for folder links.

Selected Link Bckgrnd Style

Name of the background style applied for selected links.

Selected Link Style

Name of the style applied for selected links.

Unselected Link Style

Name of the style applied for links not selected links.

Selected Link Top Edge

Name of the style applied for the top edge of selected links.

Selected Link Bottom Edge

Name of the style applied to the bottom edge of selected links.

Expand Menu Image

Name of the menu image that displays when the menu is expanded.

Close Menu Image

Name of the menu image that displays when the menu is closed.

Unselected Link Image

Name of the image that is not selected.

Selected Link Image

Name of the selected link image.

Open Folder Image

Name of the open folder image.

Collapsed Folder Image

Name of the collapsed folder image.

Indentation Spacer Image

Name of the indentation spacer image.

Click to jump to parent topicUsing the Site Override Objects and Detail Queries

Similar to the Header/Footer Objects and Header/Footer Object Details queries, the primary purpose of the Site Override Objects and Detail queries is to identify site override objects in preparation for branding theme deployment.

Use the Site Override Objects query to generate general information about site overrides defined for portal sites. Use the Site Overrides Detail query to generate detailed information about site overrides defined for bar items links and text. Compare this information with the general object queries to compile a complete list of objects required for a site branding design.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Site Override Objects Query

The Site Override Objects query enables you to generate basic information about overrides defined for a site, such as effective date, ID, element ID and image and bar overrides.

Access the Site Override Objects query page (Portal Administration, Branding, Branding Queries, Site Override Objects).


The name of the style applied to the bar element.

Information about the data that the query displays is located at the start of this section.

See Common Elements Used in Branding Queries.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Site Override Object Details Query

The Site Override Object Details query enables you to generate detailed information about site bar overrides.

Access the Site Override Object Details query page (Portal Administration, Branding, Branding Queries, Site Override Object Details).


The style applied to the bar item.

Information about the data that the query displays is located at the start of this section.

See Common Elements Used in Branding Queries.