Appendix: iScripts Used to Assemble and Present Web Magazines

This appendix provides an overview of Web Magazine iScripts and discusses the iScripts within the Web Magazine hierarchy of:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Web Magazine iScripts

Before you design a publication, you must understand how the portal assembles the Web Magazine for presentation in the portal. PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal delivers a set of page layouts in the form of HTML objects, including built-in functions that use those HTML objects. Configuring or creating new HTML objects requires that you revise the built-in functions.

In the sections that follow, these typographical conventions distinguish the various elements of the PeopleCode:




Indicates function names, method names, language constructs, and PeopleCode reserved words that must be included literally in the function call.


Indicates placeholders for arguments that your program must supply.


Indicates that the preceding item or series can be repeated any number of times.


Indicates a choice between options.

[ ]

Indicates optional items.


Indicates that the parameter is an already instantiated object.

Click to jump to parent topicPublication

This section discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIScript_BuildPubHeader




IScript_BuildPubHeader displays the web magazine header for a publication. It uses the publication ID and the issue ID that are passed through the query string. This function then retrieves the current issue name using these parameters and displays it in the header. It's displayed by passing the issue name as a bind variable to the HTML Header Template. Different publications must change the code to call their specific HTML templates for the header.

The declaration is:

Declare Function ​IScript_BuildPubHeader PeopleCode WEBLIB_WEBPUB.EO_PE_PUB Fiel dFormula;


Function Call Parameters: None.

This table lists the Query String Parameters:


The publication ID is set in the query string by PUB=Publication ID.

The function must have this query string parameter to retrieve the correct values from the database. This value is retrieved in the function and set to the variable &Publication.


The issue ID is set in the query string by ISSUE=Issue ID.

The function must have this query string parameter to retrieve the correct values from the database. This value is retrieved in the function and set to the variable &Issue.

This table lists Other Parameters:

HTML.HTML Template

This HTML template is required to display the header for the Web Magazine page. Change this in the code to use the HTML template that you designed.


Returns the HTML markup for the entire publication or issue header.


&HTMLHeader = IScript_BuildPubHeader();

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIScript_BuildPubNavBar




IScript_BuildPubNavBar displays the Web magazine navigation bar for a publication. This function retrieves the HTML template for the navigation bar for the publication. The inputs are publication, issue name, and full URL from the %Request parameter. Different publications must change the code to call their specific HTML templates for the navigation bar.

The declaration is:

Declare Function ​IScript_BuildPubNavBar PeopleCode WEBLIB_WEBPUB.EO_PE_PUB Fiel dFormula;


Function Call Parameters: None.

This table lists the Query String Parameters:


The publication ID is set in the query string by PUB=Publication ID.

The function must have this query string parameter to retrieve the correct values from the database. This value is retrieved in the function and set to the variable &Publication.


The issue ID is set in the query string by ISSUE=Issue ID.

The function must have this query string parameter to retrieve the correct values from the database. This value is retrieved in the function and set to the variable &Issue.

This table lists Other Parameter:

HTML. HTML Template

This HTML template is required to display the publication navigation bar for the Web Magazine page. Change this in the code to use the HTML template that you designed.


This is the URL from the %Request. This must be an absolute URL, in the following format:


For example: http://localhost:8080/servlets/iclientservlet/HR

Note. HR is a subdirectory.


Returns the HTML markup for the entire publication navigation bar.


&HTMLNav1 = IScript_BuildPubNavBar();

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIScript_BuildPubFooter




IScript_BuildPubFooter displays the Web magazine footer for publication. It retrieves the HTML template of the footer for that publication. This is a static HTML template that does not have any bind variables. For different publications, the code must be changed to call the specific HTML template for the footer.

The declaration is:

Declare Function ​IScript_BuildPubFooter PeopleCode WEBLIB_WEBPUB.EO_PE_PUB Fiel dFormula;


Function Call Parameters: None.

Query String Parameters: None.

This table lists the Other Parameters:

HTML. HTML Template

This HTML template is required to display the footer for the Web Magazine page. Change this in the code to use the HTML template that you designed.


Returns the HTML markup for the entire publication footer.


&HTMLFooter = IScript_BuildPubFooter();

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIScript_WebPublishing


GenerateScriptPortalURL(%Portal, %Node , Record.WEBLIB_WEBPUB, Field.EO_PE_TEMPLATES, "FieldFormula", "IScript_WebPublishing");

GenerateScriptPortalURL can be used with this function as part of the syntax, but generally the syntax for this iScript is the following:



IScript_WebPublishing assembles the Web magazine for a publication issue. It uses the publication built-in functions iScripts described previously to produce each value that is required by the cover page template. It is assembled by passing all required parameters as bind variables to the HTML Front Page template.

Customized cover page layouts require changes to the code. For example, if the HTML template has six bind variables; IScript_WebPublishing must pass six values, including HTML markup returned by other publication built-in functions, to match. Using examples from previous sections, we have:

&HTMLText = GenerateHTMLText(HTML.EO_PE_FRONTPAGETEMPLATE, &HTMLHeader, &HTMLNav1, &CompanyNews, &Indu stryFocus, &HMLFooter, &ArticleURL, &SectionURL, IScript_GetImage("PWSH507PO8C"), IScript_GetImage("PWSEP6SXO8C") IScript_GetImage("PWSPS3TQO8C"), IScript_GetImage("PWS4MT7QO8C"), IScript_GetImage("PWSTRUTPO8C"), IScript_GetImage("PWSPB7CPO8C"), IScript_GetImage("PWSYBONQO8C"), IScript_GetImage("PWS5JA6S59C"), IScript_GetImage("PWS24J8F44C"));



Returns the HTML markup for the entire publication issue.


<a href=http://host:port/psp/ps/EMPLOYEE/PSFT_PA/s/WEBLIB_WEBPUB.EO_PE_ TEMPLATES.FieldFormula.IScript_ WebPublishing?PUB=PEOPLETALK&ISSUE=JUNAUG2000>PeopleTalk</a>

Click to jump to parent topicSection

All articles for an issue are retrieved. All sections where the articles belong are sorted.

This section discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIScript_BuildSectionNavBar




IScript_BuildSectionNavBar builds the section navigation bar for a publication issue. The navigation bar displays all of the sections for a publication issue. It is created with the images that are defined in the section navigation (on and off) images of the application.

If the current section is referenced, the Section Navigation Bar On image is used. If the section referenced is not the current section, the Section Navigation Bar Off image is used.

The declaration is:

Declare Function ​IScript_BuildSectionNavBar PeopleCode WEBLIB_WEBPUB.EO_E_SECT ION FieldFormula;


Function Call Parameters: None.

This table lists Query String Parameters:


The publication ID is set in the query string by PUB=Publication ID.

The function must have this query string parameter to retrieve the correct values from the database. This value is retrieved in the function and set to the variable &Publication.


The issue ID is set in the query string by ISSUE=Issue ID.

The function must have this query string parameter to retrieve the correct values from the database. This value is retrieved in the function and set to the variable &Issue.


The section ID is set in the query string by SECTION=Section ID.

The function must have this query string parameter to retrieve the correct values from the database. This value is retrieved in the function and set to the variable &Section.


Returns the HML markup for the entire section navigation bar.


&HTMLNav2 = IScript_BuildSectionNavBar();

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIScript_GetSectionArticles


IScript_GetSectionArticles(&NumberOfColumns, &Fontsize, &Se ctionOn, &CategoriesOn, &ArticlesSummaryOn, &More, &Section)


IScript_GetSectionArticles displays all articles for a section of a publication issue. All articles are displayed; they use the parameters that are listed in the following table. The output of the articles can be changed.

Features include the number of columns in which the articles are displayed in, font size, section titles (on or off), category titles (on or off), article summaries (on or off), more articles link (on or off), and a section ID override.

The declaration is:

Declare Function ​IScript_GetSectionArticles ​PeopleCode WEBLIB_WEBPUB.EO_PE_SEC TION FieldFormula;


This table lists the Function Call Parameters:


(Integer) Number of columns in which to display the articles. If this value is 3, three columns display the articles.


(Integer) Relative font size in which the output is displayed.


(Integer) If this value is 1 (true), the section name is displayed at the beginning of the article listing. If this value is 0 (false), the section name is not displayed.


(Integer) If this value is 1 (true), the category name is displayed at the beginning of each article. If the value is 0 (false), the category name is not displayed.


(Integer) If this value is 1 (true), the article summary is displayed after the article title. If the value is 0 (false), the article summary is not displayed.


(Integer) If this value is 1 (true) and there are more than three articles, More... appears at the end of the article listing. If the value is 0 (false), the link does not appear.


If a value exists, it overrides the query string parameter value for the section ID. This is useful if there is no query string parameter for the section ID. This value must be the section ID.

This table lists the Query Sting Parameters:


The publication ID is set in the query string by PUB=Publication ID.

The function must have this query string parameter to retrieve the correct values from the database. This value is retrieved in the function and set to the variable &Publication.


The issue ID is set in the query string by ISSUE=Issue ID.

The function must have this query string parameter to retrieve the correct values from the database. This value is retrieved in the function and set to the variable &Issue.


The section ID is set in the query string by SECTION=Section ID.

The function must have this query string parameter to retrieve the correct values from the database. This value is retrieved in the function and set to the variable &Section.


Returns the HTML markup for all articles in a section for a publication or an issue.


rem Get the Articles for the news section; rem Parameters Values for the Function Call; rem Number of Columns - 1; rem Font Size - 2; rem Section Title On - 0 (False); rem Category Title On - 0 (False); rem Article Summary On - 1 (True); rem More... link - 0 (False); rem Section Name - "" (current section); &HTMLText = IScript_GetSectionArticles(1, 2, 0, 0, 1, 0, " ");

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIScript_GetSectionImg




IScript_GetSectionImg retrieves the section image for a section of a publication. It accepts inputs from the query string for the publication ID and the section ID. IScript_GetSectionImg first retrieves the section image ID. Using this ID, it calls the IScript_GetImage function to retrieve the image information.

The declaration is:

Declare Function ​IScript_GetSectionImg PeopleCode WEBLIB_WEBPUB.EO_PE_SECTION F ieldFormula;


Function Call Parameters: None.

This table lists the Query String Parameters:


The publication ID is set in the query string by PUB=Publication ID.

The function must have this query string parameter to retrieve the correct values from the database. This value is retrieved in the function and set to the variable &Publication.


The section ID is set in the query string by SECTION=Section ID.

The function must have this query string parameter to retrieve the correct values from the database. This value is retrieved in the function and set to the variable &Section.


Returns the HTML image tag for the section image.


&HTMLSectionImg = IScript_GetSectionImg();

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIScript_SectionArticleTemplate


GetScriptContentURL(%Portal, %Node, Record.WEBLIB_WEBPUB, Field.EO_PE_TEMPLATES, "FieldFormula", "IScript_SectionArticleTemplate");

GenerateScriptPortalURL can be used with this function as part of the syntax, but generally the syntax for this iScript is the following:



IScript_SectionArticleTemplate assembles the section page for a publication issue. It uses the section built-in functions iScripts described previously to come up with each value that is required by the section page template. Passing all required parameters as bind variables, to the HTML Section Page template, assembles it.

Changes to the code are required when customizing section page layouts. For example, if the HTML template has six bind variables, IScript_SectionArticleTemplate must pass six values, including HTML markup returned by other section built-in functions, to match. Using examples from previous sections, we have:

&HTMLText = GetHTMLText(HTML.EO_PE_SECTIONTEMPLATE, &HTMLHeader, &HTMLNav1, IScript_GetImageFileSpec(" PWSA19OE85C"), &HTMLNav2, &HTMLSectionImg, &HTMLBody, &HTMLFooter);





Returns the HTML markup for a section in a publication issue.


<a href="http://jwegrzyn070500/psc/ps/EMPLOYEE/PSFT_PA/s/WEBLIB_WEBPUB.EO_PE_ TEMPLATES.FieldFormula.IScript_SectionArticleTemplate?PUB=PEOPLETALK&ISSUE= JUNAUG2000&SECTION=NEWS">News</a>

Click to jump to parent topicCategory

This section discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIScript_GetCategoryLongName




IScript_GetCategoryLongName retrieves the category long name for a category in a section of a publication. It accepts inputs from the query string for the publication ID, section ID, and category ID.

The declaration is:

Declare Function ​IScript_GetCategoryLongName PeopleCode WEBLIB_WEBPUB.EO_PE_ CATEGORY FieldFormula;


Function Call Parameters: None.

This table lists the Query String Parameters:


The publication ID is set in the query string by PUB=Publication ID.

The function must have this query string parameter to retrieve the correct values from the database. This value is retrieved in the function and set to the variable &Publication.


The section ID is set in the query string by SECTION=Section ID.

The function must have this query string parameter to retrieve the correct values from the database. This value is retrieved in the function and set to the variable &Section.


The category ID is set in the query string by CATEGORY=Category ID.

The function must have this query string parameter to retrieve the correct values from the database. This value is retrieved in the function and set to the variable &Category.


Returns the category long name.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIScript_GetCategoryImg




IScript_GetCategoryImg retrieves the category image for a category in a section of a publication. It accepts inputs from the query string for the publication ID, section ID, and category ID. IScript_GetCategoryImg first retrieves the category image ID. Using this ID, it calls the IScript_GetImage function to retrieve the image information.

The declaration is:

Declare Function ​IScript_GetCategoryImg PeopleCode WEBLIB_WEBPUB.EO_PE_CATEGORY FieldFormula;


Function Call Parameters: None.

This table lists the Query String Parameters:


The publication ID is set in the query string by PUB=Publication ID.

The function must have this query string parameter to retrieve the correct values from the database. This value is retrieved in the function and set to the variable &Publication.


The section ID is set in the query string by SECTION=Section ID.

The function must have this query string parameter to retrieve the correct values from the database. This value is retrieved in the function and set to the variable &Section.


The category ID is set in the query string by CATEGORY=Category ID.

The function must have this query string parameter to retrieve the correct values from the database. This value is retrieved in the function and set to the variable &Category.


Returns the HTML image tag for the category image.

Click to jump to parent topicArticle

This section discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIScript_GetArticleTitle




IScript_GetArticleTitle retrieves the article title for an article in an issue of a publication. It accepts inputs from the query string for the publication ID, issue ID, and article ID.

The declaration is:

Declare Function IScript_GetArticleTitle PeopleCode WEBLIB_WEBPUB.EO_PE_ARTICLE FieldFormula;


Function Call Parameters: None.

This table lists the Query String Parameters:


The publication ID is set in the query string by PUB=Publication ID.

The function must have this query string parameter to retrieve the correct values from the database. This value is retrieved in the function and set to the variable &Publication.


The issue ID is set in the query string by ISSUE=Issue ID.

The function must have this query string parameter to retrieve the correct values from the database. This value is retrieved in the function and set to the variable &Issue.


The article ID is set in the query string by ARTICLE=Article ID.

The function must have this query string parameter to retrieve the correct values from the database. This value is retrieved in the function and set to the variable &Article.


Returns the article title.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIScript_GetArticleTitleImage




IScriptGetArticleTitleImage retrieves the article title image for an article in an issue of a publication. It retrieves inputs from the query string for the publication ID, issue ID, and article ID. IScript_GetArticleTitleImage first retrieves the article title image ID. Using this ID, it calls the IScript_GetImage function to retrieve the image information.

The declaration is:

Declare Function ​IScript_GetArticleTitleImage PeopleCode WEBLIB_WEBPUB.EO_PE_ ARTICLE FieldFormula;


Function Call Parameters: None.

This table lists the Query String Parameters:


The publication ID is set in the query string by PUB=Publication ID.

The function must have this query string parameter to retrieve the correct values from the database. This value is retrieved in the function and set to the variable &Publication.


The section ID is set in the query string by SECTION=Section ID.

The function must have this query string parameter to retrieve the correct values from the database. This value is retrieved in the function and set to the variable &Section.


The category ID is set in the query string by CATEGORY=Category ID.

The function must have this query string parameter to retrieve the correct values from the database. This value is retrieved in the function and set to the variable &Category.


The Issue ID is set in the query string by ISSUE=Issue ID.

The function must have this query string parameter to retrieve the correct values from the database. This value is retrieved in the function and set to the variable &Issue.


The article ID is set in the query string by ARTICLE=Article ID.

The function must have this query string parameter to retrieve the correct values from the database. This value is retrieved in the function and set to the variable &Article.


Returns the HTML image tag for the article title image.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIScript_GetArticleSubTitle




IScript_GetArticleSubTitle retrieves the article subtitle for an article in an issue of a publication. It accepts inputs from the query string for the publication ID, issue ID, and article ID.

The declaration is:

Declare Function ​IScript_GetArticleSubTitle PeopleCode WEBLIB_WEBPUB.EO_PE_ART ICLE FieldFormula;


Function Call Parameters: None.

This table lists the Query String Parameters:


The publication ID is set in the query string by PUB=Publication ID.

The function must have this query string parameter to retrieve the correct values from the database. This value is retrieved in the function and set to the variable &Publication.


The Issue ID is set in the query string by ISSUE=Issue ID.

The function must have this query string parameter to retrieve the correct values from the database. This value is retrieved in the function and set to the variable &Issue.


The article ID is set in the query string by ARTICLE=Article ID.

The function must have this query string parameter to retrieve the correct values from the database. This value is retrieved in the function and set to the variable &Article.


Returns the article subtitle.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIScript_GetArticleBody




IScript_GetArticleBody retrieves the article body text for an article in an issue of a publication. It accepts inputs from the query string for the publication ID, issue ID, and article ID.

The declaration is:

Declare Function ​IScript_GetArticleBody PeopleCode WEBLIB_WEBPUB.EO_PE_ARTICLE FieldFormula;


Function Call Parameters: None.

This table lists the Query String Parameters:


The publication ID is set in the query string by PUB=Publication ID.

The function must have this query string parameter to retrieve the correct values from the database. This value is retrieved in the function and set to the variable &Publication.


The Issue ID is set in the query string by ISSUE=Issue ID.

The function must have this query string parameter to retrieve the correct values from the database. This value is retrieved in the function and set to the variable &Issue.


The article ID is set in the query string by ARTICLE=Article ID.

The function must have this query string parameter to retrieve the correct values from the database. This value is retrieved in the function and set to the variable &Article.


Returns the article body text.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIScript_GetArticleImage




IScript_GetArticleImage retrieves the article image for an article in an issue of a publication. It accepts inputs from the query string for the publication ID, issue ID, and article ID. IScript_GetArticleImage retrieves the article image ID. Using this ID, it calls the IScript_GetImage function to retrieve the image information.

The declaration is:

Declare Function ​IScript_GetArticleImage PeopleCode WEBLIB_WEBPUB.EO_PE_ARTICLE FieldFormula;


Function Call Parameters: None.

This table lists the Query String Parameters:


The publication ID is set in the query string by PUB=Publication ID.

The function must have this query string parameter to retrieve the correct values from the database. This value is retrieved in the function and set to the variable &Publication.


The Issue ID is set in the query string by ISSUE=Issue ID.

The function must have this query string parameter to retrieve the correct values from the database. This value is retrieved in the function and set to the variable &Issue.


The article ID is set in the query string by ARTICLE=Article ID.

The function must have this query string parameter to retrieve the correct values from the database. This value is retrieved in the function and set to the variable &Article.


Returns the HTML image tag for the article image.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIScript_GetArticleAuthor




IScript_GetArticleAuthor retrieves the article author for an article in an issue of a publication. It accepts inputs from the query string for the publication ID, issue ID, and article ID.

The declaration is:

Declare Function ​IScript_GetArticleAuthor PeopleCode WEBLIB_WEBPUB.EO_PE_ARTILE FieldFormula;


Function Call Parameters: None.

This table lists the Query String Parameters:


The publication ID is set in the query string by PUB=Publication ID.

The function must have this query string parameter to retrieve the correct values from the database. This value is retrieved in the function and set to the variable &Publication.


The Issue ID is set in the query string by ISSUE=Issue ID.

The function must have this query string parameter to retrieve the correct values from the database. This value is retrieved in the function and set to the variable &Issue.


The article ID is set in the query string by ARTICLE=Article ID.

The function must have this query string parameter to retrieve the correct values from the database. This value is retrieved in the function and set to the variable &Article.


Returns the article author.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIScript_ArticleTemplate


GetScriptContentURL(%Portal, %Node, Record.WEBLIB_WEBPUB, Field.EO_PE_TEMPLATES, "FieldFormula", "IScript_ArticleTemplate");

Same comments as above.


IScript_Article_Template assembles the article page for a section of a publication issue. It uses the article built-in functions described previously to produce each value that is required by the article page template. Passing all required parameters as bind variables to the HTML Article Page template assembles it.

Customized article page layouts require changes to the code. For example, if the HTML template has eight bind variables, IScript_GetArticleTemplate must pass eight values, including HTML markup returned by other page built-in functions, to match. Using examples from previous sections, we have:

&HTMLText = GetHTMLText(HTML.EO_PE_ARTICLETEMPLATE, &HTMLHeader, &HTMLNav1, IScript_GetImageFileSpec(" PWSA19OE85C"), &HTMLNav2, &HTMLCategoryImage, &HTMLTitle, &HTMLNav3, &HTMLBody, &HTMLFooter);



Returns the HTML markup for an article in a section of a publication issue.



Click to jump to parent topicImage

This section discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIScript_GetImage




IScript_GetImage retrieves the image tag for an image ID. The image ID is retrieved, and all of the parameters surrounding the image are placed in the image tag.

The declaration is:

Declare Function ​IScript_GetImage PeopleCode WEBLIB_WEBPUB.EO_PE_IMAGE Field Formula;


Function Call Parameters:


Specify the image ID for the image that you want to retrieve.

Query String Parameters: None.


Returns the HTML image tag.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIScript_GetImageFileSpec




IScript_GetImageFileSpec retrieves the file path and file name for an image ID. The image ID is retrieved, and the path and file name are concatenated.

The declaration is:

Declare Function ​IScript_GetImageFileSpec PeopleCode WEBLIB_WEBPUB.EO_PE_IMAGE FieldFormula;


This table lists the Function Call Parameters:


Specify the image ID for the image that you want to retrieve.

Query String Parameters: None.


Returns the concatenated file path and file name.