Working With the Related Links Service

This chapter provides an overview of the Related Links related content service and describes how to create and use links with the Related Links service.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Related Links Service

The Related Links related content service allows you to associate links to relevant content for the current transaction instance or for all instances in a transaction. These links are available to all users of the transaction and assist in providing easy access to relevant information to execute the process. You can link to content residing in PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal—specifically, blogs, discussions, or collaborative workspaces—or external URLs. In addition, the Related Links service allows you to create a new workspace and to link that workspace to the transaction. Linked workspaces can include links back to the transactions that are linked to these workspaces. This provides you with a two-way navigation mechanism between the linked workspaces and transaction data. Moreover, this service allows you to view the discussions created using the Related Discussion service in the linked workspaces.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating and Using Links with the Related Links Service

This section describes how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Create and Use Links with the Related Links Service

Page Name

Definition Name



Linked Content


  • On the transaction page, select Related Information.

    Select Related Links.

  • In the related content frame, select the Related Links tab.

  • On the Related Links tab, select Linked Content.

Navigate to linked content.

Link to Existing Content


On the Related Links tab, select Link to Existing Content.

Create links to existing PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal content and to external URLs.

Create and Link Workspace


On the Related Links tab, select Create and Link Workspace.

Create a collaborative workspace in PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal and link to this workspace.

Delete Confirmation


Click the Delete button on the Linked Content page.

Confirm your deletion of a link.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Linked Content

Access the Linked Content page (in the related content frame, select the Related Links tab).

Use the Linked Content page to navigate to the linked content. Clicking a link opens the link target in a separate browser window. You can also click the check mark to the right of the Relevance column to indicate whether you find a link relevant, which will add one to the current relevance score. Once you have marked a link as relevant, the check mark becomes disabled and you are unable to change your relevance rating for that link.

The links on this page are initially ordered by the date and time the link was created, in reverse chronological order. Similar to other PeopleSoft grids, you can resort the information by content type, relevance, creator, and so on.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Links to Related Content

Access the Link to Existing Content page (on the Related Links tab, select Link to Existing Content).

Use the Link to Existing Content page to create links to existing PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal content and to external URLs.

Search Text

Enter the search text.

Leave this field blank or use the * wildcard character to search for all instances of a given content type.

Content Type

Select the content type for the link:

Important! To search for blogs, discussions, and workspaces in the PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal database, search indexes for each of those scopes must be built and maintained in the PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal database.

  • External URL — Select this option to create a link to an external URL.

  • Portal Blogs — Select this option to search for postings to PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal blogs.

  • Portal Discussions — Select this option to search for postings to PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal discussion forums including standalone discussion forums, discussions within linked workspaces, and Context Manager related discussions.

  • Workspaces — Select this option to search for PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal collaborative workspaces.


Click to perform the search.

Note. To search for blogs, discussion forums, or workspaces, the appropriate search indexes must have be built and maintained by the portal administrator.

See Building Search Indexes.

Link Name

Provides the link name on the Linked Content page. This field defaults to the name of the item selected in the search results; you can override this default link name. You must enter a name for an external URL.

Link Context

Select the context for the link:

  • Current Page Data — Indicates that the link is unique to the current transaction instance.

  • Current Application Data — Indicates that the link is available to all instances of this transaction.


Click the Save button to save the link and return to the Linked Content page.

Note. Select a link in the search results prior to clicking the Save button; otherwise, an error message or an invalid link will result.


Click return to the Linked Content page without creating a link.

Include Related Discussions to the Workspace

Note. This option is available only when Workspaces is selected as the content type.

Select this option to include any related discussions associated with this transaction in the workspace.

Search Results

Select an item from the search results to be the target of the link.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating and Linking to a Related Workspace

Access the Create and Link Workspace page (on the Related Links tab, select Create and Link Workspace).

Use the Create and Link Workspace page to create a new workspace and to create a link to that workspace from the current transaction or transaction instance.


Enter a name for the workspace. The name of the workspace appears in the header on the workspace homepage, at the top of the workspace menu, and anywhere workspaces are listed—for example, on pages to search for or manage workspaces, in pagelets, in search results, and so on.


Select the template on which you want to base your linked workspace.

Note. If the transaction has been registered with a template in PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal, then that template is automatically be selected.


Enter an optional description for the workspace.

This description also becomes the default welcome text, which is displayed in the Welcome module if that module is configured for this workspace.

Copy Members From the Template

Check this option to copy the members and privileges from the workspace template.

Include Related Discussions to the Workspace

Select this option to include any related discussions associated with this transaction in the workspace.


Click the Save button to create the workspace.

The linked workspace opens in a new window with the Administration - Properties page displayed


Click return to the Linked Content page without creating a workspace.

See Also

Setting Up a Workspace