13 Deleting a Group from the Cluster

If you created a group using Oracle Fail Safe Manager, you can delete that group using Oracle Fail Safe Manager. Oracle Fail Safe requires that all resources, except the virtual address (network name and IP address), be removed from the group first. Groups created by MSCS Cluster Administrator cannot be deleted using Oracle Fail Safe Manager.

13.1 Using the Delete Group Command

After removing the resources from the FsTutorial group, delete the group from the cluster by right-clicking FsTutorial and selecting Delete Group.

Description of delgroupmenu.gif follows
Description of the illustration delgroupmenu.gif

13.2 Confirming the Delete Group Command

Oracle Fail Safe asks you to confirm whether to delete the group from the cluster. Click Yes to delete the group.

Description of delgroupwindow.gif follows
Description of the illustration delgroupwindow.gif