2.4 FS-10150 to FS-10199

FS-10150 The file %s resides on a cluster disk (group %s) that is not available on node %s
Cause: The specified file resides on a cluster disk that is not currently available to this node.
Action: Move the group in which the cluster disk resides to this node.
FS-10151 Unable to open the the parameter file
Cause: Unable to open the parameter file for the operation.
Action: Check the secondary error.
FS-10152 A cluster resource named %s already exists
Cause: The specified cluster resource already exists.
Action: Specify a unique cluster resource name.
FS-10153 Failed trying to query database information for %s
Cause: Unable to retrieve information about the specified database.
Action: Check the secondary error.
FS-10154 The offline mode is invalid for the database version %d.%d.x
Cause: The offline mode specified for the database is not valid for the version of the specified database.
Action: Specify an offline mode that is valid for the version of the specified database. For example, the transactional mode is valid for 8.1.5 or later databases only.
FS-10155 Database %s on node %s has a password file that is older by more than an hour than the password files on the other nodes
Cause: The password file for the specified database on the specified cluster node is older by more than an hour than the password files on the other cluster nodes.
Action: Confirm that any password changes to the specified database have been made on the specified node.
FS-10156 Standalone database resource %s will be configured on node %s
Cause: You have selected the specified node to be the owner of the specified standalone database resource.
Action: This is an informational message. No action is necessary.
FS-10157 An owner node must be selected to verify standalone database resource %s
Cause: You must select one node among a given list of nodes to be the owner of the specified standalone database resource.
Action: Run Verify Standalone Database again and make a selection.
FS-10158 Database instance %s exists on multiple nodes. A standalone database resource may exist on only one node
Cause: The database instance of a standalone database resource exists on multiple nodes of the cluster.
Action: Check the secondary error.
FS-10159 Please select a node from the following list of nodes on which standalone database resource %s should reside
Cause: A node where the standalone database resource should reside must be specified.
Action: Make a selection. You may select one node from the list.
FS-10160 Failed to verify standalone Oracle database %s
Cause: An attempt to verify an Oracle database failed.
Action: Check the secondary error.
FS-10161 Failed trying to clean up references to Oracle database %s on non-owning node %s
Cause: An attempt was made to clean up references to the Oracle database on a cluster node where the database does not reside.
Action: Check the references to the database in the Oracle Net file on the specified node.
FS-10162 Instances on nodes that you do not select will be deleted
Cause: Instances on nodes not being selected will be deleted.
Action: Make sure that it is correct to delete instances from other nodes.
FS-10163 The database with service name %s and SID %s is an MSCS resource %s and not a standalone database
Cause: A database configured for high availability was specified for verification, not a standalone database.
Action: Run Verify Group on the group containing the database. Only a standalone database can be verified with the Verify Standalone Database command.
FS-10164 Is Alive polling is disabled for the Oracle database %s
Cause: Is Alive polling for this database has been disabled by the FSCMD action DISABLEISALIVE.
Action: Use the FSCMD action ENABLEISALIVE to reenable Is Alive polling for this database.
FS-10166 Failed to configure Oracle Net while verifying the standalone database
Cause: An attempt to configure Oracle Net while verifying a standalone Oracle database failed.
Action: Check the secondary error.
FS-10167 Cannot resolve discrepancies between the value of the SID in %s service name entry and the value specified by the user
Cause: An entry in the tnsnames.ora file was found for the specified service name that has a SID that does not match the SID entered by the user.
Action: The Verify Standalone Database command must have the correct service name-to-SID mapping. Make sure that input values were correctly specified. If an entry in tnsnames.ora has incorrect mapping for the service name and the SID, then correct the tnsnames.ora file and rerun the Verify Standalone Database command.
FS-10169 Resource %s uses a cluster disk from group %s that is not on the same node as group %s. Do you want to move group %s?
Cause: The specified resource is using a cluster disk that is on another node.
Action: Click Yes in the error message window if you want Oracle Services for MSCS to move the group containing the specified cluster disk. Click No if you want to try to fix the problem yourself.
FS-10170 Oracle Net service name %s has no SID or SERVICE_NAME parameter
Cause: A SID or SERVICE_NAME parameter is required in the Oracle Net service name entry.
Action: Add a SID or SERVICE_NAME parameter to the Oracle Net service name entry.
FS-10171 Add (SID=%s) to the net service name entry. A database of release 8.1.5 or later can use the (SERVICE_NAME=...) parameter
Cause: A SID or SERVICE_NAME parameter is required in the Oracle Net service name entry.
Action: Add a SID or SERVICE_NAME parameter to the Oracle Net service name entry.
FS-10172 The value of the SERVICE_NAME parameter in the %s service name entry must match the value in the database parameter file
Cause: The value of the SERVICE_NAME parameter in the Oracle Net service name entry must match the value in the database parameter file.
Action: Determine the correct value of the SERVICE_NAME parameter and make modifications accordingly.
FS-10173 Attempt to get latest version of Oracle Database home failed
Cause: Unable to get the latest version of Oracle Database home.
Action: This error may not cause any problems. Oracle Services for MSCS will try loading the DLL files by path. See the secondary errors.
FS-10174 Attempt to get current directory failed
Cause: Unable to get the current directory.
Action: This error may not cause any problems. Oracle Services for MSCS will try loading the DLL files by path. See the secondary errors.
FS-10175 Memory cannot be allocated for %s
Cause: Memory cannot be allocated in the specified routine.
Action: Cancel any outstanding Oracle Services for MSCS operations and restart Oracle Services for MSCS.
FS-10176 Attempt to load file %s for the NL parser failed
Cause: The specified DLL file cannot be loaded.
Action: This error may not cause any problems. See the secondary errors.
FS-10177 No DLL file for the NL parser can be loaded
Cause: None of the DLL files for the NL parser can be loaded.
Action: Check the Oracle Fail Safe Installation Guide.
FS-10178 Symbol %s cannot be found in the DLL for the NL parser
Cause: The specified symbol cannot be found in the DLL for the NL parser.
Action: Check the Oracle Fail Safe Installation Guide.
FS-10179 Problem related to the DLL file for the NL parser encountered when opening file %s
Cause: The specified file cannot be opened due to a secondary error.
Action: See the secondary errors.
FS-10180 File %s is not found
Cause: The specified file is not found.
Action: The specified file is expected to exist. Check to see why it does not exist.
FS-10181 Status from NLEPE stack: emfi[ %d ] err_code[ %d ] flag [ %d ] os [ %d ]
Cause: Stack of NL parser error codes.
Action: The errors reported in the stack may not cause any problems. However, if there are failed operations from Oracle Fail Safe, report the error stack to your Oracle support representative.
FS-10182 Entries in file %s are not readable due to errors returned by the NL parser
Cause: Some entries in the specified file are not readable.
Action: Either try to determine the bad entries in the file and correct them or contact an Oracle support representative with the error messages.
FS-10183 Entries in file %s are not readable due to syntax errors in some entries
Cause: Some entries in the specified file are not readable.
Action: Either try to determine the bad entries in the file and correct them, or contact an Oracle support representative with the error messages.
FS-10184 NL parser context cannot be created due to errors returned by the NL parser
Cause: The NL parser context cannot be created.
Action: Contact an Oracle support representative with the error messages.
FS-10185 Closing the NL parser context failed due to errors returned by the NL parser
Cause: The NL parser context closed with an error.
Action: Contact an Oracle support representative with the error messages.
FS-10186 Unmatched quoted string found when writing to file. String is: %20.20s...
Cause: There is a quoted string that does not have matching quotes.
Action: Find the string in the file and correct the problem.
FS-10187 The function nlpaseq failed due to errors returned by the NL parser
Cause: The sequence function of the NL parser failed.
Action: The errors reported in the stack may not cause any problems. However, if there are failed operations from Oracle Fail Safe, report the error stack to your Oracle support representative.
FS-10188 The function nlpagas failed for name %s due to errors returned by the NL parser
Cause: The get function of the NL parser failed.
Action: The errors reported in the stack may not cause any problems. However, if there are failed operations from Oracle Fail Safe, report the error stack to your Oracle support representative.
FS-10189 The function nlpassp(s) failed for name %s due to errors returned by the NL parser
Cause: The set function of NL parser failed.
Action: The errors reported in the stack may not cause any problems. However, if there are failed operations from Oracle Fail Safe, report the error stack to your Oracle support representative.
FS-10190 There is no support for writing entries to file %s using the nlspfile function
Cause: The DLL of the NL parser loaded does not support the nlspfile function.
Action: No action is necessary.
FS-10191 File %s cannot be opened for write
Cause: The specified file cannot be opened for write.
Action: Check the specified file to determine the reason for the problem.
FS-10192 File %s successfully opened
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is necessary.
FS-10193 Static symbol %s cannot be found
Cause: The specified symbol cannot be found.
Action: This is for internal use only. No action is necessary.
FS-10194 Handle for NL parser is not valid
Cause: The handle is invalid.
Action: This is for internal use only. Report the problem to your Oracle support representative.
FS-10195 A parameter is invalid
Cause: A parameter is invalid.
Action: This is for internal use only. Report the problem to your Oracle support representative.
FS-10196 Failed to write to file %s
Cause: The write operation to the specified file failed.
Action: Check the specified file to determine the reason for the problem.
FS-10197 Entry %s not found in files parsed by NL parser in routine %s
Cause: The specified entry is not found in files parsed by NL parser.
Action: This may be an informational message. If there are primary errors related to this message, find the appropriate way to create the entry.
FS-10198 NL parser NLNV error code %d returned from routine %s called by routine %s
Cause: The NLNV operation failed with the specified error code and other information.
Action: See the secondary errors. If the problem cannot be resolved through secondary errors, report this error and secondary errors to your Oracle support representative.
FS-10199 String passed to the NL parser: %s
Cause: The NLNV operation failed with the specified string.
Action: See the secondary errors. If the problem cannot be resolved through secondary errors, report the error and secondary errors to your Oracle support representative.