Oracle Fusion Middleware Data Visualization Tools Tag Reference for Oracle ADF Faces
11g Release 2 (



tickMark tick mark

Use the tickMark tag to specify where tick marks are displayed in a gauge. Note: The tickLabel tag determines which tick marks have labels.

Relationship with other tags

The tickMark tag is a child tag of the gauge tag.


The following example shows the XML for a tickMark tag that displays 10 tick marks including minimum, maximum, and threshold values for each gauge in the gauge set.

      <dvt:tickMark content="TC_THRESHOLD TC_MIN_MAX" majorTickCount="10"/>


Name Type Supports EL? Description
id java.lang.String no Specifies the identifier for the component
content java.lang.String no Specifies where tick marks occur within a gauge set. Valid values include any combination of the following separated by spaces or commas:

Default value is: TC_MIN_MAX | TC_INCREMENTS

  • TC_INCREMENTS - Displays tick marks by increments.
  • TC_MAJOR_TICK - Displays tick marks for minimum, maximum, and increments.
  • TC_MIN_MAX - Displays tick marks for minimum and maximum values.
  • TC_METRIC - Displays tick marks for actual metric values.
  • TC_NONE - Displays no tick marks.
  • TC_THRESHOLD - Displays tick marks for threshold values.
majorTickCount int no Deprecated. Use majorIncrement attribute. The total number of ticks to be displayed in each gauge of the gauge set.
majorTickColor java.lang.String no Specifies the color of tick marks on the gauge. Enter values in RGB hexadecimal. The example color="#000000" specifies black.
majorIncrement double no The distance between two major tick marks. If less than or equal to 0 major increments will not be shown. The major tick are the ones that will display a labeled value underneath the tick mark.
minorIncrement double no The distance between two minor tick marks. If less than or equal to 0 minor increments will not be shown. The minor tick are the ones that will not show a label underneath the tick mark.
minorTickColor java.lang.String no Specifies the color of minor tick marks on the gauge. Enter values in RGB hexadecimal. The example color="#000000" specifies black.