Oracle® OLAP Java API Reference
11g Release 2 (11.2)


What's New in the OLAP Java API

This page describes the new features that the OLAP Java API has introduced in the 11g releases of Oracle Database with the OLAP option. This page contains the following topics.

What's New in 11.2

Renaming Metadata Objects

Previously, you could use the MdmObject.setName method to specify a name for a persistent metadata object only once. You could not change the name after setting it. Now, you can use the setName method to rename a metadata object. The new name does not take effect until you commit the root Transaction of the session. Until you commit the Transaction, the getName of the object returns the old name and the getNewName method returns the new name.

In Oracle Database 11g, Release 2 (11.2), the Oracle OLAP Java API has added the following new classes and new methods to previously existing classes.

New Classes and Methods in 11.2

New Classes

The following classes are new additions to the Oracle OLAP Java API. The classes are listed by package.









New Methods

The following classes have new methods. The classes are listed by package.

   DataProvider.reserveBuildID(BuildResult buildResult)


   InvalidMetadataException.getErrorInfoList(MetadataObject object)
   InvalidMetadataException.getErrorInfoList(String objectID)


   AWCubeOrganization.addSecondaryPartitionLevel(SecondaryPartitionLevel level, int levelNumber)
   AWCubeOrganization.findOrCreateSecondaryPartitionLevel(java.lang.String name)
   AWCubeOrganization.removeSecondaryPartitionLevel(SecondaryPartitionLevel partitionLevel)




   SymmetricCondition(java.util.List<SymmetricConditionElement> elements)
   SymmetricCondition(SymmetricConditionElement[] elements)

Deprecated 10g Classes and Methods Removed

Some classes and methods from the 10g release of the Oracle OLAP Java API were deprecated in the 11.1 releases. For example, all of the classes in the oracle.olapi.metadata.mtm package were deprecated in the 11.1 release. The documentation for the 11.2 release does not contain those deprecated 10g classes and methods.

What's New in

This release of the Oracle OLAP Java API includes new features that provide the ability to do the following.

For lists of the packages, classes, fields, methods, and property settings that are new in the release, see New Features in

Having All Metadata Forms in the Same Session

Legacy Oracle OLAP metadata objects that were created in a 10g version of Oracle Database can now exist in the same session as 11g OLAP metadata objects. This is possible because some of the top-level legacy metadata objects now have a namespace. For more information on namespaces, see the Namespaces topic.

The class has the new ALL metadata reader mode setting, which is now the default metadata reader mode. In the ALL mode, the Oracle OLAP metadata reader recognizes 11g metadata objects and the 10g metadata object formats in the same session. For more information on metadata reader mode settings, see DataProvider Settings.

Introducing Namespaces

A namespace identifies the metadata format and the type of an OLAP metadata object that was created in a 10g version of Oracle Database. The metadata objects for a 10g cube, measure folder, and dimension are represented in 11g by the oracle.olapi.metadata.mdm.MdmObject objects MdmCube, MdmOrganizationalSchema, and MdmPrimaryDimension. The getNamespace method of those objects returns the namespace. For an 11g object, the namespace is null.

The namespace of a legacy 10g metadata object appears as a prefix in the unique object identifier. The unique object ID is returned by the getID method. The namespace also appears in the Namespace attribute in the XML representation of the 10g object and in other references to the object in the XML.

The MdmDatabaseSchema class has findOrCreate methods that take a namespace. Using such a method, an application can find a 10g metadata object but cannot create one. If an object of the specified name does not exist, Oracle OLAP creates an 11g object.

For more information on namespaces, see Using Namespaces in the class description of MdmMetadataProvider.

Specifying Serial or Parallel Processing

You can now create an oracle.olapi.syntax.LoadCommand that specifies the use of serial or parallel processing when loading data in an analytic workspace. The LoadCommand also has a PRUNE option, which specifies that the build spawns jobs only for the partitions for which measure data exists.

The LoadCommand class now has constructor methods as well as static constant fields that produce LoadCommand objects. One of the constructors takes the name of a CubeMap. With that constructor, you can specify loading data from a source other than the default data source.

The ClearCommand and SolveCommand classes also have serial and parallel processing options.

Aggregating Over Specified Dimension Members

With the oracle.olapi.syntax.AggregationFunctionExpression class, you can aggregate measure values over specified dimension members. You specify the dimension members with an AggregateOverMembersClause. You can use an AggregationFunctionExpression as the Expression for an MdmCustomMember of an MdmModel.

Populating Hierarchy Lineage in an ET View

In an attribute column in an embedded totals (ET) view, you can now automatically populate the rows for lower levels in a dimension hierarchy with the attribute values that are mapped at a higher level. To do so, you specify true with the MdmBaseAttribute.setPopulateLineage method.

If you specify setPopulateLineage(false), then the attribute values appear only in the rows for the dimension members at the level to which the attribute is mapped. For dimension members at other levels, the attribute value is null. If you specify setPopulateLineage(true), then the attribute values appear in the rows for the members of the mapped level and for the dimension members of all levels that are descendants of the mapped level.

Populating the hierarchy lineage in an ET view makes the contents of the view more like the contents of a relational table in a star schema. For example, you could create a separate long description attribute on the dimension for each MdmDimensionLevel of the dimension. You would specify populating the lineage of those attributes by calling the setPopulateLineage(true) of each attribute. You would then make the attribute visible for a dimension level by adding the attribute to the MdmDimensionLevel with the addAttribute method.

The ET view for a hierarchy of the dimension would then have a column for each of the long description attributes. Those columns would contain the long description attribute values for the members of the mapped dimension level and for the dimension members of all levels that are descendants of the mapped level.

Including Populated Lineage Attributes in a Rewrite MV

If the AWCubeOrganization for a cube has a materialized view option of REWRITE_MV_OPTION, then Oracle OLAP creates a materialized view for the cube that can be used by the database query rewrite system. The new REWRITE_WITH_ATTRIBUTES_MV_OPTION of AWCubeOrganization enables you to include in the rewrite MV the attributes for which the isPopulateLineage method returns true.

Grouping Attributes

With the setAttributeGroupName method of an MdmBaseAttribute, you can specify a name for an attribute group. You can specify the same group name for other attributes. For example, you could create a long description attribute for each dimension level and give each attribute the group name of "LONG_DESCRIPTION". You could use the group name to identify similar kinds of attributes.

Classifying Objects

With the addObjectClassification method of an MdmObject, an application can add metadata to that object. The application can use the classification metadata for such purposes as identifying, grouping, or otherwise associating objects by classification.

Specifying a Language for an Attribute

You can now specify a language when mapping an attribute by using the findOrCreateAttributeMap(MdmBaseAttribute attribute, java.lang.String language) method of the oracle.olapi.metadata.mapping.DimensionMap class.

Excluding Attributes Through an XML Writer Callback

An implementation of the XMLWriterCallback interface provides Oracle OLAP the means to call back to an application while the MdmMetadataProvider is exporting the XML definition of an object. With an XMLWriterCallback, the application can specify whether or not to exclude an attribute or an owner name from the exported XML. The Oracle OLAP Java API introduced XMLWriterCallback in the release.

Specifying Column Name Prefix in a Materialized View

When Oracle OLAP creates a materialized view for a cube, it creates columns for the attributes of the dimensions of the cubes. For the name of a column, it uses the name of the attribute column from the ET view of the dimension. To insure that the column name is unique, Oracle OLAP adds a default prefix to the name. You can specify the prefix by using the setETAttrPrefix method of the MdmDimensionality object for a dimension of the cube.

Tracking Build Results

In the release, the Oracle OLAP Java API added the class and DataProvider.executeBuild methods that take a BuildResult. With a BuildResult, an application can get the identification number for a build process. An analytic workspace automatically generates the identification number during a build. You can use the build number to track the progress of a build.

What's New in 11.1

The 11g release contains many changes in the Oracle OLAP Java API since the 10g release. The major changes are to the metadata model and the addition of the syntax package.

The 11g metadata model includes classes that an application developer can use to define metadata objects, to map the objects to database tables and views, and to deploy the objects in an analytic workspace or as relational tables and views. With other classes the developer can load data into an analytic workspace, including data that results from a series of specified calculations.

In implementing the 11g metadata model, the oracle.olapi.metadata.mdm package has many new classes and many other classes in the package have new methods. Additionally, the API includes the following new packages:

Some aspects of the Oracle OLAP Java API are much the same as in the 10g releases, such as the ability to create queries with classes in the package and to retrieve the data with classes in the package. However, in Oracle OLAP 11g Release 1 (11.1) the API has many new features. The major new features include the abilities to do the following:

Persistent Metadata Objects

The Oracle OLAP Java API now has the ability to create and maintain persistent metadata objects. The Oracle Database stores the metadata objects in the Oracle data dictionary.

An application maps the metadata objects to relational structures in an Oracle Database instance or to expressions that provide a data source. The application can deploy the metadata as relational OLAP (ROLAP) objects or it can deploy the metadata in an analytic workspace. For information on the advantages of the deployment types, see Oracle OLAP User's Guide.

To provide this new functionality, the Oracle OLAP Java API substantially revises the metadata model. The new model includes several new packages and has significant changes to some existing packages. For example, the oracle.olapi.metadata.mdm package has many new classes. It also has many new methods added to existing classes.

An application creates most metadata objects with findOrCreate methods of the owning object. For example, the following code finds the MdmStandardDimension named PRODUCTS_AWJ or creates a standard dimension with that name if it does not already exist. The mdmDBSchema object is the MdmDatabaseSchema that owns the dimension.

MdmStandardDimension prodDim =

Some classes and methods are deprecated in the new model. For example, all of the classes in the oracle.olapi.metadata.mtm package are deprecated, and methods of other classes that use the mtm classes are also deprecated. Some mtm classes mapped transient mdm objects to relational database structures, such as columns in tables and views. Other mtm specified how Oracle OLAP performed operations such as aggregation or allocation of the values of custom measures. That functionality is replaced by classes in the oracle.olapi.metadata subpackages deployment, mapping, and mdm, and the oracle.olapi.syntax package. With the new classes, an application can create permanent metadata objects, map them to data sources, and specify the operations that provide values for measures.

Restrict Access To Metatdata Objects

Because the metadata objects exist in the Oracle data dictionary, an Oracle Database DBA can restrict access to certain types of the metadata objects. A client application can set such restrictions by sending SQL commands, using the JDBC API, through the JDBC connection for the user session.

Define and Build Analytic Workspaces

An application can now define, build, and maintain analytic workspaces. This new functionality is provided by classes in the oracle.olapi.metadata subpackages deployment, mapping, and mdm, and the oracle.olapi.syntax package. This functionality replaces the Oracle OLAP Analytic Workspace Java API, which is entirely deprecated in this release.

SQL Expression Syntax

With the classes in the oracle.olap.syntax package, an application can create Java objects that are based on SQL expressions, functions, operators, and conditions. The SyntaxObject class has static methods that an application can use to convert SQL expressions into Java objects or to get the SQL syntax from a Java object.

An application can create the Java objects by using the SyntaxObject.fromSyntax method or by using a constructor. For example, the following example creates a StringExpression using a fromSyntax method and another StringExpression using a constructor method. The mp object is the MdmMetadataProvider for the session.

Note that the string in the fromSyntax method is enclosed in single quotation marks inside the double quotation marks because the string is a SQL string literal. The single quotation marks are not required when using the constructor for a StringExpression.

The example then calls the getValue method on both StringExpression objects and displays the values returned. It also calls the toSyntax method on one StringExpression and displays the result.

StringExpression exp = (StringExpression)
            SyntaxObject.fromSyntax("'Hello world from syntax.'", mp);
StringExpression strExp =
      new StringExpression("Hello world using constructor.");
println(exp.getValue() + "         Output of exp.getValue().");
println(strExp.getValue() + "   Ouput of strExp.getValue().");
println(strExp.toSyntax()+ " Ouput of strExp.toSyntax().");

The output of the code is the following:

Hello world from syntax.         Output of exp.getValue().
Hello world using constructor.   Output of strExp.getValue().
'Hello world using constructor.' Output of strExp.toSyntax().

Multiple Sessions Sharing a Connection

Another new feature is the ability to have multiple user sessions that share the same JDBC connection to the Oracle Database instance and that share the same cache of metadata objects. This ability is provided by the UserSession class in the oracle.olapi.session package.

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