F Process Control

This appendix presents some useful tips about managing HP OpenVMS processes. It contains the following topics:

See Also:

The operating system documentation for more information about these topics

F.1 Interrupting and Terminating Oracle Operations

The following sections explain how to cancel an operation without terminating, how to cancel an operation with the option to continue, and how to disable the control keys.

This section contains the following topics:

F.1.1 Canceling Without Terminating the Oracle Image

To cancel an operation without terminating the Oracle image, press Ctrl+C. The current query is canceled. After pressing Ctrl+C, you may need to press Enter to display the prompt again. You may have to do this when you use a command line tool, such as SQL*Plus.

F.1.2 Canceling with the Option to Continue

You can also terminate any Oracle operation by pressing Ctrl+Y. This returns the DCL prompt ($) with a message that Oracle has been interrupted.

To continue the Oracle session, enter CONTINUE. To terminate the session, type EXIT.

Entering EXIT or any other HP OpenVMS command cancels the query and shuts down the tool. Entering EXIT causes a noticeable delay before the DCL prompt returns or before the requested HP OpenVMS command runs because a partial shutdown of the Oracle session occurs.

F.1.3 Disabling Control Keys

To disable the control keys, enter the following command:


F.2 Running Oracle Programs as Detached Processes

Sometimes, you may want to run programs as detached processes. For example, you may want to run a Pro*C program while you are logged into SQL*Plus or while doing work unrelated to working with Oracle Database.

A detached process does not inherit the logical names that its parent has. Consequently, when a program executable is passed to the detached process, the detached process stops because it cannot find the logical names referenced by the program.

You can work around this problem by starting the login process LOGINOUT, which maps DCL into the virtual space of the detached process. This can run a command procedure to run the program in the detached process. The command file should:

  1. Set up the proper execution environment by defining the referenced logical names, symbols, and defaults.

  2. Start the program to be run. For example:


    In this command, TEST.COM is:

    $ RUN myprog.EXE

You may need to include certain process quotas to map DCL into the detached process's virtual space.

See Also:

The operating system documentation for more information