Oracle® Real User Experience Insight User's Guide Release 6.0.1 for Linux x86-64 Part Number E16359-02 |
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This appendix presents a brief explanation of the data items used in RUEI. In addition, it describes some of the more technical aspects to information gathering and reporting within RUEI.
Table D-1 Data Terms
Item | Description |
all-service-traffic |
The total size (in Mbps) of all service function calls. |
all-traffic |
The total size (in Mbps) of all pages and their objects. |
application/name |
The name of the application. |
application/page-group |
The application page group. |
application/page-name |
The application page name. |
browser-time-per-hit |
The total delay time (in milliseconds) per hit due to browser activity at the client end. |
calls |
The total number of service function calls. |
calls-per-min |
The total number of service function calls per minute. |
calls-per-sec |
The total number of service function calls per second. |
client-abort-calls |
The number of service function calls where the client aborted the transfer because the client closed the connection while the function was still loading. |
client-abort-calls(%) |
Percentage of service function calls where the client aborted the transfer because the client closed the connection while the function was still loading. |
client-abort-pageviews |
The number of page views where the client aborted the transfer, possibly because the client closed the browser, or clicked reload, or clicked away, while the page was still loading. |
client-abort-pageviews(%) |
Percentage of page views where the client aborted the transfer, possibly because the client closed the browser, or clicked reload, or clicked away, while the page was still loading. |
client-aborts-per-session |
Total number of page views per session where the client aborted the transfer, possibly because the client closed the browser, or clicked reload, or clicked away, while the page was still loading. |
client-browser/detail |
The name and version of the client browser. |
client-browser/type |
The name of the client browser. | |
The group name of the client ID. | |
The client ID of the client. |
client-language/language |
The language of the client PC. |
client-location/country |
The client country (based on the country specified in the provider's DNS record). |
client-location/ip |
The client IP address. |
client-location/network |
The client network name (based on the registered IP address range). |
client-location/provider |
The client provider's name (based on the country specified in the provider's DNS record). | |
The client city (based on the city specified in the provider's DNS record). |
client-origin.ip |
The client IP address. |
client-origin.region |
The client region (based on the city specified in the provider's DNS record). |
client-os/class |
The client operating system class name used to visit the site. |
client-os/version |
The complete operating system name used to visit the site. |
client-time-per-call |
The total delay time per service function call due to activity at the client end. |
concurrent-sessions |
The total number of currently active sessions. |
content-error |
The predefined content string was not found on the page. For example, the page should contain the string "Welcome to our Web site", but this was not found. |
content-error-calls |
The number of times a content error was determined during a service function call. |
content-error-calls(%) |
The percentage of service function calls for which a content error was determined. |
content-error-pageviews |
The number of times a content error was determined upon page display. |
content-error-pageviews(%) |
The percentage of page views for which a content error was determined upon page display. |
content-errors-per-session |
The total number of times during a session that a content error was determined upon page display. |
content-error-views(%) |
The percentage of views for which a content error was determined. |
content-ok-calls |
The number of times a predefined content string was found during a service function call. |
content-ok-calls(%) |
The percentage of service function calls for which a predefined content string was found. |
content-ok-pageviews |
The number of times a predefined content string was found upon page display, or no content string was specified for a page. |
content-ok-pageviews(%) |
The percentage of page views for which a predefined content string was found upon page display. |
content-size-per-call |
The size (in bytes) of the content of an object in a service function call. |
content-size-per-hit |
The size (in bytes) of the content of an object. |
content-size-per-page |
The total size (in bytes) of all objects (excluding the header) on a page. |
cookie-seen(%) |
The percentage of page views that could be identified from a session-specific cookie. Sessions that could not be identified via cookies are identified by IP address, in combination with browser-specific information. |
domain/name |
The domain part of the requested URL. |
dynamic-content-size-per-hit |
The average content size (in bytes) of dynamic objects. |
dynamic-content-size-per-page |
The average content size (in bytes) of all dynamic objects on a page. |
dynamic-header-size-per-hit |
The average size (in bytes) of all dynamic objects in the header part of an HTTP request. |
dynamic-header-size-per-page |
The average total size (in bytes) of all headers for dynamic objects on a page. |
dynamic-hits-per-page |
The average number of dynamic objects on a displayed page. |
dynamic-network-time-per-hit |
The average time (in milliseconds) taken for a dynamic object to travel over the network. Note that this includes both request and response transmission. |
dynamic-network-time-per-page |
The time (in milliseconds) taken for all dynamic objects within a page to travel over the network. Note that this includes both request and response transmission. |
dynamic-server-time-per-hit |
The average server response time (in milliseconds) for a dynamic object within a displayed page. |
dynamic-server-time-per-page |
The average total server response time (in milliseconds) for all dynamic objects within a displayed page. |
dynamic-size-per-hit |
The average size (in bytes) of a requested dynamic object. |
dynamic-size-per-page |
The average total size (in bytes) of all dynamic objects within a displayed page. |
dynamic-time-per-hit |
The average end-to-end time (in milliseconds) for all dynamic objects. |
dynamic-time-per-page |
The total time (in milliseconds) for all dynamic objects on the page. |
end-to-end-time-per-call |
The average combined network time and server response time (in milliseconds) for an object within a service function call. |
end-to-end-time-per-call-p95 |
The average combined network time and server response time (in milliseconds) for an object within a service function call, with a percentile limit of 95% applied. This removes extreme values at the highest end and, therefore, provides a more reliable indication. |
end-to-end-time-per-hit |
The average combined network time and server response time (in milliseconds) for an object within a displayed page. |
end-to-end-time-per-page |
The average combined network time and server response time (in milliseconds) for all objects within a displayed page. |
end-to-end-time-per-page-p95 |
The average combined network and server response time (in milliseconds) for all objects within a displayed page, with a percentile limit of 95% applied. This removes extreme values at the highest end and, therefore, provides a more reliable indication. |
error-calls |
The total number of service function calls that for any reason were not successfully invoked. |
error-calls(%) |
The percentage of service function calls that for any reason were not successfully invoked. |
error-pageviews |
The total number of page views that for any reason were not successfully displayed. |
error-pageviews(%) |
The percentage of page views that for any reason were not successfully displayed. |
errors-per-session |
The total number of service function call errors that occurred during a visitor session. |
failed hits |
The total number of hits that for any reason resulted in an error. |
failed views |
Percentage of page views that were not correctly generated by the server. This was because the server did not respond at all, responded with an HTTP result code 400-599, the network timed-out, required content was not found, or a site error has been found. |
frustrated-calls |
The number of service calls that had an end-to-end time of greater than four times the specified service function call satisfaction threshold. |
frustrated-pageviews |
The number of page views that took longer than four times the specified page satisfaction threshold to load in the client browser. |
header-size-per-call |
The average size (in bytes) of the header of a requested object in a service function call. |
header-size-per-hit |
The average size (in bytes) of the header of a requested object. |
header-size-per-page |
The average size (in bytes) of the header of a displayed page. |
hits |
The total number of hits. |
hits-per-day |
The average number of object requests in a day. |
hits-per-min |
The total number of hits per minute. |
hits-per-sec |
The total number of hits per second. |
hits-per-session |
The average total number of requested objects during a client session. |
http-error-calls |
The number of service function calls where the website did not respond, or responded with the HTTP result 400-599. |
http-error-calls(%) |
The percentage of service function calls that for any reason were not successfully invoked. |
http-error-pageviews |
The number of page views where the Web site did not respond, or responded with the HTTP result 400-599. |
http-error-pageviews(%) |
The percentage of page views where the Web site did not respond, or responded with the HTTP result 400-599. |
http-ok-calls |
The number of service function calls where the website did not respond, or responded with the HTTP result 400-599. |
http-ok-calls(%) |
The percentage of service function calls where the website did not respond, or responded with the HTTP result 400-599. |
http-ok-pageviews |
The number of page views where no HTTP errors occurred. That is, the server responded with the HTTP result 100-399. |
http-ok-pageviews(%) |
The percentage of page views where no HTTP errors occurred. That is, the server responded with the HTTP result 100-399. |
kpi-avg-value |
The average value of a KPI. |
kpi-downtime |
The total downtime (in minutes) for a KPI. |
kpi-failures(%) |
The percentage of time the KPI spent in a failing state. |
kpi-max-target |
The maximum target for the KPI. |
kpi-min-target |
The minimum target for the KPI. |
kpi-success |
Indicator of the KPI's current status. |
kpi-success(%) |
The percentage of time the KPI spent in a successful state. |
kpi-uptime |
The total uptime (in minutes) for a KPI. |
named-client-location/group |
The group name assigned to the client IP address or range. |
named-client-location/ip |
The IP address or range of the client. |
named-client-location/name |
The name assigned to the client IP address or range. |
named-server-location/group |
The group name of the Web server. |
named-server-location/ip |
The IP address or range of the Web server. |
named-server-location/name |
The name of the Web server. |
network-error |
Network errors are hits which were not delivered completely from the TCP level view. Possible reasons are a server-related problem with the connection, or a server time-out occurs when a server fails to respond to a client request. |
network-error-calls |
The number of times a network error was determined during a service function call. |
network-error-calls(%) |
The percentage of times a network error was determined during a service function call. |
network-error-pageviews |
The number of times a network error was determined upon page display. |
network-error-pageviews(%) |
The percentage of times a network error was determined upon page display. |
network-errors-per-session |
The number of times a network error was determined. |
network-error-views(%) |
The percentage of times a network error was determined during a service function call. |
network-ok-calls |
The number of service function calls were no network error was determined. |
network-ok-calls(%) |
The percentage of service function calls during which no network error was determined. |
network-ok-pageviews |
The number of pages were no network error was determined during page display. |
network-ok-pageviews(%) |
The percentage of page views during which no network error was determined. |
network-timeout-calls |
The number of service function calls during which a network time-out occurred. |
network-timeout-calls(%) |
The percentage of service function calls during which a network time-out occurred. |
network-timeout-pageviews |
The number of page views during which a network time-out occurred. |
network-timeout-pageviews(%) |
The percentage of page views during which a network time-out occurred. |
network-time-per-call |
The average time (in milliseconds) taken for an object to reach the client browser after response from the server during a service function call. |
network-time-per-call-p95 |
The average time (in milliseconds) taken for an object to reach the client browser after response from the server during a service function call, with a percentile limit of 95% applied. This removes extreme values at the highest end and, therefore, provides a more reliable indication. |
network-time-per-hit |
The average time (in milliseconds) taken for an object to reach the client browser after response from the server. |
network-time-per-page |
The average time (in milliseconds) taken for a page to reach the client browser after reply from the server. |
network-time-per-page-p95 |
The average time (in milliseconds) taken for a page to reach the client browser after response from the server, with a percentile limit of 95% applied. This removes extreme values at the highest end and, therefore, provides a more reliable indication. |
object-delivery/detail |
Either successful delivery or the return code or reason why the page failed. |
object-delivery/type |
If not successfully delivered, the category of error (Web site, network, or server) or other reason. |
objects-per-day |
The average number of requested objects for displayed pages in a day. |
objects-per-page |
The average number of requested objects for a displayed page. |
object-type/class |
The classification of the object. |
object-type/extension |
The file extension of the object. |
object-type/type |
The object type (static or dynamic). |
object-url/full-url |
The full URL of the object. That is, the domain, directories, and parameters. |
object-url/group |
The page group. |
object-url/url |
The URL without domain or arguments. |
page-delivery/detail |
If not successfully delivered, the return code or reason why the page failed. |
page-delivery/type |
If not successfully delivered, the category of error (Web site, network, server, or content) or other reason. |
page-load-time |
The average loading time (in seconds) per page. This is the elapsed time from the first object until the last object for the page has been delivered. |
page-load-time-p95 |
The average loading time (in seconds) per page, with a percentile limit of 95% applied. This removes extreme values at the highest end and, therefore, provides a more reliable indication. |
page-read-time |
The average time (in seconds) from which the last requested object for a page has been loaded into the client browser, and the client requests another page. |
page-read-time-p95 |
The average time (in seconds) from which the last requested object for a page has been loaded into the client browser, and the client requests another page, with a percentile limit of 95% applied. This removes extreme values at the highest end and, therefore, provides a more reliable indication. |
page-url/full-url |
The full page URL. That is, the domain, directories, and parameters. Note that this is case-sensitive. |
page-url/group |
The page group. |
page-url/url |
The page URL with domain or arguments. |
pageviews |
The total number of page views. |
pageviews-per-day |
The average number of page views per day. |
pageviews-per-hour |
The average number of page views per hour. |
pageviews-per-min |
The total number of pageviews per minute. |
pageviews-per-session |
The average total number of different page views per session. This is determined by only counting the first time that a page is viewed, and excluding any repeat views of the same page. |
pageviws-per-sec |
The total number of pageviews per second. |
period/5min |
5-minute (and hour). |
period/day |
Day (and month). |
period/hour |
Hour (and day). |
period/month |
Month (and year). |
period/year |
Year. |
referrer/domain |
The domain of the referrer URL. |
referrer/url |
The full referrer URL. That is, the domain, directories, and parameters. |
reply-content-size-per-call |
The average size (in bytes) of the response body for an object in a service function call. |
reply-content-size-per-hit |
The average size (in bytes) of the response body for an object. |
reply-header-size-per-call |
The average size (in bytes) of the response header for an object in a service function call. |
reply-header-size-per-hit |
The average size (in bytes) of the response header for an object. |
reply-size-per-call |
The average size (in bytes) of the response header and body for an object in a service function call. |
reply-size-per-hit |
The average size (in bytes) of the response header and body for an object. |
request-content-size-per-call |
The average size (in bytes) of the request body for an object in a service function call. |
request-content-size-per-hit |
The average size (in bytes) of the request body for an object. |
request-header-size-per-call |
The average size (in bytes) of request header for an object in a service function call. |
request-header-size-per-hit |
The average size (in bytes) of request header for an object. |
request-size-per-call |
The average size (in bytes) for the request header and body for an object in a service function call. |
request-size-per-hit |
The average size (in bytes) for the request header and body for an object. |
request-time-per-call |
The average response time (in milliseconds) for a service function call. |
request-time-per-hit |
The average time taken (in milliseconds) for an object. |
satisfied-calls |
The number of service function calls that had an end-to-end time (that is, all server and network times) below the specified threshold. |
satisfied-pageviews |
The number of page views that were loaded into the client browser within the defined page loading satisfaction threshold. |
server-abort-calls |
The number of times a server abort was determined during a service function call. This can arise for a number of reasons, including the server reset the connection, the server sent incorrect data, or the client disappeared unexpectedly. |
server-abort-calls(%) |
The percentage of service function calls for which a server abort was determined. |
server-abort-pageviews |
The number of times a server abort was determined upon page display. This can arise for a number of reasons, including the server reset the connection, the server sent incorrect data, or the client disappeared unexpectedly. |
server-abort-pageviews(%) |
The percentage of page views for which a server abort was determined upon display. |
server-error |
Server errors are hits that result in an HTTP error code 500-599. |
server-error-calls |
The number of times a server error was determined during a service function call. |
server-error-calls(%) |
The percentage of service function calls for which a server abort was determined. |
server-error-pageviews |
The number of times a server error was determined upon page display. |
server-error-pageviews(%) |
The percentage of page views for which a server error was determined upon display. |
server-errors-per-session |
The average number of server errors that were determined upon page display during a session. |
server-error-views(%) |
The percentage of service errors in a view. |
server-load |
The total time spent on server (to process traffic) per second. |
server-timeout-calls |
The number of server time-outs that were determined during a service function call. A server time-out occurs when a server fails to reply to a client request. That is, no response, or part there of, is ever sent. |
server-timeout-calls(%) |
The number of server time-outs that were determined during a service function call, with a percentile limit of 95% applied. This removes extreme values at the highest end and, therefore, provides a more reliable indication. A server time-out occurs when a server fails to reply to a client request. That is, no response, or part there of, is ever sent out. |
server-timeout-pageviews |
The number of server time-outs that were determined upon page display. A server time-out occurs when a server fails to reply to a client request. That is, no response, or part there of, is ever sent. |
server-timeout-pageviews(%) |
The number of server time-outs that were determined upon page display, with a percentile limit of 95% applied. This removes extreme values at the highest end and, therefore, provides a more reliable indication. A server time-out occurs when a server fails to reply to a client request. That is, no response, or part there of, is ever sent out. |
server-time-per-call-p95 |
The average server response time (in milliseconds) per service function call, with a percentile limit of 95% applied. This removes extreme values at the highest end and, therefore, provides a more reliable indication. |
server-time-per-cell |
The average server response time (in milliseconds) per service function call. |
server-time-per-hit |
The average server response time (in milliseconds) per hit. |
server-time-per-page |
The average server response time (in milliseconds) per page. |
server-time-per-page-p95 |
The average server response time (in milliseconds) per page, with a percentile limit of 95% applied. This removes extreme values at the highest end and, therefore, provides a more reliable indication. |
service.function-group |
The service function group. |
service.function-name |
The service function name. | |
The name of the service. |
service-delivery.detail |
If not successfully delivered, the return code or reason why the function failed. |
service-delivery.type |
If not successfully delivered, the category of error (Web site, network, server, or content) or other reason. |
service-server-load |
The total time spent on server (to process service function calls) per second. |
service-throughput |
The total service function call throughput on the server (in KB/sec). |
session-duration |
The average session duration (in seconds). |
session-load-time |
The average time (in seconds) spent loading pages per session. |
session-read-time |
The average time (in seconds) spent viewing pages per session. |
sessions |
The number of sessions. Each time that a visitor comes to your Web site (after a gap of at least 15 minutes) a session is counted. |
sessions-on-first-step |
The number of sessions on the first transaction step. |
sessions-on-last-step |
The number of sessions on the last transaction step. |
sessions-on-step |
The number of sessions on the selected transaction step. |
sessions-per-day |
The average number of sessions per day. |
session-time-per-page |
The average session duration (in milliseconds) for a page view. |
session-time-per-page-p95 |
The average time (in seconds) between page requests within sessions, with a percentile of 95% applied. This removes extreme values at the highest end and, therefore, provides a more reliable indication. |
size-per-call |
The average size (in bytes) of the request and response for an object in a service function call. |
size-per-hit |
The average size (in bytes) of the request and response for an object. |
sla-daily-result |
The average daily value of an SLA. |
sla-daily-target(%) |
The defined daily level of the SLA's service agreement. |
sla-downtime |
The total downtime of an SLA (in minutes). |
sla-failures(%) |
The percentage of SLA failure. |
sla-fri |
Indicates whether an SLA was successfully achieved for all Fridays. |
sla-hourly-result |
Indicates whether the SLA was successfully achieved on a hourly basis. |
sla-hourly-target(%) |
The defined hourly level of the SLA's service agreement. |
sla-max-value |
The maximum target for the SLA. |
sla-min-value |
The minimum target for the SLA. |
sla-mon |
Indicates whether an SLA was successfully achieved for all Mondays. |
sla-monthly-result |
Indicates whether the SLA was successfully achieved on a monthly basis. |
sla-monthly-target(%) |
The defined monthly level of the SLA's service agreement. |
sla-result |
Indicates whether the SLA has been achieved for the selected period. |
sla-sat |
Indicates whether an SLA was successfully achieved for all Saturdays. |
sla-success(%) |
The percentage of SLA success for the selected period. |
sla-sun |
Indicates whether an SLA was successfully achieved for all Sundays. |
sla-target(%) |
The defined level of the SLA's service agreement. |
sla-thu |
Indicates whether an SLA was successfully achieved for all Thursdays. |
sla-tue |
Indicates whether an SLA was successfully achieved for all Tuesdays. |
sla-uptime |
The total time (in minutes) that the SLA has been up. |
sla-wed |
Indicates whether an SLA was successfully achieved for all Wednesdays. |
sla-weekly-result |
Indicates whether the SLA was successfully achieved on a weekly basis. |
sla-weekly-target(%) |
The defined weekly level of the SLA's service agreement. |
sla-yearly-result |
Indicates whether the SLA was successfully achieved on a yearly basis. |
sla-yearly-target(%) |
The defined yearly level of the SLA's service agreement. |
static-content-size-per-hit |
The average size (in bytes) of a requested static object within the body. |
static-content-size-per-page |
The average total size (in bytes) of all static objects within the header of a page. |
static-header-size-per-hit |
The size (in bytes) of all static objects within the header of an object. |
static-header-size-per-page |
The average total size (in bytes) of all static objects within the header of a page. |
static-hits-per-page |
The average number of static objects on a displayed page. |
static-network-time-per-hit |
The average time (in milliseconds) taken for a static object to reach the client browser after reply from the server. |
static-network-time-per-page |
The average time (in milliseconds) taken for all static objects within a page to reach the client browser after reply from the server. |
static-server-time-per-hit |
The average server response time (in milliseconds) for a static object within a displayed page. |
static-server-time-per-page |
The average total server response time (in milliseconds) for all static objects within a displayed page. |
static-size-per-hit |
The average size (in bytes) of a requested static object. |
static-size-per-page |
The average total size (in bytes) of all static objects within a displayed page. |
static-time-per-hit |
The average end-to-end time (in milliseconds) for all dynamic objects. That is, the sum of their network and server response times. |
static-time-per-page |
The average end-to-end time (in milliseconds) for all static objects on the page. That is, the sum of their network and server response times. |
step-nr |
The sequence of a step within a transaction. |
throughput |
Total throughput on the server (in KB/sec). |
tolerating-calls |
The number of service function calls that had an end-to-end time (that is, all server and network times) of less than four times the specified service function call satisfaction threshold, but higher than the threshold. That is, the function calling, while not optimal, was tolerable. |
tolerating-pageviews |
The number of page views that were loaded into the client browser within a time greater than the defined page loading satisfaction threshold, but less four times this threshold. That is, the page loading, while not optimal, was tolerable. |
total-browser-time |
The time taken (in milliseconds), after receipt, for a page to be loaded by the client browser. |
total-client-time |
The total delay time (in milliseconds) due to activity at the client end. |
total-content-size |
The body size (in bytes) of the page. |
total-cookie-ok-pageviews |
The number of page views for which an associated cookie was successfully used. |
total-dynamic-content-size |
The total body size (in bytes) for all dynamic objects. |
total-dynamic-header-size |
The total header size (in bytes) for all dynamic objects. |
total-dynamic-hits |
The total number of dynamic objects. |
total-dynamic-network-time |
The total network time (in milliseconds) taken for all dynamic objects. |
total-dynamic-server-time |
The total server response time (in milliseconds) taken for all dynamic objects. |
total-dynamic-size |
The total size (in bytes) for all dynamic objects. |
total-dynamic-time |
The total time (in milliseconds) for all dynamic objects. |
total-end-to-end-time |
The total end-to-end time (in milliseconds). This includes both the network transfer time and the server response time. |
total-header-size |
The header size (in bytes) of the page. |
total-network-time |
The total network transfer time (in milliseconds). |
total-object-size-per-page |
The average total size (in bytes) for all objects within a page view. |
total-page-load-time |
The total time (in milliseconds) for all page views to be processed by the client browser. |
total-page-read-time |
The total time (in seconds) from which the last requested object for a page has been loaded into the client browser and the client requests another page. |
total-reply-content-size |
The total size (in bytes) of all response body parts. |
total-reply-header-size |
The total size (in bytes) of all response header parts. |
total-reply-size |
The total size (in bytes) of all replies, including both header and body. |
total-request-content-size |
The total size (in bytes) of all request body parts. |
total-request-header-size |
The total size (in bytes) of all request header parts. |
total-request-size |
The total size (in bytes) of all requests, including both header and body. |
total-request-time |
The total time (in milliseconds) for all requests. |
total-server-time |
The total server response time (in milliseconds). |
total-session-time |
The total time (in seconds) of all sessions. |
total-static-content-size |
The total size (in bytes) of all static object body sections. |
total-static-header-size |
The total size (in bytes) of all static header sections. |
total-static-hits |
The total number of all static objects. |
total-static-network-time |
The total network transfer time (in milliseconds) of all static objects. |
total-static-server-time |
The total server response time (in milliseconds) of all static objects. |
total-static-size |
The total size (in bytes) of all static objects, including header and body. |
total-static-time |
The total network and server time (in milliseconds) for all static objects. |
total-traffic |
The total size (in bytes) of all pages and their objects. |
total-transfer-time |
The total time (in milliseconds) taken to reach the client after reply from the server. |
traffic-per-day |
The average size (in bytes) of all pages and their objects. |
traffic-per-session |
The average total size (in bytes) of all pages and their objects during the session. | |
The group of the transaction. | |
The name of the transaction. |
transaction.step |
The step name of the transaction. |
transaction-completion(%) |
The percentage of transactions started during sessions that were successfully completed. |
transaction-end-to-end-time |
The total combined network and server response time (in milliseconds) for all pages in the transaction. |
transaction-load-time |
The total loading time (in milliseconds) for all pages in the transaction. |
transaction-network-time |
The total network transfer time (in milliseconds) for all pages in the transaction. |
transaction-overviews/transaction-steps |
The steps in the transaction. |
transaction-pageviews |
The number of page views within the transaction. |
transaction-read-time |
The total (in seconds) for all pages in a transaction between the last requested object for a page being loaded into the client browser and the client requesting the another page. |
transactions-completed-per-min |
The number of completed transactions per minute. |
transaction-server-time |
The total server response time (in milliseconds) for all pages in the transaction. |
transaction-session-time |
The total time (in seconds) of all sessions in the transaction. |
transactions-started-per-min |
The number of started transactions per minute. |
transaction-visit-time |
The total time (in seconds) a client spent on a transaction. That is, until they either successfully completed it, or abandoned it. |
transfer-time-per-call |
The average time (in milliseconds) taken for a service function call to reach the client after reply from the server. |
transfer-time-per-hit |
The average time (in milliseconds) taken for an object to reach the client browser after reply from the server. |
user-id/id |
The user ID of the user (if logged on to your Web site). |
views-on-first-step |
The number of page views on the first transaction step. |
views-on-last-step |
The number of page views on the last transaction step. |
views-on-step |
The number of page views on the transaction step. |
website-error |
Web site errors are hits that result in an HTTP error code 400-499. |
website-error-calls |
The number of times a website error was determined during a service function call. |
website-error-calls(%) |
The percentage of service function calls during which a network website error occurred. |
website-error-pageviews |
The number of times a Web site error was determined upon page display. |
website-error-pageviews(%) |
The percentage of page views during which a network Web site error occurred. |
website-errors-per-session |
The average number of times a Web site error was determined upon page display during a session. |
website-error-views(%) |
The percentage of views during which a network website error occurred. |
When an object is requested by a visitor, RUEI sees the request and measures the time the Web server requires to present the visitor with the requested object. At this point, RUEI knows who requested the page (the client IP), which object was requested, and from which server the object was requested (server IP). This is shown in Figure D-1.
When the Web server responds and sends the requested object to the visitor, RUEI sees that response. At this point, RUEI can see whether there is a response from the server, whether this response is correct, how much time the Web server required to generate the requested object, and the size of the object.
In addition, RUEI can also see whether the object was completely received by the visitor, or if the visitor aborted the download (that is, proof of delivery). Hence, RUEI can determine the time taken for the object to traverse the Internet to the visitor, and calculate the Internet throughput between the visitor and the server (that is, the connection speed of the visitor).
Objects requested from a server are either dynamic or static. Dynamic objects are generated live by the server, and are identified by file extensions such as php, php3, php4, asp, aspx, and so on. Static objects are already available for download with no further server action required. These are generally graphic, video, or document files. Note that dynamically-generated objects are typically much more server intensive than static objects. Table D-2 shows a complete list of the object file extensions that are recorded as static.
Table D-2 Static Object File Extensions
Extension | Extension | Extension |
.7z |
.aac |
.aaf |
.ace |
.ani |
.arc |
.arj |
.atom |
.au |
.avi |
.bmp |
.bz2 |
.cab |
.class |
.css |
.cur |
.dat |
.deb |
.divx |
.docx |
.dot |
.dotx |
.dtd |
.flv |
.gif |
.gz |
.htm |
.html |
.ico |
.iso |
.jar |
.java |
.jpeg |
.jpg |
.js |
.lzh |
.m4a |
.m4p |
.mid |
.mpe |
.mpeg |
.mpg |
.mov |
.mp4 |
.ogg |
.par |
.par2 |
.ppt |
.properties |
.ra |
.rar |
.rm |
.rss |
.rtf |
.svg |
.swa |
.swf |
.tar |
.tar |
.tiff |
.tgz |
.ttf |
.txt |
.wav |
.wma |
.wma |
.xhtm |
.xhtml |
.xls |
.xml |
.xsl |
.xslt |
.z |
.zip |
Table D-3 shows a complete list of the object file extensions that are explicitly recorded as dynamic. Note that all object file extensions not listed in Table D-2 are also recorded as dynamic.
The file extensions shown in Table D-4 are used for forced objects. This means that objects with these file extensions will always be recorded as objects, and not pages. This is regardless of the response time, or any errors that are reported for it.
Note the correlation of pages and hits is performed on a time basis, and a page and its hits can never have a time difference longer than 15 seconds. A hit gap of longer than 15 seconds means that the hit is no longer considered part of its associated page. In addition, the system recognizes redirects, and correlates this data to the next page view.
Be aware that any download (such as a PDF or large graphics file) that takes longer than 5 minutes to be completed is discarded by RUEI, and not reported. This is regardless of whether or not the download was successful.
The time taken for a requested object to arrive at the client side is called the end-to-end (or e2e) time. It comprises two parts:
Server time: the time taken by the server to generate the response.
Network time: the time taken required for the response to travel from the server to the client.
As each object within a requested page is received at the client browser, there is sometimes a delay before the browser can start to process and load it. This is known as the browser load time. Once all objects have been loaded, the page is displayed in the client browser. The time from this moment until the next page request is known as the page read (or idle) time. It is the time the client users to review the requested page, and is set to a maximum of two minutes.
Be aware that the reported number of page views for a specific or hour can differ depending on the Data browser group you are using. The structure of the information available within the Data browser is explained in Section 3.2, "Understanding the Data Structure". In particular, it is calculated slightly differently between the All sessions group and the All pages group. This is illustrated in Table D-5:
Table D-5 Page View Reporting in the All Pages and All Sessions Groups
Time | Visited pages | Reported no. of page views | ||
Visitor 1 | Visitor 2 | All pages | All sessions | |
00:00 |
A, B |
A, B, C |
5 (Visitor 1: A,B,A) Visitor 2: B,C) |
0 |
00:15 |
C, D |
A |
3 (Visitor 1: C,D) (Visitor 2: A) |
0 |
00:30 |
E |
B |
2 (Visitor: 1E) (Visitor 2: B) |
0 |
00:45 |
F |
C |
2 (Visitor: F) (Visitor: C) |
0 |
01:00 |
- |
D |
1 (Visitor 2: D) |
6 (Visitor 1: A,B,C,D,E,F) |
01:15 |
D |
- |
1 (Visitor 1: D) |
7 (Visitor 2: A,B,C,A,B,C,D) |
01:30 |
F |
A |
2 (Visitor 1: F) (Visitor 2: A) |
0 |
01:45 |
- |
- |
- |
3 (Visitor 1: D,F) (Visitor 2: A) |
8 |
8 |
16 |
16 |
Table D-5 shows the visited page history of two users. As both visitors browse the monitored Web site, the number of pages they have visited are immediately recorded in the All pages group. For example, between 00:00 and 00:15 they had visited five pages. However, because these sessions are still active, they are not yet recorded within the All sessions group. That happens between 01:00 and 01:15, together with the other pages visited in that session.
As the two visitors' sessions progress, the number of visited pages is preserved. Because the All sessions group waits until each is regarded as finished, the related page history is recorded against a later time interval than in the All pages group. However, as can be seen in the totals at the bottom of Table D-5, after both sessions have finished, the total number of page visits reported in each group is the same.
Typically, the All pages group is used for functional analysis, (such as performance monitoring), while the All sessions group is used to identify issues are impacting users.
Finally, be aware that the page views for a session are recorded for the current day when they arrive at least 30 minutes before 12 PM. Thereafter, they are treated as belonging to a new session. Therefore, small differences can arise between reported page views in real-time data (such as the dashboard) and session-based groups.
All dimension level values are limited to 255 characters. If a value is longer than this, it is automatically truncated. Note that truncated data is indicated by ending with an ellipse (…). This restrictions does not apply within the Session diagnostics facility on object level, or to posted form content.
RUEI can monitor compressed network traffic. Currently, it supports the DEFLATE (zlib) and gzip compression algorithms. Be aware that information about error messages encountered by users is written to the Session diagnostics replay facility (see Section 3.9, "Working With the Session Diagnostics Facility") "as is", and are not decompressed until requested to be viewed. The ability to correctly display such information depends on your browser's capabilities. While Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox are fully supported for this purpose, the use of other (unsupported) browsers may present difficulties.