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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Publishing Reports to the Web with Oracle Reports Services
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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E.1 Overview of rwdiag

rwdiag is a utility used to find Reports Servers and bridges on the network, and monitor packets broadcast on the network by the Reports Server and its clients. It is also helpful for choosing optimal settings for ORACLE_INSTANCE\config\ReportsToolsComponent\ReportsTools\rwnetwork.conf and for bridge timeout values. rwdiag is similar to the osfind utility provided by the Borland VisiBroker ORB, which has been replaced by the JDK ORB in Oracle Reports.


Oracle Reports replaces the use of Borland's Visibroker with Sun Microsystems' industry-standard Java Developer's Kit Object Request Broker (JDK ORB). The JDK ORB provides support for Reports Server requests from clients across subnets, and enables the broadcast mechanism for dynamic Reports Server discovery both within a subnet and across subnets.

You can invoke rwdiag with one of two scripts depending upon your operating platform:

For Microsoft Windows:




E.1.1 Examples

The sections that follow provide a series of examples illustrating the use of rwdiag.

E.1.1.1 Example 1

This command line tries to find a Reports Server or bridge named abc on the network with the default search timeout of 10 seconds.

rwdiag.bat -find abc

This command returns a success message, name, type, host name, and the time taken, if abc is found on the network. If a naming service is used as the discovery mechanism for Oracle Reports, only the success message would be returned as the host name would be unavailable to the utility.

E.1.1.2 Example 2

This command tries to find a Reports Server or bridge named abc on the network with a search timeout of 5 seconds.

rwdiag.bat -find abc -timeout 5

E.1.1.3 Example 3

This command tries to find a Reports Server or bridge named abc on the network using the settings in the configuration file xyz.conf.

rwdiag.bat -find abc -conf xyz.conf


YIf the network configuration file is stored in a location other that the default location, you must specify the complete path of the file.

Following are the contents of xyz.conf:

<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'ISO-8859-1'?>
<!DOCTYPE discoveryService SYSTEM "file:c:\orawin\reports\dtd\rwnetworkconf.dtd">
<multicast channel="" port="35078" timeout="1000" retry="3"/>
<!--namingService name="Cos" host="localhost" port="9999"/-->

Notice how the channel address and port number are picked up from the configuration file. If for some reason abc were running on another port, it would not be found.

E.1.1.4 Example 4

This command tries to find all Reports Servers and bridges on the network.

rwdiag.bat -findAll

With a broadcast mechanism, all information is provided. If a naming service is used as the discovery mechanism for Oracle Reports, host information is unavailable.

E.1.1.5 Example 5

This command monitors all packets broadcast on the network by the Reports Servers and their clients, and prints the packet information on the screen. The monitoring stops when you press q and Enter.

rwdiag.bat -monitor

E.1.1.6 Example 6

This command monitors all packets broadcast on the network by the Reports Servers and their clients, and saves the packet information to the log file, c:\log.txt. The monitoring stops when you press q and Enter.

rwdiag.bat -monitor -log c:\log.txt