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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Oracle Reports Tutorial
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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8 Generating a Paper Report

Estimated Completion Time: 15 minutes

This chapter describes how to create a paper version of the Web report you created, as shown in Figure 8-1. Here, you will use the Report Wizard to create a paper layout using the data model you created in Chapter 2, "Adding Data to a Report".

If you already know how to use the Report Wizard, refer to Appendix A, "Entries for the Report Wizard"for a quick reference guide.

Figure 8-1 Generating a Paper Report from a JSP-based Web Report Data Model

Description of paper_xg.gif follows
Description of "Figure 8-1 Generating a Paper Report from a JSP-based Web Report Data Model"

8.1 Generate a Paper Report Based on Your Data Model

In this section, you will learn to generate a paper layout based on the data model you created in Chapter 2, "Adding Data to a Report".


You must be connected to the same database you used, and access the Human Resources (HR) schema. If you do not know the connection information for the database, contact your database administrator.

To generate a paper report using the Report Wizard

  1. In the Object Navigator, ensure that the report you created in Chapter 6, "Creating a Graph for the Web Report" called emprevb_your initials.jsp is open.


    If you don't want to create a JSP-based Web report first, and just want to learn how to generate a paper layout for a JSP-based Web report, open the file we have provided, called emprevb.jsp.

  2. In the Object Navigator, right-click the report name.

  3. From the pop-up menu, choose Report Wizard.

  4. Let us choose the Paper Layout since we are generating a paper report. We do not need to select a Web Layout since we have already done that in Chapter 3, "Reviewing the Source Code of the Web Report".

    In the Report Wizard, on the Report Type page, select Create Paper Layout only.

  5. On the Style page, ensure that Group Above is selected, and that the title is My Team's Salaries.

  6. Click the Data tab.

    The data model you created in Chapter 2, "Adding Data to a Report" must display in the SQL Query Statement field.

  7. On the Fields page, move all the fields back to the Available Fields list, then move the following fields to the Displayed Fields list by selecting the field, then clicking >.

    • emp_name

    • mgr_name

    • SALARY

    • SumSALARYPermgr_name

  8. On the Labels page, in the Label field for the emp_name field, type Employee Name.

  9. In the Label field for the mgr_name field, type Manager Name.

  10. In the Label field for the SumSALARYPermgr_name field, type Total Salary.

  11. On the Templates page, ensure that the Beige template is selected.

  12. Click Finish.

    The report displays in the Paper Design view, and must look something like this:

    Figure 8-2 Final Paper Report

    Description of paper_fin.gif follows
    Description of "Figure 8-2 Final Paper Report"

  13. Choose File > Save As.

  14. Change the name to emprev_paper_your initials.rdf, and ensure that rdf is selected.

  15. Click Save.

8.2 Modifying a Report in the Paper Design View

Reports Builder provides you with numerous tools that you can use in the Paper Design view to modify the look and feel of your report. Because you are editing live data, you can see how the end result of your report will appear. This section describes how to enhance your report using some of the most commonly used formats:

To modify the appearance of your report in the Paper Design view

  1. In the Paper Design view, click Flex Off in the toolbar.

  2. Align the title with the logo.

    Click the My Team's Salaries report title and drag it 1.5 inches to the left, and 0.25 inches down.

  3. While the object is selected, click Format, click Font, and then choose Arial, Bold, 12pt to format the text.


    If the text does not fit within the object area, click the text object again, and drag one of the black squares to the right.

  4. Your report title should now look like this:

    Figure 8-3 Formatted Title of the Paper Report

    Description of paper_title.gif follows
    Description of "Figure 8-3 Formatted Title of the Paper Report"

  5. Click the number column beneath the Salary label. All the number values are selected.

  6. In the toolbar, click Currency, click Commas, then click Add Decimal Place twice.

  7. While the number values are selected, click Align Right in the toolbar.

  8. The Salary column should now look like this:

    Figure 8-4 Formatted Numbers in the Salary Column

    Description of paper_sal.gif follows
    Description of "Figure 8-4 Formatted Numbers in the Salary Column"

  9. Since the salary numbers are aligned to the right, now align the Salary label to the right.

    To do so, click the Salary label, then click Align Right in the toolbar.

  10. Now, format the Total Salary numbers in the same way you formatted the Salary numbers.

  11. Add a space between the Manager label and the manager's name. To do so, click a manager's name (for example, Greenberg,Nancy). While the object is selected, use the right arrow on your keyboard to move the field to the right.

    Your report should now look something like this:

    Figure 8-5 Final Formatted Paper Report

    Description of paper_form.gif follows
    Description of "Figure 8-5 Final Formatted Paper Report"

8.3 Summary

Congratulations! You have now generated a paper report based on the data model you created for a JSP-based Web report. You now know how to:

For more information on generating a paper report based on an existing data model, see the Oracle Reports online Help.