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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Discoverer
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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List of reference dialogs

This section contains an alphabetical list of links to the reference dialogs used in Discoverer Administrator.

"Alphabetical Sort dialog"

"Business Area Properties dialog"

"Changing Identifier Warning dialog"

"Choose Folder dialog (for an item, condition or join)"

"Choose user or table/view dialog"

"Condition Properties dialog"

"Conditions dialog"

"Confirm Business Area Delete dialog"

"Confirm Delete dialog"

"Confirm Folder Delete dialog"

"Connect dialog"

"Create EUL Wizard dialog"

"Create EUL Wizard: Step 2 dialog"

"Create EUL Wizard: Step 2 dialog (Oracle Applications EUL)"

"Custom Folder dialog"

"Custom Folder Properties dialog"

"Database Information dialog"

"Database Storage Properties dialog: List of tabs"

"Database Storage Properties dialog: Materialized Views tab"

"Database Storage Properties dialog: Mappings tab"

"Database Storage Properties dialog: Properties tab"

"Database Storage Properties dialog: Tablespaces tab"

"Edit Hierarchy dialog: Items tab"

"Delete EUL dialog"

"Edit Calculation dialog"

"Edit Hierarchy dialog: Items tab (select date items that will use this date hierarchy)"

"Edit Hierarchy dialog: Items tab (select items to include in this hierarchy)"

"Edit Hierarchy dialog: Name tab"

"Edit Item Class dialog: Alternative Sort tab"

"Edit Item Class dialog: General tab"

"Edit Item Class dialog: List of values tab"

"Edit Item Class dialog: Options tab"

"Edit Item Class dialog: Select Items tab"

"Edit Join dialog: Items tab"

"Edit Join dialog: Options tab"

"Edit Summary dialog: Choose Items tab"

"Edit Summary dialog: Combinations tab"

"Edit Summary dialog: General tab"

"Edit Summary dialog: Refresh tab"

"EUL Manager dialog"

"EUL Upgrade Error dialog"

"EUL Upgrade dialog"

"Export Wizard Step 1 dialog"

"Export Wizard: Step 2 dialog (to export selected business areas)"

"Export Wizard: Step 2 dialog (to export selected objects)"

"Export Wizard: Step 2/3 dialog"

"Folder Properties dialog"

"Hierarchy Properties dialog"

"Hierarchy Wizard: Step 1 dialog"

"Impact dialog"

"Import PL/SQL Functions dialog"

"Import Wizard: Step 1 dialog"

"Import Wizard: Step 2 dialog"

"Import Wizard: Step 3 dialog,"

"Install/Uninstall Sample Data Wizard: Step 1 dialog"

"Install/Uninstall Sample Data Wizard: Step 2 dialog"

"Install Sample Data Wizard: Step 3 dialog"

"Item Class Properties dialog: General tab"

"Item Class Wizard: Step 1 dialog"

"Item Hierarchy Node Properties dialog"

"Item Properties dialog"

"Items dialog"

"Join Properties dialog"

"Load Wizard: Step 1 dialog"

"Load Wizard: Step 2 dialog"

"Load Wizard: Step 3 dialog"

"Load Wizard: Step 4 dialog"

"Load Wizard: Step 5 dialog"

"Manage Folders dialog: By Business Area tab"

"Manage Folders dialog: By Folder tab"

"Manage Folders dialog: Orphaned Folders tab"

"Manage Scheduled Workbooks dialog"

"Matching Values dialog"

"New Condition dialog (Advanced)"

"New Condition dialog (select an item or folder for)"

"New/Edit Condition dialog"

"New Date Format dialog"

"New Item dialog"

"New Item dialog (select a folder for)"

"New Join dialog (select a folder for)"

"Online Dictionary Options dialog"

"Open Business Area dialog"

"Options dialog: Connection tab"

"Options dialog: Default EUL tab"

"Options dialog: Query Governor tab"

"PL/SQL Functions dialog: Arguments tab"

"PL/SQL Functions dialog: Functions tab"

"Privileges dialog: Privileges tab"

"Privileges dialog: Query Governor tab"

"Privileges dialog: Scheduled Workbooks tab"

"Privileges dialog: User/Role tab"

"Properties dialogs"

"Refresh Business Area dialog"

"Refresh Summaries dialog"

"Refresh Wizard dialog"

"Repository Users dialog"

"Responsibilities dialog"

"Schedule Workbook dialog: General tab"

"Scheduled Workbook dialog: Parameter values"

"Schedule Workbook dialog: Schedule tab"

"Security dialog: Business Area - > User tab"

"Security dialog: Users - > Business Area tab"

"Select User/Role dialog"

"Summary Properties dialog"

"Summary Wizard (ASM): List of dialogs"

"Summary Wizard (ASM): Change default settings: List of dialog tabs"

"Summary Wizard (ASM): Change default settings dialog: Folders tab"

"Summary Wizard (ASM): Change default settings dialog: Analyze tab"

"Summary Wizard (ASM): Change default settings dialog: Deletion tab"

"Summary Wizard (ASM): Change default settings dialog: Query Usage tab"

"Summary Wizard (ASM): Change default settings dialog: Query User tab"

"Summary Wizard (ASM): Not Analyzed dialog"

"Summary Wizard (ASM): Recommended Summaries dialog"

"Summary Wizard (ASM): Step 2 Analyze Folders dialog"

"Summary Wizard (ASM): Step 3 Allocate Space dialog"

"Summary Wizard: Step 1 dialog"

"Summary Wizard: Step 2 dialog"

"Summary Wizard: Step 3 dialog (using query statistics)"

"Summary Wizard: Step 3 dialog (using external tables)"

"Summary Wizard: Step 3 dialog (using query statistics)"

"Using Help"

"Values dialog"

"Workarea: Data tab"

"Workarea: Hierarchies tab"

"Workarea: Item Classes tab"

"Workarea: Summaries tab"