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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Help
11g Release 1 (5.0)
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5 Introduction to Oracle Help File Formats

Oracle Help for Java (OHJ) and Oracle Help for the Web (OHW-UIX and OHW-RC) both use the following kinds of files:

In addition to the above files, OHW-UIX and OHW-RC use a configuration file to configure the servlet file. For more information, see Chapter 9, "Oracle Help for the Web Configuration File".

The Oracle Help file formats are based on the Sun Microsystems JavaHelp™ Specification. For more information about differences between Java Help and Oracle Help file formats, see Appendix A, "Oracle Help and JavaHelp File Formats".

5.1 File Name Extensions

When you use helpsets, you don't have to use specific extensions for the names of the associated control files, but you must ensure that the correct file name and extensions are used when the file is referenced.

Table 5-1 shows conventional (but not required) extensions for the helpset-related file formats. It also shows where these files are referenced, so you can be sure that the correct name and extension are used.

Table 5-1 OHJ and OHW Files

Type of File Conventional Extension Referenced By



In OHJ, the calls from the Java program that launches the help.

In OHW-RC and OHW-UIX, from the configuration file:

  <helpSet location="filename.hs" />

Helpset used as a subhelpset


Master helpset file in

<subhelpset location="filename.hs"/> 



Helpset file in




Helpset file in

  <data engine="">filename.xml</data>

Keyword Index


Helpset file in

  <data engine="">filename.xml</data>



Helpset file in


Search Index


Helpset file in

  <data engine="">filename.idx</data>