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Oracle® Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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16 Creating Reports

Oracle B2B reports provide real-time status on the run-time behavior of deployed data.

This chapter contains the following topics:

16.1 Introduction to Reports

Use the Reports link to search on data in the run-time repository. The Saved Search function is not available.

The following message types are available for searching:


In a cluster environment, if system time stamps are not synchronized for all nodes in the cluster, then you may see message time stamps that look incorrect, but are not. For example, given an unsynchronized, multinode cluster, if an outbound message is received on one node, but the reply is sent from another node, it is possible for a report to show message receipt at 4 a.m., but an acknowledgment sent at 3:55 a.m.

16.1.1 The Monitor User Role

For individuals such as business analysts who create and analyze message reports, Oracle B2B provides a Monitor user role that an Administrator can assign to trading partner users. This role provides a user with access to only the functionality of the Reports tab of Oracle B2B. A user with the Monitor role cannot see or access the other parts of the interface or see data for other trading partners. See "Adding Trading Partner Users" for how to assign the Monitor role.

16.1.2 Purging Messages

From the Business Message tab, use the Purge button to purge one or more messages that display after you search the instance data.

16.1.3 Resubmitting Messages from Oracle B2B

If errors that occur when sending an inbound or outbound message are internal to Oracle B2B, then you can correct the problem and resend the message. For example, if B2B attempts to send a message to an endpoint that is not configured correctly, or if the agreement is not configured correctly, correct the error and use Resubmit for application messages or wire messages.

Resubmitting an application message, for an outbound message, replays the message from the time of receipt of the message and goes through agreement lookup, message translation (for EDI) and then finally the delivery is attempted. An application message resubmit is helpful when the agreement settings or document configuration is not as required and the message needs to be restructured with updated settings.

Resubmitting an application message, for an inbound message, attempts to deliver the message again to the back-end application. Resubmitting is useful when the back-end application is down and the delivery needs to be retried.

Resubmitting a wire message, for an outbound message, only tries to redeliver the previously processed message. There is no repackaging or other message transformation. This is helpful when the problem was with the delivery endpoint (for example, the partner's server is down and unable to receive the message).

Resubmitting a wire message, for an inbound message, replays the message from the time of receipt from the trading partner. The exchange and document are re-identified and an agreement lookup is done. The processed message is then delivered to the back-end. This is useful when the agreement or document setting are not correct and the message needs to be translated and validated again.


If you resubmit an inbound AS2 synchronous wire message, the MDN is generated, but it is not returned to the sender in synchronous mode. This is because the sender is not the one who is initiating the originating message. In this scenario, the MDN message state is in the MSG_COMPLETE state.

16.2 Creating Business Message Reports

Business message status reports identify business message instance details for a document protocol. These details include the sending and receiving trading partners, the agreement name, the business action, the business message ID, the status, the exchange protocol and document protocol, and message details.

Figure 16-1 shows a business message report.

Figure 16-1 Business Message Report

Description of Figure 16-1 follows
Description of "Figure 16-1 Business Message Report"

To create a business message report:

  1. Click Reports, and then Business Message.

  2. Provide search parameters.

    Field Description
    Match Select All or Any.
    Sender Select from Starts With, Equals, Contains, or Ends With. Provide all or part of a trading partner name.
    Receiver Select from Starts With, Equals, Contains, or Ends With. Provide all or part of a trading partner name.
    Agreement Select from Starts With, Equals, Contains, or Ends With. Provide all or part of a trading partner agreement name.
    Send Time Stamp Select from Less Than, Greater Than, Greater Than Equals, Equals, or Less Than Equals. Provide a date and time in the format shown (MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS AM/PM) or click the Select Date and Time icon.
    Receive Time Stamp Select from Less Than, Greater Than, Greater Than Equals, Equals, or Less Than Equals. Provide a date and time in the format shown (MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS AM/PM) or click the Select Date and Time icon.
    State Select from Starts With, Equals, Contains, or Ends With. Provide all or part of a message state:
    Message ID Select from Starts With, Equals, Contains, or Ends With. Provide all or part of a message ID.

  3. To add more search fields, click Advanced and select from Add Fields:

    Field Description
    Document Protocol Name Enter Custom, EDI_EDIFACT, EDI_X2, HL7, OAG, PositionalFlatFile, RosettaNet, or UCCNet. (Equals is the only operator.)
    Document Type Select from a previously created document type, for example, 850 for EDI X12. (Equals is the only operator.)
    Document Protocol Version Select from a previously created document protocol version. (Equals is the only operator.)
    Document Definition Select from a previously created document definition. (Equals is the only operator.)

    Use the document search parameters as follows: Select a document protocol name first to populate the list of document protocol versions; next select a document protocol version to populate the list of document types; and then select a document type to populate the list of document definitions.

  4. Click Search.

    View the results, as shown in Figure 16-1.

  5. In the Details column of the Results area, click the icon to see report details.

    Description of bb_reports11.gif follows
    Description of the illustration bb_reports11.gif

16.3 Creating Wire Message Reports

Wire messages are the native format of data sent from trading partners. Wire messages can contain several sections, such as payloads, attachments, or trailers. Wire message status reports identify details about wire message instances, such as the transport protocol name, the transport protocol revision, and the protocol message identification and its state. The reports enable you to go from a business message to its corresponding wire message and from a wire message to its corresponding business messages.

Figure 16-2 shows a wire message report.

Figure 16-2 Wire Message Report

Description of Figure 16-2 follows
Description of "Figure 16-2 Wire Message Report"

To create a wire message report:

  1. Click Reports, and then Wire Message.

  1. Provide search parameters.

    Field Value
    URL Select from Starts With, Equals, Contains, or Ends With. Provide all or part of the URL.
    Transport Protocol Select from Starts With, Equals, Contains, or Ends With. Provide all or part of the transport protocol.
    State Select from Starts With, Equals, Contains, or Ends With. Provide all or part of a message state:
    Created Date Select from Less Than, Greater Than, Greater Than Equals, Equals, or Less Than Equals. Provide a date and time in the format shown (MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS AM/PM) or click the Select Date and Time icon.
    Message ID Select from Starts With, Equals, Contains, or Ends With. Provide all or part of a message ID.

  2. To add more search fields, click Advanced and select from Add Fields:

    Field Description
    Document Protocol Name Select from Custom, EDI_EDIFACT, EDI_X2, HL7, OAG, PositionalFlatFile, RosettaNet, or UCCNet. (Equals is the only operator.)
    Document Type Select from a previously created document type, for example, 850 for EDI X12. (Equals is the only operator.)
    Document Protocol Version Select from a previously created document protocol version. (Equals is the only operator.)
    Document Definition Select from a previously created document definition. (Equals is the only operator.)

  3. Click Search.

    View the results, as shown in Figure 16-2.

  4. In the Details column of the Results area, click the icon to see report details.

    Description of bb_reports13.gif follows
    Description of the illustration bb_reports13.gif

16.4 Creating Application Message Reports

This report provides information related to the SOA Composite—the name, version, and so on, if a back-end composite application sent or received the message.

Figure 16-3 shows an application message report.

Figure 16-3 Application Message Report

Description of Figure 16-3 follows
Description of "Figure 16-3 Application Message Report"

To create an application message report:

  1. Click Reports, and then Application Message.

  2. Provide search parameters.

    Field Description
    Match Select All or Any.
    Created Date Select from Less Than, Greater Than, Greater Than Equals, Equals, or Less Than Equals. Provide a date and time in the format shown (MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS AM/PM) or click the Select Date and Time icon.
    Document Protocol Name Select from Custom, EDI_EDIFACT, EDI_X2, HL7, OAG, PositionalFlatFile, RosettaNet, or UCCNet. (Equals is the only operator.)
    Document Protocol Version Select from a previously created document protocol version. (Equals is the only operator.)
    Document Type Select from a previously created document type, for example, 850 for EDI X12. (Equals is the only operator.)
    Document Definition Select from a previously created document definition. (Equals is the only operator.)
    State Select from Starts With, Equals, Contains, or Ends With. Provide all or part of a message state:
    Composite Name Select from Starts With, Equals, Contains, or Ends With. Provide all or part of the SOA composite application name.

  3. To add more search fields, click Advanced and select from Add Fields:

    Field Description
    Application Name Provide the name of the application.
    Composite Version Provide the version of the SOA composite application in Oracle JDeveloper.
    ECID Select from Starts With, Equals, Contains, or Ends With. Provide an instance ID.
    Sender ID Type Provide the sender's identifier type, such as Name, DUNS, or MLLP ID.
    Service Name Provide the name of the B2B service binding component.
    Receiver ID Type Provide the receiver's identifier type, such as Name, DUNS, or MLLP ID
    Receiver Value Provide the value of the receiver's identifier type. For example, if DUNS is the Receiver ID Type, provide the DUNS number.
    Sender Value Provide the value of the sender's identifier type. For example, if Name is the Sender ID Type, provide the trading partner name as set in the identifier type in the trading partner's profile.
    Reference Name Provide the name of the B2B reference binding component.
    Fabric CompositeDn Select from Starts With, Equals, Contains, or Ends With. Provide all or part of the composite name.

  4. Click Search.

    View the results, as shown in Figure 16-3.

  5. In the Details column of the Results area, click the icon to see report details.

    Description of bb_reports16.gif follows
    Description of the illustration bb_reports16.gif

16.5 Creating Error Reports

Error status reports provide error message details. These details include the error code, error text, business message identification, message date, and message details.

Figure 16-4 shows an error report.

To create an error report:

  1. Click Reports, and then Error.

  2. Provide search parameters.

    Field Description
    Match Select All or Any.
    Error Code Select from Starts With, Equals, Contains, or Ends With. Provide all or part of an error code.
    Error Level Select from Starts With, Equals, Contains, or Ends With. Provide all or part of an error level
    Error Severity Select from Starts With, Equals, Contains, or Ends With. Provide all or part of an error severity.
    Error Text Select from Starts With, Equals, Contains, or Ends With. Provide all or part of the error text.
    Error Description Select from Starts With, Equals, Contains, or Ends With. Provide all or part of the error description.
    Send Time Stamp Select from Less Than, Greater Than, Greater Than Equals, Equals, or Less Than Equals. Provide a date and time in the format shown (MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS AM/PM) or click the Select Date and Time icon.

  3. To add more search fields, click Advanced and select from Add Fields:

    Field Description
    Document Definition Select from a previously created document definition. (Equals is the only operator.)
    Document Type Select from a previously created document type, for example, 850 for EDI X12. (Equals is the only operator.)
    Document Protocol Version Select from a previously created document protocol version. (Equals is the only operator.)
    Document Protocol Name Select from Custom, EDI_EDIFACT, EDI_X2, HL7, OAG, PositionalFlatFile, RosettaNet, or UCCNet. (Equals is the only operator.)

  1. Click Search.

    View the results, as shown in Figure 16-4.

  2. In the Details column of the Results area, click the icon to see report details.

    Description of bb_reports18.gif follows
    Description of the illustration bb_reports18.gif

16.6 Creating Conversation Reports

A conversation message results when the correlation XPath is set in a document definition to correlate messages. A correlation message also shows messages that are correlated automatically. For example, an AS2 message and its acknowledgment (MDN) are automatically correlated and part of a conversation. In RosettaNet, request and response messages are also correlated, in addition to the acknowledgments sent and received. These related messages are displayed on the Conversation tab.

Figure 16-5 shows a conversation report.

Figure 16-5 Conversation Report

Description of Figure 16-5 follows
Description of "Figure 16-5 Conversation Report"

To create a conversation report:

  1. Click Reports, and then Conversation.

  2. Provide search parameters.

    Field Description
    Match Select All or Any.
    Send Time Stamp Select from Less Than, Greater Than, Greater Than Equals, Equals, or Less Than Equals. Provide a date and time in the format shown (MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS AM/PM) or click the Select Date and Time icon.
    Collaboration Name Applies to ebMS and RosettaNet documents and is available from header information.
    Collaboration ID Applies to ebMS and RosettaNet documents and is available from header information.

    No additional fields can be added using the Advanced search button.

  3. Click Search.

    View the results, as shown in Figure 16-5.

  4. In the Details column of the Results area, click the icon to see report details.

    Description of bb_reports20.gif follows
    Description of the illustration bb_reports20.gif