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Oracle® Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle Portal
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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5.1 What Is Oracle Instant Portal?

Oracle Instant Portal provides instant out-of-the-box portals for secure publishing and content sharing, ideal for enterprises with a need for smaller-scale intranets or an internal communications hub. Unlike Oracle Portal portals, Oracle instant portals are intended for user communities that have well-defined, somewhat limited needs for information sharing. These kinds of communities might include:

With Oracle Instant Portal, you can have a functioning portal in less than an hour. Consider these benefits:

Oracle Instant Portal is a pre-built application that was built using Oracle Portal. If you know Oracle Portal well, it should be fairly easy for you to deduce how Oracle Instant Portal was constructed. You might even be tempted to experiment with the Page Group settings for the Oracle instant portals in an effort to fine-tune the portals a bit more. Keep in mind, however, that Oracle supports only those activities described in Section 5.3, "Using Oracle Portal to Affect Oracle Instant Portal".


Oracle Instant Portal supports the use of Netscape 7.2 or later, Internet Explorer 6.0 or later, and Mozilla Firefox 1.4 or later. It is preferred that you use IE to edit and manage your portal. Although Netscape and Firefox work well for viewing pages, there are some known issues regarding their performance while editing, especially where tables are concerned. In addition, when adding text items, you'll find that the HTML source looks different in Mozilla than it does in IE.