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Oracle® Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle Portal
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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15.13 Troubleshooting Item Issues

I added a URL item type to my page and configured it to display in place. It returned an error, "Webcache could not access this URL."

This error can occur when the URL points to a location outside the firewall and you elect to display the URL target in place (the display option Item Displayed Directly In Page Area). URL-type items that point to locations outside the firewall require a reconfiguration of the Web Cache Manager's proxy server. For more information, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Portal.

I tried to unzip a Zip file in the background, but it failed.

If the Run Unzip in Background option does not function properly, your system administrator may need to set JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES in the init.ora file to a value greater than one.

My page is not displaying all of my items.

An instance where content can be truncated on a portal page is when the containing region allows for a limited number of rows and columns. For example, if a page has eight items and the containing region is set for two columns and three rows, only six of the items display. The remaining two are truncated.

These truncated items display once the region column or row allowances are expanded. For more information, see Section 11.2.5, "Changing the Number of Columns and Rows in a Region".

Why can't I add content to a region?

You may not have sufficient privileges to add content. You must have at least the page (or tab) privilege Manage Content or Manage Items with Approval on the page or on the tab that contains the region.

If the page is based on a Portal Template, and the template region is locked, no one can add content to the region, unless they do so through a WebDAV client. If the default item region in a template is set not to allow users to add content, this setting is ignored by WebDAV when adding content to pages that are based on the template.

To unlock a region:

  1. Open the page or Portal Template in Edit mode, and edit the region.

  2. Select Enable Users To Included Content In This Region.

  3. Click OK to save your changes and return to the page or Portal Template.

The Arrange Items icon does not display.

The containing region's Sort By Item Display Option has been set to Title or Size. When a sorting option is selected, the Arrange Items icon no longer displays on the region in page Edit mode. If you have sufficient privileges, you can edit the region and select Default under Sort By in the Item Display Options. When Default is the Sort By option, privileged users and groups are free to rearrange items.

I want to move/copy an item to another page group, but I'm getting an error that says the category associated with the item does not exist in the destination page group. I created an identical category in the destination page group, but still no joy.

The error indicates that the category associated with the item was created in the item's page group. Creating an identical category in the destination page group does not work, as you have found. The category must instead be common to both by virtue of belonging to the Shared Objects page group.

A quick fix is to edit the item, remove its category classification, and try again. A slightly more involved fix is to move the category to the Shared Objects page group. The moved category retains its association with the item, and the item can be moved between page groups. For information on moving a category to the Shared Objects page group, see Section, "Moving a Category to the Shared Objects Page Group".

I want to move/copy an item to another page group, but I'm getting an error that says the item type does not exist in the destination page group.

This is similar to the previous problem. In this case, the item you are trying to move is based on a type that was created in the item's page group. For an item to be moveable, it must be based on an item type common to all page groups. That is, the item type must come from the Shared Objects page group.

Once an item is created, you cannot change its type. The solution here is to move the item type to the Shared Objects page group. For information about moving item types to the Shared Objects page group, see Section 4.6, "Sharing Objects Across Page Groups".

I want to enable item check-out, but I do not find that attribute when I edit the item.

It is likely that the item is of a type that does not include the Enable Item Check-Out attribute. A user with sufficient privileges on the page group must edit the item type to include the attribute.

Another approach is to delete the item, then add it using an item type you know to include the attribute.

For information on editing item types, see Section, "Editing an Item Type".

I uploaded a draft item and now cannot see it on my page in Pending Items Preview.

When a page or template is cached at the system level, and Approvals and Notifications are enabled for the page group, unpublished items, such as Draft, Pending, Rejected, and Deleted Rejected items, are not displayed as expected. For this reason, do not cache approval-enabled pages or templates at the system level. For more information, see Chapter 22, "Improving Page Performance".

For information on which items are accessible in what states, see Section 18.9.3, "Item URL Security".

The Add Item wizard hangs when I try to add a text item.

It may be that your browser does not support the Oracle Portal rich text editor. When this is the case, the editor may hang or exhibit inconsistent behavior. Consider disabling the rich text editor.

For information on disabling the Oracle Portal rich text editor, see Section 6.5.5, "Disabling the Rich Text Editor".

Browsers that support the rich text editor include: