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Oracle® Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle Portal
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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11.4 Troubleshooting Regions and Tabs

The Browse Users icon does not display on the Access tab

The portal administrator may have run the script serlacl.sql to enforce role-based security. Role-based security limits privilege grantees to groups; individual users cannot be granted privileges. The script does not affect privileges granted to users before it was run, only after. Once this script is run, the Browse Users icon does not display next to the Grantee field on Access tabs. Additionally, the Privileges tab does not display on the Edit Portal User Profile page.

For more information, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Portal.

The Arrange Items icon does not display.

The Sort By Item Display Option has been set to Title or Size. When a sorting option is selected, the Arrange Items icon no longer displays on the region in page Edit mode. If you have sufficient privileges, you can edit the region and select Default under Sort By in the Item Display Options. When Default is the Sort By option, privileged users and groups are free to rearrange items.

I cannot apply styles to my regions; the Styles tab does not display on the Edit Region page.

Is the region a portlet region? Portlet regions cannot have their own style.

It might also be privilege-related. It is not enough to have the page privilege Manage, the page group option Allow Privileged Users to Manage Styles must also be selected for you to be able to change region styles. Ask your page group or portal administrator either to select this option for the page group, or to grant you a higher level of privilege, for example, the page group privilege Manage Styles.

I granted a privilege to a user and clicked Apply, but the privilege was not granted.

When you grant a privilege, before you click Apply or OK, you must first click Add next to the Grantee field.

What controls are available for sub-page links regions?

Sub-page links regions have controls at the page and region levels.

At the page level, you can choose specific sub-pages to include or omit from display and you can select to display sub-page links alphabetically. These controls are on the Optional tab of page properties. For more information, see Section 8.9, "Defining the Display of Sub-Page Links".

At the region level, you can specify whether one or two levels of sub-pages display, provide a character to separate pages listed at the secondary sub-page level, select the attributes to display with each sub-page link, and choose the default or another icon that users click to navigate up the sub-page hierarchy. These controls are available when you edit a sub-page link region's properties. For more information, see Section 11.2.7, "Setting Sub-Page Links Region Properties".

I want to publish a page as a portlet, but I don't want every region on the source page to display.

  1. Go to the page on which the page portlet is placed.

  2. Click the page portlet's Edit Defaults icon.

  3. Select Display Selected Regions.

  4. Check only those regions that should be displayed in the page portlet.

  5. Click OK.

My page portlet is using the style of the target page rather than the style of its source page, as I have specified.

Page portlets always take their header and border colors from the page on which they are placed. This is because the display of headers and borders is controlled on the target page, rather than from any values set for the source page's style.

One way around this is to edit the region in which the page portlet is placed and turn off the display of portlet headers and borders. If the page portlet contains its own portlets, you must also turn off the display of headers and borders for regions on the page portlet's source page.

For information on turning off region headers and borders, see Section 11.2.12, "Displaying or Hiding Portlet Headers and Borders".

Portlet background colors usually are specified by the style that is applied to the page on which the portlets are placed. With a page portlet, there is a way to display the source page's background color. Edit the style that is applied to the page on which the page portlet is placed (the target page). For the style element Portlet Body Color, remove the value from the Background Color field, and click Apply. The background color specified for the page portlet's source page (that is, Background Color property of the Common style element) displays.

To illustrate this for yourself, create a page named Source and a page named Target. Create a Source Style for the Source page and a Target Style for the Target page. Set all the color values for Source Style to the red end of the color palette. Set all the color values for Target Style to the blue end of the color palette.


When you edit styles, a quick way to move from style element property to style element property is to click the style element property in the Preview section of the Edit Style page. This selects the style element property and displays all of its values for editing

Add some portlets and items to the Source and Target pages. Publish the Source page as a portlet. Place the Source page portlet onto the Target page.

For the Source page, experiment with selecting and de-selecting Use Style Of Page On Which Portlet Is Placed, and viewing the result on the Target page. Also, experiment with specifying and clearing the value field for the Background property of Target Style's Common style element.

How can I display portlet headers and borders on one portlet but not on another?

Put the portlets in different regions. Turn portlet headers and borders on in one region. Turn them off in another.

I was editing a page and I wanted to collapse portlets, but those controls were not visible.

The Collapse/Restore, Remove, and Personalize links do not display in Edit mode because editing and personalizing are different types of tasks. These links display in View mode.

When you want to edit a page without too much distraction from its existing content, consider switching from Graphical view to List or Layout view.

Is there a way to rearrange regions on a page?

Not directly. There is no drag-and-drop capability with regions. However, you can move content and delete and add regions pretty easily to achieve this effect. For example, in List view of page Edit mode, move all content to one region, which will act as a holding region. Delete the undesirable empty regions, then add regions in the desired layout. Finally, move the content from the holding region into their target home regions.

How do I add an item region to my view of a page?

You cannot add an item region when you personalize a page. One way around this is to upload the items to a page on which you have Edit privileges, for example a personal page. Then personalize the original page, add the Favorites portlet to it, then add links to your items to the Favorites portlet. For information on working with the Favorites portlet, see Section A.5.1, "Working with the Favorites Portlet". For information on adding a portlet to a page, see Section 2.3.1, "Adding a Portlet to a Page".

How do I get new regions to have exactly the same configuration as the region it was created from?

In most cases, a new region defaults to an undefined region. Change the region to the same type as the region that it was created from, and it will have the same property values and attributes or HTML content layout template selection as specified for the original region.

I want to add content to a region but get the message: Content cannot be added to this region because the region type is undefined

The region comes from a Portal Template, where the region type is not defined. Either define the region types on the applied Portal Template (see Section, "Editing Portal Templates for Pages"), or detach the page from the template (see Section, "Detaching a Portal Template from a Page").

Why can't I add content to a region?

You may not have sufficient privileges to add content. You must have at least the page (or tab) privilege Manage Content or Manage Items with Approval on the page or on the tab that contains the region.

If the page is based on a Portal Template, and the template region is locked, no one can add content to the region, unless they do so through a WebDAV client. If the default item region in a template is set not to allow users to add content, this setting is ignored by WebDAV when adding content to pages that are based on the template.

To unlock a region:

  1. Open the page or Portal Template in Edit mode, and edit the region.

  2. Select Enable Users To Included Content In This Region.

  3. Click OK to save your changes and return to the page or Portal Template.

I've locked a region, but users can still add content to it.

Region locking (by deselecting Enable Users To Included Content In This Region on a region) is a way to limit the types of actions users can perform on a region. How it works differs between page regions and template regions.

Once you lock a page region, when users personalize the page they cannot add content to the region or hide, show, delete, or move existing content. When users edit the page, they can still add, hide, show, delete, and move content.

When you lock a Portal Template region, no user can change the region content on pages that are based on the template. When users edit or personalize a page that is based on a template with locked regions, they will not be able to add content to the region, or hide, show, delete, or move existing content.

My page is not displaying all of my items.

An instance where content can be truncated on a portal page is when the containing region allows for a limited number of rows and columns. For example, if a page has eight items and the containing region is set for two columns and three rows, only six of the items display. The remaining two are truncated.

These truncated items display once the region column or row allowances are expanded. For more information, see Section 11.2.5, "Changing the Number of Columns and Rows in a Region".

I specified a region to be a particular width, but when I add content, the region is wider.

Region widths and heights never cause content to truncate. No matter what values you set, regions always expand to accommodate content. If exacting region proportions matter to your portal, you must size content to fit your regions.

If you cannot immediately see why the page content is expanding the width of the region, it might be helpful to look at the page source.

I'm creating a translation in a language that reads left to right. How can I configure my page to accommodate this?

Edit your page regions' item alignment options. Item region alignment options include the values Start and End. Start and End work in conjunction with portals using bidirectional languages. For languages reading right to left, Start aligns items right and End aligns items left. For languages reading left to right, Start aligns items left and End aligns items right.

Tab regions also include the Start and End alignment options.

The Display Name I entered for a tab is not displaying on the tab.

Are you using you own tab images, rather than those supplied by Oracle Portal? When you use your own tab images, the images themselves must include the text you want to display. In such cases, the Display Name you enter for the tab in tab properties is uses as the tab's Alt text. It displays when users move their mouse pointers over the tab.

I uploaded an image, and set Item Icon Height and Width values for the region, but this had no effect on the image.

Item Icon Height and Width values do not affect image items, but rather Image attributes. That is, they apply to images uploaded in support of the item rather than images used as the item's main content.

For example, when you upload a file item, you have the option of providing a value for the file item's Image attribute. This is the type of image that is affected by a region's Item Icon Height and Width properties.

The base item type Image, does not include the Image attribute. Though you could create a custom item type based on the Base Image item type, and include an Image attribute with that.

When I add a tab to a region, it aligns Center, but when I edit the tab region, its alignment option is set to Left. Additionally, Center is not on the list of tab alignment options.

When you add a tab to a center-aligned region, the tab is initially centered—even though Center is not a tab alignment option. To change the alignment of the tab, edit the tab region, select an alignment option, and click OK. If Left is already selected, though the tab is displaying Center, clicking OK will reset the tab alignment to Left.

You may note that when you edit the tab region, left-alignment is already selected for the region. Nonetheless, the tab does not initially display left-aligned because it has taken its defaults from the region from which it was created.

I cannot delete a tab/region from my Portal Template.

You can delete tabs and regions from Portal Templates only if no users have added content to the tab or region on pages that are based on the template. This is to prevent users without the appropriate privileges from managing content.