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Oracle® Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle Portal
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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19.14 Troubleshooting WebDAV Issues

I worked on an item through my WebDAV client, then checked it in through the portal user interface. Now I'm getting some odd behavior and seemingly unrelated error messages.

When it comes to checking files in and out of your portal, it is best to use the same agent to do both. For example, when you open a file through a WebDAV client, you are, in effect, checking it out. Another name for this is file locking. The file locks are controlled through the WebDAV client. When you check the file in through the portal user interface, it creates an unclear chain of control, which can result in odd behavior and the error messages you mention.

To avoid such conflicts and confusions, when you lock a portal item through a WebDAV client, be sure to unlock it, by closing the file, before interacting with the file through your portal. The same is true in the other direction. When you check an item out through the portal user interface, check it in through your portal before you access it through a WebDAV client.

Why can't I add a duplicate item to a page re-creating WebDAV. I can do this without errors through my portal user interface.

Circumstances influence whether you can add an item of the same name to a page through WebDAV. For example, you cannot use a WebDAV client to add an item that has the same name as a pending item. This is because it is seen as trying to edit the pending item. You can use the portal user interface to add an item that has the same name as a pending item. This is because it is seen as adding a different item. The new item is created with a unique Name.

For information on which items are accessible in what states, see Section 18.9.3, "Item URL Security".

I do not see the item type I want to select in the Default WebDAV Item Types list.

The item types that display on the default WebDAV item types lists include only those file-based item types that are available in the page group. The page group administrator determines which item types are available in a page group. Of the available item types, only file-based item types (that is, standard and custom variations of File, Image, Image Map, and Zip File) display on these lists.

Why can't I add content to a region?

You may not have sufficient privileges to add content. You must have at least the page privilege Manage Content or Manage Items with Approval on the page that contains the region.

All pages, including those with no item regions, are visible on the WebDAV side. Moving or copying an item into a page with no item or no undefined regions produces an error.

You cannot add files to tabs in pages. If a page consists entirely of tabs, you cannot add items to the page even though it is listed in the WebDAV client.

If the page is based on a Portal Template, and the template region is locked, no one can add content to the region, unless they do so through a WebDAV client. If the default item region in a template is set not to allow users to add content, this setting is ignored by WebDAV when adding content to pages that are based on the template.

To unlock a region:

  1. Open the page or Portal Template in Edit mode, and edit the region.

  2. Select Enable Users To Included Content In This Region.

  3. Click OK to save your changes and return to the page or Portal Template.

I cannot get Web Folders to work properly as my WebDAV client.

Customers experiencing problems with Web Folders have noticed a marked improvement when they update MSDAIPP.DLL to version 12.0.4518.1014 or later. Typically this dll is located on your file system in C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\Ole DB. At the time of publication, updates were available through Microsoft at:

Customers experiencing problems with Web Folders have noticed a marked improvement when they update MSDAIPP.DLL to version 12.0.4518.1014 or later. Typically this dll is located on your file system in C:Program Files\Common Files\System\Ole DB. At the time of publication, updates were available through Microsoft at:

I cannot duplicate an item in a WebDAV folder.

In Web Folders, depending on your operating system, you cannot copy a file into the same folder. For example, in Windows 2000, dragging an item from the right pane into the same folder in the left pane will raise an error.

How do I add a translated version of an item through WebDAV?

Currently, there is no way to do this. WebDAV clients display only the current version of an item, and only the version in the page group's default language (that is, the language in which the page group was created). Translations of items are not visible in WebDAV clients.

I copied an item in my WebDAV client, and two additional items displayed in the portal user interface along with my original item.

The original item probably had a couple of associated sub-items. When this is the case, a copy executed through a WebDAV client copies related sub-items as well as the parent item, and places the sub-items at the same level as the parent item. The content is copied, but the item/sub-item relationship is not retained.

I get errors when I try to do a multiple select and move of items in my WebDAV client.

It may be that some of the items have associated sub-items. When you select multiple items for moving, and these include items and sub-items, you may encounter error messages, and all the files may not be moved. This is because, in a multiple move, the WebDAV client attempts to move each item in turn, regardless of whether the item is a parent item or a sub-item.

If the parent item is moved first, all of its sub-items are moved with it. Then the client attempts to go back and move the parent's associated sub-items (one at a time). Because they no longer exist in the source folder, an error message is displayed. Similarly, if the sub-item is moved first, when the client attempts to move the parent item, it displays an error message because it cannot find the parent's associated sub-item.

Item versioning is enabled, but when I add a new version of an item, I get the message that the file will be overwritten.

In some clients, for example, Windows 2000, the message you receive when you add a new version of an item may imply that you are overwriting the file rather than adding a new version. This is a limitation of the client's messaging. When Simple or Audit versioning is enabled for a page, saving a file to your portal through the WebDAV client always creates a new version.

I tried to move an item using my WebDAV client, and got a message asking me to verify that I wanted to delete the file.

In Web Folders, when you move an item you may get an error message asking you to verify that you want to delete the file. This is due to the underlying behavior of the client. It does not affect the actual action that is being performed. In other words, despite the message, the file is moved and not deleted.

I do not see some of my pages in my WebDAV client.

Are the page types other than the Standard page type? Only Standard pages are exposed in WebDAV. No other page types are listed, nor are custom pages that are based on the Standard page, type.

I tried to copy/move a page from one page group to another and got an error.

Copying pages across page groups is not supported in Oracle Portal. To perform this action using WebDAV, copy the pages to your local file system (where they display as folders), then copy them from the file system to the target page group.

The Oracle Portal-specific menus are not working on Oracle Drive.

Ask your administrator to verify that the Base Search URL (on the Global Settings, Search tab) is correct. Should this setting be updated, you must then disconnect and reconnect to Oracle Drive to get this fix to take effect.

Once you reconnect to Oracle Drive, the change is populated to the orctxmenu.xml file. This file is located on your file system under C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\Application Data\Oracle\ODrive\cache\WebDAV<portal url>.