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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Portal
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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This manual describes how to build portlets for Oracle Portal (Oracle Portal) using a variety of tools and technologies. This manual includes information that helps you understand the various technology choices open to you, choose the technology that best meets your requirements, and use the appropriate tools to build and deploy your portlets.

Intended Audience

This manual is intended primarily for portal developers, but page designers may also find it useful. This manual guides you through the process of first understanding and choosing a portlet technology, and then building your portlets with that technology.

What Is a Portal Developer? A portal developer is a user who writes code to help make a portal meet the specific requirements of an organization. For example, a portal developer may build portlets and make them available to page designers and other users for inclusion on their pages. This type of portal developer is also referred to as a portlet developer. A portal developer may also use the public APIs provided with OracleAS Portal to perform certain portal tasks programmatically, rather than through the product's user interface. A portal developer will generally, although not always, be someone with at least some programming knowledge. The privileges assigned to a portal developer depend on the type of tasks that developer performs.


Examples of how to use APIs to perform content management tasks will be provided soon on Portal Center ( and will be incorporated into a later release of this guide.

What Is a Portlet Developer? A portlet developer is a user with the following global privileges: Create All Portal DB Providers and Manage All Shared Components. Since OracleAS Portal offers such a wide spectrum of tools and technologies for building portlets, a portlet developer may or may not have substantial programming background.


You can find information on using Portlet Builder in Appendix A "Creating Portlets with the Portlet Builder" of the Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Portal 10g Release 2 (10.1.4) in the Oracle Fusion Middleware 10g Release 2 ( library located on the Oracle Technology Network (OTN) (

What Is a Page Designer? A page designer, also known as a page manager, is a user with the Manage privilege on a page. A user with this privilege can perform any action on the page and can create sub-pages under the page. The page designer is often responsible for designing the layout (or region configuration) of the page and assigning privileges on the page to other users (for example, to determine who can add content to the page).

The scope of a page designer's control over a page may be limited if the page is based on a template.

More on Portal Center

For information about the different privileges in Oracle Portal and how these affect the tasks you can perform, see the Oracle Portal User's Guide.


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Related Documents

For more information, see the following manuals in the Oracle Portal documentation set:


You can find all documentation related to Oracle Portal on the OracleAS Portal Documentation page on OTN (

You may also find the following manuals in the Oracle Fusion Middleware documentation set useful:


You can find documentation related to Oracle Fusion Middleware on OTN (


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METADATA_REP_ORACLE_HOME Represents the full path of the OracleAS Infrastructure home containing the Oracle Metadata Repository, and is used where it is necessary to distinguish between the middle tier, Oracle Application Server Infrastructure, or Oracle Metadata Repository.