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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Desktop Integration Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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D Using Workbook Management Tools

This appendix describes how to use the workbook conversion utility and the workbook administration tool. You can use these tools to prepare and manage workbooks that you integrate with a Fusion web application.

This appendix includes the following sections:

D.1 Using the Workbook Conversion Utility

Use the conversion utility to convert an Excel workbook so that you can start configuring the workbook with Oracle ADF functionality. Section 4.4, "Preparing Your Workbook" describes how you run the conversion utility.

The Oracle ADF Desktop Integration module stores the conversion utility (convert-adfdi-excel-solution.exe) in the following directory:


where ADFDI_CLIENT refers to the directory in which you set up the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration module as described in Section 3.7, "Using the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration Module on a Machine with Multiple Instances of JDeveloper".

Table D-1 describes the arguments that the conversion utility supports.

Table D-1 Workbook Conversion Utility Command-line Arguments

Use this argument... To...


Attach properties to an Excel workbook so that you can configure it to use Oracle ADF functionality.

Example usage:

convert-adfdi-excel-solution.exe MyWorkbook.xlsx -attach


Remove design time, test mode, and runtime Oracle ADF functionality from an integrated Excel workbook. Use this argument if you want to send an integrated Excel workbook to a user who does not have the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration client framework installed. This allows the user to open the integrated Excel workbook without receiving an error message.

Example usage:

convert-adfdi-excel-solution.exe MyWorkbook.xlsx -detach


Use this argument to change the mode of an integrated Excel workbook from its current mode to design mode, test mode, or runtime mode. Use the -mode argument in conjunction with one of the following three arguments to change to the desired mode:

  • DT

    Changes the workbook to design mode.

  • RT

    Changes the workbook to runtime mode.

  • TST

    Changes the workbook to test mode.

The following example converts a workbook to design mode:

convert-adfdi-excel-solution.exe MyWorkbook.xlsx -mode DT

Use the -mode argument with caution and be aware that the functionality that it provides is not equivalent to the functionality provided by the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration Designer toolbar. For example, if you change to runtime mode (using -mode RT), the clean up steps that occur when you use the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration Designer toolbar menu button do not occur. Similarly, if you use it to switch to design mode (-mode DT), placeholder text that was present prior to publication is not reintroduced.


Modify the value of a workbook's WebAppRoot property. This argument may be useful where you want to change the WebAppRoot property of multiple workbooks through a command-line script.

Example usage:

convert-adfdi-excel-solution.exe MyWorkbook.xlsx -root http://myhost:8988/MyApp

The recommended method of changing a workbook's WebAppRoot property is through the property inspector for workbook properties in design mode or through the Edit Options dialog box when you switch a workbook to test mode.


Use this argument to determine if a workbook has been converted for integration with Oracle ADF and, if so, identify the solution ID and customization version.

Example usage:

convert-adfdi-excel-solution.exe MyWorkbook.xlsx -view


Remove the value of the WebAppRoot workbook property and the mode (design, test, or runtime) from a workbook that is integrated with Oracle ADF. When used in conjunction with the detach argument, this argument can be used to return a workbook to a known state.

Example usage:

convert-adfdi-excel-solution.exe MyWorkbook.xlsx -wipe


Displays help information about the command-line arguments that the workbook conversion utility supports.

D.2 Using the Workbook Administration Tool

Use the workbook administration tool to set values for a number of workbook properties, such as WebAppRoot, after you publish the finalized integrated Excel workbook. Use this tool if, for example, the URL of your Fusion web application changes after you publish the integrated Excel workbook.

You can also use it when you want to change workbook settings but cannot or do not want to set values for the HTTP filter as described in Section E.2, "Configuring HTTP Filter Parameters".

The workbook administration tool is a Java-based program that can be executed on operating systems that support the version of Java used by Oracle ADF. It also requires access to the adf-desktop-integration-admin-tool.jar file which is located in the following directory:


where ADFDI_CLIENT is the folder in which you set up the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration module as described in Section 3.7, "Using the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration Module on a Machine with Multiple Instances of JDeveloper".

The other requirements for components or utilities in the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration module, as outlined in Chapter 3, "Setting Up Your Development Environment", do not apply to the workbook administration tool.

To change workbook settings using the workbook administration tool:

where <arg(s)> is one or more of the required or optional arguments that are described in Table D-2.

Table D-2 Command-line Options for the Workbook Administration Tool

Provide a value for this argument... To... Is a value for this argument required?


Specify the directory path to the workbook to update.



Set the value for this property to the fully qualified URL for the web application that you want to integrate your desktop application with.



Change the workbook mode to one of the following:

  • RT

    where RT specifies runtime mode.

  • DT

    where DT specifies design mode.

  • TST

    where TST specifies test mode.

For more information about workbook modes, see Section 5.1, "Introduction to the Development Tools".



Specify the directory path and file name for the output file.



Specify this argument if you do not want to generate verbose output.



Print help information.


The following command creates a copy of the workbook (text.xlsx) in runtime mode (RT) for a Fusion web application (http://hostname:8988/FODADFBC) and writes it to a directory with a new file name (myresult.xlsx):

java -cp adf-desktop-integration-admin-tool.jar oracle.adf.desktopintegration.admintool.WorkbookAdminTool -workbook test.xlsx -mode RT -root http://hostname:8988/FODADFBC -out myresult.xlsx