Setting Up Tax Processing and Tax Reporting

This chapter provides an overview of PeopleSoft Asset Management tax processing and reporting and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Tax Processing and Reporting

PeopleSoft Asset Management provides a number of tables to help you manage your tax precessing and reporting needs.

Click to jump to parent topic(AUS) Defining VAT Thresholds

Set up VAT Thresholds using the Thresholds - VAT (ASSET_THRESHOLDS) component, the VAT Defaults (VAT_DFLT_SRCH_DTL) component, .

This section provides an overview of VAT thresholds and discusses how to define VAT thresholds.

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The Asset Thresholds page enables you to store thresholds for a number of adjustment periods to satisfy Australia's legislative requirements. Under Australia's "Goods and Services Tax: Division 129 - Making Adjustments For Changes In Extent Of Creditable Purpose," clients who make a form of supply known as Input Taxed Supply need to track fixed assets utilized in making this type of supply. You can track fixed assets used for Input Taxed Supply from reporting period to reporting period and make adjustments to account for any changes.

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Asset Thresholds


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Asset Management, Taxes, Thresholds − VAT, Thresholds-VAT

Store thresholds for a number of adjustment periods.

VAT Defaults Setup


Select VAT Default link from the Asset Class definition page.

Specify VAT Defaults Setup.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining VAT Thresholds

Access the Thresholds-VAT page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Asset Management, Taxes, Thresholds − VAT, Thresholds-VAT).

Enter the thresholds from amount and to amount range, as well as the number of years required for mandatory review.

Note. The system does not validate the range of thresholds that you specify. To satisfy the threshold ranges specified by the legislation, the amount ranges do not overlap.

Keep the following criteria in mind when identifying thresholds:

Note. For calculation of last date of review, if the cost of an asset is greater than the maximum to amount threshold, the number of years for the maximum to amount threshold is used.

See (AUS) Using PeopleSoft Asset Management Options to Meet Australian Requirements.

See Setting Up Asset Classes.

Click to jump to parent topic(AUS) Defining Asset Unit Aggregate RD

Set up Asset Unit Aggregate RD using the Asset Unit Aggregate RD (BU_AGG_RD ) component.

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Asset Unit Aggregate RD


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Asset Management, Taxes, Asset Unit Aggregate RD – AUS, Asset Unit Aggregate RD-AUS

Calculate research and development tax deductions for R&D plant assets.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Asset Unit Aggregate RD

Access the Asset Unit Aggregate RD page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Asset Management, Taxes, Asset Unit Aggregate RD - AUS, Asset Unit Aggregate RD-AUS).

To calculate the amount of deductions that it is possible to claim, enter the aggregate R&D amount for each fiscal year. Enter the fiscal year, expenditure, and description for the business unit.

See (AUS) Using PeopleSoft Asset Management Options to Meet Australian Requirements.

See (AUS) Using PeopleSoft Asset Management Options to Meet Australian Requirements.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Tax Credits

To define tax credits, use the Tax Credit (TAX_CREDITS) component and the Credit Status (TAX_CR_STATUS) component.

This section discusses how to set up tax credits.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Tax Credits

PeopleSoft Asset Management is delivered with tax credits defined as business incentive credits:

These credits are based on existing U.S. tax law, and it is recommended that you review the delivered Tax Credit table before adding any credits.

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Tax Credits


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Asset Management, Taxes, Credits

Set up your own tax credit tables or modify existing tables.

Tax Credit Status


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Asset Management, Taxes, Credit Status

Set up credit statuses for tax credits by country.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Tax Credits

Access the Tax Credits page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Asset Management, Taxes, Credits).

Reduction Type

Indicates whether a reduction in the cost basis is required. Three codes are provided:

B: Basis reduction

P: Percentage rate reduction

N: No reduction

Tax Credit

Enter the tax credit amount.

Basis Reduction Rate Percent

Enter the corresponding rate to reduce the basis. A basis reduction rate of 100 percent means that there will be no reduction in the cost basis of the asset to which the tax credit rate is applied.

Click to jump to parent topic(FRA) Defining Business Tax by Location

Use the Business Tax by Location (ASSET_LOC_RATE) component to define business tax by location.

PeopleSoft Asset Management enables you to store tax rates by location. These tax rates are used to calculate and report business tax assessed on the gross value of fixed assets. This taxation method is used in global settings, especially France.

See Also

(FRA) Using PeopleSoft Asset Management Options to Meet French Requirements

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Definition Name



Asset Loc Rate


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Asset Management, Taxes, Business Tax by Location, Asset Loc Rate

Enter and store tax rates by location. Rates are used to calculate and report a business tax assessed on the gross value of fixed assets in some countries, especially France.

Click to jump to parent topic(CAN, IND, and USA) Defining and Maintaining Tax Classes

Use the Tax Class Definition (TAX_CLASS_DEFN) component to set up tax classes.

This section provides an overview of how to use tax classes and discusses how to define tax classes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding How to Use Tax Classes

Tax class is a classification system established by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to determine the period over which you can expense tax depreciation. The IRS has assigned classes to particular types of depreciable property, and there are assigned rates for each class. The classifications delivered with PeopleSoft Asset Management list the available IRS-defined tax classes.

Tax class rates are used in Canada to calculate depreciation as allowed by the Capital Cost Allowance (CCA). Asset pools or classes and CCA rates are set by governmental regulations. In the year that assets are acquired, 50 percent of the normal rate should be used. The value that you enter for an asset tax class for the CCA rate percent is used later when you run a process to calculate the CCA rate.

Tax class is also used to define tax rates by group for processing tax and depreciation in India. The tax group is a subcategory of the tax block in India. PeopleSoft Asset Management defines tax blocks in the Asset Block component. Therefore, tax class is a subgroup of the asset block in PeopleSoft Asset Management. The tax class is associated with assets in the Profile component and the Express Add component as Guideline Class.

See Also

(CAN) Using Asset Management Options to Meet Canadian Requirements

(IND) Using PeopleSoft Asset Management Options to Meet Indian Requirements

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Definition Name



Tax Class


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Asset Management, Taxes, Classes, Tax Class

Set up or review tax classes. Tax Class determines the period over which you expense tax depreciation. The Tax Class table for the SHARE tableset is shipped with guideline class lives for property. Tax Class is informational only and is not used in any calculations. You can set up your own tax classes or use those already set up in the SHARE Tax Class table. Define class and block rate for the tax class. This is equivalent to the tax group for India.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Tax Classes

Access the Classes page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Asset Management, Taxes, Classes, Classes).

Class Life Range


Enter the asset lifetime expectancy minimum in a range.


Enter the asset lifetime expectancy average or middle or range.


Enter the asset lifetime expectancy maximum in a range.

Class/Block Rate

Asset Block

Enter the asset block with which this tax class should be associated for depreciation and tax reporting in India. Asset tax blocks are defined by the Indian Tax Depreciation Act (Indian Income Tax Act 1961).

Rate % (rate percentage)

(CAN) Canada: Enter the appropriate CCA rate percentage for this tax class to calculate the CCA for Canada.

The Capital Cost Allowance (CCA) is "a tax deduction that Canadian tax laws allow a business to claim for the loss in value of capital assets due to wear and tear or obsolescence" (Canada Customs and Revenue Agency). If you buy a property or a piece of equipment to use in your business, you don't deduct the entire cost of it against your income for that particular year. Instead, you deduct a calculated portion of the expense over a period of years as the property or the equipment depreciates. The Canada Customs and Revenue Agency has assigned classes to particular types of depreciable property, and there are assigned rates for each class.

(IND) India: Enter the tax group rate percentage that will be associated with the asset block and tax entity used to process depreciation and tax reporting for India.

See Also

(CAN) Using Asset Management Options to Meet Canadian Requirements

Using the Global Features of PeopleSoft Asset Management

Click to jump to parent topic(IND) Setting Up Tax Asset Blocks

Use the Asset Block (ASSET_BLOCK) component to define asset blocks.

This section provides an overview of asset blocks and discusses how to define asset blocks.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Asset Blocks

Asset blocks are required for India tax reporting. According to the Indian Tax Depreciation Act (Indian Income Tax Act 1961), does not recognize depreciation on individual assets. Instead, it groups similar pools of assets under the concept of a tax block. There are only four blocks of assets prescribed under the act:

Annual tax depreciation is reported to the India tax authority per tax block, per fiscal year. The PeopleSoft system uses the asset block to maintain tax block definitions for India.

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Definition Name



Asset Block


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Asset Management, Taxes, Asset Block, Asset Block

Define assets blocks. This is equivalent to the tax block for India.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Asset Blocks

Access the Asset Block page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Asset Management, Taxes, Asset Block, Asset Block).

See Also

(IND) Using PeopleSoft Asset Management Options to Meet Indian Requirements

Click to jump to parent topic(IND) Defining Tax Entities and Tax Options

Use the Tax Entity Definition (TAX_ENTITY_DEFN) component to define tax entities and tax options.

This section discusses how to:

The tax entity is the reporting entity for depreciation and taxes in India. It is defined by the asset blocks, tax class tax rates, setID calendar, and business unit and books that are associated with it.

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Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Asset Management, Taxes, Tax Entity Definition, Entity

Define the tax reporting entity. Tax entity is composed of one or more business units, and tax reporting is required per entity for India.

Tax Options


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Asset Management, Taxes, Tax Entity Definition, Tax Options

Define the 50 percent rule as it applies for assets. Assets in India are grouped separately to include assets that have been in service for more than 180 days in one group and those that have been in service for less than 180 days in another. For assets in service less than 180 days, only 50 percent of normal depreciation rate is allowed (per Section 32).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Tax Entities for Indian Tax Reporting

Access the Entity page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Asset Management, Taxes, Tax Entity Definition, Entity).

Tax/Reporting Entity

Displays the name of the tax reporting entity that you are defining or working with.

Entity Book

The value selected here defines how to group the tax or reporting entity. All asset books are available regardless of setID.

Calendar SetID

Select the setID for the calendar that you want to associate with this entity book. Once a calendar setID is selected, you are limited to the calendar IDs available within that setID.

Calendar ID

Select the calendar ID from the available calendars for the selected setID.

Business Unit

Enter the business unit to be included in this tax reporting entity from the list of available business units.

Book Name

Enter the asset book name (business unit or book) to be included in this tax reporting entity from the list of available business unit or book definitions.


Displays the calendar code.


Displays the currency code based on the value associated with the book entered.

Conversion Date

The conversion date is equal to the actual date or fiscal year start date of the beginning of asset management operations in India. This determines whether you can modify the opening balance calculated in the first fiscal year. This is used only for tax report entity and not just reporting entity.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Tax Options

Access the Tax Options page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Asset Management, Taxes, Tax Entity Definition, Tax Options).

This page defines whether to use the Indian 50 percent rule. Assets owned for less than the specified number of days are depreciated at half of the normal rate, or 50 percent. It also defines whether manual adjustments to the tax depreciation balance inquiry (TAX_DEPR_BAL) page are allowed.

50% rule, assets in service <

Enter the maximum number of in-service days to which the 50 percent rule applies. For example, if the 50 percent rule applies for assets in service less than 180 days, enter 180.


Select the country for which the 50 percent rule applies.

Update on Close Balances

Select one of these options:

Update on Close Balances: Select this option if the calculated closing balance can be manually adjusted.

Update on other amounts: Select this option if other calculated amounts can be manually adjusted.

See Also

(IND) Using PeopleSoft Asset Management Options to Meet Indian Requirements

Click to jump to parent topic(JPN) Defining Owner Information and Return Information

Use the Owner Information (OWNER_INFO_DEFN ) and the Return Information (RETURN_INFO_DEFN1) components to enter information used in the Tax Roll report.

This section lists the pages used to enter information for the Tax Roll report.

This feature is used in Japanese tax reporting.

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Owner Information


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Asset Management, Taxes, Owner Information Defn. - JPN, Owner Information

Enter owner information that is printed on the Depreciable Asset Tax Return (Tax Roll) report.

Return Information


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Asset Management, Taxes, Return Information Defn. - JPN, Return Information

Enter information that is required for the Depreciable Asset Tax Return (Tax Roll) report.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Japanese Tax Information

See (JPN) Using PeopleSoft Asset Management Options to Meet Japanese Requirements.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Retirement Basis Reduction Codes

To set up retirement basis codes, use the Retirement Basis Reduction (TRAN_EXCLUDE_TBL) component.

This section discusses how to define retirement basis codes.

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Retirement Basis Reduction


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Asset Management, Financials, Retirement Basis Reduction

Set up retirement basis reduction codes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Retirement Basis Codes

Access the Retirement Basis Reduction page.

These codes are used when you opt to retire an asset by using its original cost basis adjusted by all non-excluded transactions. In this way, for example, you could exclude any indexed revaluation adjustments.

Note. For this option to work correctly, any transaction type or types that you want to exclude must have unique transaction codes.

Click to jump to parent topic(USA) Defining Qualified Investment Codes

To set up qualified investment codes, use the Qualified Investment Codes (QIV) component.

This section provides an overview of qualified investment codes and lists the page used to define qualified investment codes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Qualified Investment Codes

When one or more tax credits are taken for an asset, you may need to adjust the basis of that asset before additional credits can be computed. PeopleSoft Asset Management uses the Qualified Investment Codes to determine the portion of the asset's basis that qualifies for the tax credit. Eligibility for each code is determined by the effective date compared to the placed-in-service date for the asset. In addition to tax credits, standard Qualified Investment Codes corresponding to a specific tax system and life are included with the delivered tableset.

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Qualified Investment


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Asset Management, Taxes, Qualified Investments, Qualified Investments

Add or modify qualified investment codes.

Enter a unique ID to add a new code. Define the life expressed as periods in Compare Life. The life entered here is validated against the asset's useful life.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Property Tax Authorities

Use the Tax Authority (AM_TAX_AUTHORITY) component to define the property taxing authority codes.

Property tax is administered differently based on the governing laws based on the taxing structure of the location of the property.

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Tax Authority


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Asset Management, Taxes, Property Tax Authorities, Tax Authorities

Define codes for property tax authorities to be used to associate with taxable property assets.