Performing Data Conversion

This chapter provides overviews of customer data conversion, pending data conversion, posted customer history data conversion, and item and payment data conversion and discusses how to perform data conversion using the DC_PENDITEM_CI component interface.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Customer Data Conversion

PeopleSoft Receivables stores customer setup information—address, contact information, credit information, and processing options—on tables that are keyed by setID. Customer receivable information such as balances, aging information, and payment history is stored on tables keyed by business unit.

This architecture may be very different from that of your existing system and affects conversion activities in two ways:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Pending Data Conversion

The Receivable Update process is the only method that PeopleSoft Receivables uses to update posted information: customer balance and history information, corresponding item information, item activity, item value-added tax (VAT) activity, and item accounting entries.

The following tables contain pending item information that the Receivable Update process processes:

In this chapter, we discuss approaches and considerations that are important when you convert accounts receivable from your existing system to PeopleSoft Receivables. The "Developing Interfaces for Customers and Pending Items" chapter discusses this topic in more detail.

See Developing Interfaces for Customers and Pending Items.

The PS_GROUP_CONTROL and PS_PENDING_ITEM tables that contain pending information are populated by interface programs that you supply to convert receivables from your existing system and bring in information from billing systems.

The PS_PENDING_VAT table has a specialized use for VAT processing, and the interface program populates it during conversion. You generally do not need to populate the PS_PENDING_DST table, as we discuss later in this section.

The PS_PENDING_TAX and PS_PENDING_TAX_DTL tables are used for tax processing in India. The interface program populates the tables during conversion.

Conversion Example

You decide to keep all customer setup information in one TableSet. Five business units share the customer information in this TableSet. Some customers may have balances in all five business units; others may have a balance in only one or two business units.

The interface program that you create to add customer information to PeopleSoft Receivables populates the necessary customer tables for the TableSet. Meanwhile, the interface program that you create to bring in existing receivables creates groups of pending items. The pending item records contain the relevant business unit and customer combinations.

For each open item a customer has in a business unit, the interface program creates a pending item with an assigned business unit, customer ID, and item ID. When the Receivable Update process processes these pending items, it determines if it can use the customer ID that is established in the tableset for this business unit. It then creates the customer balance and history information for the customer in the business unit.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Posted Customer History Data Conversion

The Receivable Update process updates the following tables with posted data at the customer level:




Balance and event information.


Balance and event information at the subcustomer level. If you do not use the subcustomer option, the table will not contain any information.


One row for each history element for each fiscal year and accounting period.


One row for each history element for each fiscal year and accounting period at the subcustomer level. If you do not use the subcustomer option, the table will not contain any information.

PeopleSoft Receivables does not support updating these four tables outside of the Receivable Update process. Therefore, the amount of item data that you choose to convert determines the amount and type of customer history information you will have after conversion before ongoing processing begins.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Item and Payment Conversion

You must consider a number of issues related to converting items when planning a conversion and the ongoing use of the system.

This section discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicConversion of Open and Closed Items

Convert only open items or convert both open and closed items. Make this decision based on the requirements of your system, the quality of data in your existing system, the amount of historical data that you want in PeopleSoft Receivables after conversion (before ongoing processing begins), and the level of effort that you can devote to the conversion process.

The advantages of converting only open items include:

The disadvantages of converting only open items may include:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTransaction Detail for Items

For converting open items, evaluate whether to bring in only the current balance on the item or to also include transaction detail that may be in the balance.

For example, suppose in your existing system you have an invoice with an open balance. The balance is a result of the original invoice, minus a credit memo that is applied against it. With PeopleSoft Receivables, you can convert the item with its current balance or bring in both the original invoice and the credit memo.

To bring in the balance only, the conversion interface program creates one pending item. When you bring in both the invoice and the credit memo, you create two pending items, each containing the same business unit, customer ID, and item ID. You assign an appropriate entry type to each item as well as an amount and a number of other values. The Receivable Update process creates one row in the Item Table (PS_ITEM) for the item and two rows in the Item Activity table (PS_ITEM_ACTIVITY), one for each pending item. That is, after you post both pending items, PS_ITEM contains the balance for the item, and PS_ITEM_ACTIVITY contains all rows that affected the balance.

For converting closed items, create two pending items with the same amount: one to open the item and the other to close it. PeopleSoft Receivables does not support the direct entry of a closed item; a pending item cannot have an amount of zero.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPayment Conversion

To understand the alternatives for converting payment information, you should understand how payment processing works in PeopleSoft Receivables.

The goal of all payment application methods—express deposit, the payment worksheet, and the Payment Predictor Application Engine process (ARPREDCT)—is to create pending groups for posting. These payment application methods enable the cash applier to identify what is paid and to create necessary adjustments without having to construct the group directly. In this way, you can process deposits and payments that you received from the bank from the perspective of their source documents.

The end result of payment application, regardless of the method used, is one pending group for each payment: a row in PS_GROUP_CONTROL and one or more rows in PS_PENDING_ITEM, depending on how many items were paid by the payment.

If you have already entered the deposit information and applied the payment in a zero balance form in your current system, no real value exists in creating deposits and payments, and then reapplying the payments to create groups to send through the Receivable Update process. Directly creating the pending items that reflect the result of your current application process is more efficient than using our online or background processes to create the items, reenter these payments, and then reapply them to items. You have already accomplished this matching in your current system.

To understand how to construct these pending items, you need to understand the use of item entry types and automatic entry types.

Item Entry Types

PeopleSoft Receivables uses item entry types to identify pending items that are created during online item entry or by an external interface. When you enter or build pending items that make up a group, you use entry types that you specifically enable for use as item entry types. Two types of item entry types are available: those with positive amounts (associated with the system function IT-01) and those with negative amounts (IT-02).

Automatic Entry Types

Automatic entry types work in the background to translate instructions for overdue charging, payments, maintenance, draft and direct debit processing, and transfers into pending items. When you initiate an online or background process for these types of groups, such as selecting an item on one of the worksheets or running the Payment Predictor process, the system creates the necessary pending item by using the information that is defined on the automatic entry type for that action.

For example, every time you select an item for payment on the payment worksheet, the system uses the entry type, entry reason, and accounting entry information from the WS-01 (Pay An Item) automatic entry type to create the pending item.

Automatic entry types fall into six categories:

Entry Types

The program that converts existing items should create the necessary pending items to represent the level of detail that you want to see after you post the converted items. These pending items include payments that are applied to items and any form of debit or credit memo that you use in your existing system.

You establish entry types and entry reasons, if necessary, to represent the different types of entries that you convert. You then qualify these entry types for use as item entry types on the setup tables. Entry types that are expected to have a positive amount are associated with the IT-01 system function; entry types that are expected to have a negative amount are associated with the IT-02 system function.

On the pending item itself, supply the entry type and entry reason values, and place a value in the entry use ID field—either IT-01 or IT-02—that is associated with the entry type.

The entry types that you use for conversion can be the same as or different from the entry types that you use on an ongoing basis. By using a different entry type, you can clearly identify the entry as created during conversion. If you use the same entry types, you should disable their use as item entry types when conversion is complete to prevent entry of an item with this entry type into the group entry environment.

For example, you decide to convert open receivables and any receivables that are closed within the last 30 days. You must convert transaction detail at least for closed items. You decide to use the PY entry type to represent payments that are made in your existing system, and you enable it as an item entry type of IT-02. You also enabled PY as an automatic entry type to represent payments that PeopleSoft Receivables records.

After you complete the conversion activities, you may want to inactivate PY as an item entry type. Alternatively, you could use a different entry type, such as CP for converted payments, to distinguish converted data from data that PeopleSoft Receivables processes.

You may want to use a similar approach for write-offs, deductions, or other types of transactions that you convert.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLine Item Feature

Use of the line item feature is an important implementation decision that affects conversion planning and scope. The conversion implications of using line items include:

What Happens During Line Item Conversion

During conversion:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicKey Dates

This table describes the significance of two important date fields on the PS_PENDING_ITEM table:



Accounting Date

Used as a basis for payment term and aging calculations.

Using the accounting calendar, the accounting date also determines which fiscal year and accounting period to associate with the pending item. The system uses the fiscal year and accounting period to create accounting entries for journal entries for the general ledger and to update customer history.

As Of Date

Used as a basis for payment term and aging calculations.

Two conversion approaches using these date fields are available:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReference Fields

Eight fields in the PS_PENDING_ITEM table contain related document information that the system uses for processing or page displays:

The maintenance worksheet uses the Document field to facilitate matching unless you enter your own matching criteria. When you specify on the worksheet that the system match items, it matches by comparing the item ID and item line number with the document and document line number of each item in the worksheet. Oracle designed this matching capability for instances in which subsequent activity against an invoice, such as a debit or credit memo, is assigned its own item ID by the originating billing system, with the original item ID supplied as reference information.

If you have this requirement in your application and want to use the matching feature in the maintenance worksheet, you should use the Document field—and line item, if necessary—to hold this information when you create pending items for debit memo and credit memo transactions.

You can display all of the fields on the preceding list without customization on the Item List inquiry page and on the worksheet application pages (payment, draft, maintenance, and transfer). If you have reference-type information for your business that requires this type of display, you may want to use one of the reference fields on the preceding list rather than a user field to hold critical application reference information.

One additional consideration when you are processing subsequent debits and credits from a billing system is whether to swap the document reference and item ID as part of your interface program. For example, your billing system assigns subsequent debit and credit memos their own item ID, but also supplies the original item ID in a reference field. Consider setting up your interface so that it can detect this condition, and have it place the document reference in the Item ID field (with a line number if appropriate) and the item ID in the Document reference field.

The Receivable Update process automatically matches the subsequent activity to the original item and saves you online maintenance activity.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUser-Defined Fields

Oracle provides 22 user-defined fields on the PS_PENDING_ITEM table in the delivered system that are exclusively for your use. These fields are known as user fields. The following table lists the fields:

Amount Fields

Date Fields

Character Fields































You may want to make two types of modifications to user fields:

Changing User Fields

Currently, the system processes all character user fields the same way. Note that the system takes the RP_I_USER values from PS_ITEM USER1 if PS_ITEM is updated. The following statement rolls forward an existing value if none is present on the PENDING_ITEM record:


You can change the way that you handle these fields on a case-by-case basis. You may want to specify that certain user fields not be overwritten if they have a value, regardless of the value on subsequent transactions. The following statement rolls forward an existing value even if a new value is present on the PENDING_ITEM that is to be processed:


You can change the way that the system processes numerics and dates in a similar fashion. To make modifications, open the AR_POSTING Application Engine program in PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Designer.

The following list shows the names of the sections that you need to modify based on the type of user field. You can modify the existing code or add a new effective-dated section with the changes.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Application Designer

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicYour Accounting Entry Approach

You need to make several decisions about how you use the accounting entry capabilities of PeopleSoft Receivables, including:

These decisions depend on whether you use more than one accounts receivable line for each pending item.

General Ledger Interface Approaches

Three common patterns are available for importing receivables-type accounting entry information.

Method 1: Billing to General Ledger

If you use this approach, the purpose of the accounting entries that PeopleSoft Receivables stores is to support the creation of subsequent accounting entries.

If you use only one receivables ChartField combination for each pending item, you can choose to have the Pending Group Generator Application Engine process (AR_PGG_SERV) generate these accounting entries for you by using an item entry template. You establish the baseline for subsequent processing, but prevent distribution by indicating on the item entry template that PeopleSoft Receivables will not distribute the accounting entries to the general ledger.

If you require more than one receivables ChartField combination for each pending item, PeopleSoft Receivables will not generate these accounting entries for you. Instead, you must populate PS_PENDING_DST with one or more lines that correspond to the open balance that is in each receivables ChartField combination to offset those amounts at payment or maintenance time. Use a flag on PS_PENDING_DST to indicate that PeopleSoft Receivables should not distribute the accounting entries to the general ledger. Because PeopleSoft Receivables does not distribute the accounting entries that you create, you can import only the lines that you need. A balanced entry is not required.

Method 2: Control Accounting

If you use this approach, the accounting entries that PeopleSoft Receivables stores have two purposes:

If you use only one receivables ChartField combination for each pending item, you can choose to have the Pending Group Generator process create these accounting entries for you through the use of an item entry template. The accounting template limits you to only two lines that are used for a balanced entry. Indicate on the template that PeopleSoft Receivables distributes the accounting entries to PeopleSoft General Ledger.

If you require more than one receivables ChartField combination for each pending item, PeopleSoft Receivables does not generate these accounting entries for you. You must populate PS_PENDING_DST directly as part of your billing interface program, indicating that PeopleSoft Receivables distributes the accounting entries to the general ledger. In this case, you must provide a fully balanced set of accounting entries.

Method 3: PeopleSoft Billing to PeopleSoft Receivables to PeopleSoft General Ledger

If you use this approach, the accounting entries that PeopleSoft Receivables stores have two purposes:

If you use only one receivables ChartField combination for each pending item and you have only one offsetting line, you can choose to have the Pending Group Generator process create these accounting entries for you through the use of an item entry template. Because you are limited to only two lines on the accounting entry template, you will not likely use this approach to create accounting entries that have the level of detail that the billing system usually provides. Indicate on the template that the accounting entries are distributed to the general ledger.

If you require more than one receivables ChartField combination for each pending item or more than one offsetting line, PeopleSoft Receivables cannot generate these accounting entries for you. Populate PS_PENDING_DST directly as part of your billing interface program, indicating that PeopleSoft Receivables distributes the accounting entries to the general ledger. In this case, you must provide a fully balanced set of accounting entries.

Conversion Implications

When you convert open or closed items from your current receivables system, you must establish the accounting entries that are required for subsequent processing, but you will not distribute them to the general ledger. This is similar to the ongoing processing that occurs in method 1, billing to general ledger.

If you do not distribute the accounting entries for converted items but you want to distribute them when importing ongoing billing information, you do not have to establish different entry types. Specify that PeopleSoft Receivables distributes accounting entries to the general ledger. Then for your conversion groups only, set values to prevent the resulting accounting entries from being distributed to the general ledger.


You can choose to have your interface programs populate PS_PENDING_DST concurrently with PS_GROUP_CONTROL and PS_PENDING_ITEM. This gives you control of the accounting entries so that entries that are too complicated for the templates to generate can be brought in from an interacting system.

Note. If you decide to create accounting entries within PeopleSoft Receivables as part of your background conversion or interface processing, you must supply additional field values on the pending item to support this processing. We discuss these fields in the "Developing Interfaces" chapter.

See Also

Developing Interfaces for Customers and Pending Items

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGroup Design and Size

Because your interface program builds groups for conversion and ongoing interface purposes, you must take several things into consideration in terms of group size and group structure. The most important consideration is how the group control and status information enables the operator to tie back to the source system for either conversion or ongoing interface balancing.

You use two fields on PS_GROUP_CONTROL to categorize groups: Origin and Group Type. Origin typically refers back to the source system, and Group Type represents the type of activity. Possible uses of these fields include:

No optimal size exist for a group in terms of how many pending items the group should contain. After balancing back to the source system is considered, other issues include:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMultiple Currencies

If you are converting or importing activity by using a foreign currency, you need to consider how the groups are composed. You can choose to bring in more than one currency within the same group or to limit groups to a single currency.

If you plan to create accounting entries during background processing, you must perform currency conversion in advance on the pending items and any pending VAT information or pending taxes for India that you are converting or importing.

Click to jump to parent topicPerforming Data Conversion Using the DC_PENDITEM_CI Component Interface

This section provides an overview of the DC_PENDITEM_CI component interface and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the DC_PENDITEM_CI Component Interface

When you implement the PeopleSoft Receivables system, you will want to convert existing information to the PeopleSoft Receivables system. Use the DC_PENDITEM_CI component interface and the Excel to Component Interface utility to populate existing PeopleSoft tables with data from third-party applications. The interface uses a combination of technologies such as iScript, Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, and Visual Basic for Application programs to convert data.

The DC_PENDITEM_CI component interface is a PeopleTools object that is created in PeopleSoft Application Designer that enables you to access a PeopleSoft component from another application. The component interface uses business logic to update the data in the Pending Item tables. You do this by using the ExceltoCI.xls Excel spreadsheet to map the data and move the data into the PeopleSoft Receivables tables.

The component interface populates these tables:

Note. Excel has a physical limitation of 256 columns and 65k rows. To work around these limitations, you may need to limit the import data so that the number of rows on the Data Input page does not exceed 65k.

The user must have privileges to the DC_PENDITEM_CI component interface with full access to create methods to run the component interface.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Component Interface Conversion Process

Use the Excel to Component Interface utility to run the component interface. When you build the worksheet template, select the DC_PENDITEM_CI component interface.

The PeopleTools documentation describes how to use the Excel to Component Interface utility in detail.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Component Interfaces

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicVerifying That the Data Conversion Is Successful

Use Application Designer to access PeopleSoft Query (Go, Query) where you can search for records in the PS_PENDING_ITEM table and the other tables that the interface populates.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPosting the Items in PeopleSoft Receivables

Run the Receivable Update process to post the pending items and update customer balances.

See Also

Running Receivable Update