Managing Contracts

This chapter provides an overview of contracts and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Contracts

The information within a contract controls multiple business processes. Users within different departments might be responsible for setting up a contract, administering the billing for the contract, administering the revenue recognition for the contract, processing any amendments for that contract, and so forth.

Effective contract management requires the ability to analyze contracts quickly and easily to gain insight into the specifications of the contract. The My Contracts page provides a view of a contract's status and customer, as well as a drill-down link to that contract. The Review Contract Summary page provides a more detailed view of contract specifications, such as products or services being sold, as well as the value of the contract. Inquiry pages enable you to review contract details.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating a Personal Contract List

This section discusses how to use the My Contracts page to:

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Page Name

Definition Name



My Contracts


Customer Contracts, My Contracts

View a list of contracts that you are actively tracking or managing. The My Contracts page provides a view of a contract's status and customer, and a drill-down link to that contract.

Search Contracts


Click the Search Contracts link on the My Contracts page.

Create a list of contracts that you are actively tracking or managing. Use this page to add contracts to your My Contracts page. Use search criteria at the top of the page to view a list of existing contracts matching the specified criteria. You can then add the displayed contracts to the My Contracts page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Your Contracts

Access the My Contracts page (Customer Contracts, My Contracts).

When you first access this page, the system displays only those contracts that you previously selected for your My Contracts list.


Click the links in this column to access the General Information page for more information about a specific contract.

Create New Contract

Click to add a new contract on the Contract - General page.

Search Contracts

Click to open the Search Contracts page, which enables you to view a list of contracts based on specified search criteria. You can select contracts to add to your My Contracts page from this location.

Contract Total

Displays the contract's current total amount. This is the same value that appears in the Estimated Total field on the Contract - General page (estimated total equals the revised gross minus the revised discount (or plus the surcharge) plus noninclusive prepaids plus the estimated amount).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating a Personal Contract List

Access the Search Contracts page (click the Search Contracts link on the My Contracts page).

When you first access this page, the system displays only those contracts that you previously selected for your My Contracts list.

Search Criteria

Enter specific search criteria to filter the results. If you leave these fields blank, the search returns all contracts. If you've enabled security, the system limits the list of returned contracts to those that you have permission to access.

My Contracts

If you select this check box in addition to other search criteria, the system searches only for those contracts that are included in your My Contracts list. When you access this page, the system automatically selects this check box.

Processing Status

Select a check box to limit the search to contracts that are Pending, Active, or Closed. You can select multiple processing statuses.

Contract List - General Tab

Select the General tab.

My Contract

Select to add a contract to or deselect to remove a contract from your My Contracts list.

Contract List - Details Tab

Select the Details tab.

My Contract

Select to add a contract to or deselect to remove a contract from your My Contracts list.


Click to access the Contract - General page, where you can manage the details of the specific contract.

Contract Total

Displays the contract's current total amount. This is the same value that appears in the Estimated Total field on the Contract - General page (estimated total equals the revised gross minus the revised discount (or plus the surcharge) plus noninclusive prepaids plus the estimated amount).

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Contract Summaries

Contract summaries are vital pieces of information for all organizations. The Review Contract Summary page enables you to view existing contract-related information, such as where the contract is in its life cycle, associated amendments, and contract amounts (including total amount invoiced, total cash collected, total revenue recognized, and total forecasted revenue).

This section discusses how to:

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Page Name

Definition Name



Review Contract Summary


Customer Contracts, Review Contract Summary, Review Contract Summary

Review contract summary details.

Contracts AR Items (contracts accounts receivable items)


Click the Contracts AR Items button on the Review Contract Summary page.

Review and edit AR item information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Contract Summaries

Access the Review Contract Summary page (Customer Contracts, Review Contract Summary, Review Contract Summary).

This page displays the contract type, contract status, customer, business unit, region code, and other vital contract information at a glance.

Note. This page does not support revenue from contract lines for which PeopleSoft Billing instead of PeopleSoft Contracts manages revenue. Therefore, revenue from contract lines with a revenue method of Billing Manages Revenue does not appear on this page.

Contract Number

Click to access the General contract definition page. The contract number is vital for record keeping. The number is defined when you set up the contract.

Amendment Number

Click to access the Contract Amendment page. If an amendment is associated with this contract, the current amendment number appears. If no amendment is associated with this contract, 0000000000 appears. Use the Contracts Amendment page to create a new amendment.

Note. If this is a contract in Pending status, no amendment number or link appears because an amendment is needed for a contract that is in an Active processing status only.

Contract Amounts

This group box provides a summary of amounts for the contract's negotiated amount, discounts and surcharges, and noninclusive prepaids. In addition, the system displays the total, estimated (less prepaids), and estimated total.

Total Billed

View the total amount after the Billing Finalization (BIIVC000) and the Projects/Contracts Interface (BIPCC000) processes are complete. This is the actual amount sent to the customer, which includes the extraction of any discounts.

Total Collected

View the total amount that is collected or click the Accounts Receivable button for more detailed information. The total collected amount includes sales tax.

Note. The total billed may be different from the total collected because the total collected includes sales tax.

Important! The system calculates a value in this field only when the bill by ID uses the contract number. Otherwise, the value will display a zero amount.

Click to access the Contracts AR Items page.

This button does not appear on the page if you do not have access to PeopleSoft Receivables or if your user profile does not provide access to the Contracts AR Items page.

Total Revenue Recognized

View the total amount of revenue recognized in the general ledger for both amount-based and rate-based contract lines. This amount includes any discounts or surcharges.

Note. This amount does not include revenue from any contract lines with a revenue method of Billing Manages Revenue.

See Understanding Accounting Distributions.

Contract Lines

This group box lists information about contract lines: products and services sold, limits on the contract line, and the status of billing and revenue plans (if assigned).

Billing Plan

If you have a billing plan, then you can click the link displaying the billing plan status. Click the link to access the Billing Plan General page, where you can view more detailed information about the contract's billing plan.

Revenue Plan

If you have a revenue plan, then you can click the link displaying the revenue plan status. Click the link to access the Revenue Plan page, where you can view more detailed information about the contract's revenue plan.

Related Projects

This region includes information about the project description and project status.


If you have a project and activity attached to this contract, then you can click this link. Click the link to access the Project Summary page for the associated project and activity.

Contract Milestones

This region includes information about contract milestones, the status of the milestone, and whether the milestone impacts billing or revenue.

Milestone ID

To view more detailed information about each milestone, click the milestone located in the Milestone ID column.

Billing Impact

Indicates whether this milestone impacts billing plans that are tied to this contract.

Revenue Impact

Indicates whether this milestone impacts revenue plans that are tied to this contract.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Contracts AR Items

Access the Contracts AR Items page (click the Contracts AR Items button on Review Contract Summary page).

Business Unit

Displays the PeopleSoft Contracts business unit.

Accounts Receivable Items

The fields that appear in this group box are the same as those on the Item Maintenance pages in PeopleSoft Receivables.

See Changing and Reviewing Item Information.

AR Business Unit

Displays the PeopleSoft Receivables business unit.

Item ID

Click to access the Item Maintenance pages for the item.

Note. If you do not have security access to a particular business unit, items for that business unit do not appear in this list.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Contract Details

This section lists the pages used to review contract details.

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Page Name

Definition Name



Inquire Contracts - Contract Details


Customer Contracts, Review Contract Information, Contracts, Inquire Contracts - Contract Details

Review the details of existing contracts. From this page, you can navigate to the details of different contract attributes.

Inquire Contract Amendments


  • Customer Contracts, Review Contract Information, Amendments, Inquire Contract Amendments

  • Click the Inquire Contract Amendments link on the Inquire Contracts - Contract Details page.

Review the amendment details of a specific contract amendment.

Inquire Attachments


Customer Contracts, Review Contract Information, Attachments, Inquire Attachments

Review the attachments that are connected to the contract.

Contract Notes


Customer Contracts, Review Contract Information, Notes, Contract Notes

Review internal notes that have been added to a contract.

Inquire Contract Milestones


Customer Contracts, Review Contract Information, Milestones, Inquire Contract Milestones

Review the milestones that you associated with a contract. From this page, you can navigate to the details for a specific milestone.

Inquire Project/Activities


Customer Contracts, Review Contract Information, Projects/Activities, Inquire Project/Activities

Review the project and activities that are associated with a contract.

Reimbursable Agreement Inquiry Criteria


Customer Contracts, Review Contract Information, Reimbursable Agreement, Reimbursable Agreement Inquiry Criteria

For federal government customers, select criteria and review reimbursable agreements.

Contract Addresses


Click the Customer Addresses link on the Inquire Contracts - Contract Details page.

Review the contract header defaults for these address items: bill to customer, bill to contact, and sold to customer.

Contract Discounts


Click the Contract Discounts link on the Inquire Contracts - Contract Details page.

Review any discounts that are associated with fixed-amount contract lines.

Inquire Contracts - Contract Lines


Click the Contract Lines link on the Inquire Contracts - Contract Details page.

Review all active contract lines on a contract. From this page, you can navigate to the contract line details.

Inquire Contracts - Contract Line Detail


Click the product link for a contract line on the Inquire Contracts - Contract Lines page.

Review the details for a contract line.

Inquire Contracts - Contract Notes


Click the Contract Notes link on the Inquire Contracts - Contract Details page.

Review internal notes that have been added to a contract.

Inquire Contract Milestones (milestone detail)


Click the Milestone link for an individual milestone on the Inquire Contract Milestones page.

Review the details that are defined for a specific milestone. From this page, you can navigate to the conditions that are defined for a milestone.

Inquire Contract Milestones - Milestone Conditions


Click the Conditions link on the Inquire Contract Milestones (milestone detail) page.

Review the conditions that are defined for a milestone. Milestones use milestone conditions to determine when a milestone can be marked by the system as completed.