Working with Federal Reimbursable Agreements

This chapter provides an overview of federal reimbursable agreements and discusses how to:

Note. This chapter discusses features designed to meet federal reimbursable agreement requirements. However, these features are available for use by any customers. If you select the federal reimbursable agreement functionality at the installation level, all contracts that you create appear by default as reimbursable agreements. Also, this chapter only provides information on federal reimbursable agreements as they relate to PeopleSoft Contracts.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Federal Reimbursable Agreements

Federal reimbursable agreements allow federal agencies as well as the Department of Defense to perform work on behalf of others and then be reimbursed for the work performed. The reimbursement agreement amount is established by a negotiation process between the federal agency and an outside party. The federal agency is only reimbursed the amount agreed upon by both parties; therefore, it is imperative that reimbursable agreements are tracked separately from other types of funding.

This section discusses:

Reimbursable Contract Functionality

Reimbursable agreement functionality differs from the core contract functionality. Reimbursable agreements are subject to additional edits. Here are the specific characteristics of reimbursable contracts and contract lines:

Related Projects Page Edits

Upon save of the Related Projects page, the system may make information unavailable for the following reasons:

Reimbursable Amounts

Each reimbursable amount that the system displays on the Reimbursable Agreement Inquiry page depends upon whether the detail amount for an account is either added or deducted to calculate the higher level amount for each amount type. You must set up these amounts and accounts in PeopleSoft General Ledger. The accounts that you use in your organization may differ.

Note. The account numbers referenced in the amount definitions are configurable to reflect the descriptions noted here and are based on your account structure. These configuration formulas are recommendations using FSIO standards. Set up your own account structure on the Reimbursable Agreement Account page.

Advanced Amount

Equals account 2310 + (account 5200 + unbilled AR) for the search criteria specified for the inquiry. Unbilled AR (UAR) is an account between revenue recognition and billing for transactions processed by PeopleSoft Project Costing and PeopleSoft Contracts, and should be included in the calculation.

The advanced amount is paid in advance by the government agency to the company that has a reimbursement agreement with them for providing the product or service. It is unearned revenue (prepaid balance) because the company that receives the funds has not performed any services or provided any products yet. It is reduced by the amounts that are earned by the company through providing a service or product (account 5200) and UAR.

Advanced Amount Remaining

Equals the sum of account 2310 for the specified inquiry search criteria.

Also known as account 2310: Advances From Others. This is the amount that still remains in account 2310 (Advanced Amount) that is offset by the revenue recognized for services performed or products provided by the company that is subject to the reimbursement agreement.

Earned Amount

Equals the sum of account 5200 for the specified inquiry search criteria.

Also known as account 5200: Revenue From Services Provided. This account represents revenue that you can recognize because the company has performed a service or provided a product to the government agency that is eligible for the reimbursement. This account reduces account 2310: Advanced Amount.

Billed Amount

Equals the Advanced Amount minus account 2310.

This is the amount that you bill to the government agency because the company provided a service or product that was eligible for reimbursement. If the advanced amount account no longer has funds available, then you must invoice this amount to the government agency because the services or product provided were subject to the reimbursement agreement. If the advanced amount account still has funds available, then you apply the bill to the account.

Reimbursable Agreement Amount

Equals the total contract amount for the contract ID linked to a specific project ID.

This is the total negotiated reimbursement amount that was agreed to by the company and the government agency for the service or product to be provided. It is the total contract amount for the contract ID that is linked to a specific project ID.

Unbilled Amount

Equals the sum of the UAR account for the specified inquiry search criteria.

This represents the sum of UAR. UAR is a holding account that is used to manage the timing differences between revenue recognition and billing. It is used as an offset to the advanced amount account.

Obligated Amount

Equals the sum of accounts 4802, 4872, 4882, 4801, 4871, and 4881 for the specified inquiry search criteria.

This is the amount that the government agency is obligated to pay to the company for providing a service or product that was under the reimbursable agreement. This amount has not been paid to the company yet. It is the sum of the following accounts:

  • 4802: Unexpended Obligations - Prepaid/Advanced

  • 4872: Downward Adjustments of Prior-Year Prepaid/Advance Unexpended Obligations Refunds Collected

  • 4882: Upward Adjustments of Prior-Year Prepaid/Advanced Unexpended Obligations

  • 4801: Unexpended Obligations - Unpaid

  • 4871: Downward Adjustments of Prior-Year Unpaid Unexpended Obligations

  • 4881: Upward Adjustments of Prior-Year Unpaid Unexpended Obligations

Expended Amount

Equals the sum of accounts 4902, 4972, 4982, 4901, 4971, and 4981 for the specified inquiry search criteria.

This is the amount that the government agency paid to the company for providing a service or product that was under the reimbursable agreement. It is the sum of the following accounts:

  • 4902: Expended Authority - Paid

  • 4972: Downward Adjustments of Prior-Year Paid Expended Authority Refunds Collected

  • 4982: Upward Adjustments of Prior-Year Paid Expended Authority

  • 4901: Expended Authority - Unpaid

  • 4971: Downward Adjustments of Prior-Year Unpaid Expended Authority

  • 4981: Upward Adjustments of Prior-Year Unpaid Expended Authority

Collected Amount

Equals the sum of account 1030 for the specified inquiry search criteria.

It is the sum of account 1030, which is the fund balance for the company. It is the amount that the company has collected from the government agency for providing a service or product that was subject to the reimbursable agreement.

Apportionment Amount

User-defined amount.

Based upon an allotment of funds, the apportionment amount is used specifically for a certain project or company.

See Also

Setting Up Federal Reimbursable Agreement Accounts in General Ledger

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Federal Reimbursable Agreements

This section lists the pages used to set up federal reimbursable agreements.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used To Set Up Federal Reimbursable Agreements

Page Name

Definition Name



Installation Options - Contracts


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Install, Installation Options, and then click the Contracts link.

Select the Federal Reimbursable Agreements check box so that contracts created will have a reimbursable agreement indicator that allows you to tag a contract as a reimbursable agreement. Select the Apportioned Amount Restricted check box (optional).

Note. The Apportioned Amount Restricted check box does not appear on the page until you select the Federal Reimbursable Agreements check box and save the page.

Reimbursable Agreement Account


General Ledger, Federal Reports, Define Reimbursable Account, Reimbursable Agreement Account

Define accounts for amount advanced, amount advanced remaining, amount billed, amount earned, amount unbilled, amount obligated, amount expected, and amount collected.

Contract - General


Customer Contracts, Create and Amend, General Information

Set up and manage contract header information. Specify a reimbursable amount.

Prepaid Balances - Prepaids


Click the Prepaids link in the Go To drop-down list box on the Contract - General page.

Establish prepaid balance amounts.

Billing Plan - Billing Plan General


Click the Create Bill Plan link on the Initial Billing tab of the Prepaid Balances - Prepaids page.

Define the high-level billing information for a billing plan. The system associates the information you define on this page to all billing lines that you create under thus billing plan. This information is then sent to PeopleSoft Billing.

Contract - Lines


Customer Contracts, Create and Amend, General Information, Lines

Add products to create a contract. Each product appears on the contract as a distinct contract line number.

Related Projects


Click the Contract Terms link on the Details tab of the Contract - Lines page.

Record an order against the reimbursable amount as a limit. Create a project/activity combination for the contract line. Attach a rate set to a contract line.

See Also

Setting Up Federal Reimbursable Agreement Accounts in General Ledger

Defining Contracts Installation Options

Click to jump to parent topicInquiring On Federal Reimbursable Agreements

Reimbursable agreements are vital pieces of information for federal agencies and the Department of Defense. It is important for these agencies to have access to the current status, reimbursable amount, billing limit, amount expended against the agreement, and amounts collected against the agreement. This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Inquire On Federal Reimbursable Agreements

Page Name

Definition Name



Reimbursable Agreement Inquiry Criteria


Customer Contracts, Review Contract Information, Reimbursable Agreement

Select criteria to view reimbursable agreements.

Reimbursable Agreement Inquiry Results


Customer Contracts, Review Contract Information, Reimbursable Agreement, and then click the Inquiry Results link.

View reimbursable agreement information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Reimbursable Agreement Inquiry Criteria

Access the Reimbursable Agreement Inquiry Criteria page (Customer Contracts, Review Contract Information, Reimbursable Agreement).

This page enables you to specify inquiry criteria.

Inquiry Name

Displays the name entered in the search.


GL Business Unit

Select a PeopleSoft General Ledger business unit.



Select a ledger. This value represents the ledger to which all the contract accounting entry lines are posted; it appears by default as the primary ledger of the default ledger group for the business unit.



Select a PeopleSoft Project Costing ID. This value represents the project ID related to this contract.


ChartField Criteria

Enter optional ChartField criteria in addition to the required criteria.



Click to reload the ChartFields in the ChartField grid.


Inquiry Results

Click to run the inquiry and view results.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Reimbursable Agreement Inquiries per Contract

Access the Reimbursable Agreement Inquiry Results page (Customer Contracts, Review Contract Information, Reimbursable Agreement, and then click the Inquiry Results link).

This page enables you to view reimbursable agreements based on the selections that you made on the Reimbursable Agreement Inquiry Criteria page.

Note. Your PeopleSoft General Ledger business unit currency and contract currency must be the same.

Reimbursable Agreement

Displays the reimbursable agreement, which represents the contract ID.


Reimbursable Description

Displays the contract description.



Displays the sold to customer stated in the contract.



Displays the project related to this contract.


ChartField Criteria

Represents the results of the criteria entered on the Reimbursable Agreement Inquiry Criteria page.

The reimbursable agreement amount fields represent the monetary amount in the prospective currency.