Processing Expense Report Exceptions

This chapter provides an overview of expense report exceptions and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Expense Report Exceptions

No matter how carefully you design and implement your reimbursement operations, there will sometimes be unforeseen situations that require special processing of expense reports. Depending on where your expense reports are in the processing cycle, PeopleSoft Expenses provides a great amount of flexibility to help you deal with the unplanned contingencies that always seem to arise.

Click to jump to parent topicClosing Expense Reports

This section provides an overview of how to close expense reports and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding How to Close Expense Reports

When an expense report has been approved for payment processing, you might need to cancel it after you have already posted its liabilities. You can close an expense report if you have not staged payments for the expenses.

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Mark Expense Report for Close


Travel and Expenses, Process Expenses, Close Expenses, Mark Expense Report for Close

Close expense reports.

Close Expense Report


Click the Close button on the Mark Expense Report for Close page.

Confirm that you want to mark expense documents for closing.

Expense Processes


Travel and Expenses, Process Expenses, Expense Processing

Process an expense report that is marked for closing.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicClosing Expense Reports

Access the Mark Expense Report for Close page (Travel and Expenses, Process Expenses, Close Expenses, Mark Expense Report for Close).

The information on the Mark Expense Report for Close page comes from the expense report description.

The expense reports that are eligible for this page must meet both of these conditions:

Reversal Date

Use Current Date

Select to use the current date on which to reverse the accounting liability entries.

Use Specific Date

Select to enter a specific date. When selected, PeopleSoft Expenses opens a field to enter the day on which to reverse the accounting liability entries.


Click to close the expense report and access the Close Expense Report page to confirm that you want to mark the expense document for closing.

After you close and confirm your selection, PeopleSoft Expenses marks the expense report for closing and changes the Post Status to Close in Process on the View Expense Report - Expense Report Detail page (Travel and Expense, Travel and Expense Center, Expense Report, View).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicConfirming Expense Reports to Close

Access the Close Expense Report page (Click the Close button on the Mark Expense Report for Close page).

Use this page to confirm that you want to mark the expense report for close. When you click the OK button, the system takes you back to the Mark Expense Report for Close page. The Close button will not be available on the Mark Expense Report for Close page after you click the OK button.

You can access the View Expense Report – Expense Report Detail page (Travel and Expense, Travel and Expense Center, Expense Report, View) to see that the Post State field has changed to Close In Process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Closed Expense Reports

Access the Expense Processes page (Travel and Expenses, Process Expenses, Expense Processing).

Use this page to process an expense report that is marked for closing (the post state is Close In Process). Select Close Liability on the Expense Processes page.

When you run the Application Engine process, the system:

See Also

Running Expense Transaction Processes

Click to jump to parent topicUnposting Expense Reports

This section provides an overview of how to unpost expense reports and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding How to Unpost Expense Reports

If you post the liabilities for an expense report and need to change the accounting entries, you can unpost the expense report. This two-step operation requires you to mark the expense reports that you wish to unpost, then run a process to reverse the accounting liability entries and make the expense reports available for ChartField editing. If you are using PeopleSoft Commitment Control, you also must budget-check the expense transaction.

Note. The unposting process changes the posting status (POST_STATUS_EX) but not the expense report status (SHEET_STATUS). Because the expense report status does not change when you unpost it, you cannot deny or reapprove the expense report.

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Mark Expense Report For Unpost


Travel and Expenses, Manage Accounting, View/Adjust Accounting Entries, Mark Expense Report for Unpost

Mark expense reports for unposting.

Document Sequence


Click the Document Sequencing link on the Mark Expense Report for Unpost page.

Enter document sequencing information about unposted expenses reports.

Expense Processes


Travel and Expenses, Process Expenses, Expense Processing

Process an expense report that is marked for unposting.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnposting Expense Reports

Access the Mark Expense Report For Unpost page (Travel and Expenses, Manage Accounting, View/Adjust Accounting Entries, Mark Expense Report for Unpost).

The information on this page comes from the expense report description.

The information on the Mark Expense Report for Close page comes from the expense report description.

Reversal Date

Use Current Date

Select to use the current date on which to reverse the accounting liability entries.

Use Specific Date

Select to enter a specific date. When selected, PeopleSoft Expenses opens a field to enter the day on which to reverse the accounting liability entries.


Click to save the expense report with a status (POST_STATUS_EX) of Mark for Unpost.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdjusting Document Sequencing

Access the Document Sequence page (click the Document Sequencing link on the Mark Expense Report for Unpost page).

If you use document sequencing, you can enter the document type that is associated with the expense report that you mark for unposting. The unpost process adjusts the document sequence numbering based on the document type that you select.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Unposted Expense Reports

To process an expense report that is marked for unposting, use the Expense Processes page and select Unpost Expense Report. When you run the Application Engine process, it drives a program that reverses the liability entries for expense reports that are marked for unposting and changes the status (POST_STATUS_EX) to Unposted.

See Also

Running Expense Transaction Processes

Click to jump to parent topicWorking With Unposted Expense Reports

When you unpost an expense report, the unposting process makes it available so that you can change the accounting entries. You can work with unposted expense reports using the Travel and Expense, Manage Accounting navigation.

To work with an unposted report, use the same page that you use to prepare the expense report. You can modify only the ChartFields for individual expense items; all other fields are display-only. Because the status of the expense report (SHEET_STATUS) does not change when you unpost it, you cannot deny or reapprove the expense report.

When you finish, click the Save button to change the expense report posting status (POST_STATUS_EX) to Unpost and Process, which enables you to post the revised expense report liabilities the next time that you run the Post Liabilities process.

See Also

Running Expense Transaction Processes

Click to jump to parent topicProcessing Journal Expense Reports

This section provides an overview of journal expense report processing and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Journal Expense Report Processing

If an auditor discovers an error during a prepayment audit, the auditor can correct the original expense report before processing it for payment. If an auditor discovers errors after the system issues a payment, make adjustments using journal expense reports.

Journal expense reports are not associated with changes to monetary amounts, nor do they create any payments. You process journal expense reports to correct accounting entries that have already been recorded in the general ledger. Performing the adjustment through PeopleSoft Expenses keeps the detail transactions synchronized with the balances in the general ledger. If you use PeopleSoft Commitment Control, you must also budget-check the journal expense report to reflect the same changes in the PeopleSoft Commitment Control ledgers.

Note. You can create only one journal expense report for an expense report.

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Modify Journal Entries for An Expense Report


Travel and Expenses, Manage Accounting, View/Adjust Accounting Entries, Adjust Paid Expenses

Create journal expense reports to correct errors and make adjustments to expense report payments to synchronize the expense system and general ledger.

Journal Expense Report - Accounting Detail


Click a link in the Expense Type column on the Journal Expense Report - Modify Journal Entries for An Expense Report page.

Correct errors and make adjustments to expense report payments to synchronize the expense system and general ledger.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Journal Expense Reports

Access the Modify Journal Entries for An Expense Report page (Travel and Expenses, Manage Accounting, View/Adjust Accounting Entries, Adjust Paid Expenses).

General Information

Journal Report ID

Enter the original expense report ID that requires an adjustment. Available report IDs are those that are associated with employee IDs for whom the auditor has entry authority.

Report Description

Enter a description for the journal expense report.

Select/Expense Type


Select lines to post. Lines not selected will not post.

Expense Type

When you select an expense report ID, the system displays all line items in that report. To view or correct accounting information for a line item, click the link to access the Journal Expense Report - Accounting Detail page and modify the accounting for the expense.


Displays the date of the original transaction.


Enter comments about this journal expense report.

Budget Status

If you use PeopleSoft Commitment Control and budget checking for expense reports is active, PeopleSoft Expenses displays the budget status for the expense report.

Budget Options

Click the Budget Check Options link to access the Commitment Control page to budget check the travel expense or view comments about the budget check. This link is available only if you use PeopleSoft Commitment Control and budget checking for expense reports is active.

Note. If you make any changes to distributions or amounts, you must budget check the expense report again to reflect the changes in the commitment control ledgers.

Submit For Posting

Submit the journal expense report for processing.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Reversal Accounting Entries

Access the Journal Expense Report - Accounting Detail page (click a link in the Expense Type column on the Journal Expense Report - Modify Journal Entries for An Expense Report page).

This page displays the selected journal expense report line item and its associated ChartFields. A row displays a reversing entry that the system automatically created. You can modify the entry and create additional entries if necessary.

Important! All of the distribution amounts added together must equal zero for the expense line.


Click to insert a new row and create a reversing entry to offset the expense item. Your reversing entry must be a positive number.

Accounting Detail

Modify the ChartFields to which you want to charge the expense. If you charge the line to more than one set of ChartFields, adjust the amount to reflect the appropriate portion for these accounts.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Journal Expense Reports

When you save a journal expense report, it is ready to post to the general ledger. The system saves only modified expense lines. It does not pass journal expense reports to the accounts payable system because they do not have monetary amounts. Instead, you can select the Post Liabilities function on the Expense Processes page to process the journal expense reports.

When you process the journal expense reports, the system rolls back the original accounting entries and posts the new entries. This corrects the general ledger to reflect the same entries that exist in the expense system. If you use PeopleSoft Commitment Control, you must run budget checking to reverse out the entries in the Commitment Control ledgers.

Click to jump to parent topicManaging Expense Receipts

This section provides an overview of expense report management and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Managing Expense Receipt

PeopleSoft Expenses enables you to track, itemize, and verify expense receipts. Some organizations track expense receipts by requiring you to place receipts in envelopes with preprinted barcodes, which PeopleSoft Expenses supports. PeopleSoft Expenses also collaborated with a third-party vendor to provide a receipt imaging process that enables you to submit receipts by fax, scanner, or mail.

Receipt imaging and barcode scanning enable you to notify PeopleSoft Expenses that receipts for expense reports have been received. To verify the receipt amounts against the expense lines within expense reports, navigate to Travel and Expenses, Process Expenses, Verify Receipts, Receipts Verified, or select the Report Description link on the Receipts Received page, which takes you directly there. If Report Description does not appear as a link, no receipt amount verification is required.

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Receipts Received


Travel and Expenses, Process Expenses, Verify Receipts, Receipts Received

Match report ID bar codes to receipt ID codes.

Verify Expense Receipts - Expense Report Summary


Travel and Expenses, Process Expenses, Verify Receipts, Validate Against Expenses

Verify that receipts have been received for the expense report.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMatching Report ID Bar Codes to Receipt ID Bar Codes

Access the Receipts Received page (Travel and Expenses, Process Expenses, Verify Receipts, Receipts Received).

Note. To scan bar codes, you must have Code 39 True Type Font installed, which is not delivered with your PeopleSoft applications.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicVerifying Expense Report Receipts

Access the Verify Expense Receipts - Expense Report Summary page (Travel and Expenses, Process Expenses, Verify Receipts, Validate Against Expenses).

Note. Verifiers cannot edit descriptive information or line items.

Receipt Information

Receipts Received

Select to indicate that the travel and expense department has the appropriate receipts on file. This field appears only if you set up your expense system to check that receipts are received; otherwise, the check box is hidden.

Receipts Received Date

The expense system populates this field when you select the Receipts Received field and save the expense report.

View Receipts

Click to view receipts that are identified with an expense report. This link is available if receipt imaging is enabled and receipts exist in your third-party receipt imaging system.

View Exception Queue

Click to view receipts that are not linked to an expense report. Your third-party receipt imaging system's index program routes receipt images to this queue when it cannot read the bar code or optical character recognition (OCR) box. This may occur because it cannot match the report ID on the receipt image to a report ID in the PeopleSoft Expenses database.

View Pending Queue

Click to view receipt images in the pending queue. You third-party receipt imaging system has an index program that routes receipt images to this queue when it successfully reads a report ID on a receipt but cannot match it to a report ID in the Oracle's PeopleSoft database.

Expense Line Items

Receipt Verified

Select to indicate that a receipt matches a specific expense type. This field is inactive if receipt verification is not required.

Receipt Required

If selected, a receipt is required to substantiate the expense type. This field is display-only.

Click to jump to parent topicReconciling Airline Tickets

This section provides an overview of airline ticket reconciliation, lists common elements, and discusses how to:

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PeopleSoft Expenses enables you to track unused airline tickets and control travel expenses by reconciling completed airline flight segments with purchased tickets.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Section


Values are:

  • Cancelled: The ticket was voided.

  • Not Reconciled: The ticket is waiting to be reconciled with an expense report.

  • Reconciled: The ticket was reconciled with an associated expense report.

Sort By

Select a criterion to sort by: Employee ID (default), Employee Name, Merchant, Reconciliation Status, Ticket Amount, Ticket Number, or Transaction Date.

Sort Order

Select to sort the airline tickets in ascending or descending order.

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Airline Tickets


Travel and Expenses, Manage Accounting, Reconcile Airline Tickets

Query and update airline ticket data that was loaded from an external source.

Expenses with Airfare


Select the Expenses with Airfare tab on the Airline Tickets page.

Reconcile airline tickets to expense report IDs.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicChanging Airline Reconciliation Status

Access the Airline Tickets page (Travel and Expenses, Manage Accounting, Reconcile Airline Tickets).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReconciling Airline Tickets to Expense Reports

Access the Expenses with Airfare page (select the Expenses with Airfare tab on the Airline Tickets page).

Note. The Expenses with Airfare page lists airline tickets that are applied to an expense report but are not in the EX_AIRLINE_TKT table that stores airline data from a direct feed. Most likely, these tickets were entered manually into the expense system.

Report ID

Click to access the Expense Report Detail page and view the line items of the expense report that is associated with the airline ticket.