Using Commitment Control with PeopleSoft Expenses

This chapter provides an overview of PeopleSoft Commitment Control in PeopleSoft Expenses and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding PeopleSoft Commitment Control in PeopleSoft Expenses

PeopleSoft Commitment Control provides a mechanism for organizations to track or control expenditures and revenues against budget ledgers. The primary process that carries out transaction validations against budgets is the Budget Processor. You define the rules that govern spending in the commitment control budget definitions. These rules may affect the behavior of budget checking activity in PeopleSoft Expenses.

You can use a number of commitment control budget ledgers with varying sets of spending rules. You can configure budgets for commitment control, which disallows any expenditure over the amount of the budget plus a tolerance. You can configure budgets for only tracking, which means that you have no control over the total amount spent and the system only records the activity. PeopleSoft Expense transactions that you budget check will be subject to all of the commitment control budget ledgers that are active for a business unit.

When approving travel authorizations and expense reports, click the Budget Options link to access the Commitment Control page, where you initiate the budget checking process. You can also run the budget check process in batch mode for expense reports and travel authorizations through the Request Budget Check page.

Encumbrance Accounting

Encumbrance accounting enables you to reserve funds for an anticipated expense. Organizations that preapprove travel expenses and want to reserve funds for authorized trips can budget check travel authorizations and expense reports. Budget checking records encumbrances, or the reservation of funds, in the commitment control budget and then reverses the encumbrances when actual expenses are recorded.

Budget checking journal expense reports will reflect changes made to posted accounting distributions in the commitment control budget.

PeopleSoft Expenses delivers additional options for budget checking activity of expense transactions. PeopleSoft Commitment Control options supported in PeopleSoft Expenses enable you to cancel or close unused travel authorizations and reverse the associated encumbrances.

Budget Checking Exceptions

Budget checking exceptions are transactions that fail budget checking validations. These exceptions may be errors or warnings. Errors prevent the system from recording the transaction; warnings allow the system to record the transaction but inform you of the exception conditions. You can view these exceptions to determine the cause of the failure through PeopleSoft Expenses or through the PeopleSoft Commitment Control menu.

Expense transactions may fail budget checking for a variety of reasons and they may fail against one or more budget ledgers. They may fail because:

If an expense transaction fails budget checking, or if warning conditions exist for an expense transaction, the budget processor marks the transaction as an error or warning exception. You can view these exceptions and override some error exceptions (with proper authority) on the budget exception pages. You can access error messages and warnings through PeopleSoft Expenses or the PeopleSoft Commitment Control menu.

Some exception conditions may be eligible for override, which allows an authorized user to force the transaction to record in the ledger. You must handle some exception conditions using the PeopleSoft Expenses transaction pages. Check with your Commitment Control administrator to understand the control rules and authorizations associated with budget checking in PeopleSoft Expenses.

See Also

Managing Budget Exceptions

Click to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Chapter

Click the Budget Check button to run the Budget Processor Application Engine process again after you override budget checking for the transaction or a budget. Rerun the process when source transactions change.

Click the Budget Check Details button to open the Commitment Control page to see the source transaction type and amount type for the source transaction.

Click the Tran Override Available Info (transaction override available information) button to determine why you cannot override the budget check exception.

Click the Budget Override Available Info (budget override available information) button to determine why you cannot override a budget checking exception.

Click the Fetch Selection button to refresh the scroll area.

Budget Date

Indicates the date of the source transaction line. When you create the travel authorization, the system assigns the same date for both the accounting date and the budget date for the transaction.

Exception Type

Select the exception type to display: Error or Warning.

Line Status

Displays a value for the budget checking line. Values are:

  • E (error): The entry failed to pass budget checking.

  • N (not checked): The Budget Processor Application Engine process has not processed the entry, or the source transaction has changed and is not budget checked. Exception data may be inaccurate if line status is N. Budget check the transaction again to update the exceptions.

  • V (valid): The entry passed budget checking, and the process updated the control budget ledger.

  • W (warning): The Budget Processor issued a warning, but updated the control budget ledger.

Maximum Rows

Specify how many rows to display in the scroll.

More Budgets Exist

Select if the source transaction has more exceptions than the number entered in the Maximum Rows field. Enter different search criteria to shorten the list, or increase the maximum number of rows.

Override Budget

Select to override the budget checking exception and update the control budget, even if the transaction exceeds the budget. This field is available only if the budget transaction failed budget checking and if you have authority to override the exception. It is unavailable if the source transaction type does not allow overrides or the budget header status is Not Checked. If the budget header status is Not Checked, you changed the source transaction after the Budget Processor had issued the error exceptions and you had not rerun the Budget Processor.

After you override transactions with budget checking exceptions, the Budget Processor records the transaction and updates the expense transaction with a valid status.

Override Date

Displays the date and time of an override if you override the budget exception.

Override Transaction

Select to enable the entire transaction to update the control budget, even if error exceptions exist.

This check box is available only for users with super user security access and is unavailable if the transaction passed budget checking with only warning exceptions. You can select it before budget checking or after you run the Budget Processor and receive error messages.

Override User ID

Displays your user ID if you override the budget.

Click to jump to parent topicBudget Checking Expense Transactions

This section provides an overview of budget checking expense transactions and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Budget Checking Expense Transactions

This section discusses:

Budget Checking Options

If your organization uses commitment control for any business unit, you may be required to budget check travel authorizations and expense reports. If any business unit in the expense report distributions (accounting detail) is enabled for commitment control, the transaction must be budget checked.

You can set parameters for requiring budget checking for travel authorizations and expense reports prior to approval by enabling the options on the PeopleSoft Expenses Options page. When you enable the options, you cannot approve expense transactions until the transaction budget check status is Valid. If multiple approvers exist, only the first approver is required to budget check successfully prior to approval. If an approver modifies any of the accounting details, budget checking is required again to reflect the changes.

If you do not enable the option on the Expenses Options page, you can approve transactions prior to budget checking and you can perform budget checking any time during the approval process. However, PeopleSoft Expenses requires you to budget check these transactions prior to posting liabilities. The system will not create or post accounting entries until the budget checking status is Valid.

You can budget check expense transactions individually online or in batch through the budget checking run control. Only approvers can budget check online through the approval pages.

See Defining Payment Defaults for a SetID.

Budget Checking Date Defaults

The budget date determines the budget period during which you record or liquidate encumbrances. PeopleSoft Expenses uses the following rules to determine what budget date to use for travel authorizations and expense reports:

The accounting date determines the fiscal year and accounting period during which the system records or liquidates encumbrances. When you liquidate travel authorizations through the expense report budget checking process, the system records the liquidations in the fiscal year and accounting period derived from the accounting date of the expense report. When you cancel travel authorizations, system records the encumbrance reversals in one of two ways, based on the Reversal Date Option on the Installation Options - Commitment Control page.

Budget Checking Eligibility

The rule for determining when a travel authorization, expense report, or journal expense report is eligible for budget checking is based on several factors. When any of these transactions are eligible for budget checking, PeopleSoft Expenses sets the budget status to N to indicate that the transaction requires budget checking. Transactions are eligible for budget checking if:

Online Budget Checking

You can individually budget check travel authorizations and expense reports online through the Manager Self-Service navigation. When you authorize approvers to approve transactions for business units that you enabled for commitment control, PeopleSoft Expenses displays the Budget Options link on the approval pages. The Budget Options link takes you to the Commitment Control page used to initiate budget checking as well as to view the results when the budget checking process concludes.

How you configure the commitment control ledgers determines your budget checking errors and warnings. Budget checking against ledgers that you define as Track without Budget will never fail but may give warnings when certain conditions exist.

Online liquidation of travel authorization encumbrances occurs when you associate a travel authorization to an expense report. The following rules apply to online liquidation of travel authorizations:

Automatic Budget Checking

Some transactions in PeopleSoft Expenses automatically perform budget checking under certain conditions. You do not initiate budget checking except through an event and only if the transaction was previously budget checked. The budget checking process automatically runs to reverse the amounts when:

Budget checking under these conditions reverses amounts originally recorded and removes any previous budget checking activity from the processing logs.


You can configure your expense system with multiple approvers and auditors. When multiple approvers exist, only the first approver needs to budget check the expense transactions. Subsequent approvers do not need to budget check the expense transactions unless they make a change to a distribution line, or delete or add expense transaction lines.

Source Transaction Configuration

The commitment control source transaction governs some of the interaction between the budget processor and any defined expense transactions. The source transaction identifies eligible transactions for the budget processor based on specific fields and their values. For example, the definition for travel authorizations may identify transactions with a status of Submitted as the only transactions eligible for the budget processor.

Note. If you make changes to the delivered source transaction definitions for PeopleSoft Expenses, you may also need to implement customized code to handle the change. PeopleSoft Expenses only supports functionality based on the delivered source transaction definitions. Changes to source transactions must be done by an authorized administrator.

Accounting Distribution Changes

Organizations may need to modify the distribution ChartFields or transaction line amounts that have already been recorded in the commitment control budget ledgers.

An approver can have the authority to change the accounting distributions or amounts that have already been budget checked. If they make any changes, the transaction must be budget checked again to reflect those changes. If they are not successfully budget checked, PeopleSoft Expenses does not allow you to post the liabilities for these transactions.

The prepayment auditor can make changes to accounting distributions or amounts that have already been budget checked and recorded in the commitment control budget ledgers.

The post payment auditor can only approve or deny a transaction.

The Modify Approved Transactions functionality enables authorized approvers to approve or deny an expense report. However, the system allows approvers to make changes that may require budget checking.

Use journal expense reports to make changes to accounting distributions for expense transactions that you have already posted. If you make a change through this feature in a commitment control-enabled business unit, you must budget check the changes that you have made. If changes are not budget checked, the commitment control budget ledgers will reflect only the last budget checking activity.

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Definition Name



Commitment Control


  • Click the Budget Options link on the Approve Travel Authorization - Travel Authorization Summary page using the Manager Self-Service navigation

  • Click the Budget Options link on the Approve Expense Report - Expense Report Summary page using the Manager Self-Service navigation.

  • Click the Budget Options link on the Approve Travel Authorization - Travel Authorization Summary page using the Travel and Expenses navigation.

  • Click the Budget Options link on the Approve Expense Report - Expense Report Summary page using the Travel and Expenses navigation.

Budget check expense transactions online. Use this page to check the travel authorization amount against commitment control budgets and record the amount as an encumbrance.

Request Budget Check


Travel and Expenses, Manage Accounting, Request Budget Checking

Run the budget checking process for travel authorizations, expense reports, and journal expense reports. The Process Scheduler process runs the Commitment Control Budget Processor at user-defined intervals.

Transaction Details


Click the View Transaction Details link on the Request Budget Check page.

Select a date range or specific expense transactions to be budget checked.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicBudget Checking Expense Transactions Online

Access the Commitment Control page (click the Budget Options link on the Approve Expense Report - Expense Report Summary page using the Travel and Expenses navigation).

Commitment Control Details

Source Transaction Type

Displays the transaction as a travel authorization or an expense sheet.

Budget Checking Header

Indicates the current budget checking status.

Commitment Control Amount Type

Identifies this as an encumbrance transaction.

Commitment Control Tran ID (commitment control transaction identification)

Activity log transaction number for the commitment control transaction.

Override Transaction

Select to enable the entire transaction to update the control budget, even if error exceptions exist.

Budget Check

Click to run the Budget Processor for this transaction.

Go To Transaction Exceptions

Click to access the page where you can view budget checking errors or warning messages for travel authorization transactions. Users who have authority can override the budget exceptions on this page.

Go to Activity Log

Click to access the Commitment Control Activity Log page, where you can view activity for all lines in a transaction that updated the control budget.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicBudget Checking Expense Transactions in Batch Mode

Access the Request Budget Check page (Travel and Expenses, Manage Accounting, Request Budget Checking).

Warning! Use different run control IDs for the budget checking processes such as budget check request, cancel travel authorization, and rollover travel authorizations. You must use a unique run control ID for each of these processes.

Bus Unit (business unit)

Select a business unit.


Enter a description about the run control.

Transaction Type

Select a Commitment Control transaction type. Options include:

  • All Expense Reports: Budget check all expense reports.

  • All Travel Authorizations: Budget check all travel authorizations.

  • Cancel Void Expense Reports: Budget check voided expense reports (the payment is voided and not reissued).

  • Encumbrance Relief Accruals: Budget check encumbrance relief entries. The encumbrance relief entry for accruals reduces the encumbrance budget if the document has been created from a predecessor document that has been encumbered.

  • Period End Accruals Expense: Budget check a liability that is booked in one period and reversed in the following period. This is also called a month-end accrual versus a perpetual accrual, in which the accrual and reversal are created in the same accounting period.

View Transaction List

Click to access the Transaction Details page to select parameters and transactions to budget check.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Transactions for Budget Checking

Access the Transaction Details page (click the View Transaction Details link on the Request Budget Check page).

Use the Date From and Date To fields to search for transactions that are eligible for budget checking. To enter date criteria, select Some in the Select Option drop-down list box. If you do not enter date criteria, all eligible transactions of the selected transaction type appear in the grid. You can then select some or all of the transactions to budget check. The Transactions, Budget, and Dates tabs display different information related to the expense transactions listed in the grid.

Warning! Do not run the payment staging process concurrently with the budget checking process to ensure that the system does not select the same transaction for both processes.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Travel Authorization Budget Exceptions

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Review Travel Authorization Budget Exceptions

Page Name

Definition Name



Travel Authorize Exceptions


Travel and Expenses, Manage Accounting, Travel Auth Budget Exceptions

Review travel authorization errors that did not pass budget checking.

Line Exceptions


Click the Line Exceptions tab on the Travel Authorize Exceptions page

Review and override travel authorization errors from the budget checking process.

Travel Authorization Line Drill Down


Click the View Exceptions Details link on the Travel Authorize Exceptions page or the Line Exceptions page.

View line details for travel authorization items with budget exceptions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Travel Authorization Exceptions

Access the Travel Authorize Exceptions page (Travel and Expenses, Manage Accounting, Travel Auth Budget Exceptions).

Common Page Information

Click the View Related Links button to open a page with the Go to Source Entry link. Click this link to open the Travel Authorization Summary page, where you can change the source transaction distribution that failed or override the entire transaction.

See Entering Travel Authorization Information and Detail Expense Lines.

Advanced Budget Criteria

Click to open the Refine Inquiry Criteria page and restrict rows to specific pages, ledger groups, and accounts. If these fields are blank, the system displays all values.

See Inquiring on Budgets and Transaction Activities.

Budgets with Exceptions

The scroll area displays the budget ledgers with exceptions that meet your selection criteria.

Budget Override Tab

Click the View Exception Details button to open the Exception Details page and view the exception reason for each line and to drill down to line details.

See Managing Budget Exceptions.

Click the Related Links button to open a page with these links:

Go to Budget Exception: Opens the Budget Exception page, where you can view other transactions with exceptions for the budget and override them. You must have authority to inquire on the budget to open the page.

See Managing Budget Exceptions.

Go to Budget Inquiry: Opens the Budget Details page, where you can view the budget details, such as the available amount remaining, the attributes, and the amounts used by each ledger (pre-encumbrance, encumbrance, and so on) in the budget. You must have authority to inquire on the budget to open the page.

See Viewing Budget Details and Transaction Activity.

Budget Chartfields Tab

The Budget Chartfields tab on the Travel Authorize Exceptions page displays the ChartField values for the budget. The budget period is the period in which the budget journal will post.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Travel Authorization Line Exceptions

Access the Line Exceptions page (click the Line Exceptions tab on the Travel Authorize Exceptions page).

Enter selection criteria to limit the number of budget line exceptions in the scroll area.

Common Page Information

Click the related links button to open a page with the Go to Source Entry: link. Click this link to open the Travel Authorization Summary page, where you can change the transaction distribution or override the entire transaction.

See Entering Travel Authorization Information and Detail Expense Lines.

Line Status

Select the exception type to display: Error or Warning.

More Lines Exist

Indicates that the source transaction has more exceptions than the number you entered in the Maximum Rows field. Enter different search criteria to shorten the list or increase the maximum number of rows.

Line From or Line To

Enter the source transaction line numbers. The list displays only journal lines with exceptions.

Transaction Lines with Budget Exceptions

The scroll area displays the source transaction lines with error or warning exceptions.

Line Values Tab

Click the View Exception Details button to open the Exception Details page to view reasons for error or warning exceptions, budget ChartFields, and existing overrides. You cannot override the budget on the Exceptions Details page. Use the Revenue Estimate Exceptions page to override the budget.

See Viewing and Handling Budget Transaction Exceptions, Viewing Budget Checking Exceptions for Revenue Estimate Source Transactions.


Indicates the line number of source transactions.

Budget Date

Indicates the date of the source transaction line. When you create the travel authorization, the system assigns the same date for both the accounting date and the budget date for the transaction.

Line Chartfields Tab

The system displays the budget ChartFields.

Line Amount Tab

Foreign Amount

Displays the line amount in the original currency.

Monetary Amount

Displays the line amount in the base currency of the primary ledger.


Displays the statistical amount, if applicable.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Travel Authorization Transaction Line Details

Access the Travel Authorization Line Drill Down page (click the View Exceptions Details link on the Travel Authorize Exceptions page or the Line Exceptions page).

Transaction Line Identifiers

This group box provides information to identify the source transaction. It displays the page, travel authorization ID, line number, and distribution line for the travel authorization.

Transaction Line Details

This group box displays the ChartField name, value, and description for the ChartFields, depending on the budget.

Note. These may or may not match the budget ChartField values, because the Budget Processor Application Engine process uses the control budget definition to translate the transaction ChartField values into the corresponding budget ChartField values.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Expense Report Budget Exceptions

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Review Expense Report Budget Exceptions

Page Name

Definition Name



Expense Report Exceptions


Travel and Expenses, Manage Accounting, Expense Rpt Budget Exceptions

Review expense report errors that did not pass budget checking.

Line Exceptions


Select the Line Exceptions tab on the Expense Report Exceptions page.

View expense report line errors from the budget checking process.

Exception Report Drill Down


Click the View Exceptions Details link on the Expense Report Exceptions page or the Line Exceptions page.

View line details for expense report items with budget exceptions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Expense Report Exceptions

Access the Expense Report Exceptions page (Travel and Expenses, Manage Accounting, Expense Rpt Budget Exceptions).

Click the related links button to open a page with the Go to Source Entry: link. Click this link to open the Expense Report Details page, where you can change the source transaction or override the entire transaction.

See Entering Expense Report Information and Transaction Lines.

See Approving Expense Reports.

Budgets with Exceptions

The scroll area displays all commitment control budgets with exceptions for the source transaction. Enter selection criteria to limit the number of budget rows in the scroll area.

Advanced Budget Criteria

Click to open the Refine Inquiry Criteria page, where you can restrict budget rows to specific business units, ledger groups, accounts, and exception types. Leave these fields blank to return all values.

Click the View Exception Details button to open the Exception Details page, where you can view the reason for the exception for each line and drill down to line details.

See Viewing and Handling Budget Transaction Exceptions.

Budget Override

Click the Related Links button to open a page with the following options:

Go to Budget Exception: Accesses the Budget Exception page, where you can view other transactions with exceptions for the budget and override them. You must have authority to inquire on the budget to open the page.

See Viewing and Handling Budget Transaction Exceptions.

Go to Budget Inquiry: Accesses the Budget Details page, where you can view the budget details, such as the available amount remaining, the attributes, and the commitments and expenses recorded in the selected ledger. You must have authority to inquire on the budget to open the page.

See Inquiring on Budgets and Transaction Activities.

Budget ChartFields

This section displays the budget ChartField values.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Expense Report Line Exceptions

Access the Expense Report Line Exceptions page (Select the Line Exceptions tab on the Expense Report Exceptions page).

Click the Related Links button to open a page with the Go to Source Entry: link. Click this link to open the Expense Report Details page, where you can change the source transaction or override the entire transaction.

Transaction Lines with Budget Exceptions

The scroll area displays the source transaction lines with error or warning exceptions.

Click the View Exception Details button to open the Exception Details page, where you can view the budgets with error or warning exceptions, the budget ChartFields, and any overrides. You cannot override the budget on this Exceptions Details page. Use the Revenue Estimate Exceptions page to override the budgets.

See Viewing and Handling Budget Transaction Exceptions, Viewing Budget Checking Exceptions for Revenue Estimate Source Transactions.

Line Chartfields

The system displays the ChartFields for the budget.

Line Amount

Foreign Amount

Displays the line amount in the original currency.

Monetary Amount

Displays the line amount in the base currency of the primary ledger.


Displays the statistical amount, if applicable.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Expense Report Transaction Line Details

Access the Expense Report Drill Down page (click the View Exceptions Details link on the Expense Report Exceptions page or the Line Exceptions page).

Transaction Line Identifiers

This group box provides information to identify the source transaction. It displays the report ID, distribution line, and line number for the expense report.

Transaction Line Details

This group box displays the details for the line: the ChartField name, value, and description, depending on the budget.

Note. These may or may not match the budget ChartField values because the Budget Processor Application Engine process uses the control budget definition to translate the transaction ChartField values into the corresponding budget ChartField values.

Click to jump to parent topicCanceling Travel Authorizations

This section provides an overview of canceling travel authorizations and discusses how to cancel travel authorizations.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Canceling Travel Authorizations

Unused travel authorizations that have been budget checked can be canceled by the originator using the Employee Self-Service navigation or by a system administrator using the Travel and Expense navigation.

For approved travel authorizations, navigate to the Cancel Approved Travel Authorization page, select the desired travel authorizations to cancel, and click the Cancel Selected Travel Authorization(s) button. This triggers an automatic budget checking process to reverse out encumbrances that were previously recorded.

Administrators can cancel, in batch mode, budget-checked travel authorizations with a status of Submitted or Approved. The Cancel Travel Authorization process budget checks travel authorizations to liquidate their encumbrances in the commitment control ledgers.

Note. You cannot delete travel authorizations that have been budget checked.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Cancel Travel Authorizations

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Cancel Approved Travel Authorization


  • Employee Self-Service, Travel and Expense Center, Travel Authorizations, Cancel

  • Travel and Expense, Travel and Expense Center, Travel Authorizations, Cancel

Cancel approved travel authorization requests.

Cancel Travel Authorizations


Travel and Expenses, Process Expenses, Cancel Travel Authorizations

Cancel submitted or approved travel authorizations in batch mode.

Change Accounting Date


Click the Change Accounting Date link on the Cancel Travel Authorizations page.

Change the accounting date to close in a different accounting period.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCanceling Approved Travel Authorizations

Access the Cancel Approved Travel Authorization page (Travel and Expense, Travel and Expense Center, Travel Authorizations, Cancel).

The cancel process closes travel authorizations and reverses encumbrances if the travel authorization was already budget checked. If a travel authorization is partially through the year-end process and the encumbrances are already reversed, the system simply closes the travel authorization.

See Canceling Approved Travel Authorizations.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCanceling Approved Travel Authorizations (Batch Mode)

Access the Cancel Travel Authorizations page (Travel and Expenses, Process Expenses, Cancel Travel Authorizations).

Business Unit Selection


Enter a description of the defined set of parameters.

Business Unit

Select a valid business unit.


Click to retrieve transactions based on the criteria specified. If you do not enter any criteria, PeopleSoft Expenses retrieves and displays all eligible transactions.

Select Option

Select All to retrieve all eligible travel authorizations. Select Some to select by business unit, department, or date criteria.

From Department and To

Enter a value as criteria to select travel authorizations. The system retrieves all travel authorizations with department numbers that fall within the specified range in the criteria.

Date From and To

Enter a value as criteria to select travel authorizations. The system retrieves all travel authorizations with dates that fall within the dates specified in the criteria.

Change Accounting Date

Click to access the Change Accounting Date page to specify a different accounting date. The accounting date determines which accounting periods the reversals will be recorded in for the travel authorizations processed in this run. This link appears only if the Reversal Date Option on the Installation Options page is set to Current.

Click to jump to parent topicRolling Over Travel Authorization Encumbrances to a New Budget Period

This section provides an overview of rolling over travel authorizations and discusses how to roll over travel authorization encumbrances to a new budget period.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Rolling Over Travel Authorizations

At the end of a budget period, you may have outstanding travel authorizations that employees have not applied to actual expenditures. To close out a budget year, organizations must either close out and cancel all outstanding encumbrances or roll them forward into the next period.

The travel authorization rollover process:

  1. Cleans up of existing unused travel authorizations.

    PeopleSoft Expenses enables you to cancel and close out existing encumbrances from travel authorizations that you do not want rolled forward:

  2. Liquidates existing encumbrances.

    After managers and employees have canceled, closed, or deleted any unnecessary travel authorizations, the budget analyst can access the Rollover Travel Authorization page and select the travel authorizations to roll over. PeopleSoft Expenses:

  3. Creates new encumbrance in the new budget period.

    PeopleSoft Expenses:

If between the time when the list of authorizations are established and saved and when the process is initiated, an employee applies the travel authorization to an expense report or manually cancels the authorization request and makes other changes that would make it ineligible for processing, then even if selected on the page, the check box for these records will be unavailable for entry and the application engine program will skip these and not process them. These records will continue to appear in the list until the administrator performs another search, even if it is with the same criteria as before.

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Rollover Travel Authorization


Travel and Expenses, Manage Accounting, Rollover Travel Authorization

Select travel authorizations to roll encumbrances over to a new budget period.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRolling Over Travel Authorization Encumbrances

Access the Rollover Travel Authorization page (Travel and Expenses, Manage Accounting, Rollover Travel Authorization).

Process Parameters

Reverse Current Period

Select to reverse out encumbrances from the prior period.

Roll to New Period

Select to re-encumber funds in a new period. If this option is selected, PeopleSoft Expenses displays the Change Accounting Date To and Change Budget Date To fields.

Business Unit Selection


Enter a description of the defined set of parameters.

Business Unit

Select a valid business unit.

Note. PeopleSoft Expenses lists all general ledger business units, not just the business units enabled for commitment control. This ensures that PeopleSoft Expenses retrieves all eligible travel authorizations, even when the general ledger business unit on the header record is not enabled for commitment control but the business unit on the associated distribution record is enabled.


Click to retrieve transactions based on the criteria specified. If you do not enter any criteria, PeopleSoft Expenses retrieves and displays all eligible transactions.

Include Previously Processed Transactions

Select to include transactions that were previously processed for rollover.

Select Option

Select All to retrieve all eligible travel authorizations. Select Some to select by business unit, department, or date criteria.

From Department and To

Enter a value as criteria to select travel authorizations. The system retrieves all travel authorizations with department numbers that fall within the specified range in the criteria. If you leave these fields blank, the system retrieves all departments.

Select a specific department by entering a department ID in the From Department field and leaving the To field blank.

Note. The system searches on the employee's department ID as of the time you run the process, not the distribution department.

Date From and To

Enter a value as criteria to select travel authorizations. The system retrieves all travel authorizations with dates that fall within the dates specified in the criteria.

Change Accounting Date To

Enter a new accounting date to roll travel authorizations to. PeopleSoft Expenses displays this field only if you selected Roll to a New Period and populates the field with the system date by default. The Budget Processor process validates the accounting date against the general ledger open period. If the new fiscal year is not open, the system prevents you from rolling over the travel authorizations to the new period.

Warning! PeopleSoft Expenses does not validate the date that you enter other than to ensure that the period is open. If you enter an incorrect date and run the Budget Processor process, you must run the process to reverse the entries.

Change Budget Date To

Select to enable the date field, where you can enter a new budget date. PeopleSoft Expenses displays this field only if you selected Roll to a New Period and populates the budget date field with the accounting date by default. The system applies the budget date that you entered to the distribution lines for all the travel authorizations selected for the business unit. If this option is not selected, the budget date on the distribution record is unchanged.

Travel Authorization List - Transaction Tab


Select individual travel authorizations to process.


Displays the name of the person who requested the travel authorization.

EmplID (employee ID)

Displays the employee ID of the person who requested the travel authorization.

Travel Auth Description (travel authorization description)

Displays the description of the trip for the travel authorization. Click the link to access the travel authorization inquiry page and view information about the travel authorization.

Travel Auth ID (travel authorization ID)

Displays the travel authorization ID number. Click the link to access the travel authorization inquiry page and view information about the travel authorization.


Displays the employee's department ID.


Displays the current status of the travel authorization.

Date From and Date To

Displays the beginning and ending dates of the trip.

Travel Authorization List - Details Tab


Displays the total estimated cost of the trip, excluding any denied line amounts.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Expenses and Encumbrances from the Period End Accrual Process

This section lists the pages used to view expenses and encumbrances from the Period End Accrual process for PeopleSoft Expenses.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to View Expenses and Encumbrances from the Period End Accrual Process

Page Name

Definition Name



Period End Accrual Inquiry


Travel & Expense, Manage Accounting, View/Adjust Accounting Entries, Period End Acctg Entries

Select Accrual - Expense Report or Accrual - My Wallet in the begins with field.

View accounting entries from the Period End Accrual process.

See Viewing Accounting Entries from the Period End Accrual Process.