Using XBRL to Produce Balance Sheets and Income Statements

This chapter provides an overview of using XBRL to produce balance sheets and income statements and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding XBRL Financial Statements

XBRL is a royalty-free, open specification software application that uses XML data tags to prepare and publish information. PeopleSoft supports XBRL 2.1 specifications.

XBRL is particularly appropriate to the presentation of financial reports on the internet and across software products. XBRL reports also reduce the risk of data-entry error by eliminating the need to manually enter information for different venues and formats.

The PeopleSoft system enables you to create balance sheets and income statements in XBRL that conform to the XBRL schema and taxonomies for US GAAP.

An XBRL schema is the core low-level component of XBRL and consists of the physical XSD and DTD (Document Type Definition) files that express how instance documents (your financial statements and their taxonomies) are to be built.

An XBRL taxonomy is a vocabulary or dictionary of elements that are created by a regulatory group or governing body using XBRL specifications that enable the particular group to ensure the exchange of business information in a predefined consistent manner. Taxonomies are derived from accounting rules governing how financial data is disclosed in different countries or jurisdictions. The taxonomies that are discussed in this topic refer to the US GAAP taxonomies and the approximately 600 monetary elements that are used for the production of balance sheets and income statements. The documentation also assumes that you have a thorough working knowledge of XBRL.

The following are the general activities that are necessary to produce and distribute your reports using PeopleSoft functionality:

You store taxonomies and their elements in PeopleSoft tables. After creating the elements, you populate the elements using ChartField Value Sets. You then create ChartField Value Sets to define the accounts that determine taxonomy element. PeopleSoft creates balance sheets and income statements with only the numeric facts of taxonomies.

Balance sheets and income statements are created as an XBRL instance (in the form of a message) for a business unit ledger group using PeopleSoft Application Engine (GL_XBRL) and PeopleSoft XMLDOC.

When you run your balance sheet and income statement reports, you distribute them using PeopleSoft Integration Broker.


Click to jump to parent topicComponents Used to Produce XBRL Balance Sheets and Income Statements

To use XBRL to produce balance sheets and income statements, use the following components:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Produce Financial Statements Using XBRL

Page Name

Definition Name



XBRL Context


General Ledger, XBRL, Context

Define XBRL numeric contexts and specify their Effective Date and Status. PeopleSoft supports only numeric context. An XBRL context can specify reports for amounts or amounts per share.

XBRL NameSpace


General Ledger, XBRL, NameSpace

Define a NameSpace alias for the NameSpace URL that provides access to the taxonomies, which are appropriate to your XBRL reports.

XBRL Element


General Ledger, XBRL, Element

Specify the XBRL labels and elements to be used in the production of your reports.



General Ledger, XBRL, Instance Template, Setup

Define the template name and specify the scope, entity information, and time span for your reports.

Report Element


General Ledger, XBRL Instance Template, Report Element

Specify the elements and ChartField Value Sets that determine the items and amounts that are reported.

Create XBRL Instance Request


General Ledger, XBRL, Create Instance, Create XBRL Instance Request

Determine the dates, the report template, and the business unit or ledger set that are used to create your reports.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Supporting Trees and ChartField Value Sets

Initially, determine the XBRL taxonomies and elements that are necessary to produce the items that make up your reports. To supply the monetary values that are to be reported, create PeopleSoft trees and ChartField value sets.

You might be able use existing trees and associated ChartField value sets that you previously created for the closing of the books for your reporting entity.

See Defining and Using ChartField Value Sets.

See Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Tree Manager

Click to jump to parent topicSpecifying the XBRL Context

Access the XBRL Context page (General Ledger, XBRL, Context).

Context Name

Enter one or more context IDs to be used by the XBRL elements to create balance sheets and income statements or individual items constituting those statements either for amount or amount per share.

Context Type

This is a display-only field. PeopleSoft supports the Numeric parts of the taxonomies.


Specify whether the XBRL Context is to be used to report for the currency amount or amount per share.


Provides a description of the context.

Click to jump to parent topicSpecifying a NameSpace Alias for the NameSpace URL

Access the XBRL NameSpace page (General Ledger, XBRL, NameSpace).

NameSpace Alias

Enter a namespace alias to be used for an XBRL instance to specify the NameSpace URL to be used to produce your reports.


Contains the URL where the taxonomy elements are specific for your XBRL reports.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining the XBRL Elements

Access the XBRL Element page (General Ledger, XBRL, Element).

Element Label

Enter a label to identify the XBRL element. The label will be used to represent the element in the XBRL template page.

XBRL Element ID

Enter the name of the XBRL element available to the specified Element Label that is to be used in your report instance when you produce your reports.

NameSpace Alias

Enter the alias for the NameSpace (URL) where the elements and taxonomies are located for your reports.


Enter the context that you previously defined. PeopleSoft supports numeric context only.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up the XBRL Instance Template

Access the XBRL Report Template Setup page (General Ledger, XBRL, Instance Template, Setup).

XBRL Instance Template

Enter a name for the report template.

Single Business Unit

Click if the template is for a single business unit. If this check box is not selected, the system assumes that multiple business units exist.

Identifier Scheme URL

Enter the URL for the authority governing the Entity Identifier. For example, the NASDAQ URL is entered when the Entity Identifier Override is the stock symbol for the entity. The information that is provided by the NASDAQ website provides identification for the reports that are appropriate for investors.

Entity Identifier Type

Select either Business Unit or Override. If you select Business Unit, entity information is provided from PeopleSoft tables. If you select Override, you must provide the standard symbol and the URL to the governing body for that entity symbol.


Enter the SetID for the TimeSpan that you specify.


Enter the TimeSpan that is appropriate to the closed period for which you are reporting. The as of date that you enter on the report request is used to establish the time frame of the financial statements with the Time Span that you specify here. This means that the as of date on the report request page might not be the as of date on the balance sheet, which will be the end date of the last closed accounting period within the time frame.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining the Report Elements for the Instance Template

Access the Report Element page (General Ledger, XBRL, Instance Template, Report Element).

ChartField Value Set SetID

Select the SetID to be used for prompting of ChartField Value Sets for individual elements that you include on this page.

Element Label

Select the labels for the XBRL element that are to be included in the template.


Click to include the Element Labels in your report. When this check box is selected, the ChartField value set is required.

ChartField Value Set

Select the set that defines the scope of ChartField criteria from which amounts are rolled up to your report.

XBRL Element Label

Displays the related XBRL Element ID for the element.

Click to jump to parent topicRunning XBRL Reports

Access the Create XBRL Report page (General Ledger, XBRL, Create Instance, Create XBRL Instance Request).

As of Date

Establishes the time frame of the financial statements in conjunction with the time span you enter on the report template.

Note. The as of date on the report request page might not be the as of date on the balance sheet, which will be the end date of the last accounting period within the time frame.

XBRL Instance Template

Enter the template for the report that you are creating.

Currency Code

Displays either the base currency of the ledger or the currency of the ledger set.

Business Unit and Ledger

Select these values only if you specified reporting from a single business unit on the report template.

Ledger Set

Select a value if you are reporting on several business units within this ledger set. The ledger set contains the business units and ledger from which the financial statement is generated.