Defining Your Operational Structure

This chapter provides overviews of the implementation process and the Inter/IntraUnit processor and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Implementation Process

When you implement PeopleSoft Financials, the order in which you perform your setup is important. Here is a high-level summary of the steps:

  1. Set up PeopleSoft General Ledger defaults.

    Because the default values, calendars, and ledger groups are used downstream by other financial applications, you should set up PeopleSoft General Ledger first. The usual progression for setup is PeopleSoft General Ledger, PeopleSoft Receivables, PeopleSoft Billing, PeopleSoft Contracts, PeopleSoft Project Costing, and PeopleSoft Grants.

  2. Determine your PeopleSoft Grants system requirements.

  3. Set up PeopleSoft Project Costing and PeopleSoft Contracts.

    This setup includes defining business units. You must define business units for PeopleSoft Contracts and PeopleSoft Project Costing before you can set up award defaults on the Grants Award Setup Definition page.

  4. Set up PeopleSoft Grants.

    This step includes defining defaults for awards and entering information into the control tables that store the values that the system uses in pre- and post-award processing. Award setup is covered in this chapter. Entering information in control tables is discussed in the "Structuring PeopleSoft Grants" and "Setting Up and Maintaining PeopleSoft Grants Information" chapters.

    Note. You should set up PeopleSoft Commitment Control (optional) before setting up PeopleSoft Grants business units.

  5. Define PeopleSoft Grants security.

    PeopleSoft Grants enables you to limit access to the proposal and budget pages based on department or user ID. PeopleSoft Grants security setup is discussed in the next chapter.

  6. Upload existing proposal and award information into PeopleSoft Grants.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Inter/IntraUnit Processor

The PeopleSoft Centralized Inter/IntraUnit processor provides consistent setup and centralized processing to manage Inter/IntraUnit transactions across PeopleSoft applications. When an Inter/IntraUnit transaction occurs, the processor supplies the balancing lines. For PeopleSoft Grants, this process occurs during the F&A process. If an intraunit transaction is identified, then the system creates the appropriate balancing entries.

The system defines an intraunit transaction as a transaction within a single PeopleSoft General Ledger business unit that involves more then one value in a lower level balancing ChartField, such as Fund or Department.

For the Centralized Inter/IntraUnit processor to create the balancing entries during the F&A process, you must:

See Also

Using Interunit and Intraunit Accounting and ChartField Inheritance

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDepartmental and Credit Percent

Credit percentages reside at the proposal project level in the pre-award, and at the project level in the post-award. Also, the Setup Level page identifies at which level the certifications, resources, subrecipients, components, departmental percentages, and professional credit percentages reside. This value becomes by default the proposal level in the pre-award. The values that are set up at the business unit level are supplied at the proposal level and can be overwritten at the proposal level; and the departmental credit percentage can be accessed at project level. Use the following elements to enter credit percentages:

Click to jump to parent topicDefining PeopleSoft Grants Rules and Business Units

To define PeopleSoft Grants rules and business units, use the Grants Definition (GM_BU_DEFN), Approval Notification Setup (GM_WF_RULE), and Workflow (GM_WF_COMPONENT_GBL) components.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define PeopleSoft Grants Rules and Business Units

Page Name

Definition Name



Contracts - BU Definition


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, Contracts, Contracts Definition, BU Definition

Set up default values for the contracts business unit.

Contracts - Defaults


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, Contracts, Contracts Definition, Defaults

Enter default contract values to be used when establishing contracts under the business unit.

Contracts - Processing Options


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, Contracts, Contracts Definition, Processing Options

Enter processing option values to be used when establishing contracts under the business unit.

Contracts - Fee Definition


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, Contracts, Contracts Definition, Fee Definitions

Enter fee definition values to be used when establishing contracts under the business unit.

Project Costing Definition


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, Project Costing, Project Costing Definition

Set up default values for the project costing business unit. The system captures grants transactional data in the project costing business unit.

Award Setup Definition


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, Grants, Award Setup and BU Definition, Award Setup Definition

Set up award defaults for the grants business unit. The underlying business unit on this page is contracts.

Confidence Level Setup


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, Grants, Award Setup and BU Definition, Confidence Level Setup

Define confidence levels.

Setup Level


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, Grants, Award Setup and BU Definition, Setup Level

Identify the level at which information exists. Values that you enter here affect the award generation and workflow approval processes. For example, if you set the workflow component at the primary project level, then workflow is triggered for the components that exist in the primary project only. Otherwise, workflow will be triggered for all components within the proposal.

Burn Rate Indicator Setup


Set up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, Grants, Award Setup and BU Definition, Burn Rate Indicator Setup

Set up the burn rate indicator for spending.

Approval/Notification Process


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, Grants, Approval/Notification Setup.

Set up workflow for proposal approval, proposal status notification, award milestone notification, and all protocol-related workflow processes.

Milestone Notification - Details


Click Details on the Approval/Notification Process page.

Define the detail information that is related to the current element. This page is available after selecting the Milestone Notification or Proposal Notification transaction type.

Proposal Component - Approval Definition


Click Details on the Approval/Notification Process page.

Define the detail information that is related to the current element. This page is available after selecting the Proposal Component Approval transaction type.

Protocol Approval - Details


Click Details on the Approval/Notification Process page.

Define the detail information that is related to the current element. This page is available after selecting the Protocol Approval transaction type.

Protocol Batch Notification - Details


Click Details on the Approval/Notification Process page.

Define the detail information that is related to the current element. This page is available after selecting the Protocol Batch Notification transaction type.

Protocol Notification - Details


Click Details on the Approval/Notification Process page.

Define the detail information that is related to the current element. This page is available after selecting the Protocol Notification transaction type.

Criteria Definition


Click Criteria on the Approval/Notification Process page.

Identify the criteria and rules that apply to a proposal component. Also, set up the rules by identifying the scenario based on the business process and select a PeopleTools component, record, and field that apply to the scenario. This page is available after selecting the Proposal Component Approval transaction type.

Project Costing Options


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, Project Costing, Project Costing Options

Establish the resource fields that the system requires when you enter grants-related information within PeopleSoft feeder systems along with waived F&A costing methods.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining PeopleSoft Contracts Business Units

Access the Contracts - BU Definition page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, Contracts, Contracts Definition, BU Definition).

Instructions for setting up contracts business units appear in the PeopleSoft Enterprise Contracts PeopleBook.

See Also

Defining PeopleSoft Contracts Business Units

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Default Options

Access the Contracts - Defaults page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, Contracts, Contracts Definition, Defaults).

Instructions for setting up default options appear in the PeopleSoft Enterprise Contracts PeopleBook.

See Also

Defining PeopleSoft Contracts Business Units

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Processing Options

Access the Contracts - Processing Options page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, Contracts, Contracts Definition, Processing Options).

Instructions for setting up processing options appear in the PeopleSoft Enterprise Contracts PeopleBook.

See Also

Defining PeopleSoft Contracts Business Units

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining a Fee

Access the Contracts - Fee Definition page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, Contracts, Contracts Definition, Fee Definitions).

Instructions for defining fees appear in the PeopleSoft Enterprise Contracts PeopleBook. This page enables you to define criteria used in fee calculations for cost-plus contract lines. The Fee Definition page is only applicable to contracts assigned a contract classification Government and does not apply to PeopleSoft Grants awards.

See Also

Defining PeopleSoft Contracts Business Units

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining PeopleSoft Project Costing Business Units

Access the Project Costing Definition page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, Project Costing, Project Costing Definition).

Instructions for setting up projects business units appear in the PeopleSoft Enterprise Project Costing PeopleBook.

See Also

Setting Up Project Business Units

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Award Setup Options and Defaults

Access the Award Setup Definition page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, Grants, Award Setup and BU Definition, Award Setup Definition).

Most of the information on this page is used for populating fields on other pages when you create an award from a proposal.

Project/Grant Status

Select a status that you want the project or grant to select by default. Values are: Approved, Completed, In Progress, and Proposed.

Budget Item- Fringe

Select the budget category that you want the business unit to use for fringe benefits.

Budget Item- FA (budget category - facilities and administration)

Select the budget category that you want the business unit to use for F&A expenses.

Budget Item- Rev Est (budget category - revenue estimate)

Select the budget category that you want the business unit to use for revenue estimates.

Enable Multiple CFDA (enable multiple Catalog for Federal Domestic Assistance)

Select this option to store multiple CFDA numbers at the proposal and award levels.

Allow Multiple PI's (allow multiple principal investigators)

Select to indicate that multiple principal investigators are allowed on proposals and awards for the business unit.

Strictly Enforce Proposal Versioning

Select this option to make a copied version of a proposal the system-generated NEXT. This setting is recommended for managing versions.

Days To Close

Enter the number of days you want the system to append to the end date of the proposal when it writes the end date into PeopleSoft Commitment Control. This setting allows for trailing costs. This field is optional.

Contract Options

Contract Type

Select a contract type from the list of values. Contract types are used for reporting and for determining the milestones that may be applied to a contract's revenue recognition plans and billing plans.

Contract Legal Entity

Select a legal entity from the list of entities that you established on the Define Legal Entity page. The legal entity is the legal entity within the company that owns (signs) the contract. A legal entity is required for contract activation.

Contract Status

Select the status (for example, Pending) that you want the contract to select by default when you are setting up the award. The system uses this field to control all processing that occurs against a contract.

Rate Based Product

Select the product that you use most often in contract lines. The list of values for this field displays only products with a price type of Rate and a revenue recognition method of As Incurred. Products are defined on the Product Definition pages and in PeopleSoft Contracts.

Fixed Amount Product

The value that you enter here will be used to establish fixed fee contracts.

Project Options

PC Business Unit (project costing business unit)

Select the business unit that you want to use to analyze projects. This selection also determines the business unit that the system uses for PeopleSoft Grants transactional data.

Integration Template

Select the template that defines the integration between PeopleSoft Grants and other PeopleSoft Financials applications. Each integration template that you create defines a specific set of business units from the other financial applications.

Protocol Options

Continuing Review Interval-Animal

Enter the interval of months that is needed for a renewal for an animal protocol.

Continuing Review Interval-Human

Enter the interval of months that is needed for a renewal for a human protocol.

General Ledger Options

GL Business Unit

Displays the business unit that you are using for your general ledger transactions.

Ledger Group

Select a ledger group.

If you are using the PeopleSoft Commitment Control feature for projects and the default general ledger on the integration template is using commitment control, you must select a ledger group for which you have established processing rules on the Control Budget Options pages.

However, if you are not using the PeopleSoft Commitment Control feature, then the ledger group is optional. The ledger group value, if provided, is used by the system as the default value for the budget detail lines on the Project Funding page when you run the award generation process.


Select the ledger that you want to use. This field is enabled after you select a projects business unit, integration template, and ledger group.

Enable Proposal Approval Workflow

Trigger Status

Identify the status that will trigger the proposal workflow approval process. If this field has a value, then the workflow is active; otherwise, workflow is not active.

Approval Status

Identify the status to assign to a workflow-approved proposal.

Billing Options

Billing Business Unit

Select the business unit that you want to use for billing purposes.

Bill Type Identifier

Select the identifier that is used most often by the institution for billing. Select Grants Management, Miscellaneous, Project Costing, or any other identifier that the institution establishes for bills.

Minimum Bill Amount

Enter an amount to indicate the minimum threshold that produces a bill during post-award processing. The system disregards this amount for final invoices.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Confidence Levels

Access the Confidence Level Setup page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, Grants, Award Setup and BU Definition, Confidence Level Setup).

This page provides a visual clue as to the likelihood that a proposal will be approved. You can set up and maintain confidence levels. You can enter percentages for three confidence levels: high, medium, and low. The symbol to the right of the field appears on the Maintain Proposal - General Info page after a user enters a value in the Confidence Percent field and saves the proposal. It also appears on the My Proposals page. In addition, you can use confidence levels in your reporting.

Percent To

Enter the highest percent value to which you want to set the confidence level for the low and medium categories.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIdentifying Setup Levels

Access the Setup Level page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, Grants, Award Setup and BU Definition, Setup Level).

This page establishes the setup levels. The award generation process determines which entities (for example, certifications, credits, resources, and so on) come over from pre-award to post-award based on these settings. If you select All Projects, then the values that you enter at the project level for all projects will be associated with the individual projects that you establish. If you select Primary Project Level, then you will be able to establish values (that is, Certification, Resource, Subrecipient, and so on) only for that option within the primary project and not on the other projects.

Note. The Components field is only for the pre-awards process You use it to identify the level of Workflow process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up the Burn Rate Indicator for Spending

Access the Burn Rate Indicator Setup page (Set up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, Grants, Award Setup and BU Definition, Burn Rate Indicator Setup).

Use this page to define the low, medium, and high visual cues that appear next to each award or project. This visual cue appears on the Award Summary and Project Summary pages. The burn rate percentage is calculated by comparing the percentage of funds remaining to the percentage of time remaining on the project or award. The budget end date, month end date, or as of date selected on the Award Summary or Detail Summary page controls the financial totals used to calculate the burn rate percentage.

Slow Burn Rate: Potential for Under Spending - Percentage To

Enter the value that defines the burn rate from and to for slow burn rate awards and projects. The Percentage From field always displays a value of -999.10. Awards and projects that fall into this range display a yellow triangle on the Award Summary and Project Detail pages. The yellow triangle is a visual indicator to the user that the award or project has a slow burn rate and a potential for under spending.

Normal Burn Rate: Average Rate of Spending - Percent To

Enter the percent to value that defines the burn rate for normal burn rate awards and projects. The Percent From field is calculated by adding 1 to the value in the Slow Burn Rate: Potential for Under Spending - Percentage To field. Awards and projects that fall into this range display a green circle on the Award Summary and Project Detail pages. The green circle is a visual indicator to the user that the award or project has a normal burn rate and an average rate of spending.

Accelerated Burn Rate: Potential for Over Spending

Displays the Percent From and Percent To values that define the burn rate for accelerated burn rate awards and projects. The Percent From field is calculated by adding 1 to the value in the Normal Burn Rate: Average Rate of Spending - Percent To field. The Percent To value always displays a value of 999.10. Awards and projects that fall into this range display a red square on the Award Summary and Project Detail pages. The red square is a visual indicator to the user that the award or project has an accelerated burn rate and a potential for over spending.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up the Approval and Notification Process

Access the Approval/Notification Process page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, Grants, Approval/Notification Setup).

The Approval/Notification process manages the approval process. The elements that appear on this page vary depending on the transaction type you select to access the page. This table provides a description of the transaction type and workflow type:




Milestone Notification

Email notification only

Sends reminder email notifications to a group of roles before the milestone due date.

Proposal Component Approval

Worklist and email notification

Generates a worklist and notification that requests the approval or review of a proposal.

Proposal Notification

Email notification only

Sends informational email notifications to a group of roles when the proposal status changes.

Protocol Approval

Worklist and email notification

Triggers the initial Protocol Approval workflow worklist when you submit a protocol. Workflow sends the worklist, email notification, or both to a group of rules.

Protocol Batch Notification

Email notification only

Generates email reminder notifications for meetings, continuing reviews, expirations, and renewals triggered by a user-initiated batch process.

Protocol Notification

Worklist and email notification

Sends a worklist/email to a group of roles when the protocol status changes.

For the Milestone Notification Process to run, you must update the values associated with the system-delivered GM_URL. Modify the value in the URL field with your current database URL address.

See Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: System and Server Administration, "Using PeopleTools Utilities, URL Maintenance."

Transaction Type

Displays the transaction type defined for each workflow solution. Values include:

  • Milestone Notification

  • Proposal Component Approval

  • Proposal Notification

  • Protocol Approval

  • Protocol Batch Notification

  • Protocol Notification

Workflow Type

Displays the workflow function for the workflow transaction. The value in this field is determined by the transaction type. Values includes Worklist/Email notification, Email notification, and Worklist only.


Enter a description of the approval or notification process that you are configuring. The description can be no more than 30 characters.



Indicates the key element of the workflow.


Select from the list of available values. The choices are different for each type of workflow transaction and are based on the workflow type. For example, a list of Proposal components is available for the component approval setup, but you prompt for a list of Proposal statuses for the Proposal Status notification.

For protocol, displays a system-generated ID number for this particular rule.


Click to define the detail information that is related to the current element. Each transaction type has a corresponding detail page.


Click to specify the conditions for requiring the current element as part of the approval process. This field is only available for proposal component approval workflow.

Days Prior to Due Date

Enter the number of days before a milestone due date that you want the reminder email sent. This field is only available for milestone workflow.

Protocol Sub Type

Select Animal, Human, or Both. This field is available only for protocol workflow.

Routing Roles

Indicate who will be involved and what kind of action they can perform.


Select one or more values from the list of user-defined roles. The list of available roles varies depending on the transaction type that you selected.


Select this option to require the role to perform actions on the task. Feedback from the actions affects the approval status. If a role is set as required, then a worklist must be generated from this role. This field only applies to workflow types Worklist/Email and Worklist Only.

Perform Action

Select the kind of action that is performed by the role of the user. Values include Approve, Notify, and Review.This field is applied to workflow type Worklist/Email only.

Workflow Action

Select the kind of workflow that is generated and the type of workflow that you will be receiving. Values include Email Notification Only, Worklist Only, and Worklist/Email. This field is applied to workflow type Worklist/Email only.


Enter the order in which the role receives the workflow. You can enter same priority numbers so that all roles will receive the workflow simultaneously, or use any combination of numbers. This field is applied to workflow type Worklist/Email only.

Pool List

Select this option to permit only one person from this role to perform an action. The work item exempts other persons in the same role from having to perform the action also. This field is applied to workflow type Worklist/Email only.


Select this option if workers can reassign the work item. This field is applied to workflow type Worklist/Email only.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Milestone Notification and Proposal Notification Details

Access the Milestone Notification - Details page (click Details on the Approval/Notification Process page).

Notification Text

Enter any additional text to include with the message catalog text for this specific type of rule. The text entered here appears in the email notification.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Approval Definition Details

Access the Proposal Component - Approval Definition page (click Details on the Approval/Notification Process page).

This page is available with workflow transaction type Proposal Component Approval.

Required Approval Process

Select this option if all proposals within the current business unit are required for this component approval process.

Notify When Status Changes

Select this option if the user role wants to receive an email notification when the component status changes.

Self Approval

Select this option to have the work item immediately approved if the work item generator and the receiver are the same person. If this option is not selected, the generator receives a worklist.

Approval Initiator Role

The group of people that manage and monitor the approval process. They are responsible for resubmitting the component in case the component is sent back for modification by the approver.

Note. You need to identify this role; these are the people who can edit the project or budget in case it is sent back. The Proposal/Project/Budget appears only for others during the approval process.

Approval System Administrator

Unclaimed worklists will go to the approval system administrator that you select. Select one approval system administrator for the entire system.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Protocol Approval Details

Access the Protocol Approval - Details page (click Details on the Approval/Notification Process page).

Review Type

Select a value that represents the level of review for this protocol. Values include:

  • Exempt: Indicates that the protocol does not require full committee review and may need only an IO or committee chair's review or approval.

  • Expedited: Requires only review or approval by one or more individuals who are assigned as the reviewer on the Committee Setup page.

  • Full: Requires committee review.

  • Blank: Indicates that this field does not apply for this rule.


Protocol Status

Select a status for which this rule applies. If no value is selected, this field does not apply for this rule.


Notification Text

Enter any additional text to include with the message catalog text for this specific type of rule. The text entered here appears in the email notification.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Protocol Batch Notification Details

Access the Protocol Batch Notification - Details page (click Details on the Approval/Notification Process page).

Protocol Status

Select a status for this rule. If no value is selected, this field does not apply for this rule.

Date Type

This field is required for workflow notifications that are triggered by a batch process, and it also identifies the type of notification that is selected. Workflow uses the days before the due date to determine when to send notifications. Values include:

  • Expiration: Workflow uses the protocol end date as a reference.

  • Renewal: Workflow uses the protocol end date as a reference.

  • Continuing Review: Workflow uses the next continuing review date as a reference.

  • Committee Meeting: Workflow uses the meeting ID/Date and Protocol Administration page as the reference.

Days Prior to Due Day

Enter a whole number in the field to indicate how many days before the reference date (Date Type) an email notification should be sent.

Notification Text

Enter any additional text to include with the message catalog text for this specific type of rule. The text entered here appears in the email notification.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Protocol Notification Details

Access the Protocol Notification - Details page (click Details on the Approval/Notification Process page).

Protocol Status

Select a status for which this rule applies. If no value is selected, this field does not apply for this rule.


Workflow uses the Committee Meeting Notes Disposition page for the final decision on a fully reviewed protocol. The approver or committee can issue the disposition to approve, deny, or return the protocol. If no disposition is selected, then the Event region is hidden. Values include:

  • Blank

  • Approved

  • Denied

  • Returned

Notification Text

Enter any additional text to include with the message catalog text for this specific type of rule. The text entered here appears in the email notification.



The default is None.


Adverse Event

Select this option if you selected the flag on the protocol to have workflow notify the individuals who are listed.


Student PI

Select this option and one or all of the flags on the rule and in the protocol to have workflow notify the individuals who are listed.



Select this option and one or all of the flags on the rule and in the protocol to have workflow notify the individuals who are listed.



Select this option and one or all of the flags on the rule and in the protocol to have workflow notify the individuals who are listed.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering a Criteria Definition

Access the Criteria Definition page (click Criteria on the Approval/Notification Process page).

Use this page to set up one or more conditions for each criterion. This page is only available with workflow transaction type Proposal Component. Note that:

Condition ID

Displays a system-generated value.

Component Name

Select a component name. The criteria editing process is triggered in two PeopleTools components:



Note. The PeopleTools component determines the prompt tables for Amount Record and Record (Table) Name. We deliver the information as system data. You can add values to these tables by adding values to the respective PeopleTools component.

Monetary Criteria

You can select an amount field and identify the amount limit in a specific currency code and exchange rate as part of the condition.

Amount Record

Select a record from available values. PeopleSoft Grants delivers the prompt table values as system data.

Amount Field Name

Select a field that is in a number or amount format within the amount record.

Currency Field

Select a currency code.

Criteria Operator

Select Greater Than, Less Than, or Between.


Enter the amount limit. If you selected Between as the Criteria Operator, the second Amount field is available.

Currency Code

Enter the currency code for the amount, for example, USD (U.S. dollars).

Exchange Rate Type


Select an exchange rate type if you want the amount converted into a different currency.

Other Criteria

Define other non-amount criteria.

Record (Table) Name

Select a record from available values. PeopleSoft Grants delivers the prompt table values as system data.

Note. To enter data in the prompt table, show the Content (Workflow Components) page by deselecting Hide from portal navigation on the Content Ref Administration page (PROTAL_CREF_ADM).

Field Name

Select the field name from available values.


Select an operator function, for example, Equals, Less Than, or Not Equal.

Value and Value

Enter a value associated with the record name that you selected. For example, if you select DEPTID, then the value could be equal to 410000.

Note. If the record.field has a character string format, place single quotes around the string.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining PeopleSoft Grants Options

Access the Project Costing Options page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, Project Costing, Project Costing Options).

Waived Facilities and Administrative Calculation

Select either Institution Minus Funded or Sponsor Minus Budget to tell the system how you want to calculate waived and cost-shared F&A amounts. The system uses this option only if you choose to compute waived or cost shared amounts on the F&A Options page.

Instructions about defining projects options appear in the PeopleSoft Enterprise Project Costing PeopleBook.

See Also

Setting Up Project Business Units

Establishing F&A and Direct-Cost Cost-Sharing Options

Click to jump to parent topicEstablishing F&A and Direct-Cost Cost-Sharing Options

To establish F&A options, use the FA Options (GM_FA_OPTIONS) component.

This section provides overviews of F&A processing and direct-cost cost sharing, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding F&A Processing

This section discusses:

F&A Processing Basics

We deliver PeopleSoft Grants with a process that calculates and stores F&A costs, user-definable F&A base types, and effective-dated F&A rates. This process calculates F&A on the applicable sponsor-funded amounts as well as any waived and cost-shared F&A amounts.

F&A is synonymous with indirect costs or overhead. Some examples of F&A categories include travel, subcontracts, rent, salaries, and so on.

Facilities can be defined as depreciation and use allowances, interest on debt that is associated with certain buildings, equipment and capital improvements, operation and maintenance expenses, and library expenses.

Administration is defined as general administration and general expenses, departmental administration, sponsored projects administration, and student administration and services.

The base type on which F&A is awarded is typically Modified Total Direct Costs (MTDC). The base is significant in that it identifies the direct costs on which F&A can be charged.

For the F&A process to function properly in PeopleSoft Grants, you need to define several items:

Processing Options

PeopleSoft Grants provides various options for processing F&A expenses. It enables you to establish effective-dated rates, define the bases, and initiate three distinct computations. The key computation is Sponsor Facilities and Administration (SFA). This computation is fed to PeopleSoft General Ledger and billed. The other two optional computations include Waived Facilities and Administration (WFA) and Cost Share Facilities and Administration (CFA). You can establish the F&A definitions at the institution, the sponsor, or the award level.

For the F&A process (GM_GMFACS) to function correctly, complete these initial setup steps:

F&A Base Account Tree

The sole function of the F&A base tree is to calculate F&A expenses based on actual expenses that post to the accounts that are identified on the tree. This process happens during the post-award phase. You need to define a tree with node values that represent each base type that you are using, including:

However you set up your tree, the base node values that you assign on the tree must also be the same base node values that you indicate on your F&A setup pages. If the value does not match, the system cannot find the base node to use to calculate F&A, and your F&A process will not function correctly.

PeopleSoft Grants delivers a sample F&A base tree that you can refer to as a model. It is delivered under the FEDRL SetID. The tree name is GM_FA_BASE.

To access this tree, select Tree Manager, Tree Manager.

If the institution has exclusionary accounts or identical accounts in different nodes, you can create a tree with duplicate account values. To establish this type of tree, click Tree Definition on the Tree Manager page. Then, select the Allow Duplicate Detail Values check box on the Tree Definition and Properties page.

Tree Definition and Properties

The following example illustrates the Tree Definition and Properties page.

Warning! Typically, you should not have to duplicate detail values within a tree, and you can preclude people from creating them. If duplicate values are allowed, do not assign different rate types within the same project activity to bases that contain the same accounts. If you do, the F&A calculations will be incorrect.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Tree Manager

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Direct-Cost Cost Sharing

Organizations may frequently need to calculate cost-sharing percentages and distribute them among departments, other units, or internal business units and external agencies. PeopleSoft Grants enables you to budget for a number of cost-sharing relationships. You can also calculate F&A rates at the expenditure level and differentiate between sponsor expenditures and institution cost sharing.

Cost sharing represents the portion of the research or project that is not funded by the sponsor. For example, an institution may decide to contribute funds or resources to support a project in addition to the amount that is awarded by the sponsor.

In some instances, awarding sponsors expect or require recipients to contribute a certain dollar amount or percentage of the award as a precondition for their support. PeopleSoft Grants enables you to track direct cost-shared amounts, F&A cost-shared amounts, and waived F&A amounts.

To implement cost sharing, you must define direct cost sharing by the ChartField combinations that you establish on the Facilities Admin Options page. You can select one or more ChartFields to designate the ChartFields that constitute cost sharing, for example:

After you select a ChartField, you must select values for the From Value and To Value fields.

For example, if you select Fund as the cost-sharing ChartField and then select a range (F250 / F260), the system considers each transaction that is coded with fund F250 through F260 as cost shared.

If you enter more than one cost-sharing ChartField, (for example, fund F250 and department 90280), the system recognizes the transaction as being cost shared only if the transaction references both (or all) ChartFields. If more than one ChartField value is specified (for example, department ID 90280 and 90000), then the system treats this as an OR situation, meaning that as long as one of the values is referenced, the transaction is deemed cost shared.

For example, to enter a 2,000.00 USD salary transaction with 50 percent cost sharing, you would:

  1. Define cost sharing by using a fund value of 100.

  2. Code one salary line for 1,000.00 USD to the normal account, department, and fund.

  3. Code the second, or cost-shared, line for 1,000.00 USD to fund 100 to distinguish it as a cost-shared line.

When the two lines come into PeopleSoft Project Costing, the cost-shared line, which is based on its fund of 100, is assigned a unique analysis type. You can use the analysis type for reporting, analysis, and billing purposes.

When you run the award generation process, the system computes the cost-sharing amount to be brought forward into the award by using the percentages that you set up within the pre-award environment. When you establish the post-award budget, you should verify that the cost-sharing totals that are brought forward are for the amount that you want, and make any adjustments that may be necessary due to rounding.

Note. ChartField values that are used for cost share cannot be used for reimbursable/funded dollars.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Establish F&A and Direct-Cost Cost-Sharing Options

Page Name

Definition Name



Facilities Admin Options


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, Grants, Facilities Admin Options

Establish default F&A information that is used by the F&A process.

Facilities Admin Offsets


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, Grants, Facilities Admin Options, Facilities Admin Offsets

Establish links between departments and operating units, funds, programs, classes, budgets, products, and affiliates.

Installation Options - Grants


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Install, Installation Options, Grants

Establish cost-sharing analysis types for each feeder system with which you plan to use the PeopleSoft Grants cost-sharing features. This page is also used to indicate that you can include optional attachments, and to determine the source for calculating unliquidated obligation balances for the Federal Financial Report.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing F&A Options

Access the Facilities Admin Options page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, Grants, Facilities Admin Options).

Exclude Project From Offsets

Select this option if you want to exclude the project from the F&A offset rows created by the F&A process. If you do not select Exclude Project From Offsets, the F&A rows inherit the project from the original direct cost line being burdened.


Select the expense account that you want to use when F&A lines are created. All the other ChartField values in the F&A lines are inherited from the original transaction line on which F&A is being burdened.

Distribution Code

Displays the distribution code. This value defines the F&A Offset account that is to be used in F&A processing. This value should be a revenue account.


Select the journal template that you want to use to feed the F&A accounting entries from PeopleSoft Grants to PeopleSoft General Ledger.

FA Budget Checking (facilities and administration budget checking)

Select the type of F&A transaction lines that will be budget checked.

Tree SetID

Select the SetID or business unit that you want the system to use as a base for calculating F&A expenses.

Tree Name

Select the account on the tree that you want the system to use to determine the F&A base amounts when the system calculates F&A.

FA Calculation Options (facilities and administration calculation options)

The options that you select here enable the institution to choose the types of F&A that you want to calculate and maintain in PeopleSoft Grants. Options are:

Sponsor: This value is always selected and cannot be deselected.

Sponsor F&A costs are stored in both the Project Resource table (PROJ_RESOURCE) and in PeopleSoft General Ledger.

Waived and Cost Shared: These are optional computations and are stored only within the Project Resource table.

CS ChartField (cost-sharing ChartField)

Indicate the values for the ChartFields that identify transactions as cost sharing when they are used (for example, FUND_CODE).

From Value

Select the ChartField value that you want to designate for cost-shared transactions.

When the line comes into PeopleSoft Project Costing, the cost-shared line is assigned a unique analysis type for reporting, analysis, and billing purposes.

To Value

Select a value that is greater than the one that is entered in the From Value field to code cost-shared transactions to a range of values.

The system does not accept a value that is less than the one in the From Value field.

To code cost-shared transactions to only one department, class, fund, or program, enter the same value that is in the From Value field.

Note. If the institution uses a combination of ChartFields and values to define what combinations constitute cost sharing, enter multiple cost-sharing ChartFields and from and to values.

See Also

Establishing Direct-Cost Cost Sharing

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing F&A Offsets

Access the Facilities Admin Offsets page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, Grants, Facilities Admin Options, Facilities Admin Offsets).

FA Offset

Department, Operating Unit, Fund Code, Dept, Program Code, Class Field, Budget Reference, Product, Affiliate, Fund Affiliate, and Operating Unit Affiliate

At the project level, you identify the departments and the percentage share associated with each of them. The F&A process then looks to the F&A Options page to identify the offsetting chartfields that you associate with each department.

Within this page, you identify for each department the offsetting chartfields that should be used in creating the Offset F&A Account (OFA, or revenue) lines associated with the F&A transactional processing.

For each field, select a value to which you want the system to offset F&A transactions. The Department field is the F&A department. Enter any department ID from the department chartfield in the Dept field that is located to the right of the Fund Code.

Note. For searches, the system uses the value that you enter for the first department ID.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing Direct-Cost Cost Sharing

Access the Installation Options - Grants page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Install, Installation Options, Grants).

Use the Cost Sharing Analysis Types group box to establish cost-sharing analysis types for each feeder system with which you plan to use the PeopleSoft Grants cost-sharing feature.

This table lists some of the cost-sharing analysis types that are defined for specific feeder systems and delivered with PeopleSoft Grants:

Feeder System

Cost-Sharing Analysis Type

Accounts Payable


General Ledger




Purchasing - Purchase Orders


Time & Labor


Purchasing - Close Adjustment


Purchasing - Commitment Reversal


Purchasing - Requisition Reversal


Based on the feeder systems in which the transactions originated, the system automatically assigns a cost-sharing analysis type to a transaction that includes designated cost-sharing ChartFields.

This table lists feeder systems and the fields to which they correspond on the Installation Options - Grants page:

Feeder System


Accounts Payable

Cst Shr AP


Cst Sh EX

Grants Budget

Cst Shr GM-Bud


Cst Shr IN

Order Management

Cst Shr OM

Purchasing - Close Adjustments

CS/PO-Close Adj

Purchasing - Commitment Reversals


Purchasing - Purchase Orders


Purchasing - Requisitions


Purchasing - Requisition Reversals


Time & Labor Actuals


Time & Labor Billing Estimate

CS/TL-Bill Est

Time & Labor Estimate

CS/TL - Est

Time & Labor Contractors

Cst Shr TL Con

Time & Expense Time

Cst Shr TE Time

By assigning a distinct analysis type to cost-shared transactions, PeopleSoft Grants enables you to track the feeder systems from which the cost-sharing transactions originated. PeopleSoft Grants also enables to calculate and track F&A expenses on cost-shared amounts.

Note. The system assigns all cost-sharing F&A costs with an analysis type of CFA (Cost-Sharing Facilities and Administration). To activate the cost-shared F&A calculation, navigate to the Facilities Admin Options page (select Setup Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, Grants, Facilities Admin Options) and select the Cost Shared check box. When this is activated, the system calculates F&A on direct cost-shared amounts (assuming that the accounts are in the F&A base) with an analysis type of CFA.

The system uses either the institution's F&A rate or sponsor's F&A rate for calculating the cost-sharing F&A. To determine which rate to use, the system looks at the Waived FA Calc Method group box on the Project Activity - Definition page (select Grants, Awards, Project Activity, Definition). If the Institution Minus Funded check box is selected, the system uses the institution's F&A rate for calculating the cost-sharing F&A. If the Sponsor Minus Funded check box is selected, the system uses the sponsor's F&A rate for calculating the cost-sharing F&A.

See Also

Establishing F&A and Direct-Cost Cost-Sharing Options