Enabling Service Orders

This chapter provides an overview of service orders and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Service Orders

In PeopleSoft Resource Management, you use service orders to submit, track, and fulfill requests for services from external or internal customers. You create a service order to define the required services for a project and specify the criteria that the system uses to locate the appropriate resources. Users with different roles in the organization have access to service orders.

This section discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicService Order Priorities

Service order priorities define the importance levels that you can assign to service orders. You specify a default value for service order priority at an organizational level. Priority is an informational field; it does not control service order processing. You can filter service orders by priority on the Service Order Listing report. After defining priority levels, you can specify the priority default value that appears on all new service orders.

You must define service order priorities before you create service orders.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicService Order Defaults

You can specify service order default values at an individual user level to speed service order entry. A PeopleSoft user with the authority to create a service order can specify a default value for the owning business unit, owning organization, and the person responsible for staffing service orders. An administrator can specify default values for other PeopleSoft users. You can override service order default values on the service order.

Service order defaults are optional.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicQualification Profiles

A qualification profile predefines the standard traits for a specific job role, such as project manager or sales consultant, and stores them as a template for future use. A user who creates new service orders can use qualification profiles to identify the qualifications that are necessary for each resource request. When a qualification profile is selected, it populates the resource request with the competencies, desired levels of proficiency, importance settings, and accomplishments as defined on the qualification profile.

You can also associate a qualification profile with a project role in PeopleSoft Program Management. The qualifications on the Qualification Profile page appear as default values on the Update Generic Resource Qualifications page for a generic resource's primary project role. This association of qualification profiles with project roles is especially useful when you create service orders or initiate express searches for generic resources in PeopleSoft Program Management. The qualifications from the Update Generic Resource Qualifications page for the generic resource automatically appear as default values on these pages:

The setID is a key field on the qualification profile. You can select a qualification profile on a resource request if the business unit on the service order shares the same setID as the profile. Create qualification profiles with a shared setID if you have multiple business units that deliver identical services.

Qualification profiles are optional.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicService Order Templates

A service order template reduces the amount of work needed to create a service order by populating many of the fields with values that you define in advance. A service order template can include service order summary information and details for resource request lines.

Service order templates are optional.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Service Order Priorities

To define service order priorities, use the Service Order Priority component (RS_SO_PRIORITY).

This section discusses how to establish or modify service order priorities.

Note. This section is required. You must complete the tasks that are discussed in this section to enable service orders in PeopleSoft Resource Management.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Define Service Order Priorities

Page Name

Definition Name



Service Order Priority


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Resource Management, Service Order Priority, Service Order Priority

Establish or modify service order priorities.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing or Modifying Service Order Priorities

Access the Service Order Priority page and enter a unique priority code (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Resource Management, Service Order Priority, Service Order Priority).

Sequence Number

Enter the relative importance of the priority. Assign the lowest number to the highest priority.


Enter the name of the code.


Enter comments that describe the code.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Service Order Defaults

To define service order defaults, use the My Service Order Defaults component (RS_OPR_OPTIONS_EM) or the Service Order Defaults component (RS_OPR_OPTIONS).

This section lists a prerequisite and discusses to how to specify service order default values.

Note. This section is optional. If you do not plan to use service order defaults in PeopleSoft Resource Management, you do not need to complete the tasks that are discussed in this section.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisite

You must define an organizational tree before you can define service order default values.

See Defining the Organization by Using Trees.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Service Order Defaults

Page Name

Definition Name



Service Order Defaults for <User>


  • Resource Management, Define User Options, My Service Order Defaults, Service Order Defaults for <user>

  • Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Resource Management, Service Order Defaults, Service Order Defaults for <user>

Specify default values for the person responsible for staffing the order, the owning business unit, and the owning organization for service orders entered by the user.

Service Order Owning Organization - Select an Organization


Click the Select an Organization lookup icon on the Service Order Defaults for <user> page.

Click the Advanced Search or the Basic Search link.

Enter the default owning organization for service orders that are entered by the user.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Service Order Default Values

Access the Service Order Defaults for <user> page (Resource Management, Define User Options, My Service Order Defaults, Service Order Defaults for <user>).

Responsible For Staffing

Enter the staffing coordinator or other person responsible for fulfilling the service order. The person responsible for staffing receives new service orders submitted by the user. The service orders appear on the Fulfill Orders tab of the Staffing Workbench. In addition, if the service order workflow option is enabled on the Resource Management Options page for the service order business unit, the person who is responsible for staffing also receives a workflow notification for new orders submitted by the user.

Owning Business Unit

Enter the business unit to appear as the default owning business unit for new service orders entered by the user. This value determines the organizational tree from which you can select the default owning organization.

Note. You must select an owning business unit before you can select an owning organization.

Owning Organization

Enter the organization to appear as the default owning organization for new service orders entered by the user. This is the organizational unit that is responsible for the order, such as an organization that sells services to a customer and must ensure that the order is fulfilled.

Note. You cannot type the default Owning Organization field value; you must select it from the organizational unit tree on the Service Order Owning Organization - Select an Organization page that you access by clicking the Select an Organization lookup icon.

See Defining Owning Organizations.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating Qualification Profiles

To create qualification profiles, use the My Qualification Profiles component (RS_RESRC_TEMPLT_SC) or the Qualification Profiles component (RS_RESRC_TEMPLT).

This section provides an overview of the steps to create a qualification profile and discusses how to create and update qualification profiles.

Note. This section is optional. If you do not plan to use qualification profiles in PeopleSoft Resource Management, you do not need to complete the tasks that are discussed in this section.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Steps to Create a Qualification Profile

Follow these steps to create a qualification profile:

  1. Enter the setID for the qualification profile if you are building profiles that users in the same setID share.

    The setID value is your human resource (HR) business unit if you are creating a qualification profile for your own use.

  2. Enter the name of the qualification profile.

  3. (Optional) Define the job tasks associated with the qualification profile if you are using PeopleSoft Enterprise Human Resources Management (PeopleSoft HRMS) as the employee source database.

  4. Complete all of the information that is relevant to the qualification profile.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Qualification Profiles

Page Name

Definition Name



Qualification Profile


  • Resource Management, Define Templates, Qualification Profiles, Qualification Profile

  • Resource Management, Define Templates, My Qualification Profiles, Qualification Profile

Create or modify qualification profiles for other users (if you are an administrator) or for yourself.



Click the Add Competency button on the Qualification Profile page.

Add, delete, or modify competencies on the qualification profile.

Delete Confirmation


Click Delete on an accomplishment row on the qualification profile.

Accept or cancel the action to delete an accomplishment from the qualification profile.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating and Updating Qualification Profiles

This section discusses how to build or modify qualification profiles for your own use or to share among specific setIDs. You can specify:

Defining the Profile Description

Access the Qualification Profile page (Resource Management, Define Templates, Qualification Profiles, Qualification Profile).

At the prompt, select the appropriate setID if you are building a qualification profile for users in a setID to share. The setID value is your HR business unit if you do not have access to build qualification profiles for other setIDs.

Enter the name of the profile you want to define.

Go to the Profile Description group box.


Enter a description so that users can identify the profile.


Enter relevant comments such as the profile's purpose, the type of resource it represents, its creator, or the date of the last modification.

This qualification profile is for my personal use only. Do not make this profile visible to any other users.

Select this check box to make the qualification profile visible to the current user only. Deselect to make the profile visible to all users who belong to a PeopleSoft business unit with access to the setID.

Defining Role Competencies

Go to the Default Role Competencies group box.

This group box appears if you use PeopleSoft HRMS as the only employee source database.

Job Task

Enter the job task that is associated with the qualification profile. When you search for an PeopleSoft HRMS job task to associate with this qualification profile, the setID controls the available tasks. The job tasks that are available to associate with the qualification profile have the same setID as the profile.

Get Role Competencies

Click to populate the profile with competencies and accomplishments that are associated with the role. The detailed competencies and accomplishments for the role appear in the Profile Competencies and Profile Accomplishments group boxes on this page.

Use this button to create a new profile or to add competencies and accomplishments from a role in PeopleSoft HRMS to an existing qualification profile. Changes to a role in PeopleSoft HRMS do not automatically update the qualification profile.

Defining Profile Competencies

Go to the Profile Competencies group box.

You can modify the competency values that were populated with PeopleSoft HRMS values if you associated the qualification profile with a job task.


Enter the appropriate competency. Click the Look up Competency icon to search for a specific competency by competency, description, or category. Competency values are maintained in the employee source database.


Displays the description of the competency. Description values are maintained in the employee source database.


Enter the desired level of proficiency that the resource should possess for this competency.


Enter Desired or Required to indicate how important it is for the resource to possess the specified proficiency and number of years of experience for the competency.

Designating a competency as required indicates that you will not consider a resource without at least the specified proficiency and requested number of years of experience.

Years of Work Experience

Enter the number of years of work experience that the resource should possess for this competency. You can select from no years to 9+ Years.

Add Competency

Click to access the Competencies page where you can access the Competency tree (COMPETENCY) and select competencies from competency categories. Alternatively, you can search for a competency by key word or letters. Add, delete, or modify competencies and interests as required, and click Return to Qualification Profile to return to the Qualification Profile page.

See Modifying Resource Competencies and Interests in PeopleSoft Resource Management.

Defining Profile Accomplishments

Go to the Profile Accomplishments group box.

In the Accomplishment field in each of the four group boxes—Degrees, Languages, Licenses, and Memberships— select the appropriate accomplishments from the list of all accomplishments stored in the employee source database.

You select an importance rating—desired or required—for each accomplishment. Designating an accomplishment as required indicates that you will not consider a resource without at least the requested accomplishment.


Specify a major code for each selected degree, and specify its importance.


Specify the level of proficiency that the resource should possess to speak, read, and write the selected languages. Indicate the importance of all three.


Specify an issuing country and state for the selected licenses. Indicate the importance of both.


Specify the importance of each selected membership.


Click to delete the corresponding row from the accomplishment grid. The Delete Confirmation page appears for you to confirm or cancel the action.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating, Updating, and Deleting Service Order Templates

This section discusses how to:

Note. This section is optional. If you do not plan to use service order templates in PeopleSoft Resource Management, you do not need to complete the tasks that are discussed in this section.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Create, Update, and Delete Service Order Templates

Page Name

Definition Name



Service Order Template - Resource Request


Resource Management, Define Templates, Service Order Template, Resource Request

Store common resource request details that you can use to populate new service orders.

Service Order Template - Order Summary


Resource Management, Define Templates, Service Order Template, Resource Request, Order Summary

Store common service order summary information that you can use to populate new service orders.

Resource Management User Options - Select an Organization


Click Owning Organization on the Order Summary page.

Click Advanced Search or Basic Search.

Select the default organization that is responsible for delivering services.

Service Order - Additional General Information


Click the Additional General Information link on the Order Summary page.

Enter values for flexible resource attributes for the resource request line on the template.

Service Order - Location and Contact Details


Click the Change Location/Contact Information link on the Order Summary page.

Enter location and contact information for the resource request line on the template.

Delete Service Order Template


Resource Management, Define Templates, Delete Templates, Delete Service Order Template

Delete a service order template.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating and Updating Service Order Templates

This section discusses how to:

Defining Resource Request Template Details

Access the Service Order Template - Resource Request page (Resource Management, Define Templates, Service Order Template, Resource Request).

Template ID

Assign a unique service order template ID when you access the Service Order Template component (RS_SO_TMPLT).

Note. All service order IDs and service order template IDs must be unique.

Customer ID

(Optional) Enter a customer ID.

Resource Request

(Optional) Enter information in any resource request field that commonly appears in recurring service orders.

See Defining Resource Requests.

Defining the Order Summary Template

Access the Service Order Template - Order Summary page (Resource Management, Define Templates, Service Order Template, Resource Request, Order Summary).

Order Information

Enter order information that commonly appears in recurring service orders. The field values that you enter here appear in the order summary on new service orders when you use the template to create a new service order.

Note. You cannot type the default Owning Organization field value; you must select it from the organizational unit tree on the Resource Management User Options - Select an Organization page that you access by clicking the Select an Organization lookup icon.

See Entering Order Summary Information.

Additional General Information

Click this link to enter additional attribute values for an individual resource request line.

See Adding Additional Resource Request Information.

Change Location / Contact Information

Click this link to specify a different location or contact for an individual resource request line.

See Changing Locations or Contacts.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDeleting Service Order Templates

Access the Delete Service Order Template page (Resource Management, Define Templates, Delete Templates, Delete Service Order Template).

Template ID

Enter the template to delete from the Delete Template search page.


Select the Delete check box to delete the template.


Click Save to perform the action.

Existing service orders are not affected when you delete a service order template.

Note. PeopleSoft Resource Management users share service order templates; therefore, only system administrators should have permission to delete the templates.