Determining Functional Implementation Options

This chapter provides an overview functional implementation options and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding eProcurement Functional Implementation Options

Use the eProcurement - Administer Procurement page to navigate to all necessary pages that you use to maintain procurement options. Every link that you need to set up and maintain procurement options can be located from this central navigational page.

Click to jump to parent topicMaintaining Business Units

To define business units, use the eProcurement Business Unit Actions component (PV_ACTIONS_BU), the eProcurement Business Unit Options component (PV_BUS_UNIT_PM), the Record Group component (REC_GROUP_TABLE), and the tableset ID component (SETID_TABLE).

PeopleSoft eProcurement requires a purchase order business unit because the system uses the business unit as a key field when recording transactions.

This section discusses how to:

Note. You can also access many of the pages that are listed in the Set Up Financials/Supply Chain menu within the Business Unit Related option.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Maintain Business Units

Page Name

Definition Name



Maintain Business Units


eProcurement, Administer Procurement, Maintain Business Units

View a list of links that you use to navigate to other pages to set up and maintain business unit information.

Business Unit Definition


Click the Purchasing Definition link on the Maintain Business Units page.

Create a PeopleSoft Purchasing business unit.

Business Unit Options


Click the Purchasing Definition link on the Maintain Business Units page. Then select the Business Unit Options tab.

Define business unit options.

PO Approval Options (purchase order approval options)


Click the Purchasing Definition link on the Maintain Business Units page. Then select the PO Approval Options tab.

Define purchase order approval options.

Document Numbering


Click the Purchasing Definition link on the Maintain Business Units page. Then select the Document Numbering tab.

View document numbering.

See Understanding Business Units in PeopleSoft Purchasing.

Record Group


Click the Record Group link on the Maintain Business Units page.

Add a record group. After adding the group, use the TableSet Control feature to create relationships.

TableSet Control - Record Group


Click the TableSet Control link on the Maintain Business Units page.

Group record definitions for the tables that you want to share, as well as any dependent record definitions. This creates relationships between setIDs, business units, and record groups.

See Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: System and Server Administration, "Using the PSADMIN Utility"

TableSet Control - Tree


Click the TableSet Control link on the Maintain Business Units page. Then select the Tree tab.

Associate the Set Control Value with trees.

TableSet ID - TableSet Control


Click the TableSet ID link on the Maintain Business Units page.

Use this page to create setIDs.

AM Business Unit Definition (asset management business unit definition)


Click the Asset Mgmt Definition (asset management definition) link on the Maintain Business Units page.

Create a PeopleSoft Asset Management business unit and specify its default processing options.

See Implementing Asset Management.

Open Period Update


Click Update Open Periods on the AM Business Unit Definition page.

Define in which periods transactions can be posted for Asset Management.

Warehouse Mapping


Click Warehouse Mapping on the AM Business Unit Definition page.

Establish the default ChartField mapping rules that are necessary to accommodate asset-component changeout-transfers for this business unit.

VAT Defaults Setup (Value Added Tax Defaults Setup)


Click VAT Default on the AM Business Unit Definition page.

Setup defaults for VAT.

VAT Defaults Copy (Value Added Tax Defaults Copy)


Click Copy Defaults From on the VAT Defaults Setup page.

Copy VAT default specifications from another key combination for the same VAT driver.

Business Unit/Book Definition


Click the Asset Mgmt Definition link on the Maintain Business Units page. Then select the Business Unit/Book Definition tab.

Define required books, book options, and accounting entry options for each book that the business unit will use.

Note. You must first complete the AM Business Unit Definition page and define the asset books on the Asset Book page.

BU Book ChartFields Summarize


  • Click the Asset Mgmt Definition link on the Maintain Business Units page.

  • Select the Business Unit/Book Feature tab.

  • Select the Group Asset Processing check box on the Business Unit/Book Definition page.

(Optional) Select the ChartFields that will be used to summarize assets by a group member.

Round Options


Click Round Type on the Business Unit/Book Definition page.

(JPN) Select options for rounding depreciation amounts for the book.

Depreciation Close List


Click Depreciation Close List on the Business Unit/Book Definition page.

Review the years and periods for which depreciation has been closed.

General Ledger - Definition






Click the General Ledger Definition link on the Maintain Business Units page.

Define PeopleSoft General Ledger business units.

See Understanding General Ledger Business Units and Options.

General Ledger - Currency Options


Click the General Ledger Definition link on the Maintain Business Units page. Then select the Currency Options tab.

Specify currency options at the business unit level for currency balancing; base currency adjustment, and the number of foreign currencies for each journal.

See Defining Currency Options for a Business Unit.

Ledgers For A Unit - Currency Options


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, General Ledger, Ledgers For A Unit, Currency Options

Indicate how you want to record adjusting entries for out-of-balance conditions that are caused by foreign currency rounding.

See Defining Currency Options for a Business Unit.

Rounding Adjustment ChartFields


Click the Rounding Adjust ChartFields link on the Ledgers For A Unit - Currency Options page.

Specify ChartField options when an unbalanced condition exists between the debit and credit rows. This results when the system converts and then rounds a value from a foreign amount to a base amount.

See Understanding General Ledger Business Units and Options.

Purchasing Processing Options


Click the Processing Options link on the Maintain Business Units page.

Define purchasing transaction processing criteria.

See Defining PeopleSoft Purchasing Business Units and Processing Options.

Dispatch Method


Click the Dispatch Method link on the Purchasing Processing Options page.

Define transaction dispatch methods for purchase orders, request for quotes (RFQs), return to vendors (RTVs), contracts, and replenishment requests.

See Defining PeopleSoft Purchasing Business Units and Processing Options.

Freight Option


Click the Freight Option link on the Purchasing Processing Options page.

Define freight options, rule codes, and charge methods.

See Defining PeopleSoft Purchasing Business Units and Processing Options.

VAT Defaults Setup (value-added tax defaults setup)


Click the VAT Default link on the Purchasing Processing Options page.

Define VAT default options for all transactions in a business unit.

See Defining PeopleSoft Purchasing Business Units and Processing Options.

Service VAT Treatment Defaults Setup (service value-added tax treatment defaults setup)


Click the VAT Service Treatment Setup link on the Purchasing Processing Options page.

Define service-related VAT default options for service transactions in a business unit.

See Defining PeopleSoft Purchasing Business Units and Processing Options.

POA Settings (purchase order acknowledgements settings)


Click the POA Settings link on the Purchasing Processing Options page.

Define POA requirements and tolerance settings.

See Defining PeopleSoft Purchasing Business Units and Processing Options.

eProcurement Business Unit Options


Click the eProcurement Business Unit Options link on the Maintain Business Units page.

Define business unit options for PeopleSoft eProcurement.

eProcurement Business Unit Actions


Click the eProcurement Business Unit Actions link on the Maintain Business Units page.

Identify the PeopleSoft eProcurement actions that should be used for each business unit. The applicable PeopleSoft eProcurement actions enable security for items from the business template, express forms, and direct connect suppliers.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating a PeopleSoft Purchasing Business Unit

Access the Business Unit Definition page (eProcurement, Administer Procurement, Maintain Business Units. Click the Purchasing Definition link on the Maintain Business Units page).

All PeopleSoft eProcurement transactions are recorded in a PeopleSoft Purchasing business unit. Set up a PeopleSoft Purchasing business unit even if you are not using PeopleSoft Purchasing (standalone mode).

See Also

Defining PeopleSoft Purchasing Business Units and Processing Options

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Relationships Between Business Units, SetIDs, and Record Groups

Access the TableSet Control - Record Group page (eProcurement, Administer Procurement, Maintain Business Units. Click the TableSet Control link on the Maintain Business Units page).

If you are integrating with a marketplace, use the TableSet Control - Record Group page to link the PeopleSoft eProcurement record group PV_01 as a marketplace buyer.

Note. Before altering this page, you should have a clear understanding of tablesets, record groups, and relational database concepts. Please see your database administrator before making changes.

See Also

Integrating with a Marketplace

Defining PeopleSoft Purchasing Business Units and Processing Options

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining PeopleSoft General Ledger Business Units

Access the General Ledger - Definition page (eProcurement, Administer Procurement, Maintain Business Units. Click the General Ledger Definition link on the Maintain Business Units page).

Set up a PeopleSoft General Ledger business unit even if you are not using the PeopleSoft General Ledger system.

See Also

Defining PeopleSoft Purchasing Business Units and Processing Options

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Business Unit Options for PeopleSoft eProcurement

Access the eProcurement Business Unit Options page (eProcurement, Administer Procurement, Maintain Business Units. Click the eProcurement Business Unit Options link on the Maintain Business Units page).

Enable Req Region Security (enable requisition region security)

Select to indicate that requisitions for this business unit have regional security. This means that the result of an item search from a requisition displays only those items and vendors that are relevant to the regions for a requester.

Allow Req Change in Purchasing (allow requisition change in purchasing)

Select to indicate that you can change requisitions added in PeopleSoft eProcurement (that is, having a SYSTEM_SOURCE of EPO) using the PeopleSoft Purchasing components. A eProcurement requisition can be altered in PeopleSoft Purchasing; however, a requisition added in PeopleSoft Purchasing cannot be altered using PeopleSoft eProcurement components.

Allow Changes to Dispatched PO

Select to enable users to create a change request when the requisition line has been source to a purchase order and the purchase order has already been dispatched. This value is overridden by the same option on the linked supplier's Supplier Properties page (i.e. ALLOW_PO_CHNG = N).

Un-select to prevent users from creating a change request when the purchase order has already been dispatched.

Workflow Approval Required

Select to indicate that requisitions and change requests for this business unit must go through the approval workflow framework before the requisition is set to the status of approved. If this same check box is selected on the PeopleSoft Purchasing business unit then the approval workflow framework is turned on for both Purchasing and eProcurement and this check box on this page is unavailable. Selecting the Workflow Approval Required check box on the eProcurement business unit but not the Purchasing business unit turns on the approval workflow framework only in PeopleSoft eProcurement; in this case, if you edit an eProcurement requisition within a Purchasing component, the approval process is not triggered. Keep in mind that a requisition added in PeopleSoft eProcurement can be changed using the PeopleSoft Purchasing components only if you have selected the Allow Req Change in Purchasing check box on this page. A requisition added in PeopleSoft Purchasing cannot be altered using PeopleSoft eProcurement components.

See Using the Approval Framework in PeopleSoft eProcurement.

Resubmit Workflow for Quantity or Price Decrease

Select this check box to require the approval of a change request with a decrease in item quantity or price. When a requisition is changed to increase the item quantity or price, then the system automatically requires approval of the change request.

Item Source

Select the catalog source for this business unit. Items can come from the item master tables, the express catalog, or both. This field is available for selection when the Item Source Option on the eProcurement Installation Options page is set to Master and Express Items.

Show PO Acknowledgements Icon (show purchase order acknowledgements icon)

Select to display the POA icon on the requisition cycle. This icon can be used to view a purchase order acknowledgement received from a vendor. The requisition cycle can be viewed on the Manage Requisitions page or the Requisition Cycle for: <requester> page.

Show ASN Icon (show advanced shipping notice icon)

Select to display the ASN icon on the requisition cycle. This icon can be used to view an advanced shipping notice (ASN) receive from a vendor. The requisition cycle can be viewed on the Manage Requisitions page or the Requisition Cycle for: <requester> page.

Integration Type

Select the type of integration that you will be using. Examples are Oracle, PeopleSoft 8.4, and SAP.

PO ID Scheme (purchase order ID scheme)

Select the purchase order ID scheme that you will be using. Examples are PO ID - User Defined and PO ID by Business Unit.

Integration Option

Select an option to control how the business unit acts for requisitions. Values include:

Do Not Consolidate: Select to have the system create all requisition lines for this business unit with the Do Not Consolidate field set to Yes.

External Invoices: Select to indicate the requisition cycle sources invoice data from a set of staging tables that can be populated from an external accounting system.

External Payments: Select to indicate the requisition cycle sources payment data from a set of staging tables that can be populated from an external accounting system.

External Receiving: Select to indicate the requisition cycle sources receiving data from a set of staging tables that can be populated from an external system.

No Deletion After Integration: Select to indicate that deletions will not occur after the integration processes are run.

One Distribution per Schedule: Select to indicate that users cannot create requisitions with multiple distributions per schedule.

One Schedule per Line: Select to indicate that users cannot create requisitions with multiple schedules per line.

PeopleSoft PO ID Used (PeopleSoft purchase order ID used): Select to indicate that the external system will have the same purchase order ID as the PeopleSoft order when integrating with an external system.

Note. You can select more than one integration option by adding rows to the Integration Options group box.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up and Maintaining Codes

To set up and maintain codes, use these components:

This section provides an overview of purchasing codes and lists the pages used to set up and maintain codes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Purchasing Codes

Purchasing codes control information that is used during the purchasing process. Examples of these codes include carrier, currency, and commodity codes, as well as freight, location, and tax codes.

If you are using supplier integration, be sure that the country, currency, and units of measure codes that you define are the same as those that appear on the supplier's website. Use International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards.

Note. You can also access many of the pages that are listed in the following table by selecting Setup Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions and Setup Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up and Maintain Codes

Page Name

Definition Name



Maintain Codes


eProcurement, Administer Procurement, Maintain Codes

View a list of links that are used to navigate to other pages to set up and maintain purchasing codes.



Click the Carrier link on the Maintain Codes page.

Define the carriers that the organization uses to move freight.

Std Comm Type (Standard Comment Type)


Click the Comment Types link on the Maintain Codes page.

Define standard comment types to use to identify the purpose of a particular comment.

Standard Comments


Click the Comments link on the Maintain Codes page.

Create standard comments that can be assigned to a purchase order.

Commodity Code


Click the Commodity Codes link on the Maintain Codes page.

Define commodity codes. Commodity codes, which are also called freight classes, are used on bills of lading to group and identify shipped products for freight rating and insurance purposes.

Country Description


Click the Countries link on the Maintain Codes page.

Add or review country descriptions.

Address Format


Click the Countries link on the Maintain Codes page. Then select the Address Format tab.

Select address fields for a country so that the system displays addresses in the appropriate format.

Currency Code


Click the Currency Codes link on the Maintain Codes page.

Define the currencies that you will be using in the eProcurement application.

File Locations


Click the File Locations link on the Maintain Codes page.

Define file extensions that you want the system to recognize, system locations for transaction attachments, email and fax file extensions, and file server directories.

Freight Terms


Click the Freight Terms link on the Maintain Codes page.

Set up freight terms.

Location Definition


Click the Location Codes link on the Maintain Codes page.

Define a location code, such as a branch office or shipping office.

Location Detail


Click the Location Codes link on the Maintain Codes page. Then select the Location Details tab.

Add details to a location definition.

Reason Codes


Click the Reason Codes link on the Maintain Codes page.

Define reason codes, which provide explanations for occurrences such as returned stock and changes to order headers, lines, or schedules. For example, you might set up a reason code called CUST-CA for orders that have been canceled at the customer's request.

You can also define return and reject reason codes for items that are received in PeopleSoft Purchasing.

Ship To Locations


Click the Ship To Locations link on the Maintain Codes page.

Associate the sourcing region with the appropriate ship to location.

Sales Use Tax


Click the Ship To Locations link on the Maintain Codes page. Then click the Sales/Use Tax link.

Enter default sales and use tax information for each ship to location. The sales and use tax rates are normally based on the final destination of the shipment (the ship to location).

Ship To Vendor Order Location


Click the Ship To Locations link on the Maintain Codes page. Then click the Vendor Order Location link.

Associate ship to vendor locations with the vendor order locations, setIDs, and vendor ID.

Ship Via Codes


Click the Shipping Methods link on the Maintain Codes page.

Set up shipping codes.



Click the States link on the Maintain Codes page.

Add or review a state or province codes.

Tax Authorities


Click the Tax Authorities link on the Maintain Codes page.

Add to or update sales and use tax authorities.

Tax Codes


Click the Tax Codes link on the Maintain Codes page.

Add or update sales and use tax codes.

Units of Measure


Click the Units of Measure link on the Maintain Codes page.

Establish units of measure for the resources.

Click to jump to parent topicMaintaining Vendors

To maintain vendors, use the Maintain Vendor URLs (PV_VNDR_URL_MAINT), Procurement Card Issuers (CC_CARD_TBL), Vendor Control (VENDOR_CONTROL), and Vendor Information (VNDR_ID) components.

This section discusses how to enter URLs for vendor websites.

See Also

Managing Procurement Cards

Entering Vendor Identifying Information

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Maintain Vendors

Page Name

Definition Name



Maintain Vendors


eProcurement, Administer Procurement, Maintain Vendors

Access the pages that you use to maintain vendors.

Maintain Vendor Hyperlinks


Click the Maintain Vendor URLs link on the Maintain Vendors page.

Enter URLs for vendor websites. Click the Vendor link on the Item Description page to access that vendor's website.

Card Issuer


Click the Procurement Card Issuers link on the Maintain Vendors page.

Set up a procurement card vendor that is associated with a PeopleSoft Payables vendor.

Vendor Set Control


Click the Vendor Control link on the Maintain Vendors page.

Set up vendor control data, such as auto numbering, VAT information, wait days, and duplicate vendor checking.



Click the Vendor Information link on the Maintain Vendors page.

View summary information about a vendor, including who created the vendor, when the record was last modified, and by whom.

Note. This page appears only after you have saved a vendor.

Identifying Information


Click the Vendor Information link on the Maintain Vendors page. Then select the Identifying Information tab.

Enter identifying information for a vendor, including the vendor name and short name, classification, status, persistence, withholding and VAT eligibility, relationships with other vendors, setting to check for duplicate invoices, and additional identifying elements that are required for reporting to government agencies.

VAT Registration Details (value-added tax registration details)


Click the Registration link on the Identifying Information page.

Specify VAT registration information for all the countries with which the vendor is registered to do business.

VAT Defaults Setup (value-added tax defaults setup)


Click the VAT Default link on the Identifying Information page.

Specify and review VAT default settings at the vendor level.

Service VAT Treatment Default Setup (service value-added tax treatment default setup)


Click the VAT Service Treatment Setup link on the Identifying Information page.

Specify and review VAT default settings for VAT on services at the vendor level.

General Information - General Info


Click the Bill To Customer Details link on the Identifying Information page.

Define bill to-customer information.

Note. The Bill to Customer Details link is available only if you can automatically create bill to customers from the Vendor component.

Vendor User


Vendors, Vendor Information, Add/Update, Vendor User

Identify users who are authorized to access vendor information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering URLs for Vendor Websites

Access the Maintain Vendor Hyperlinks page (eProcurement, Administer Procurement, Maintain Vendors. Click the Maintain Vendor URLs link on the Maintain Vendors page).

To enter the URL for a vendor's website:

  1. Click the Update Vendor List button to display the vendors within the designated setID.

    This button disappears after the vendors appear.

  2. In the Vendor Home Page field, enter the URL for the vendor.

  3. Click the Save button to save the work.

  4. Click the Vendor link on the Search Catalog page to access the vendor's website.

See Also

Entering Vendor Identifying Information

Click to jump to parent topicMaintaining Items

This section provides an overview of item maintenance and lists the pages used to maintain items.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Item Maintenance

You can establish the items that are used on PeopleSoft eProcurement requisitions, purchase orders, and other transactions. You can also perform these tasks:

Note. You can also access many of the pages that are listed in the following table by selecting Items, Define Controls and Items, Define Items and Attributes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Maintain Items

Page Name

Definition Name



Maintain Items


eProcurement, Administer Procurement, Maintain Items

View links to navigate to pages to maintain items.

Access is limited to users with the SYSTEM_ADMIN action role.

See PeopleSoft Enterprise Managing Items 9.1 PeopleBook.

Assign Catalogs to Business Unit


Click the Assign Catalog to BU link on the Maintain Items page.

Assign one or multiple item catalogs to a business unit.

Item Categories - Category Definition


Click the Item Categories link on the Maintain Items page.

Define item categories.

Update Catalog Tree


  • From the Item Categories - Category Definition page, change item categories or add a new item category and then click Save.

  • From the Item Categories - Category Definition page, click the Yes button when asked if you want to update catalogs with the category changes.

Select the catalog tree to update with new category code information.

BU Specific Attributes (business unit specific attributes)


Click the BU Attributes (business unit attributes) link on the Item Categories - Category Definition page.

Assign a buyer to this category for each business unit. You may want to do this if you order by description and want a default buyer for this category by business unit.

This setup is optional. The system uses the values that are set up for the buyer at the item category level for all business units that are not specified here.

View Catalog Hierarchy


Click the Hierarchy link on Item Categories - Category Definition page.

View information about where a category resides in the entire catalog tree hierarchy.

Item Categories - Category Definition 2


Click the Item Categorieslink on the Maintain Items page. Then select the Category Definition 2 tab.

Define the matching and receiving controls, sourcing controls, and miscellaneous controls and options for the category.

Also use this page to set price tolerance defaults for items to trigger workflow exception notifications.

PeopleSoft Purchasing and PeopleSoft Payables use matching controls to match receipts, purchase orders, and vouchers.

Receiving controls specify how receiving users process items that are assigned to this category.

These values become a part of the item default hierarchy and can be displayed in purchase order lines where this category is specified.

Vendor Sourcing Priorities


Click the Priorities link on the Item Categories - Category Definition 2 page.

Set the vendor priority and split sourcing allocation percentage for vendors for this category.

Item Families


Click the Item Families link on the Maintain Items page.

Establish item family options.

Item Groups


Click the Item Groups link on the Maintain Items page.

Group similar items together.

Item Number Control


Click the Item Numbering Controllink on the Maintain Items page.

Define whether new inventory items are sequentially numbered or manually numbered.



Click the Manufacturers link on the Maintain Items page.

Select a default universal item ID for a manufacturer, and determine whether the manufacturer is locally owned.

Item Approval


Click the Item Approval link on the Maintain Items page.

Manually approve item definitions that you create at the setID level.

Define Item - General: Common


Click the Item Definition link on the Maintain Items page.

Define an inventory item at the setID level.

Define Item - Item Image


Click the Item Image link on the Define Item - General: Common page.

Maintain an image of an item.

Define Item - Manufacturer's Item


Click the Manufacturers link on the Define Item - General: Common page.

Define information about the manufacturer of the item.

Define Item - General: Classifications


Click the Classifications link on the Define Item - General: Common page.

Continue defining attributes for the item.

Define Item - General: Dimensions


Click the Dimensions link on the Define Item - General: Common page.

Track the item's dimensions, size, and color.

Define Item - General: Usage


Click the Usage link on the Define Item - General: Common page.

Define material usage attributes for an item at the setID level.

Define Item - Inventory: Tracking/Description


Access the pages in the Define Item component, and then select the Inventory tab.

Establish or maintain item descriptions and lot-control attributes.

Define Item - Inventory: Shipping/Handling


Click the Shipping/Handling link on the Define Item - Inventory: Tracking/Description page.

Establish or maintain shipping and handling attributes.

Define Item - Substitutes


Access the pages in the Define Item component, and then select the Substitutes tab.

Establish or maintain substitute items.

Define Item - Configuration


Access the pages in the Define Item component, and then select the Configuration tab.

Define item-distribution and production-configuration attributes if you are using PeopleSoft Product Configurator.

Define Item - Custom: Character


Access the pages in the Define Item component, and then select the Custom tab.

Define alphanumeric field values at the setID level for item attributes that are unique to the enterprise.

Define Item - Custom: Numeric


Click the Numeric link on the Define Item - Custom: Character page.

Define numeric field values at the setID level for item attributes that are unique to the enterprise.

Units of Measure


Click the Item Units of Measurelink on the Maintain Items page.

Assign a unit of measure (UOM) to an item. For each item-UOM combination that you define, specify quantity precision and rounding rules for use in system calculation.

UOM Weight/Volume (unit of measure weight and volume)


Click the UOM Weight/Volume link on the Units of Measure page.

Assign default packing codes and stocking and shipping physical measurements to an item-UOM combination.

Global Trade Item Numbers


Click the Global Trade Item Number link on the Units of Measure page.

Assign a GTIN to the item-UOM combination using a locally owned EAN/UCC Company Prefix (manufacturer).

Price Adjustment


Click the Price Adjustment link on the Maintain Items page.

Define the rules that the system should follow when calculating the vendor-adjusted price from the vendor's base price. You can define effective-dated adjustment rule sequences for each item-vendor combination.

Price Adjustment Details


Access the pages in the Price Adjustment component, and then select the Price Adjustment Details tab.

Define the quantities and adjustment methods for each of the price adjustment rules.

Purchasing Attributes


Click the Purchasing Attributes link on the Maintain Items page.

Enter basic purchasing information for an item.

Item Specifications


Click the Item Specifications link on the Purchasing Attributes page.

Record standard details about the item. You can send these specifications to the vendor using the purchase order.

Packing Details



Click the Packing Details link on the Purchasing Attributes page.

Enter packing volume and weight information for the item.

When accessed from the Vendor's UOM and Pricing Info (vendor's unit of measure and pricing information) page, the Packing Details page also enables you to define item package dimensions, which can be useful if item package dimensions vary by vendor.

VAT Defaults Setup (value-added tax defaults setup)


Click the VAT Default link on either the Purchasing Attributes page or the Purchasing Business Unit Attributes page.

Enter VAT defaults for this item into the VAT hierarchy tables.

VAT Service Treatment (value-added tax service treatment)


Click the VAT Service Treatment Setup link on either the Purchasing Attributes page or the Purchasing Business Unit Attributes page.

Enter service-related VAT defaults for this item into the VAT hierarchy tables.

Purchasing Attributes - Purchasing Controls


Access the pages in the Purchasing Attributes component, and then select the Purchasing Controls tab.

Specify matching and receiving defaults for the item.

Define sourcing controls and miscellaneous controls and options for the item.

Set price tolerance defaults for purchased items. These tolerances are populated based on the category of the item. You can override them during online item setup.

Use these tolerances in conjunction with the price-change exception-rule. Item Load processes compare new item and vendor prices in the Item Loader staging table to the previous item and vendor price. If the new price exceeds tolerances, the system generates an exception.

Purchasing Business Unit Attributes


Click the BU Attributes (business unit attributes) link on the Purchasing Attributes - Purchasing Controls page.

Define item attributes by business unit.

If you do not specify tolerance values for the business unit, the system uses tolerance values that are defined for the purchasing attributes of the item.

When you access this page to specify business-unit specific attributes, tolerance values are derived from the purchasing attributes of the item. To define zero tolerances on this page, you must clear the tolerance fields manually.

If you access this page and enter a business unit, but do not enter any values and click OK to quit the page, the system uses tolerance values from the purchasing attributes to create business-unit specific values. Click Cancel instead to avoid this situation.

The fields on this page match those on the Purchasing Attributes page and on the Purchasing Definition - Business Unit Options page.

This page is not available unless at least one of the PeopleSoft Purchasing business units has the Allow Business Item Attributes option selected on the Purchasing Definition - Business Unit Options page.

Purchasing Attributes - Item Vendor


Access the pages in the Purchasing Attributes component, and then select the Item Vendor tab.

Establish and update prioritized item-supplier combinations.

Vendor Search


Click the Vendor Lookup link on the Purchasing Attributes - Item Vendor page.

Search for vendors.

Vendor's UOM and Pricing Info (vendor's unit of measure and pricing information)


Click the Item Vendor UOM (item vendor unit of measure) link on the Purchasing Attributes - Item Vendor page.

Establish valid units of measure to use when ordering the item from the vendor and to establish the pricing information for each valid UOM.

Effective Dated UOM (effective dated unit of measure)


Click the Effective Dated UOM link on the Vendor's UOM and Pricing Info page.

Enter effective-dated conversion rate changes along with the packing detail information.

Update Purchase Order


Click the Update PO link on the Vendor's UOM and Pricing Info page or the Effective Dated UOM page.

Update existing purchase order schedules with the new effective-dated UOM conversion rate changes.

Maintain Purchase Order - Purchase Order


Click the PO Number link on the Update Purchase Order page.

Maintain the purchase order and all of its details.

Vendor's Manufacturer Info (vendor's manufacturer information)


Click the Vendor Item MFG (vendor item manufacturer) link, on the Purchasing Attributes - Item Vendor page.

Record the authorized manufacturers for an item-vendor combination.

Vendor Item Return Fees


Click the Return to Vendor Fees link on the Purchasing Attributes - Item Vendor page.

Add fees that were charged by the vendor for returning this item.

Item Vendor Contracts


Click the Item Vendor Contracts link on the Purchasing Attributes - Item Vendor page.

View all contracts for any specified item and vendor combination.

Purchasing Kit Definition


Click the Purchasing Kits link on the Maintain Items page.

Define purchasing kits.

Load Tree Data


Click the Load Tree Data link on the Maintain Items page.

Load tree data for item catalogs. This process is necessary for the TSE (Tools Search Engine) and VSE (Verity Search Engine) search types.

Build Search Index


Click the Build eProcurement Verity Collection link on the Maintain Items page.

Enter run control parameters for the Build eProcurement Verity Collection process for search type VSE. This search index is used for the item catalog search when you are creating eProcurement Requisitions.

eProcurement New Item Request


Click the eProcurement New Item Request link on the Maintain Items page.

Approve or deny a new item request.

To add and approve a new item request, indicate the setID and item ID, and click the Create Item Notification button.

Click to jump to parent topicMaintaining Catalogs

This section provides an overview of item catalogs and discusses how to maintain catalogs.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Item Catalogs

Item catalogs control the items that are available to users when they are creating requisitions. Using the Maintain Catalog feature, you can:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Maintain Catalogs

Page Name

Definition Name



Maintain Catalogs


eProcurement, Administer Procurement, Maintain Catalogs

Maintain catalogs by adding security and catalog types.

Access is limited to users with the SYSTEM_ADMIN action role.

See Also

Setting Up Catalog Security

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMaintaining Catalogs

Access the Maintain Catalogs page (eProcurement, Administer Procurement, Maintain Catalogs).

Use the links on this page to navigate to other pages where you can add security and catalog types to the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) application.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Profiles

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Profiles

Page Name

Definition Name



My Profile


eProcurement, My Profile

Define information about users, including email addresses, passwords, alternate IDs, and preferred languages.

Manage Personal Templates


eProcurement, My Profile

Click the Manage Personal Templates link.

Add item templates to the user, allow the templates to be shared with other roles and users, view the item details within each template, and copy templates that are created by other users.

Copy a Personal Template(s)


eProcurement, My Profile

Click the Manage Personal Templates link.

Click the Copy a Personal Template link.

Copy personal templates for a profile.

Request Procurement Card


Click the Request Procurement Card link on the My Profile page.

Define user information for a procurement card. The information includes amount and transaction limits.

Manage Favorites Groups


eProcurement, My Profile

Click the Manage Favorites Groups link.

Add favorite groups to the user, allow the favorites groups to be shared with other roles and users, view the item details within each favorite group, and copy favorite groups that are created by other users.

Copy a Favorites Group


eProcurement, My Profile

Click the Manage Favorites Groups link.

Click the Copy a Favorites Group link.

Copy favorites groups for a profile.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicManaging Templates for a Profile

Access the Manage Personal Templates page (eProcurement, My Profile. Click the Manage Personal Templates link).

You create personal templates by using the Create Requisition - Add Items and Services - Favorites page.

See Creating Requisitions.

Allow Sharing

Select to indicate that this template can be copied by other roles and users. If not selected, the template cannot be copied.

Share Details

Click to access the Share Details page. Select Share with All Roles and Requesters to share this template, or select specific roles and requesters to specify only the individuals who can share the template.

View Details

Click to access the View Details page, which lists the items in the template. Items can be removed from this page, but they cannot be added.

Copy a Personal Template

Click to access the Copy a Personal Template page, which enables you to copy a template that is shared by other requesters.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCopying a Personal Template for a Profile

Access the Copy a Personal Template page (eProcurement, My Profile. Click the Manage Personal Templates link. Click the Copy a Personal Template link).

Source Template


Select a requester who has granted you access on the Share Details page for the template.

Template Name

Select a template that a requester has granted you access.

Target Template

Template Name

Enter a template that will be used for the profile. Press the Tab key after completing this field.


Enter a description that will be used for the profile. This field appears after you tab out of the Template Name field.

Copy to Target Template

Click to copy the items that are selected from the Source Template section to the Target Template section.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicManaging Favorite Groups for a Profile

Access the Manage Favorites Groups page (eProcurement, My Profile. Click the Manage Favorites Groups link).

You create favorites groups by using the Create Requisition - Add Items and Services - Favorites page.

See Selecting Favorite Items and Item Groups to Include in Requisitions.

See Finding Requisition Items.

Allow Sharing

Select to indicate that this favorites group can be copied by other roles and users. If this option is not selected, the favorites group cannot be copied.

Share Details

Click to access the Share Details page. Select Share with All Roles and Requesters to share this favorites group, or select specific roles and requesters to specify only the individuals who can share the favorites group.

View Details

Click to access the View Details page, which lists the items in the group. Items can be removed from this page, but they cannot be added.

Copy a Favorites Group

Click to access the Copy a Favorites Group page, which enables you to copy favorites groups that are shared by other requesters.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCopying a Favorites Group for a Profile

Access the Copy a Favorites Group page (eProcurement, My Profile. Click the Manage Favorites Groups link. Click the Copy a Favorites Group link).

Source Favorites Group


Select a requester who has granted you access on the Share Details page for the Favorites Group.

Group Name

Select a favorites group that a requester has granted you access.

Target Favorites Group

Group Name

Enter a name that will be used for the profile. Press the Tab key after completing this field.


Enter a description that will be used for the profile. This field appears after you tab out of the Group Name field.

Copy to Target Group

Click to copy the items that are selected from the Source Favorites Group section to the Target Favorites Group section.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up and Maintaining Users

To set up and maintain users, use the Procurement component (PV_OPR_DEFAULT).

This section discusses how to define user preferences in PeopleSoft eProcurement.

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Page Name

Definition Name



Maintain Procurement Users


eProcurement, Administer Procurement, Maintain Procurement Users

Use this page to set up and maintain users in PeopleSoft eProcurement (buyers, employee profiles, requesters, and user preferences).

Access is limited to users with the SYSTEM_ADMIN action role.



Click the User Preferences link on the Maintain Procurement Users page. Then click the Procurement link.

Define user preferences for PeopleSoft eProcurement.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining User Preferences for PeopleSoft eProcurement

Access the Procurement page (eProcurement, Administer Procurement, Maintain Procurement Users. Click the User Preferences link on the Maintain Procurement Users page. Click the Procurement link).

Use this page to enter the user preferences for the user's location, origin, department, and ship to location. You can also enter the requester and buyer that is most often associated with the user.

See Also

Defining User Preferences