Setting Up PeopleSoft Mobile Inventory Management

This chapter provides an overview Mobile Inventory Management setup in PeopleSoft and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Mobile Inventory Management Setup in PeopleSoft

In order to use PeopleSoft Mobile Inventory Management you must complete setup steps within your PeopleSoft environment. These steps customize PeopleSoft Mobile Inventory Management to your specific needs by setting up default values and mobile screen settings at the installation level and user level.

PeopleSoft Mobile Inventory Management uses web services to integrate your mobile devices with PeopleSoft. The following table lists the web services used for each of the mobile tasks and the component interface used with the service:

Service Operations


Used by Mobile Tasks

Component Interface


Get Par Locations for Mobile

Par Count Par

Count Ad Hoc



Save Par Locations for Mobile

Par Count Par

Count Ad Hoc



Counting Event Validate

Guided Count

Count By Item

Count By Location



Inventory Counting Event Get

Guided Count

Count By Item

Count By Location



Inventory Counting Event Set

Guided Count

Count By Item

Count By Location

Manual Count

COUNT_INV_CI used by Guided Count, Count by Item and Count by Location

COUNT_INV_INF used by Manual Count


Express Issue for Mobile

Express Issue



Item Stock Inquiry for Mobile

Item Stock Inquiry



Generic Lookup for Mobile




Mobile Menu Service




Mobile Non-PO Receipt Service

Receiving Ad Hoc



Mobile Inventory Options




Prompt table Edit Service

Receiving PO

Receiving Ad Hoc



Mobile Receiving Get

Receiving PO



Mobile Receiving Save

Receiving PO



Mobile Delivery Get




Mobile Delivery Save



Before working with the PeopleSoft Mobile Inventory Management pages on a mobile device, you will need to define options for the PeopleTools component interfaces.

A PeopleTools component interface (CI) enables exposure of a PeopleSoft component for synchronous access from another application. Component interfaces can be used to integrate one PeopleSoft application with another PeopleSoft application or with external systems. Component interfaces execute the business logic built into the PeopleSoft component and as a result, they provide a higher level of data validation.

A PeopleTools component interface (CI) has been created for each mobile page to be used on the mobile device. The CI is linked to a PeopleSoft component within the PeopleSoft application, such as PeopleSoft Inventory or PeopleSoft Purchasing. For example, the MIN_NPO_RECV_CI has been created to interface a mobile device with the Receiving component in PeopleSoft Purchasing (Purchasing, Receipts, Add/Update Receipts).

PeopleTools component interfaces can be used to:

The PeopleTools CIs are called through webservices to interact with Oracle ADF Mobile.

See Also

For more information, see PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Component Interfaces

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Component Interfaces for Mobile Inventory Management

This section discusses how to use the Setup Component Interfaces page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Setup Component Interfaces for Mobile Inventory Management

Page Name

Definition Name



Setup Component Interfaces


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Inventory Mobile, Setup Component Interfaces

Identify the component interface to be used for PeopleSoft Mobile Inventory Management functions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Setup Component Interfaces Page

Access the Setup Component Interfaces page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Inventory Mobile, Setup Component Interfaces).

The Setup Component Interfaces page displays the authorized actions for the component interfaces used by PeopleSoft Mobile Inventory Management. This is a display-only page. All settings have been defined for each component interface.

Portal Object Name

Identifies the Portal Content Reference where the menu is defined for the mobile transactions.

Component Interface Name

Identifies the name of the component interface used by the mobile transaction.


Identifies the method that performs a specific function on a component interface at runtime. Methods include:

  • Create: Creates a new instance of a component interface. This is equivalent to creating a new record in Add mode online. Returns True on success, and False on failure.

  • Save: Saves an instance of a component interface. This is equivalent to clicking the Save button in the online system. Returns True on success, and False on failure.

Auth Actn (authorize action)

Identifies the Component Interface Method Access against the permission list. The method is authorized when this field displays 4 (Full Access).

User Defined

Identifies the component interface data for the mobile transactions. If this check box is selected then the CI data is user defined and can be modified. If this check box is deselected then the CI data is system defined and cannot be modified.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Service Operations for Mobile Inventory Management

This section provides an overview of Mobile Inventory Management services operations and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Mobile Inventory Management Service Operations

Before working with the PeopleSoft Mobile Inventory Management pages on a mobile device, you will need to define settings for the service operations used by Mobile Inventory Management. These service operations are located within the PeopleTools Integration Broker.

The component interfaces (CI) created for Mobile Inventory Management are called from web service in the PeopleTools Integration Broker. Web Services are services published through the PeopleSoft Integration Broker that can pass transaction data between a PeopleSoft application and a third-party application, such as Oracle ADF Mobile. Each service contains one or more service operations.

In the case of PeopleSoft Mobile Inventory Management, the service and service operations are synchronous which provide a two-way communication to the PeopleSoft system. For example, the MIN_NPO_RECV_CI is called from a MIN_NPRCPT_SAVE synchronous service and the MIN_NPRCPT_SAVE service operation to enable two-way communication between the Mobile Receiving Ad Hoc pages on the mobile device and the Receiving component in PeopleSoft Purchasing.

See Also

PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Integration Broker

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Setup Service Operations for Mobile Inventory Management

Page Name

Definition Name



Setup Mobile Services


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Inventory Mobile, Setup Mobile Services

Identify the service operations to be used for PeopleSoft Mobile Inventory Management functions.

Service Operations-General


PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Service Operations, General

Define and activate a service operation.

Service Operations-Handlers


PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Service Operations, Handlers

Activate one or more service operation handlers.

Service Operations-Routings


PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Service Operations, Routings

Define and activate routing definitions on the service operation.

Routings - Parameters


  • PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Service Operations, Routings. Select the Details link attached to the routing.

  • PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Routings, Parameters

Verify the external service alias names used by this routing.

Node Definitions


PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Nodes, Node Definitions

Activate node used by the service operation.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Setup Mobile Services Page

Access the Setup Mobile Services page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Inventory Mobile, Setup Mobile Services).

Use the Setup Mobile Services page to identify the service and service operation to be used for a specific Mobile Inventory Management task flow, such as displaying the Mobile Inventory Receiving pages on the mobile device.


Identifies the service within the PeopleSoft Integration Broker used for this mobile page.

Service Operation

Identifies the service operation within the PeopleSoft Integration Broker used for this mobile page.

Service Operation Version

Identifies the version of the service operation used in this task flow.

Active Flag

Displays the current status (active/disabled) of this service operation.

Control Flow Case

Identifies the transaction flow for each mobile task in ADF mobile application.

Image Name

Identifies the image file name and its location on the mobile server, This is the image that is displayed on the mobile menu for each transaction.

Authorized Actn (authorized action)

Identifies the Component Interface Method Access against the permission list. The method is authorized when this field displays 4 (Full Access).

User Defined

Identifies the component interface data for the mobile transactions. If this check box is selected then the CI data is user defined and can be modified. If this check box is deselected then the CI data is system defined and cannot be modified.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicActivating Service Operations for Mobile Inventory Management

To activate the synchronous service operations for PeopleSoft Mobile Inventory Management, complete the following steps in PeopleSoft Integration Broker:

  1. Activate the service operation.

    On the General tab of the Service Operations component, select the Active check box for the applicable service operation version. If the desired version is not the default version for the service operation, the default version must also be activated.

  2. Activate the service operation handlers.

    On the Handlers tab of the Service Operations component, select the value of Active in the Status field for all needed handlers.

  3. Activate the service operation routings.

    On the Routings tab of the Service Operations component, activate a routing definition for each node that will send or receive data. To activate a routing, select the check box next to the routing definition and click the Activate Selected Routings button. You must activate at least one routing if the data is being sent in an XML format. Activate an inbound routing to receive data into PeopleSoft.

  4. Verify the routing definition parameters.

    On the Routings tab of the Service Operations component, select the link attached to the routing definition name. This link accesses the Routing Definitions component. Select the Parameters tab and confirm the external alias name in the External Alias field for the routing is correct. When sending or receiving data, the Integration Broker determines which routing to use by referring to the external alias name, not the routing name.

  5. Verify the node from the routing is active.

    Go to the Node Definitions page and verify the Active Node check box has been selected for the node used in the routings that you activated on your Service Operations-Routings page.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Installation Options and User Preferences

PeopleSoft Mobile Inventory Management uses many of the fields within the PeopleSoft system to determine the default values or features available on a mobile page. These options and default setting are entered at the installation level or the individual user level.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Setup Installation Options and User Preferences

Page Name

Definition Name



Installation Options - Mobile Inventory


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Install, Installation Options, Mobile Inventory

At the installation level, define default values or features available on a mobile page.

User Preferences - Mobile Inventory


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, User Preferences, Define User Preferences, Mobile Inventory

At the individual user level, define default values or features available on a mobile page. These entries override the same fields on the Installation Options - Mobile Inventory page.

User Preferences - Overall Preferences


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, User Preferences, Define User Preferences, Overall Preferences

Use the Business Unit field to identify the business unit to be displayed as the default value on the mobile page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Mobile Inventory Installation Page

Access the Mobile Inventory Installation page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Install, Installation Options, Mobile Inventory).

This page enables you to customize PeopleSoft Mobile Inventory Management to your specific needs at the installation level.

Key Concatenation Separator

Defines the symbol used to separate the values displayed on the mobile device. For example if a "\" is selected in this field then a material storage location consisting of the Zone B storage area and Aisle 2 storage level would display as "Zone B \ Aisle 2".

Role Name

Enter a role name. A role name is a PeopleTools device that enables you to group together one or more permission lists in a role. Then the role is assigned to different users. Each role that is assigned to a given user profile adds its permission lists to the total that apply to that user.

Task Options (group box)

Define the define default values or features available on a specific task flow. Use the Next Row icons to view and set up additional task flows.

For detailed information on the default values or features available for a specific task flow, please see the chapter in this document for the individual task flow.

Task Flow

Identifies the business process to be performed on the mobile device; examples include, entering an express issue, receiving stock, or counting inventory in par locations. A task flow can contain one or more mobile pages.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the User Preferences - Mobile Inventory Page

Access the User Preferences - Mobile Inventory page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, User Preferences, Define User Preferences, Mobile Inventory).

This page enables you to customize PeopleSoft Mobile Inventory page for an individual user. The fields displayed in this component are the same as the Installation Options - Mobile Inventory page. This page is optional; the Installation Options - Mobile Inventory page is used when a user ID does not have this page defined or when the Use Installation Values check box is selected.

To review field definitions for this page, see the chapter in this document for the specific task flow identified in the Task Flow field.

Click to jump to parent topicAccessing Mobile Inventory Management from a Mobile Device

To access PeopleSoft Mobile Inventory Management using a mobile device:

  1. On your mobile device, open the PeopleSoft Mobile Inventory Management application by selecting Start – Internet Explorer.

  2. Enter the URL for the PeopleSoft Mobile Inventory Management application. You could also add the URL as a favorite for access through the Menu - Favorites menu.

  3. Log in to the PeopleSoft Mobile Inventory Management application using your PeopleSoft username and password.