Viewing Promotional Activity

This chapter provides an overview of the Promotional Activity component and discusses how to view promotional activity.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Promotional Activity Component

Use the Promotional Activity component to view at any time what activity has occurred for a promotion that is associated with a specific customer. You can view orders, shipments, returns, invoices, credits, payments, and deduction write-offs that are associated with a promotion.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Promotional Activity

This section provides an overview of the promotional activity search criteria and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Promotional Activity Search Criteria

To view promotional activity, you must select a setID and either a customer ID or promotion code to define the promotion information. In addition, you must select the Unit of Measure and Currency Code in which you want the different types of activity (amounts and units) to appear. All other criteria are optional.

To further restrict the search you can select:

The Unit of Measure and Currency Code fields are used to convert all data into the selected values. Both values appear by default from the Promotions Options - General Options page. If a conversion factor doesn't exist between two currencies or units of measure, the system issues one warning message to let you know that data is left out of the totals.

Click the Search button to populate the Promotional Activity component with all the promotional activity that match the criteria.

Note. You can enter search criteria on any of the pages in the Promotional Activity component. Entering new search criteria on any page in the component refreshes all the pages with the new information for the new search criteria.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to View Promotional Activity

Page Name

Definition Name



Promotional Activity - Summary


Promotions, Manage Promotions, Review Promotion Information, Promotional Activity, Summary

View the overall totals for all the promotional activity for the criteria that you select.

Promotional Activity - Orders


Promotions, Manage Promotions, Review Promotion Information, Promotional Activity, Orders

View a list of all the sales order activity for the promotion criteria that you select.

Promotional Activity - Shipments


Promotions, Manage Promotions, Review Promotion Information, Promotional Activity, Shipments

View all the shipment and return activity for the promotion criteria that you select.

Promotional Activity - Off-Invoice


Promotions, Manage Promotions, Review Promotion Information, Promotional Activity, Off-Invoice

View all the invoice activity for off-invoice discounts associated with the promotion criteria that you select.

Promotional Activity - Credits/Chargebacks


Promotions, Manage Promotions, Review Promotion Information, Promotional Activity, Credits/Chargebacks

View all the credit and chargeback activity for the promotion criteria that you select.

Promotional Activity - Payments


Promotions, Manage Promotions, Review Promotion Information, Promotional Activity, Payments

View all the payment activity for the promotion criteria that you select.

Promotional Activity - Deduction Write-Offs


Promotions, Manage Promotions, Review Promotion Information, Promotional Activity, Deduction Write-Offs

View all the write-off deduction activity for the promotion criteria that you select.

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Access the Promotional Activity - Summary inquiry page (Promotions, Manage Promotions, Review Promotion Information, Promotional Activity, Summary).

The Summary page is a dynamic page. Depending on the search criteria that you select, the data that displays in the lower region of the page is different. The system looks at the information on all the other pages in the component and sums up the information and displays the summed information for you on the Summary page.

Note. Information does not appear on this page until promotional activity is processed in the environment.

SetID and Promotion Code or SetID, Promotion Code and Merch/Adjust Type

If you select a setID and promotion code, or setID, promotion code, and merchandising type or adjustment type as search criteria, with or without a date range, the system displays a Promotional Activity Summary group box and a Grand Totals group box if data exists for the search criteria that you select.

In the Promotional Activity Summary group box, the system displays every customer who is associated with the promotion code with all the promotional activity amounts or quantities (total quantity ordered, total quantity shipped, total invoiced, total discount, total credits, total paid, total deduction write-offs, and total net sales) for each customer and the specific promotion and merchandising or adjustment type summed and displayed.

The system displays the merchandising cost for each merchandising type and merchandising subtype on the Merchandising Details tab.

In the Grand Totals group box, the system displays the total of all quantities from the Promotional Activity Summary group box (total quantity ordered, total quantity shipped, total invoiced, total discount, total credits, total paid, total deduction write-offs, and total net sales).

SetID and Customer ID

If you select a setID and customer ID as search criteria, with or without a date range, the system displays a Promotional Activity Summary group box and a Grand Totals group box if data exists for the search criteria that you select.

In the Promotional Activity Summary group box, the system displays every promotion code that is associated with that customer with all the promotional activity amounts or quantities (total quantity ordered, total quantity shipped, total invoiced, total discount, total credits, total paid, total deduction write-offs, and total net sales) for all promotions and merchandising or adjustment types for that specific customer summed and displayed.

The system displays the merchandising cost for each merchandising type and merchandising subtype on the Merchandising Details tab.

In the Grand Totals group box, the system displays the total of all quantities from the Promotional Activity Summary group box (total quantity ordered, total quantity shipped, total invoiced, total discount, total credits, total paid, total deduction write-offs, and total net sales).

SetID, Customer ID, and Promotion Code or SetID, Customer ID, Promotion Code, and Merch/Adjust Type

If you select a setID, customer ID, and promotion Code, or setID, customer ID, promotion code, and merchandising or adjustment type as search criteria, with or without a date range, the system displays a Promotional Activity Summary group box and a Promotion Details group box.

In the Promotional Activity Summary group box, the system displays for this promotion, merchandising or adjustment type, and customer all the promotional activity amounts or quantities (total quantity ordered, total quantity shipped, total invoiced, total discount, total credits, total paid, total deduction write-offs, and total net sales) summed.

In addition, the system displays the merchandising cost for each merchandising type and merchandising subtype on the Merchandising Details tab.

In the Promotion Details group box, the system displays all the dates that are associated with the promotion (first order date, last order date, first scheduled ship date, last scheduled ship date, first delivery date, last delivery date, first performance date, and last performance date). If the promotion that you select is a national allowance, the allowance status will also appear in the Promotion Details group box. If the promotion that you select is a customer promotion, the promotion status appears in the Promotion Details box.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Order Activity

To view order activity:

  1. Access the Promotional Activity - Orders page (Promotions, Manage Promotions, Review Promotion Information, Promotional Activity, Orders).

  2. Enter selection criteria

  3. View order activity.

    Note. No information appears on this page until order activity is generated for the promotion criteria. You must generate sales orders for which to apply the promotion criteria through Order Management.

    The system displays a list of all of the Sales Order Schedules that are associated with the selection criteria you entered, and displays the Order Management business unit, order number, order line number, schedule line number, price schedule line number, sequence, product ID, order quantity, order date, adjustment amount, promotion cost, unit price, and extended price.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Shipment and Return Activity

To view shipment and return activity:

  1. Access the Promotional Activity - Shipments inquiry page (Promotions, Manage Promotions, Review Promotion Information, Promotional Activity, Shipments).

  2. Enter selection criteria.

  3. View shipment and return activity.

    Note. No information appears on this page until shipment or return activity is generated for the promotion criteria. You must ship sales orders for the promotion criteria through Inventory, or create returned material authorizations for the promotion criteria through Order Management if your system is set up to back out returns from promotional activity on the Promotions Options - General Options page.

    The system displays all shipment and return transactions that are associated with the selection criteria that you select. The sold to customer, Order Management business unit, ship to customer, order number, order line number, schedule line number, demand line number, price schedule number, item, quantity requested, quantity shipped, ship date and time, invoice, RMA number, line, and sequence, and bill of lading appear for shipments and returns that are associated with the promotion criteria.

    Note. All return activity appears on the Shipments page with a negative quantity requested and quantity shipped, and RMA information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Invoice Activity for Off-Invoice Discounts

To view invoice activity for off-invoice discounts:

  1. Access the Promotional Activity - Off-Invoice inquiry page (Promotions, Manage Promotions, Review Promotion Information, Promotional Activity, Off-Invoice).

  2. Enter selection criteria.

  3. View invoice activity for off-invoice discounts.

    Note. No information appears on this page until invoice activity is generated for the off-invoice discounts associated with the promotion criteria. You must generate invoices for the off-invoice discounts associated with the promotion criteria through Billing.

    The system displays all the invoices that are associated with the promotion criteria that you select. The sold to customer, Billing business unit, invoice, invoice line number, bill to customer, discount amount, and gross invoiced amount appear for invoices that are associated with the promotion criteria.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Credit and Chargeback Activity

To view credit and chargeback activity:

  1. Access the Promotional Activity - Credits\Chargebacks inquiry page (Promotions, Manage Promotions, Review Promotion Information, Promotional Activity, Credits/Chargebacks).

  2. Enter selection criteria.

  3. View credit and chargeback activity.

    Note. Information does not appear on this page until credit or chargeback activity is generated for the promotion criteria. You must have processed credit or chargeback invoices for the promotion criteria through Billing. The credits and invoices must originate from a Promotions Management claim for payment.

    The system displays all the credit or chargeback invoices (credit memo or chargeback payment methods on a claim for payment) that are associated with the promotion criteria that you select. The sold to customer, Billing business unit, bill to customer, invoice, invoice line number, credit amount, and bill type appear for credit and chargeback invoices that are associated with the promotion criteria.

    Note. Chargeback invoices appear on the Credits/Chargebacks page with a negative credit amount and the chargeback bill type defined on the Promotions Options - Payment Options page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Payment Activity

To view payment activity:

  1. Access the Promotional Activity - Payments inquiry page (Promotions, Manage Promotions, Review Promotion Information, Promotional Activity, Payments).

  2. Enter selection criteria.

  3. View payment activity.

    Note. No information appears on this page until payment activity is created for the promotion criteria. You must process scheduled or recorded payments for the promotion criteria through Payables. The payments must originate from a Promotions Management claim for payment.

    The system displays all the scheduled or recorded payments (check or field draft payment methods on a claim for payment) that are associated with the promotion criteria that you select. The customer (from Promotions Management), alternate pay to customer ID, Payables business unit, vendor ID (associated with the Customer field), claim number, amount, voucher ID, line, reference, and check number appear for payments that are associated with the promotion criteria.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Deduction Write-Off Activity

To view deduction write-off activity:

  1. Access the Promotional Activity - Deduction Write-Offs inquiry page (Promotions, Manage Promotions, Review Promotion Information, Promotional Activity, Deduction Write-Offs).

  2. Enter selection criteria.

  3. View deduction write-off activity.

    Note. No information appears on this page until deductions are written off for the promotion criteria. You must write off deductions for the promotion criteria through Receivables.

    The system displays the deduction write-offs that are associated with the promotion criteria that you select. These are the deductions that are written off in Receivables because they don't have a matching credit memo. The sold to customer, Receivables business unit, bill to customer (from Receivables), item ID, item line, and entry amount appear for each deduction that is associated with the promotion criteria. The entry amount is the amount that is actually short-paid through the deduction process.