
00001 /*
00002 * Describable.hpp
00003 *
00004 * Copyright (c) 2000, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
00005 *
00006 * Oracle is a registered trademarks of Oracle Corporation and/or its
00007 * affiliates.
00008 *
00009 * This software is the confidential and proprietary information of Oracle
00010 * Corporation. You shall not disclose such confidential and proprietary
00011 * information and shall use it only in accordance with the terms of the
00012 * license agreement you entered into with Oracle.
00013 *
00014 * This notice may not be removed or altered.
00015 */
00019 #include "coherence/lang.ns"
00021 #include <ostream>
00023 COH_OPEN_NAMESPACE2(coherence,util)
00026 /**
00027 * Abstract Object extension that simplifies the implementation of toStream()
00028 * for class hierarchies.
00029 *
00030 * Subclasses of Describable should implement the outputDescription() method
00031 * by outputing a delimited list of name-value pair(s) representing the class'
00032 * state. Further subclasses should override the outputDescription() by first
00033 * delegating to the parent class' implementation and then outputing their own
00034 * state.
00035 *
00036 * For example, consider a class hiearchy consisting of parent class A and
00037 * child class B. Class A should implement outputDescription() as follows:
00038 * <pre>
00039 * void A::outputDescription(std::ostream& out) const
00040 *     {
00041 *     super::outputDescription(out); // noop
00042 *     out << "Member1=" << m_hMember1 << ... << ", MemberN=" << m_hMemberN;
00043 *     }
00044 * </pre>
00045 * Class B would then override this method as follows:
00046 * <pre>
00047 * void B::outputDescription(std::ostream& out) const
00048 *     {
00049 *     super::outputDescription(out);
00050 *     out << "MemberN+1=" << m_hMemberN1 << ... ;
00051 *     }
00052 * </pre>
00053 *
00054 * @author jh  2008.02.13
00055 */
00056 class COH_EXPORT Describable
00057     : public abstract_spec<Describable>
00058     {
00059     // ----- Describable interface ------------------------------------------
00061     public:
00062         /**
00063         * Output a human-readable description of the state of this class in
00064         * the form of a delimited list of name-value pairs.  Generally it is
00065         * also advisable to start with a call to super::outputDescription(out)
00066         *
00067         * The default implementation does not output anything to the stream.
00068         *
00069         * @param out  the stream to output the description to
00070         */
00071         virtual void outputDescription(std::ostream& out) const;
00073         /**
00074         * Return a human-readable description of the state of this class in
00075         * the form of a delimited list of name-value pairs.
00076         *
00077         * The default implementation delegates to outputDescription
00078         */
00079         virtual String::View getDescription() const;
00082     // ----- Object interface -----------------------------------------------
00084     public:
00085         /**
00086         * {@inheritDoc}
00087         */
00088         virtual void toStream(std::ostream& out) const;
00089     };
00093 #endif // COH_DESCRIBABLE_HPP
Copyright (c) 2000, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.