
00001 /*
00002 * ObservableMap.hpp
00003 *
00004 * Copyright (c) 2000, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
00005 *
00006 * Oracle is a registered trademarks of Oracle Corporation and/or its
00007 * affiliates.
00008 *
00009 * This software is the confidential and proprietary information of Oracle
00010 * Corporation. You shall not disclose such confidential and proprietary
00011 * information and shall use it only in accordance with the terms of the
00012 * license agreement you entered into with Oracle.
00013 *
00014 * This notice may not be removed or altered.
00015 */
00019 #include "coherence/lang.ns"
00021 #include "coherence/util/Filter.hpp"
00022 #include "coherence/util/Map.hpp"
00023 #include "coherence/util/MapListener.hpp"
00025 COH_OPEN_NAMESPACE2(coherence,util)
00028 /**
00029 * ObservableMap interface represents an object with a model being
00030 * a Map that allows for pluggable notifications for occuring changes.
00031 * <p>
00032 * This is primarily intended for maps that have automatic pruning and
00033 * purging strategies or maps that are asynchronously modified by different
00034 * threads.
00035 * <p>
00036 * Starting from Coherence 2.3 it supports optimizations that optionally
00037 * do not require the map values to be included in the map events,
00038 * allowing a "lite" event to be delivered and saving memory, processing
00039 * and bandwidth for distributed applications.
00040 *
00041 * @see
00042 * @see
00043 * @see com.tangosol.util.ObservableHashMap
00044 *
00045 * @author js  2008.06.04
00046 */
00047 class COH_EXPORT ObservableMap
00048     : public interface_spec<ObservableMap,
00049         implements<Map> >
00050     {
00051     // ----- ObservableMap interface ----------------------------------------
00053     public:
00054         /**
00055         * Add a map listener for a specific key.
00056         * <p>
00057         * The listeners will receive MapEvent objects, but if fLite is passed
00058         * as true, they <i>might</i> not contain the OldValue and NewValue
00059         * properties.
00060         * <p>
00061         * To unregister the MapListener, use the
00062         * #removeMapListener(MapListener, Object) method.
00064         * @param hListener  the MapEvent listener to add
00065         * @param vKey       the key that identifies the entry for which to
00066         *                   raise events
00067         * @param fLite      true to indicate that the MapEvent objects do not
00068         *                   have to include the OldValue and NewValue
00069         *                   property values in order to allow optimizations
00070         */
00071         virtual void addKeyListener(MapListener::Handle hListener,
00072                 Object::View vKey, bool fLite) = 0;
00074         /**
00075         * Remove a map listener that previously signed up for events about a
00076         * specific key.
00077         *
00078         * @param hListener  the listener to remove
00079         * @param vKey       the key that identifies the entry for which to
00080         *                   raise events
00081         */
00082         virtual void removeKeyListener(MapListener::Handle hListener,
00083                 Object::View vKey) = 0;
00085         /**
00086         * Add a map listener that receives events based on a filter
00087         * evaluation.
00088         * <p>
00089         * The listeners will receive MapEvent objects, but if fLite is passed
00090         * as true, they <i>might</i> not contain the OldValue and NewValue
00091         * properties.
00092         * <p>
00093         * To unregister the MapListener, use the
00094         * {#removeMapListener(MapListener, Filter)} method.
00095         *
00096         * @param hListener  the {MapEvent} listener to add
00097         * @param vFilter    an optional filter that will be passed MapEvent
00098         *                   objects to select from; a MapEvent will be
00099         *                   delivered to the listener only if the filter
00100         *                   evaluates to true for that MapEvent (see
00101         *                   {com.tangosol.util.filter.MapEventFilter}); NULL
00102         *                   is equivalent to a filter that alway returns true
00103         * @param fLite      an optional parameter where true indicates that
00104         *                   the {MapEvent} objects do not have to include the
00105         *                   OldValue and NewValue property values in order to
00106         *                   allow optimizations; default value is false
00107         *
00108         */
00109         virtual void addFilterListener(MapListener::Handle hListener,
00110                 Filter::View vFilter = NULL, bool fLite = false) = 0;
00112         /**
00113         * Remove a map listener that previously signed up for events based on
00114         * a filter evaluation.
00115         *
00116         * @param hListener the listener to remove
00117         * @param vFilter   the optional filter that was passed
00118         *                  into the corresponding addMapListener() call;
00119         *                  defaults to NULL
00120         */
00121         virtual void removeFilterListener(MapListener::Handle hListener,
00122                 Filter::View vFilter = NULL) = 0;
00123     };
00127 #endif // COH_OBSERVABLE_MAP_HPP
Copyright (c) 2000, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.