This appendix contains the following topic:
Section D.1, "Elements and Attributes for the Belgium Intracommunity °n 723 Report"
Section D.2, "Example of an XML File for the Belgium Intracommunity °n 723 Report"
The XML output for the Belgian report is included within the IntraConsignment element. The IntraConsignment element encloses other elements.
This table lists the level and occurrence; the XML elements; the attributes if any, and comments that describe the attributes and source of the information included in the elements and attributes:
Level and Occurrence | XML Element | Attribute | Comments |
Occurrence: 1 |
IntraConsignment | IntraListingsNbr | Root Element:
xmlns= xmlns:ns2="" The attribute includes the quantity of declarations presented. It is the last intralisting sequence number reported. |
Level: 1.1
Occurrence: 0 or 1 |
Representative | None | The process obtains information about the representative from the address book record. You complete a processing option on the Belgium tab in the R740018D program to specify the address book number of the representative.
The Representative element includes these elements:
Level: 1.1.1
Occurrence: 0 or 1 |
RepresentativeID | Issued by
IdentificationType OtherQlf |
The process populates this element with the value from the 74KVAT field in the from F740018D table.
The Issued by attribute includes the country of the representative. The process obtains the value for from the 74KCTR field in the F740018D table. You complete a processing option in the R74B0018D program to specify the value for the IdentificationType attribute. The OtherQlf attribute is optional and is not supported by the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software. |
Level: 1.1.2
Occurrence: 1 |
Name | None | The process obtains the representative's name from the address book record of the representative. |
Level: 1.1.3
Occurrence: 1 |
Street | None | The process obtains the representative's street from the address book record of the representative. |
Level: 1.1.4
Occurrence: 1 |
PostCode | None | The process obtains the representative's postal code from the address book record of the representative. |
Level: 1.1.5
Occurrence: 1 |
City | None | The process obtains the representative's postal code from the address book record of the representative. |
Level: 1.1.6
Occurrence: 1 |
CountryCode | Name | The process obtains the value from the address book record of the representative, and validates the value against the 74/EC UDC table. If the country is not present in UDC 74/EC, the PDF includes an error message that the country is not set up in the UDC table. If the system generates an error message, the system does not generate the XML file. |
Level: 1.1.7
Occurrence: 1 |
EmailAddress | None | The process obtains the representative's email address from the address book record of the representative. |
Level: 1.1.8
Occurrence: 1 |
Phone | None | The process obtains the representative's phone number from the address book record of the representative. |
Level: 1.2
Occurrence: 0 or 1 |
RepresentativeReference | None | The process obtains the representative reference from a processing option in the R74B0018D program. |
Level: 1.3
Occurrence: 1or more |
IntraListing | SequenceNumber
ClientNbr Declarant/Reference AmountSum |
The IntraListing element includes these elements:
The system increments the SequenceNumber attribute by 1 for each IntraListing element included in the file. The ClientNbr Attribute contains the total number of IntraClient elements in the XML file. The system populates and includes this attribute when you complete the Declarant/Reference processing option. This attribute is optional. The AmountSum attribute contains the sum of the amounts in the IntraListing elements. |
Occurrence: 0 or 1 |
ReplacedIntraListing | None | The system writes the value from a processing option to this element in the XML file. You complete the processing option only if the XML file you generate is a replacement for another XML file that you sent to the tax authorities. |
Occurrence: 1 |
Declarant | None | This element includes the following elements:
Occurrence: 1 |
VATNumber | None | The system completes this field with the tax ID of the company from 74KVAT.F740018D. |
Occurrence: 0 or 1 |
Name | None | The system obtains the value for this field from the company's address book record. |
Occurrence: 0 or 1 |
Street | None | The system obtains the value for this field from the company's address book record. |
Occurrence: 0 or 1 |
PostCode | None | The system obtains the value for this field from the company's address book record. |
Occurrence: 0 or 1 |
City | None | The system obtains the value for this field from the company's address book record. |
Occurrence: 0 or 1 |
CountryCode | None | The process obtains the value from the address book record of the company, and validates the value against the 74/EC UDC table. If the country is not present in UDC 74/EC, the PDF includes an error message that the country is not set up in the UDC table. If the system generates an error message, the system does not generate the XML file. |
Occurrence: 0 or 1 |
EmailAddress | None | The system obtains the value for this field from the company's address book record. |
Occurrence: 0 or 1 |
Phone | None | The system obtains the value for this field from the company's address book record. |
Occurrence: 1 |
Period | IntraPeriod_Type | The attribute contains the word Month. The value for the element is determined by the date range that you enter in the processing options. |
Occurrence: 1 |
Period | IntraPeriod_Type | The attribute contains the word Year. The value for the element is determined by the date range that you enter in the processing options. |
Occurrence: 1or more |
IntraClient | SequenceNumber | The system include an IntraClient element for each combination of client, IntraCode, and, if applicable, CorrectingPeriod. This element includes the following elements:
Note: Two CorrectingPeriods exist in the file. One includes the month and the other includes the year. The system increments the SequenceNumber attribute for each IntraClient element in the XML file. |
Occurrence: 1 |
CompanyVATNumber | issued by | The values for this element are included within the attributes.
The issuedBy attribute is the country code of the issuing country from 74CCTR.F740018D. The Tax ID is from 74CVAT.F740018D. |
Occurrence: 1 |
Code | None | The system obtains the value for this element from 74TRTN.F740018D. This code identifies the transaction as one for services, goods, or triangulation. |
Occurrence: 1 |
Amount | None | This element includes the total amount of the transaction for the client. |
Occurrence: 1 |
CorrertingPeriod | IntraPeriod_type | The attribute contains the word Month. This value is determined by the period that you specify in the History VAT Listing program for added or corrected records. |
Occurrence: 1 |
CorrertingPeriod | IntraPeriod_type | The attribute contains the word Year. This value is determined by the period that you specify in the History VAT Listing program for added or corrected records. |
Occurrence: 0 or more |
FileAttachment | None | The FileAttachment element includes these elements:
Level: | FileType | None | The system populates this field with the value that you enter in a processing option. |
Level: | FileName | None | The system populates this field with the value that you enter in a processing option. |
Level: | FileDescription | None | The system populates this field with the value that you enter in a processing option. |
Level: 1.3.6
Occurrence: 0 or 1 |
Comment | None | The system populates this field with the value that you enter in a processing option. |
These images illustrate an XML file for the Intracommunity Statement n°723 report.
Figure D-1 Sample XML for the Belgian Intracommunity Statement 723 Report (1 of 2)
Figure D-2 Sample XML for the Belgian Intracommunity Statement 723 Report (2 of 2)