This appendix contains the following topics:
Note: The parent XML element is Customer Direct Debit Initiation and the XML tag is <CstmrDrctDbtInitn> . |
A SEPA XML file includes one group header. The group header must be present in the file. Elements for the group header are:
Element | XML tag | Source of Data |
GroupHeader | <GrpHdr> | Hard-coded tag. |
MessageIdentification | <MsgId> | A system-generated internal identification consisting of the company number, account, bank, and next number from the next number setup for system 74, line 1. |
CreationDateTime | <CreDtTm> | The system-generated date and time stamp at the time of formatting of the message. |
NumberOfTransactions | <NbOfTxs> | The total number of direct debit transaction blocks in the message.
You can have only one direct debit transaction by payment information. |
ControlSum | <CtrlSum> | This is the total amount of the collection. |
InitiatingParty | <InitgPty> | Hard-coded tag. |
Name | <Nm> | The system uses the mailing name of the company that initiates the collection from F0111.MLNM. |
Identification | <Id> | Hard-coded tag. |
OrganizationIdentification | <OrgId> | Hard-coded tag. |
Other | <Othr> | Hard-coded tag. |
Identification | <Id> | The system takes the tax Id of the company from the Address Book Master table (F0101). |
Issuer | <Issr> | The identity of the Initiating party or individual that is defined by the processing option. If you leave this processing option blank, the system does not display this tag on the report. |
Element | XML tag | Source of Data |
PaymentInformation | <PmtInf> | Hard-coded tag. |
PaymentInformationIdentification | <PmtInfId> | A system-generated internal code. |
PaymentMethod | <PmtMtd> | Hard-coded value of DD. |
BatchBooking | <BtchBookg> | (Release 9.1 Update) The system uses the value of the Batch Booking Flag processing option for the SEPA Direct Debit Extractor program (R743005). |
NumberOfTransactions | <NbOfTxs> | Hard-coded with a value of 1. You can inform only one payment per payment information block. |
ControlSum | <CtrlSum> | This is the total amount of the collection. |
PaymentTypeInformation | <PmtTpInf> | Hard-coded tag. |
ServiceLevel | <SvcLvl> | Hard-coded tag. |
Code | <Cd> | Hard-coded value of SEPA. |
LocalInstrument | <LclInstrm> | (Release 9.1 Update) The system uses the value of the Local Instrument processing option for the SEPA Direct Debit Extractor program (R743005). |
Code | <Cd> | Hard-coded value of CORE. |
SequenceType | <SeqTp> | Valid values are FNAL, FRST, OOFF, RCUR. |
CategoryPurpose | <CtgyPurp> | The system populates the value from the Category Purpose processing option. |
RequestedCollectionDate | <ReqdColltnDt> | Due date of the collection from F03B575.DGJ |
Creditor | <Cdtr> | Hard-coded tag. |
Name | <Nm> | The system takes the mailing name of the company that collects the invoice from F0111. MLNM. |
PostalAddress | <PstlAdr> | Hard-coded tag. |
Country | <Ctry> | Country of the company from F0116.CTR |
AddressLine | <AdrLine> | First two lines of the address of the company from F0116.ADD1 and F0116.ADD2 |
CreditorAccount | <CdtrAcct> | Hard-coded tag. |
Identification | <Id> | Hard-coded tag. |
IBAN | <IBAN> | The value from the IBAN field of the collection bank account of the creditor. |
Currency | <Ccy> | Hard-coded value of EUR. |
CreditorAgent | <CdtrAgt> | Based on the value in the Financial Institution Identification of Creditor Agent processing option, the system populates the BIC tag with the BIC of the creditor's bank account or with the hard-coded value of Not Provided in the Other Identification tag. |
FinancialInstitutionIdentification | <FinInstnId> | Hard-coded tag. |
BIC | <BIC> | The value from the BIC field of the collection bank account of the creditor. |
Other | <Other> | Hard-coded tag. |
Identification | <Id> | Hard-coded value of Not Provided. |
ChargeBearer | <ChrgBr> | Hard-coded value of SLEV. |
DirectDebitTransactionInformation | <DrctDbtTxInf> | Hard-coded tag. |
PaymentIdentification | <PmtId> | Hard-coded tag. |
InstructionIdentification | <InstrId> | A unique key generated by the system for each payment. |
EndToEndIdentification | <EndToEndId> | A unique key generated by the system for each payment. |
InstructedAmount | <InstdAmt> | (Release 9.1 Update) Collection amount from debtor from F03B575.TAAP. |
DirectDebitTransaction | <DrctDbtTx> | Hard-coded tag. |
MandateRelatedInformation | <MndtRltdInf> | Hard-coded tag. |
MandateIdentification | <MndtId> | The unique mandate reference code from F7430002.MDTID. |
DateOfSignature | <DtOfSgntr> | The date that the mandate was signed from F743002.MDD. |
AmendmentIndicator | <AmdmntInd> | Valid values are True and False. |
AmendmentInformationDetails | <AmdmnInfDtls> | Present if =<AmdmntInd> = True |
OriginalMandateIdentification | <OrgnlMndtId> | Takes from F743002.OCDT. |
OriginalCreditor SchemeIdentification | <OrgnlCdtrSchmeId> | Hard-coded tag. |
Identification | <Id> | Hard-coded tag. |
PrivateIdentification | <PrvtId> | Hard-coded tag. |
OtherIdentification | <OthrId> | Hard-coded tag. |
Identification | <Id> | Identifier of the original creditor who issued the mandate from the F743002 table. |
SchemeName | <SchmeNm> | Hard-coded tag. |
Proprietary | <Prtry> | Hard-coded value of SEPA. |
OriginalDebtorAccount | <OrgnlDbtrAcct> | Hard-coded tag. |
Identification | <Id> | Hard-coded tag. |
IBAN | <IBAN> | IBAN of the original debtor's bank account from F743002.ODBI. |
OriginalDebtorAgent | <OrgnlDbtrAgt> | Hard-coded tag. |
FinancialInstitutionIdentification | <FinInstnId> | Hard-coded tag. |
ProprietaryIdentification | <PrtryId> | Hard-coded tag. |
Identification | <Id> | Hard coded value of SMNDA. |
CreditorSchemeIdentification | <CdtrSchmeld> | Hard-coded tag. |
Identification | <Id> | Hard-coded tag. |
PrivateIdentification | <PrvtId> | Hard-coded tag. |
OtherIdentification | <OthrId> | Hard-coded tag. |
Identification | <Id> | Identifier of the creditor who ultimately receives the collection. The system takes this value from the mandate table (F743002). |
SchemeName | <SchmeNm> | Hard-coded tag. |
Proprietary | <Prtry> | Hard-coded value of SEPA. |
UltimateCreditor | <UltmtCdtr> | Hard-coded tag. |
Name | <Nm> | The system takes the name of the company that ultimately collects the debits from F0111. MLNM |
Identification | <Id> | Hard-coded tag. |
OrganizationIdentification | <OrgId> | Hard-coded tag. |
Other | <Othr> | Hard-coded tag. |
Identification | <Id> | Tax ID number from F0101.TAX |
DebtorAgent | <DbtrAgt> | Based on the value in the Financial Institution Identification of Debtor Agent processing option, the system populates the BIC tag with the BIC of the debtor's bank account or with the hard-coded value of Not Provided in the Other Identification tag. |
FinancialInstitutionIdentification | <FinInstnId> | Hard-coded tag. |
BIC | <BIC> | BIC of the bank account of the debtor who ultimately makes the payments from F743002.ODBB. |
Other | <Other> | Hard-coded tag. |
Identification | <Id> | Hard-coded value of Not Provided. |
Debtor | <Dbtr> | Hard-coded tag. |
Name | <Nm> | The system takes the mailing name from F0111.MLNM |
PostalAddress | <PstlAdr> | Hard-coded tag. |
Country | <Ctry> | Country of the debtor from F0116.CTR |
AddressLine | <AdrLine> | First two lines of the address of the debtor from F0116.ADD1 and F0116.ADD2 |
Identification | <Id> | Hard-coded tag. |
OrganizationIdentification | <OrgId> | Hard-coded tag. |
BICorBEI | <BICOrBEI> | BIC of the bank account of the original debtor from the Bank Transit Master table (F0030). |
DebtorAccount | <DbtrAcct> | Hard-coded tag. |
Identification | <Id> | Hard-coded tag. |
IBAN | <IBAN> | IBAN of the bank account of the original debtor from from the Bank Transit Master table (F0030). |
UltimateDebtor | <UltmtDbtr> | Hard-coded tag. |
Name | <Nm> | The system takes the mailing name of the debtor who ultimately makes the payments from F0111.MLNM |
Identification | <Id> | Hard-coded tag. |
OrganizationIdentification | <OrgId> | Hard-coded tag. |
Other | <Othr> | Hard-coded tag. |
Identification | <Id> | Tax ID number from F0101.TAX |
Purpose | <Purp> | The system populates the value from the Purpose Code processing option. |
Code | <Cd> | Hard-coded value of SUPP. |
RemittanceInformation | <RmtInf> | Hard-coded tag. |
Unstructured | <Ustrd> | Hard-coded tag. |
Structured | <Strd> | Hard-coded tag. |
CreditorReferenceInformation | <CdtrRefInf> | Hard-coded tag. |
Type | <Tp> | Hard-coded tag. |
CodeorProprietary | <CdOrPrtry> | Hard-coded tag. |
Code | <Cd> | Hard-coded value of SCOR. |
Issuer | <Issr> | Value from F03B575. MCU. The system uses the method specified in the Remittance Identification Issuer processing option to populate the value in this tag for structured mode. |
Reference | <Ref> | The invoice number from F03B575.DOC. |
Note: The XML contains the ultimate debtor and ultimate creditor tags if they are different from debtor and creditor.The XML contains the amendment information details when there are amendments with amendment date greater than last collection date. The XML displays original values only for the data that had changed. |
The following set of code lines shows the XML tags for an unstructured output for transactions that involve single invoice.
+++ <RmtInf>
++++ <Ustrd> Invoice No 1, Invoice Date1, Invoice Total Amount1, Invoice Payment amount1, Discount </Ustrd>
+++ </RmtInf>
The following set of code lines shows the XML tags for an unstructured output for transactions that involve multiple invoices.
+++ <RmtInf>
++++ <Ustrd> Invoice No 1,Invoice Date1, Invoice Total Amount1, Invoice Payment amount1 Discount</Ustrd>
++++ <Ustrd> Invoice No 2,Invoice Date2, Invoice Total Amount2, Invoice Payment amount2 Discount</Ustrd>
++++ <Ustrd> Invoice No 3,Invoice Date3, Invoice Total Amount3, Invoice Payment amount3 Discount</Ustrd>
+++ </RmtInf>
The following set of code lines shows the XML tags for a structured output for transactions that involve a single invoice.
+++ <RmtInf>
++++ <Strd>
+++++ <CdtrRefInf>
++++++ <Tp>
++++++ <CdOrPrtry>
+++++++ <Cd>SCOR</Cd>
++++++ </CdOrPrtry>
+++++++ <Issr> Invoice 1 MCU </Issr>
++++++ </Tp>
++++++ <Ref> Invoice 1 Number </Ref>
+++++ </CdtrRefInf>
++++ </Strd>
+++ </RmtInf>
The following set of code lines shows the XML tags for a structured output for transactions that involve multiple invoices.
+++ <RmtInf>
++++ <Strd>
+++++ <CdtrRefInf>
++++++ <Tp>
++++++ <CdOrPrtry>
+++++++ <Cd>SCOR</Cd>
++++++ </CdOrPrtry>
+++++++ <Issr> Invoice 1 MCU </Issr>
++++++ </Tp>
++++++ <Ref> Invoice 1 Number </Ref>
+++++ </CdtrRefInf>
++++ </Strd>
++++ <Strd>
+++++ <CdtrRefInf>
++++++ <Tp>
++++++ <CdOrPrtry>
+++++++ <Cd> SCOR </Cd>
++++++ </CdOrPrtry>
+++++++ <Issr> Invoice 2 MCU </Issr>
++++++ </Tp>
++++++ <Ref> Invoice 2 Number </Ref>
+++++ </CdtrRefInf>
++++ </Strd>
++++ <Strd>
+++++ <CdtrRefInf>
++++++ <Tp>
++++++ <CdOrPrtry>
+++++++ <Cd> SCOR </Cd>
++++++ </CdOrPrtry>
+++++++ <Issr> Invoice 3 MCU </Issr>
++++++ </Tp>
++++++ <Ref> Invoice 3 Number </Ref>
+++++ </CdtrRefInf>
++++ </Strd>
+++ </RmtInf>