Company 0001 has business units 3, 4, and 5. Company 0002 has business units M40, M20, and M10.

The region category code 02 for BU 3 is C. The region category code 02 for BU 4 is S. The region category code 02 for BU 5 is W. The region category code 02 for BU M40 is C. The region category code 02 for BU M20 is S. The region category code 02 for BU M10 is W.

The balance for BU 3 is 121,000. The balance for BU 4 is 240,000. The balance for BU 5 is 115,000. The balance for BU M40 is 420,000. The balance for BU M20 is 315,000. The balance for BU M10 is 20,000.

The system consoliates by category code 02 and is stored in the Company Constants Company 00800 (F0010).

Category codes 02 values are C (Central), N (North), S (South), and W (West).

The system creates the following new business units in the BU Master table (F0006): 02W, 02S, 02C, and 02N.

The system creates new accounts in the Account Master table (F0901): 8720, 8720, 8720, and 8720.

The system creates new account balances in the Account Balance table (F0902): 135,000, 240,000, 541,000, 315,000.

The following values are linked: 02W, 8750, 135,000.

The following values are linked: 02S, 8750, 240,000.

The following values are linked: 02C, 8750, 541,000.

The following values are linked: 02N, 8750, 315,000.