10 Running JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Grower Management Reports

This chapter contains the following topics:

10.1 Running JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Grower Management Reports

This section discusses how to:

  • Run the Weigh Tag Detail report.

  • Set processing options for the Weigh Tag Detail report (R31B77A).

  • Run the QA Results by Date report.

  • Set processing options for the QA Results by Date report (R40G3711).

  • Run the Weigh Tag Summary report.

  • Set processing options for the Weigh Tag Summary report (R31B77B).

  • Run the Scheduled Harvest Detail report (R40G60).

  • Run the Crush and Purchase report (R40G150A).

  • Set processing options for the Purchase and Crush Report - Build program (R40G1501).

  • Set processing options for the Crush and Purchase report (R40G150A).

10.1.1 Running the Weigh Tag Detail Report

Select Reports (G40G1111), Weigh Tag Details. Use the Weigh Tab Details report to review:

  • Detailed weigh tag information, one weigh tag at a time.

  • Quality results associated with weigh tags.

Figure 10-1 Weigh Tag Detail report

Description of Figure 10-1 follows
Description of "Figure 10-1 Weigh Tag Detail report"

10.1.2 Setting Processing Options for the Weigh Tag Detail Report (R31B77A)

Use these processing options to define what is printed on the report. Print

1. Result Name Minimum / Maximum Value

Specify whether the Result Name Allowed or Preferred Minimum / Maximum value are printed on the Weigh Tag Detail report. Values are:

Blank: Print the allowed minimum and maximum values.

1: Print the preferred minimum and maximum values.

10.1.3 Running the QA Results By Date Report

Select Reports (G40G1111), QA Results By Date. Use the QA Results by Date report to:

  • View quality results by harvest and result date.

  • Analyze quality trends over a selected date range.

10.1.4 Setting Processing Options for the QA Results by Date Report (R40G3711)

Use these processing options to define the print date range, specify the test result names, and specify whether to print the appellation and geographic area hierarchy on the report. Area

These processing options specify whether to print the appellation and geographic area codes only or include the hierarchies.

1. Appellation Code

Specify the appellation code to appear on the report. If you enter a geographic area code to print on the report, both values must match the harvest record.

2. Include Harvests in Appellation Hierarchy

Specify whether to run the report for just one appellation or for the specified appellation and all descendents. Values are:

Blank: Print the harvest only for the specified appellation.

1: Print the harvests for the specified appellation hierarchy.

3. Geographic Area Code

Specify the geographic area code to appear on the report. If you enter an appellation code in print on the report, both values must match the harvest record.

4. Include Harvest in Growing Area Hierarchy

Specify whether to run the report for just one growing area or for the specified growing area and all descendents. Values are:

Blank: Print the harvest only for the specified growing area.

1: Print the harvests for the specified growing area hierarchy. Result Names

These processing options define the test result names to print.

QA Test Result Name 1, QA Test Result Name 2, QA Test Result Name 3, QA Test Result Name 4, and QA Test Result Name 5,

Specify the name of a QA test result to appear on the report. Dates

These processing options specify the start and end dates for the report.

1. Start Date

Specify the starting QA test date. If this processing option is left blank, the start date is not used in the selection criteria.

2. End Date

Specify the ending QA test date. If this processing option is left blank, the end date is not used in the selection criteria.

10.1.5 Running the Weigh Tag Summary Report

Select Reports (G40G1211), Weigh Tag Summary Report. Use the Weigh Tag Summary report to view a summary list of weigh tag information for a specified period. You can:

  • Display EURs associated with a weigh tag.

  • Display up to four quality tests associated with a weigh tag.

  • Sort the report by block code, crush site, contract ID, variety code, start date, or EUR code.

Figure 10-2 Weigh Tag Summary report

Description of Figure 10-2 follows
Description of "Figure 10-2 Weigh Tag Summary report"

10.1.6 Setting Processing Options for the Weigh Tag Summary Report (R31B77B)

Use these processing options to define the test results to print and define print options. Print Options

These processing options define how to sort the data, determine the date range to print, specify the reporting unit of measure, and specify whether to include the EUR receipt quantity on the report.

1. Sort Report and Print Totals By

Specify how the report is sorted and how the totals are printed. Values are:

Blank: Block code

1: Crush site

2: Contract ID

3: Variety code

4: Operation actual start date

5: EUR code

2. Reporting Date Range - Start Date

Specify the start date of the operation actual start date range. If the start date is blank and the end date is not, the report prints weigh tags for which the operation actual start date is less than or equal to the end date. If both the start and end dates are blank, no filtering occurs on operation actual start date.

3. Reporting Date Range - End Date

Specify the end date of the actual start date range of the operation. If the end date is blank and the start date is not, the report prints weigh tags where operation actual start date is greater than or equal to the start date. If both the start and end dates are blank, no filtering occurs on the operation actual start date.

4. Reporting UOM - Quantity

Specify the unit of measure of the quantity that is received to be printed on the report. If the specified unit of measure is different from what is stored in the weigh tag table, the quantity that is received is converted.

5. Reporting UOM - Weight

Specify the unit of measure of gross weight, tare weight, and net weight to be printed on the report. If the specified unit of measure is different from that which is stored in the weigh tag table, unit of measure conversion   occur for those weight values.

6. Alternate UOM for Receipt Quantity

Specify a unit of measure if you want to display quantity received in a unit of measure other than the one that is specified in the processing option called Reporting UOM - Quantity. If this processing option is left blank, the report column Alternate Unit of Measure prints the original weigh tag quantity that is received along with the original quantity received UOM from the Weigh Tag Master table (F31B85).

7. Include Receipt Quantity by EUR

Specify whether to print the allocation amount of each EUR for the weigh tag receipt quantity. This information is printed below the detail line for each weigh tag. If the report is sorted by EUR, this processing option is not applicable. Values are:

Blank: Do not print the receipt quantity by EUR.

1: Do print the receipt quantity by EUR. QA Results

These processing options specify the test result names to print.

1. Test Result Name 1

Specify the name of a QA test result to appear on the report.

2. Include Weighted Average for Test Result 1

Specify whether the weighted average should be calculated for QA Test Result Name 1. This option is applicable only to a test result that is a math numeric value. If the processing option Reporting UOM - Quantity on the Print Options tab is blank, the system does not calculate and print the weighted average.

3. Test Result Name 2

Specify the name of a QA test result to appear on the report.

4. Test Result Name 3

Specify the name of a QA test result to appear on the report.

5. Test Result Name 4

Specify the name of a QA test result to appear on the report.

10.1.7 Running the Scheduled Harvest Details Report (R40G60)

Select Daily Processing (G40G111), Harvest Workbench.

On the Manage Harvest form, select a harvest for which you created scheduled harvest operations, select Print Scheduled Harvest Details from the Select Record(s) field and click the Go button.

Use this program to print a report with harvest operation information, such as planned, and actual dates, harvest quantities, and areas, deliver date, receipt branch and so on.

If you run this program from Batch Versions program (P98305W), the report displays all operations with a base operation of Harvest. You can use data selection to narrow the records, for example you can review harvest operations for a specific farm, block, or period, or you could review all active harvest operations by selecting the appropriate status on the operation.

10.1.8 Running the Crush and Purchase Report (R40G150A)

Select Crush and Purchase Report (G40G12111), Crush and Purchase Report.

Use the Crush and Purchase report (R40G150A) to generate a listing of crop quantities that were crushed or purchased during a specified reporting period. You can report crop quantities using the following criteria or scenarios:

  • Grown internally.

  • Purchased from growers.

  • Purchased by non-growers.

  • Crushed for growers, but not purchased.

  • Crushed for non-growers, but not purchased.

You can track purchased crop quantities using these criteria:

  • Purchased from growers.

  • Purchased from non-related growers.

  • Purchased for distilling or as substandard.

  • Purchased from growers and resold without crushing.

  • Purchased from growers and crushed by an external processor.

Because all purchases and receipts for a facility are processed using a weigh tag, you use the weigh tag as the basis for including quantities on the report. You can use a weigh tag without an associated crush operation, but you cannot report on a crushed quantity without an associated weigh tag. After you select a weigh tag, the system retrieves data from the harvest and the weigh tag operation header.

On the Crush and Purchase report, you can report five standard values for Brix levels. The following table describes these standard values:

Value Description
Allowed Minimum Value Minimum acceptable Brix level.
Allowed Maximum Value Maximum acceptable Brix level.
Adjustment Limit - Target Value Preferred Brix level.
Adjustment Limit - Minimum Value Minimum allowed Brix level before an adjustment is applied.
Adjustment Limit - Maximum Value Maximum allowed Brix level before an adjustment is applied.

You set up these standard values in the Quality Result Limits program (P40G151) and store them in the Quality Result Limits table (F40G151). You set up these attributes by variety, district, and test result name.

Crush and Purchase reporting includes the following steps:

  1. The first step for generating the Crush and Purchase report is to run a data extraction using the Crush and Purchase Report - Build program (R40G1501). You can access this program from the Crush and Purchase Report menu. Use the processing options to determine how data are retrieved and calculated. The system extracts data from these tables:

    • Operations Header (F31B65)

    • Operation Vessel Assignments (F31B70)

    • Weigh Tag Master (F31B85)

    • Test Results (F3711)

    • Price Adjustments Ledger (F4074)

    • Purchase Order Receiver (F43121)

    • Grower Harvest (F40G03)

    • Quality Result Limits (F40G151)

    The system stores the extracted data in the Crush and Purchase Report Details table (F40G150).

  2. After you have extracted the data into the Crush and Purchase Report Details table, you can manually update the information and enter additional information. Use the Crush and Purchase Application (P40G150) that you access from the Crush and Purchase Report menu, to make updates and additions as needed.

  3. Next step is to launch the Crush and Purchase Detail Report (R40G150A), so as to report the information in the Crush and Purchase Reporting table (F40G150).

    For the Crush and Purchase Report, you can use either the report provided or you can create custom reports based on report indicators. These report indicators identify transactions for inclusion in the reporting scenarios. An individual crush operation or purchase transactions might appear in multiple reporting scenarios. The following table describes the report indicators:

    Report Indicator Description
    Crush and Purchase Detail Consists of these three sections:

    Crush detail: Includes all crush operations, with information on quantity and Brix level.

    Purchase detail: Includes only purchases from growers, with information on quantity, actual and acceptable Brix levels, Brix adjustment factors and limits, and base and net pricing.

    Distilling material and substandard crops: Includes only purchases from growers, with information about quantity and Brix levels.

    Resale Crops that are purchased from growers and resold without crushing.
    Repurchase Crops purchased from entities that are not the original growers.
    External crush Crops purchased, but crushed by an external processor.
    Crush service Crops crushed, but not purchased.

  4. You can purge the data from the Crush and Purchase Report Details table using the F40G150 Purge program (R40G150P).

10.1.9 Setting Processing Options for the Crush and Purchase Report - Build program (R40G1501)

These processing options control processing for the Crush and Purchase Report - Build program. Default

This processing option controls a default value for the data extraction.

Purchase Category

Specify the generic grower attribute that indicates how the crops were acquired. As an update to Release 9.1, you can specify any one of the grower attribute values from GROW01 to GROW15. In order to be recognized and correctly interpreted by the Crush and Purchase report, the grower attribute specified in the processing option must contain one of the following values in the harvest:

  • 1-Grown internally

  • 2-Purchased from a grower not related to the reporting entity

  • 3-Purchased from a grower related to the reporting entity

  • 4-Purchased from non-grower

  • 5-Not purchased, processed for a grower

  • 6-Not purchased, processed for a non-grower

If the processing option is not defined or an unknown value is encountered, the system processes using the default value Grown internally. Select

These processing options control selection criteria for the data extraction.

Quality Result Name

Specify the test result name to be used to retrieve the Brix level from the Test Results table (F3711).

Quality Result Name - Adjustment Factor

Specify the quality result name for an adjustment factor. You must report the applied adjustment factor, if a price adjustment based on Brix level exists. The system retrieves this adjustment from the Price History table. If multiple adjustments for the specified quality result name exists, the system adds them and reports them as one. You must report the applied adjustment factor.

Quality Result Name - Other Matter

Use this processing option to specify the quality result name for other matter.

Material Type - Distilling Material

Specify the material type for crop quantities to be designated as distilling material. If the material type on the weigh tag matches the material type that you specify here, the weigh tag quantity is recorded as distilling material. If it does not match, the weigh tag quantity is recorded in the purchase details.

Material Type - Substandard Material

Specify the material type for crop quantities to be designated as substandard material. If the material type on the weigh tag matches the material type that you specify here, the weigh tag quantity is recorded as substandard material. If it does not match, the weigh tag quantity is recorded in the purchase details.

10.1.10 Setting Processing Options for the Crush and Purchase Report (R40G150A)

These processing options control processing for the Crush and Purchase report. Defaults

This processing option controls a default value that is used for

Reporting Unit of Measure

Specify the unit of measure to use for this report. The system converts all quantities and prices using this unit of measure. Process

These processing options control how the report processes data.

1. Receipt Quantity Value (With or without other matter (MOG))

Specify whether the purchase quantities on the report can include other material (MOG).

2. Special Assessment Factor for Purchases

Specify the special assessment factor to use for purchases. If you enter a value here, this special assessment result appears at the end of the report.

3. Special Assessment Factor for Crush Operations

Specify the special assessment factor to use for material that results from crush operations and is not purchased from another grower. If you enter a value here, this special assessment result appears at the end of the report.