B Inventory Management Reports

This appendix contains the following topics:

B.1 Understanding Inventory Management Reports

You can generate inventory reports to review and analyze information about the inventory. The three categories of inventory reports are:

  • Inventory status reports.

    Use these reports to review the status of the inventory by location, time period, and so on.

  • Inventory analysis reports.

    Use these reports to review the profitability, turnover, demand, and so on, for the inventory.

  • Inventory integrity reports.

    Use these reports to review discrepancies between item information and accounting information.

B.2 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management Reports: A to Z

This table lists the Inventory Management reports, sorted alphanumerically by report ID:

Report ID and Report Name Description Navigation


Prints information about an item's demand, supply, and available quantities. Select Inventory Reports (G41111), Supply/Demand Report.

Item Profile

Prints the supplemental data associated with items. Select Item Supplemental Data/CIF (G4124), Item Profile Report.

Inventory Turn

Prints the inventory for a cost center, an item, and a date range combination that you specify. Select Inventory Reports (G41111), Inventory Turn Report.

Customer Distributor Balance

Prints a report of the customer's or distributor's deposits and container transactions for a given period. Select Container Management (G4118), Customer Distributor Balance.

Container Reconciliations

Prints information about the transactions for each item with a line type for full containers. Select Container Management (G4118), Container Reconciliations.

Cycle Variance Print Detail

Prints the variances between the results of the cycle count and the inventory records to resolve discrepancies. Select Inventory Count Alternatives (G4121), Cycle Variance Detail Print.

Items by Data Type

Prints the item supplemental data associated with data types. Select Item Supplemental Data/CIF (G4124), Items By Data Type Report.

Trace/Track Print

Prints trace and track information. Select Lot Control (G4113), Trace/Track Print.

Price Book

Prints a list of the current prices for the inventory. Select Inventory Reports (G41111), Price Book Report.

Buying Guide

Prints a list of the product and item performance information. Select Inventory Reports (G41111), Buying Guide Report.

Stock Status

Prints a list of the location and status of the inventory items in a specific branch, plant, or warehouse. Select Inventory Reports (G41111), Stock Status Report.

Item Ledger/Account Integrity

Prints a list of discrepancies between the F4111 and F0911 tables. Select Inventory Reports (G41111), Item Ledger/Account Integrity Report.

Item Balance/Ledger Integrity

Prints a list of discrepancies for both quantity and amount between the F41021 and F4111 tables. Select Inventory Reports (G41111), Item Balance/Ledger Integrity Report .

Inventory Journal

Prints a list of transactions to compare against the inventory. Select Inventory Reports (G41111), Inventory Journal Report.

Item Master Directory

Prints a list of item master records. Select Inventory Reports (G41111), Item Master Directory Report.

Cost Report

Prints a list of items with a transaction cost that is different from the current average cost that you specified in the processing options. Select Inventory Reports (G41111), Cost Report.

Valuation Report

Prints information about the extended value of on-hand inventory. Select Inventory Reports (G41111), Valuation Report .

ABC Report

Prints a list that ranks inventory items with a letter grade of A, B, or C (where A represents the items with highest total sales, largest gross margin, or largest on-hand value). Select Inventory Reports (G41111), ABC Report.

Country of Origin Update for Items

Activates the Country of Origin Required flag on the Item Master (F4101) and Item Branch (F4102) records and then set the Country of Origin field in the Item Branch records. Select Global Updates and Purges (G41311), Country of Origin Update for Items Report.

Country of Origin Update for Lots

Updates the country of origin in Lot Master Select Global Updates and Purges (G41311), Country of Origin Update for Lots Report.

Margin Report

Prints current information to identify profit margin. Select Inventory Reports (G41111), Margin Report.

Update Sellable Field

Populates the sellable flag in the F4101 and F4102 tables. Enter bv in the fast path to access Batch Versions. Enter R41900 in the Batch Application field.

B.3 Selected JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management Reports

Some reports include a more detailed description, as well as information about processing options. These reports are listed alphanumerically by report ID in this appendix.

B.3.1 Reviewing the Supply/Demand Report

Select Inventory Reports (G41111), Supply/Demand Report.

Supply and Demand Report provides information about an item's demand, supply, and available quantities. The report lists:

  • Quantities on hand

  • Safety stock

  • Sales orders

  • Purchase orders

  • Forecasts

  • Work orders

You can print a report for supply and demand information using this criteria:

  • Branch/plant

  • Item number

  • Date

B.3.2 R4051–Processing Options for the Supply/Demand Report

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.

B.3.2.1 Process

1. Deduct Safety Stock From Available Quantity

Specify whether to deduct safety stock from available quantity. Values are:

Blank: Do not deduct.

1: Deduct.

2. Receipt Routing Quantities Considered On Hand for the following fields: Quantity in TransitQuantity in InspectionUser-Defined Quantity 1User-Defined Quantity 2

Values are:

Blank: Do not consider.

1: Consider.

3. Supply/Demand Inclusion Rules

Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (40/RV) that identifies the inclusion rule that you want the system to use for this branch/plant.

4. Subtract Expired Lot Quantities

Specify whether to subtract expired lot quantities. Values are:

Blank: Do not subtract.

1: Subtract.

5. Enable Engineering Project Management (EPM)

Specify whether to enable engineering project management. Values are:

Blank: Do not enable.

1: Enable.

6. Include Past Due Supply In Quantity Available

Specify whether past due quantities are considered while calculating available quantity. Values are:

Blank: Do not include

i: Include.

7. Rate Based Schedule Type (Future)

Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (31/ST) that identifies the type of schedule, for example, AC for actual schedule and PL for planned schedule. If you leave this processing option blank, the system does not include rate based items.

8. Include MPS/MRP/DRP Planned Orders

Specify whether to include MPS/MRP/DRP planned orders. Values are:

Blank: Do not include.

1: Include.

9. Forecast Types (5 Types Maximum)

Enter the forecast type(s).

10. Days From Today To Include Forecast

Enter the number of days that the system uses in conjunction with the time fence rule to determine how the forecast is used. Enter the number of days after the start date when the time fence rule changes from the first rule to the second rule. If you leave this processing option blank, the system will count the number of days from today.

For example, if the time fence rule is S (customer demand before the time fence, forecast after the time fence), the generation start date is 01/03/05, and the planning time fence is 3 days, the system plans using customer demand through 01/06/05. Beginning on 01/07/05, the system plans using the forecast.

11. Exclude Bulk Items

Specify whether to exclude bulk items. Values are:

Blank: Do not exclude.

1: Exclude.

12. Lot Hold Codes (up to 5)

Specify the lots to be included in the calculation of on-hand inventory. You can enter a maximum of 5 lot hold codes from UDC table (41/L). Values include:

Blank: Include no held lots in calculation of on-hand inventory.

*: Include all held lots in calculation of on-hand inventory.

B.3.2.2 Display

1. Display Unit Of Measure

Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (00/UM) that identifies the unit of measure in which to express an inventory item, for example, CS (case) or BX (box).

If you leave this field blank, the system uses the primary unit of measure.

2. Convert Quantities To Standard Potency

Specify whether to convert quantities to standard potency. Values are:

Blank: Do not convert.

1: Convert.

3. Effective Thru Date

Specify the effective thru date.

4. Display ATP Line

Specify whether the system displays an ATP line, a cumulative available to promise line (CATP), or neither. Values are:

Blank: Do not display.

1: Display ATP line.

2: Display CATP line.

5. Summarize All In Receipt Routing Steps

Specify whether to summarize all in the receipt routing steps. Values are:

Blank: Do not summarize.

1: Summarize.

6. Summarize Item Balance Quantity Records

Specify whether to summarize item balance quantity records. Values are:

Blank: Do not summarize.

1: Summarize.

B.3.3 Reviewing the Item Profile Report

Select Item Supplemental Data/CIF (G4124), Item Profile Report.

Run the Item Profile report (R410400) to print the supplemental data associated with items. The report lists the supplemental data in this order:

  • Branch/plant

  • Short item number

  • Data type

  • UDC

  • Effective date

B.3.4 R410400 – Processing Options for the Item Profile Report

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.

B.3.4.1 Processing

Print Text

Specify if test information will be printed on the report. Values are:

Blank: Print. (default)

1: Do not print.

Supplemental Database Code

Specify the supplemental database code for the level at which data was stored. Values are:

I: Item level.

IB: Item and Branch level.

B.3.5 Reviewing the Profile Information by Data Type Report

Select Item Supplemental Data/CIF (G4124), Items By Data Type Report.

Run the Profile Information by Data Type report to print the item supplemental data associated with data types. You can print two versions of the Profile Information by Data Type report. The sort sequence and the report format differ. The sort sequences for the versions are as follows:

  • XJDE0001 version.

    Sort by branch/plant, then data type, UDC, short item number, and effective date.

  • XJDE0002 version.

    Sort by branch/plant, then data type, short item number, UDC, and effective date.

Because the formats differ, copy the version that you want to print (instead of using the Add function).

B.3.6 R410410 — Processing Options for the Profile Information by Data Type Report

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.

B.3.6.1 Process

Print Text

Specify if test information will be printed on the report. Values are:

Blank: Print. (default)

1: Do not print.

Supplemental Database Code

Specify the Supplemental Database Code for the level at which the supplemental data was stored. Values are:

I: Item level.

IB: Item and Branch level.

B.3.7 Reviewing the Inventory Turn Report

Select Inventory Reports menu (G41111), Inventory Turn Report.

You can print this report for a cost center, an item, and a date range combination that you specify.

The Inventory Turn Report (R41116):

  • Retrieves records from the F4111 table.

  • Clears the existing workfile, rebuilds it, and accesses records to produce the report.

The system calculates beginning, ending, and average inventory as follows:

  • Beginning inventory is the amount for all transactions prior to the first date that you specified in data selection.

  • Ending inventory is the amount of the beginning inventory plus or minus the amount of the item ledger transactions for the period that you specified in the processing options.

  • Usage is the amount of all the item ledger records that match the transaction family document types that you specify in the processing options for the report.

B.3.7.1 Data Selection

You must use this data sequence:

  • Transaction date

  • Branch/plant

  • Item number - short

B.3.8 R41116 — Processing Options for the Inventory Turn Report

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.

B.3.8.1 Selections

Enter the Transaction Family Document Types to Include: Based on the UDC 41/TT

Transaction Family 1

Transaction Family 2

Transaction Family 3

Transaction Family 4

Transaction Family 5

Transaction Family 6

B.3.8.2 Dates

Enter the date range to be used in calculating the beginning and ending inventories.

From Date

To Date

B.3.9 Reviewing the Customer/Distributor Balance Report

Select Container Management (G4118), Customer Distributor Balance.

The Customer/Distributor Balance report (R41182) reads the Container Deposit and Container Transaction tables and prints a report of the customer's or distributor's deposits and container transactions for a given period. The report includes the deposit balance for the customer or distributor and the deposit and refund amounts by layer. You can use the R41182 report as a statement of account activity to send to the customer or distributor.

You can run this program in proof or final mode. When you run it in final mode, the program updates the Container Deposit and Container Transaction tables.

The program prints transaction level or summary level invoice statements, depending on how you set up the preferences for the customer. The transaction level invoice statement displays the deposit charge or refund sales order lines for each container transaction recorded for the customer. The summary level invoice statement summarizes all transactions over a specified period for a single combination of branch/plant, customer, and item.

B.3.10 Reviewing the Container Reconciliations Report

Select Container Management (G4118), Container Reconciliations.

The Container Reconciliations Report (R41185) analyzes the transactions for each item with a line type for full containers, finds the cross-referenced empty containers for each of the full containers, and calculates the ending balance of containers in each branch. This report includes:

  • Quantity delivered and returned for each container

  • Quantity on hand by branch for each container

  • Total quantity in the company for each container

  • Grand total of all containers in the company

You can also set the appropriate processing option to print the totals for the company only.

You can run the R41185 program in proof or update mode. If you run the program in update mode, it creates records by item and branch/plant in the Container Reconciliation table. It also places a 1 in the reconciliation flag field in the Container Transaction table. The next time you run the Container Reconciliations program, it will not read these transactions.

B.3.10.1 Data Selection

The line type must equal the line type for full containers only.

B.3.11 Reviewing the Print Variance Detail Report

Select Inventory Count Alternatives (G4121), Cycle Variance Detail Print.

Alternatively, select Print Variance from the Form menu on the Work With Cycle Count Detail form.

You can print a report of the variances between the results of the cycle count and the inventory records to resolve discrepancies.

B.3.11.1 Data Selection

Use data selection to print a variance report for a specific cycle count.

B.3.12 R41403 — Processing Options for the Cycle Variance Print Detail Report

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.

B.3.12.1 Processing

Variance type

Specify which variance type to use. Values are:

1: Quantity Variance. (default)

2: Amount Variance.


Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (00/VA) that identifies the relation to use for the variance selection.


Specify a number that identifies the amount that the system will add to the account balance of the associated account number. Enter credits with a minus sign (-) either before or after the amount.

Variance Comparison

Specify which variance to compare. Values are:

1: Compare the percent variance.

2: Compare the unit variance. (default)

B.3.13 Reviewing the Track/Trace Print Report

Select Lot Control (G4113), Trace/Track Print.

The Track/Trace Print Report (R41505) provides trace and track information, such as the level by which the system traces or tracks lots. You determine whether the report displays tracing or tracking information by using processing options for the report.

B.3.14 R41505 — Processing Options for the Track/Trace Print Report

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.

B.3.14.1 Display

1. Enter Track/Trace

Specify which method the system uses to trace or track lot usage. If you trace the lot, the system traces from the time of shipment to the time of manufacture all of the items that made up the current item. If you track the item, the system determines all of the assemblies of which this item is to be a component from the time of manufacture to the time of shipment. Values are:

Blank: Trace lot usage.

1: Track lot usage.

2. Mode

Specify the processing mode that the system uses to indicate when specific orders are being processed. Values are:

1: Use single level track or trace. The system displays only top level items that can be tracked or traced.

2: Use no intermediates. The system displays only top level items that cannot be tracked or traced.

3: Use multilevel track or trace. The system displays all items from all levels that can be tracked or traced.

4: Use multilevel indented track or trace. The system displays all items from all levels that can be tracked or traced and indents all of the levels based on their value.

B.3.15 Reviewing the Price Book Report

Select Inventory Reports (G41111), Price Book Report.

The Price Book report (R41510) lists the current prices for the inventory.

The system retrieves this information from these tables:

  • F4106

  • F4207

  • F4208

B.3.16 R41510 — Processing Options for the Price Book Report

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.

B.3.16.1 Display Value

Price Group

Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (40/PI) that identifies an inventory price group for an item.

Inventory price groups have unique pricing structures that direct the system in incorporate discounts or markups on items on sales and purchase orders. The discounts or markups are based on the quantity, amount, or weight of the item ordered. When you assign a price group to an item, the item takes on the same pricing structure defined for the inventory price group.

You must assign an inventory price group to the supplier or customer, as well as to the item. The system interactively calculates discounts and markups on sales orders and purchase orders.

B.3.17 Reviewing the Buying Guide Report

Select Inventory Reports (G41111), Buying Guide Report.

The Buying Guide report (R4152) lists product and item performance information.

B.3.18 R4152 — Processing Options for the Buying Guide Report

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.

B.3.18.1 Display

Reorder Point

Specify the reorder point. Values are:

1: Print all items.

2: Print only items at/or lower than the reorder point.

Item Notes

Enter 1 to print item notes.

B.3.19 Reviewing the Stock Status Report

Select Inventory Reports (G41111), Stock Status Report.

The Stock Status report (R41530) lists the location and status of the inventory items in a specific branch, plant, or warehouse, including:

  • Inventory on hold by location

  • Commitments by location

  • Cost information by location

  • Percentage of life remaining for a lot

  • Number of days before lot expiration

B.3.20 R41530 — Processing Options for the Stock Status Report

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.

B.3.20.1 UOM Options

Unit of Measure

Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (00/UM) that identifies which unit of measure will appear on the report. If the chosen unit of measure is not defined for an item or if you leave this field blank, the system will use the primary unit of measure.

B.3.20.2 Lot Options

1. Display Percent of Life Remaining

Specify whether to displays the Percent of Life Remaining field. If you leave this processing option blank, the system does not display a value in this field.

2. Percent of Life Remaining Threshold

Specify a value (expressed as a percentage) that the system uses as a threshold for determining which lots to display. If the percentage of life that remains for a lot is less than or equal to the value in this field, then the system displays the lot.

3. Display Number of Days Remaining

Specify whether to display the number of days remaining. If you leave this processing option blank, the system does not display the number of days remaining for a lot.

4. Number of Days Remaining Threshold

Specify a value that the system uses to determine which lots to display. If the number of days remaining in the life of a lot is less than or equal to the value in this field, the system displays the lot.

5. Calculation Date

Specify the date the system uses to calculate the remaining number of days until the lot expires.

B.3.21 Reviewing the Item Ledger/Account Integrity Report

Select Inventory Reports (G41111), Item Ledger/Account Integrity Report.

The Item Ledger/Account Integrity report (R41543) displays these types of discrepancies between the F4111 and F0911 tables:

  • Item ledger detail records exist with no corresponding general ledger detail records.

  • Item ledger does not balance with the corresponding general ledger detail.

The report displays summary lines that represent specific totals by:

  • Document type

  • Document number

  • Key company

The report also displays the solutions to the discrepancies. A blank report indicates that no discrepancies exist. You can run this report as many times as needed because no tables are updated.

If you use summarized journal entries for work orders, the program ignores material issue transactions (IM), completions (IC), and scrap transactions (IS) against those summarized work orders because they are not actual work orders.

Certain types of general ledger (GL) batches, such as procurement and sales, require exceptions to the basic program logic that the system uses to create the report. These batches contain multiple types of journal entries that are not appropriate for the report. To ensure that the program selects only the inventory entries, you set up exception rules in UDC table (41/IN). The exception rules must be entered in the Description-1 field for the document types that the organization uses. This table explains the types of exception rules:

Rule Description
Rule 0: Used for Manufacturing Issues of Material Exception rule 0 is necessary because the F0911 table uses frozen standard costs and the F4111 table uses the inventory costing method that the user has chosen. If the methods are not the same, set up this code.

For documents to which the integrity check applies, this rule ensures that if records exist in the Item Ledger table, they also exist in the Account Ledger table.

Rule 1: Used for Sales Invoices Exception rule 1 is necessary because journal entries such as revenue or loss entries, taxes, freight, and intercompany settlements are written to the Account Ledger table when sales transactions take place.

The program checks AAI 4240 from the F4095 table to determine which object accounts to include. The program compares only journal entries with these object accounts in the Account Ledger table to the journal entries in the Item Ledger table.

Rule 2: Used for Purchase Vouchers Exception rule 2 is necessary because journal entries such as favorable or unfavorable price variances, taxes, and freight are written to the Account Ledger table when purchase transactions take place.

The program checks AAI items 4330, 4340, and 4350 from the Distribution/Manufacturing - AAI Values table to determine which object accounts to include. The program compares only journal entries with these object accounts in the Account Ledger table to the journal entries in the Item Ledger table.

Rule 3: Default Rule This is the default rule used by all other inventory transactions. If the Document Type is not defined as a Rule 1 or Rule 2 type in 41/IN UDC table, Rule 3 applies.


If the exception rules in UDC table (41/IN) are set up correctly, the report prints only incorrect transactions.

B.3.21.1 Data Sequence

You must use this data sequence:

  • Document type

  • Document

  • Document company

B.3.22 R41543 – Processing Options for the Item Ledger/Account Integrity Report

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.

B.3.22.1 Report Display

1. Enter from GL Date and 2. Enter thru GL Date

Specify the from and through GL date. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the current date.

3. Enter Work Order Completion Document Type

Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (00/DT) that identifies the work order completion document type. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses default document type IC.

4. Enter Work Order Issue Document Type

Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (00/DT) that identifies the work order issue document type. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses default document type IM.

5. Enter Lean Transaction Completion Document Type

Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (00/DT) that identifies the lean transaction completion document type. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses default document type LC.

6. Enter Lean Transaction Issue Document Type

Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (00/DT) that identifies the lean transaction issue document type. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses default document type LM.

B.3.23 Reviewing the Item Balance/Ledger Integrity Report

Select Inventory Reports (G41111), Item Balance/Ledger Integrity Report.

The Item Balance/Ledger Integrity report (R41544) displays discrepancies for both quantity and amount between the F41021 and F4111 tables, in combination with the F41112 table.

The report displays summary lines that represent specific totals by:

  • Branch/plant

  • Item number

  • Location

  • Lot number

Unless you set the processing option to print all records, a blank report indicates that no discrepancies exist.

B.3.24 R41544 — Processing Options for the Item Balance/Ledger Integrity Report

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.

B.3.24.1 Process

Printed Flag

Specify which items to print on the report. Values are:

Y: Print all items on the report.

N: Print only those items with the variance. (default)

Percentage - Acceptance

Specify the amount variance percentage which will cause only items with an amount variance higher than this percentage to print. If you leave this processing option blank, the system will print all amount variances. Items with a quantity variance will always be printed.

Cost Method

Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (40/CM) that identifies the costing method to use to calculate the unit cost for each item. If you leave this processing option blank, the costing method for each item will be retrieved from the F4105 table.

B.3.25 Reviewing the Inventory Journal Report

Select Inventory Reports (G41111), Inventory Journal Report.

The Inventory Journal report (R41550) enables you review the transactions against the inventory. The information on the report is grouped by the source of the transactions over a specific period of time. This report lists all the basic information about the items in a specific branch, plant, or warehouse. You can also use this report to verify the amount of the inventory against the general ledger.

The R41550 retrieves records from the F4111 table.

B.3.26 R41550 — Processing Options for the Inventory Journal Report

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.

B.3.26.1 Print Options

1. Beginning Date

Specify the date that an order is entered into the system. This date determines which effective level the system uses for inventory pricing.

2. Ending Date

Specify the date of the batch. If you leave this processing option blank, the system date is used.

B.3.27 Reviewing the Item Master Directory Report

Select Inventory Reports (G41111), Item Master Directory Report.

The Item Master Directory report (R41560 ) lists the item master records.

B.3.28 R41560 — Processing Options for the Item Master Directory Report

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.

B.3.28.1 Process

Item Notes

Specify whether to include item notes on the report. Values are:

Blank: Do not include item notes.

1: Include item notes.

Print Message

Specify whether to include print message on the report. Values are:

Blank: Do not include print message.

1: Include print message.

B.3.29 Reviewing the Unit Cost Warnings Report

Select Inventory Reports (G41111), Cost Report.

The Unit Cost Warnings report (R41580) lists items with a transaction cost that is different from the current average cost that you specified in the processing options. The R41580 report retrieves records from the F4111 and F4105 tables. Print this report at least once a month so that you are aware of transactions that vary significantly in costs from the average cost per item.

B.3.30 R41580 — Processing Options for the Unit Cost Warnings Report

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.

B.3.30.1 Variance

Variance Percentage

Specify the variance percentage. For example, if you enter 5 in this processing option, the system will select any transaction where transaction cost was 5 percent greater or 5 percent less than the current average cost for the item.

B.3.31 Reviewing the Valuation Analysis Report

Select Inventory Reports (G41111), Valuation Report.

Use the Inventory Valuation Analysis report (R41590) to review the extended value of on-hand inventory. The report is based on these cost bases:

  • Weighted average unit cost

  • Last-in unit cost

  • Lot cost (associated with each storage area for an item)

You can compare these costs to the inventory account or the inventory accounts in the general ledger. You can create a version of this report using the GL class code to produce totals that correspond directly to the accounts in the general ledger.

B.3.31.1 Data Sequence

You must use this data sequence:

  1. Warehouse

  2. Sales reporting code 1

  3. Sales reporting code 2

B.3.32 R41590 — Processing Options for the Inventory Valuation Analysis Report

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.

B.3.32.1 Costing Method

Cost Number 1

Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (40/CM) that identifies which costing method to print for the first cost number.

Weighted - 02: Default

Cost Number 2

Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (40/CM) that identifies which costing method to print for the second cost number.

Last In - 01: Default

Cost Number 3

Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (40/CM) that identifies which costing method to print for the third cost number.

Layer - 06: Default

B.3.33 Reviewing the ABC Analysis Report

Select Inventory Reports (G41111), ABC Report.

The ABC Analysis report (R4164) is based on the principle that a small number of items will account for the largest part of a company's business. A slightly larger number of items will account for a smaller but significant amount of business. The remaining large number of items, taken together, will account for only a small amount of business.

You can generate the R4164 report based on an item's total sales, gross margin, or on-hand value. The R4164 report ranks inventory items with a letter grade of A, B, or C (where A represents the items with highest total sales, largest gross margin, or largest on-hand value). You can also use different ranking percentages in each category. For example, the system could rank Item A based on percentage of sales and Item C based on gross margin. The R4164 report helps you determine which items control the inventory costs and profits.

You can use the R4164 as the basis for inventory cycle counts (in which A items are counted more often than C items).

You can run this report in proof or final mode based on how you set up the processing options. The first time you run the ABC Analysis report, you should run it in proof mode. Proof mode enables you to review the information without updating the item master and branch/plant records with the new ABC ratings.

B.3.34 Prerequisites

Before reviewing the ABC Analysis report, you must:

  • Set up the ABC code percentage breaks in the branch/plant constants.

  • If you plan to run the sales version or the gross margin version of the ABC Analysis report, verify that you have set the processing options for the Sales Update program (R42800) so that the system updates the F4115 table.

  • If you decide to include forecasted records in the ABC calculations, you must first run DRP (Distribution Requirements Planning).

  • Determine which inventory items to exclude from the ABC analysis rankings. To exclude an item when you run this report, you must set the code on Branch/Plant Information to bypass the item.

  • Determine which inventory items to exclude from the ABC analysis rankings. To exclude an item when you run this report, you must set the code on Branch/Plant Information to bypass the item.

Before reviewing the Supply and Demand report, you must:

  • Ensure that you have correctly identified all sources of supply and demand and have specified all sources in the supply and demand inclusion rules.

  • Review the formula for determining supply and demand.

  • Review the formula for available to promise.

Before reviewing the Item Ledger/Account Integrity report, verify that you have set up exception rules in UDC table (41/IN).

Before printing the Customer/Distributor Balance report, verify that the correct items and container codes have been set up for full and empty containers.

B.3.35 R4164 — Processing Options for the ABC Analysis Report

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.

B.3.35.1 Display


Specify how to rank and display the items. Values are:

Blank or 1: Rank and display the items by Sales Amount.

2: Rank and display the items by Gross Margin.

3: Rank and display the items by On Hand Value.


Blank: The Item History file will be used for past quantities.

1: Retrieve forecasted quantities from the MPS Summary file if you are displaying the items by Sales or Gross Margin.

(FUTURE - Forecasting)

From Date and Thru Date

Specify the date range to be selected for processing.

If displaying the items by Sales or Gross Margin, enter the Date Range for Periods to be selected for processing. If you leave this processing option blank, the system date will be used.

B.3.35.2 Process

Amount Totals

Enter 1 to consolidate the amount totals of multiple cost centers. The ABC codes are based on the ABC percentages for the Branch/Plant ALL.

B.3.35.3 Update

Update Files

Specify whether to update files. Values are:

Blank: No files will be updated.

1: Update files with the new ABC Codes.

B.3.36 Reviewing the Inventory Cost/Price Comparison Report

Select Inventory Reports (G41111), Margin Report.

The Inventory Cost/Price Comparison report (R41700) identifies profit margin based on current information. This report enables you to periodically analyze the cost and price values. It also identifies margin exception items.

The R41700 report retrieves records from the F4105 and F4106 tables.

The two asterisks (**) next to the unit of measure indicate that the margin percentage does not meet the minimum margin that you specified in the processing options.

B.3.37 R41700 — Processing Options for the Inventory Cost/Price Comparison Report

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.

B.3.37.1 Defaults

Override Code

Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (40/CM) that identifies an override sales costing code. This field is mandatory for costing.

Minimum Margin

Specify warning minimum margin percentage. Items lower than this percentage will be denoted with **.


Specify which items to print on the report. Values are:

Blank: Print all items. (default)

1: Only print those items that fall lower than the warning minimum margin percent.

B.3.38 Reviewing the Country of Origin Update for Items Report

Select Global Updates and Purges (G41311), Country of Origin Update for Items Report.

You can use the Country of Origin Update for Items report to activate the Country of Origin Required flag on the Item Master (F4101) and Item Branch (F4102). You can then enter a value for the Country of Origin in the Item Branch.

The report only updates item master and item branch records that have the lot process type of 1-3 or 5-7. You cannot use this report to update the Country of Origin field if it is already populated for the item branch.

See: Section, "Lot Processing" for more information on Lot Process Types.

B.3.39 R41806— Processing Options for the Country of Origin Update for Items Report

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.

B.3.39.1 Default

Turn on the Country of Origin Required Flag in the Item Master Record

Specify whether to turn on the Country of Origin Required flag in the item master record. Values are:

Blank: Do not turn on the Country of Origin Required flag.

1: Turn on the Country of Origin Required flag.

Enter a Value to be Updated to Item Branch Records with a Blank Country of Origin

Enter the value of country of origin to update the field in item master record. If you leave the field blank, the system turns on the Country of Origin Required flag in item master but leaves the value of country of origin field blank.

B.3.40 Reviewing the Country of Origin Update for Lots Report

Select Global Updates and Purges (G41311), Country of Origin Update for Lots Report.

You can use the Country of Origin Update for Lots report to update the country of origin in lot master records.

You can use the report to update lot master records for item branch records that have the Country of Origin required flag on, but have a blank or * in the Country of Origin field in the lot master.

B.3.41 R41807— Processing Options for the Country of Origin Update for Lots Report

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.

B.3.41.1 Default

Enter the Value to be Updated to the Country of Origin in the Lot Master

Enter a value (00/CN) to update the country of origin in the lot master records. If you leave this field blank, the system uses the value of country of origin from item branch record to update the lot master.

B.3.42 Running the Update Sellable Field Report (R41900)

Use the Update Sellable Field Report (R41900) to populate the sellable flag in the Item Master (F4101) and Item Branch (F4102) tables. The Sellable field on the Item Master Revisions and Item Branch/Plant Revisions form indicates whether an item is sellable. This report enables you to update multiple item master records with a sellable value.

B.3.43 R41900 — Processing Options for the Update Sellable Field Report

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.

B.3.43.1 Process

Update Sellable Field

Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (34A/SA) that identifies whether to update the Sellable field in the F4101 and F4102 tables. This functionality is for SCP integrations. Values are:

Blank or 0: Do not update.

1: Update.