F Mapping Requirements for Processing Multicurrency Inbound EDI Vouchers

This appendix contains the following topics:

F.1 Mapping Requirements for Multicurrency Inbound EDI Vouchers

These EDI tables are used to process EDI voucher transmissions:

  • EDI Invoice Header - Inbound (F47041)

  • EDI Invoice Detail - Inbound (F47042)

  • EDI Invoice Summary - Inbound (F47044)

F.1.1 Multicurrency Fields Required in the F47041 Table

This table lists the multicurrency fields that are required in the F47041 table:

Field Name Alias Type Length Description
Currency Mode SYCRRM Character 1 A code that indicates whether the voucher is domestic or foreign. Enter D, F, or 3, depending on other information provided for the transaction.
Currency Code SYCRCD Alpha 3 Enter a value in this field only if you enter a value in the Currency Amount field (ACR) in the F47042 and F47044 tables.

For each voucher, you must enter the same currency code in the F47041, F47042, and F47044 tables.

Exchange Rate SYCRR Number 15 Enter a value in this field only if you enter a value in the Currency Amount field (ACR) in the F47042 and F47044 tables.

For each voucher, you must enter the same exchange rate in the F47041, F47042, and F47044 tables.

F.1.2 Multicurrency Fields Required in the F47042 Table

This table lists the multicurrency fields that are required in the F47042 table:

Field Name Alias Type Length Description
Gross Amount SZAG Number 15 If the voucher amount is domestic, enter the domestic amount in this field.

Do not enter a value in this field if the voucher amount is foreign. Instead, use the Currency Amount field (SZACR).

Open Amount SZAAP Number 15 If the voucher amount is domestic, enter the domestic amount in this field.

Do not enter a value in this field if the voucher amount is foreign. Instead, use the Foreign Open Amount field (SZFAP).

Currency Code SZCRCD Alpha 3 Enter a value in this field only if you enter a value in the Currency Amount field (ACR) in this table (F47042) and the F47044 table.

For each voucher, you must enter the same currency code in the F47041, F47042, and F47044 tables.

Currency Mode SZCRRM Character 1 A code that indicates whether the voucher is domestic or foreign. Enter D, F, or 3, depending on other information provided for the transaction.
Exchange Rate SZCRR Number 15 Enter a value in this field only if you enter a value in the Currency Amount field (ACR) in this table (F47042) and the F47044 table.

For each voucher, you must enter the same exchange rate in the F47041, F47042, and F47044 tables.

Currency Amount SZACR Number 15 Enter the foreign amount of the voucher pay item.

If the voucher amount is domestic, do not use this field. Instead, use the Gross Amount field (SZAG).

Foreign Open Amount SZFAP Number 15 Enter the foreign open amount of the voucher pay item. The value of the foreign open amount must equal the value of the currency amount. You cannot process partially paid vouchers.

If the voucher amount is domestic, do not use this field. Instead, use the Open Amount field (SZAAP).

F.1.3 Multicurrency Fields Required in the F47044 Table

This table lists the multicurrency fields that are required in the F47044 table:

Field Name Alias Type Length Description
Gross Amount SWAG Number 15 If the voucher amount is domestic, enter the domestic amount in this field.

Do not enter a value in this field if the voucher amount is foreign. Instead, use the Currency Amount field (SWACR).

Open Amount SWAAP Number 15 If the voucher amount is domestic, enter the domestic amount in this field.

Do not enter a value in this field if the voucher amount is foreign. Instead, use the Foreign Open Amount field (SWFAP).

Currency Mode SWCRRM Character 1 A code that indicates whether the voucher is domestic or foreign. Enter D, F, or 3, depending on other information provided for the transaction.
Currency Code SWCRCD Alpha 3 Enter a value in this field only if you enter a value in the Currency Amount field (ACR) in this table (F47044) and the F47042 table.

For each voucher, you must enter the same currency code in the F47041, F47042, and F47044 tables.

Exchange Rate SWCRR Number 15 Enter a value in this field only if you enter a value in the Currency Amount field (ACR) in this table (F47044) and the F47042 table.

For each voucher, you must enter the same exchange rate in the F47041, F47042, and F47044 tables.

Currency Amount SWACR Number 15 Enter the total foreign amount of the voucher.

If the voucher amount is domestic, do not use this field. Instead, use the Gross Amount field (SWAG).

Foreign Open Amount SWFAP Number 15 Enter the total foreign open amount of the voucher. The value of the foreign open amount must equal the value of the currency amount. You cannot process partially paid vouchers.

If the voucher amount is domestic, do not use this field. Instead, use the Open Amount field (SWAAP).