
Accumulate at Tier

Enter the tier level at which amounts or rebates are accumulated in the buying structure. You must specify the accumulate-at-tier value at a level equal to or lower than the beneficiary tier value. In a buying structure, a tier level 1 represents the top or highest level. A tier level greater than 1 represents a lower level in the buying structure.

The system displays the Accumulate at Tier field if you have set up the Buying Structures structure type for sales pricing in the Pricing Constants program (P41001). The system uses this field to accumulate volume incentive deal for the accumulate at address number that is defined at this specified tier.

Adjustment Control Code

Select the code that specifies additional processing features related to an adjustment.

Select Do not Print on Document and the adjustment does not print on the invoice or the purchase order print document. The system adds the adjustment amount to the unit price.

Select Print on Document and the adjustment prints on the invoice or the purchase order print document. The system adds the adjustment amount to the unit price.

Select Add to Sales Detail File to update the F4211 table with adjustment detail line information. The system does not include this type of adjustment when it calculates the current net price. Use this code for order-level adjustments only.

Select Accrued to G/L to create an accrual adjustment. The system updates the F4074 table and posts the adjustment to the general ledger during the Sales Update process.

Select Rebate to create a rebate adjustment. The system updates the F4078 table with the quantity, weight, and amount of the order detail line.

Select Print on Invoice - Detached and the system adds the adjustment to the order total but does not include it in the unit price. The system posts separate general ledger and accounts receivable entries for this adjustment during Sales Update.

Select Supplier Proof of Sales to create a supplier proof of sale rebate adjustment. The system updates the F4078 table with the quantity, weight, and amount of the order detail line and posts the adjustment to the general ledger during sales update.

Select Rounding Adjustment to create a rounding adjustment, based on the rounding rules setup in the Price Adjustment Detail Revisions program (P4072). The system adds the adjustment amount to the unit price.

Adjustment Level

Specify the level at which the system calculates price adjustments.

Select Line Level and the system calculates the adjustment based on information in the sales order detail line.

Select Basket Level and the system calculates the adjustment based on information accumulated from all sales order detail lines that you have identified as a basket pricing group. You define the basket reprice group on the Additional Information tab on the Item Branch Information form in the Item Branch program (P41026) or by using the Basket Master program (P4550). If you are defining a basket or order level adjustment, leave the Item Group and Order Detail Group fields blank.

Select Order Level and the system calculates the adjustment based on information accumulated from all the sales order detail lines you have identified as an order pricing group. You define the order reprice group on the Additional Information tab on the Item Branch Information form in the Item Branch program. If you are defining a basket or order level adjustment, leave the Item Group and Order Detail Group fields blank.

Select Volume Level and the system calculates the adjustment based on the accumulated value of multiple sales orders. The accumulated value is based on how you define the adjustment in the Price Adjustment Type program (P4071).

If you are working with the Agreement Management system, for Agreement Penalty Schedules, select Line Level to calculate the penalty at the sales order detail-line level.

Adjustment Name

Enter a value from UDC 40/ TY to identify an adjustment definition. You define adjustments on Price Adjustment Names.

For Agreement Penalty Schedules, add a definition for each of the four types of penalties:

Minimum quantity

Maximum quantity

Under commitment

Over commitment

BC (basis code)

Enter a code that specifies how the system uses the factor value to calculate the adjustment or penalty schedule. The Basis Code field works with the Factor Value field. Values are:

0: Calculate the new base price on all adjustment definitions in the adjustment schedule through and including the adjustment definition with the New Base Price selection. If you do not select Set New Base Price from the Row menu on the Price Adjustment Schedule Revisions form, the systems calculates the new base price as it does when you enter 1 in the Basis Code field.

1: Multiply the base price by the factor value. The adjusted price is a percentage of the base price.

2: Multiply the current net price by the factor value. The adjusted price is a percentage of the current net price.

3: Multiply the item cost by the factor value. The adjusted price is a percentage of the item cost. You cannot use this basis code for a basket-level or order-level adjustment.

4: Add the factor value to the item cost. You cannot use this basis code for a basket-level or order-level adjustment. If you use basis code 3 or 4, specify the item cost to use in the calculation in the Cost Method field in the detail area of the Price Adjustment Detail form.

5: Adjust the price by the factor value. If the value is positive, it increases the price by that amount; if the value is negative, it decreases the price by that amount.

6: Use the adjustment amount from the variable table. You specify the variable table in the Factor Value field.

7: Use a formula to calculate the adjustment. You specify the name of the formula in the Factor Value field.

To return a field name to the formula, include a field from the F4211 table by accessing the File Field Descriptions form. The system automatically inserts the field name and precedes it with the character you specified in the system constants to identify field names. You cannot use all fields from the F4211 table in a formula.

8: Use a custom, user-defined program to calculate the adjustment. You specify the program ID in the Object Library field.

If you define an adjustment that uses a custom program, the program must be one that you developed for this purpose and are prepared to support. JD Edwards EnterpriseOne is not responsible for providing custom programs or for supporting programs that you have developed.

9: Calculate the adjustment so that the resulting unit price has a gross profit margin equal to the factor value. You cannot use this basis code for a basket-level or order-level adjustment, or for a sliding rate adjustment.

For agreement penalty schedules, enter 5 for all penalty schedules.

Beneficiary Address

Enter the Address Book number that the system uses when generating a rebate claim. If this is a sales rebate, the beneficiary address specifies the customer to whom the rebate is to be paid. If this is a procurement rebate or a supplier proof of sale rebate, the beneficiary address specifies the supplier from whom the rebate must be collected.

Complete this field if you are creating direct price adjustments for buying structures and tiered rebates.

Beneficiary Tier

Enter the beneficiary tier level in the buying structure. The beneficiary is the recipient of the accumulated rebate amount. In a buying structure, a tier level value of 1 represents the top or highest level. A tier level greater than 1 represents a lower level in the buying structure.

Customer Group, Cust Price Group (customer price group)

Enter a value from UDC 40/PC to identify the customer group. You can group customers with similar characteristics, such as comparable pricing.

Customer Number

Enter a number that identifies an entry in the Address Book, such as employee, applicant, participant, customer, supplier, tenant, or location.

Expired Date

Enter the date on which a transaction, text message, agreement, obligation, or preference has expired or been completed.

Factor Value Numeric

Enter a code to indicate how the system adjusts an order line. The value in this field works with the Basis Code field. How you define the Basis Code field determines whether you leave this field blank or enter a number in this field.

For basket adjustments and enhanced baskets, depending on the basket accumulation rule and the basket pricing rule you specified in the Basket Master program, you can update the information in this field. If you do not enter any exception information for the items in the enhanced basket, the system applies standard basket repricing.

If the basis code is

1–5: Enter a positive number for markups. Enter a negative number for discounts. For example, enter 10 for a markup. Enter a negative number for discounts. For example, enter 10–.

Leave the factor value blank for basis codes 6,7, and 8.

6: You want to base the adjustment on a variable table. Enter the code that identifies the variable table in the Variable Table column.

7: You want to use a formula to calculate the price. Enter the code that identifies the formula in the Formula Name column.

8: You want to calculate the adjustment using a custom program. Enter the program ID in the Object Library column.

9: You want to calculate the adjustment so that the gross profit margin equals the factor value.

From Level

Specify the value at which the system applies an adjustment or preference. The value can be a quantity, weight, or amount, depending on how you have defined level breaks.

For non-sliding rate adjustments, the system applies adjustments when the value equals the level break. For example, if the value is 10, then the system applies the adjustment when a quantity of 10 or greater is ordered.

For sliding rate adjustments, the system does not apply the adjustment until a value that is greater than the level break is ordered. For example, if the quantity is 10, then the system applies the adjustment when a quantity of 11 or greater is ordered.

FV UM (factor value unit of measure)

Enter a value from UDC 00/UM to specify the unit of measure that is associated with the factor value for an advanced price adjustment. For example, you can define a level break of 10 DZ and an adjustment-awards discount of 1 USD per EA.

Item Number

Enter the number that the system assigns to the item. It can be in short, long, or third item number format.

Item Group Item Price Group or Price Group

Enter a value from UDC 40/PI to identify an inventory price group for an item.

Inventory price groups have unique pricing structures that direct the system to incorporate discounts or markups on items on sales and purchase orders. The discounts or markups are based on the quantity, dollar amount, or weight of the item ordered. When you assign a price group to an item, the item takes on the same pricing structure defined for the inventory price group.

You must assign an inventory price group to the adjustment definition or the item, for the system to interactively calculate discounts and markups on sales orders and purchase orders based on an item group.

Level Break Type

Indicate how level breaks occur in the F4072 table. The system supports these level breaks:

Quantity: The system determines the correct adjustment based on the quantity that is ordered in the sales order. You can set up different adjustment breaks for different units of measure. 

Weight: The system uses the weight that is assigned to the sales order detail line item to determine the proper adjustment level break.

Amount: The system uses the extended amount of the sales order detail line to determine the proper adjustment level break. It you select Currency Conversion, all amount-level breaks are stored and displayed based on the floating decimals of the currency code.

Order Detail Group

Enter a value from UDC 40/SD to identify a sales order detail group. You use sales order detail groups to create pricing that is based on a field in the F4211 table.

If you enter a code in this field, the system uses this adjustment only for orders with details that match the criteria of the order detail group.

For agreement penalty schedules, a UDC for Penalty must be set up and defined as an order detail group. Enter Penalty or the correct UDC that defines the penalty schedules.

Preference Type, Preference Hierarchy

Specify a value from UDC 40/PR to identify a preference type or hierarchy.

In UDC 40/PR, a 1 in the Special Handling Code field identifies a preference that the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne System supports. This field is hard coded for each preference.

For Agreement Penalty Schedules, first set up a UDC of PN (penalty). Then enter it in this field.

Price List Group

Enter the code that identifies a group of price adjustments in a price list. For example, price adjustments can be grouped into categories representing discounts, promotions, taxes, or freight. When setting up a price list, you can define which columns appear on the price list. The Price List Column Pattern form determines which price list group names appear in each user-defined column.

Promotion Display Control

Specify whether the system prints the promotion ID for this adjustment on an invoice or on the purchase order print document.

Promotion ID

Promotion ID

Enter the identification number that tracks revenue, costs, and expenses for each promotion.

Promotion Status

Enter a user defined value associated with a Promotion ID. Promotion Status codes are maintained by the Promotion Status Maintenance application.

Rebate Beneficiary

Enter a value from user-defined code (UDC) 40/RA to identify the beneficiary of a rebate. The party that you identify here becomes the recipient of the credit order that you create when a customer reaches a rebate threshold. The customer and the beneficiary may or may not be the same address. The beneficiary becomes the sold to address of the credit order.

Seq No (sequence number)

Enter the order in which the system processes the price adjustments.

The value in this field represents the order in which the system processes the price adjustments. You should leave spaces in the number sequence so you can add adjustments within the price adjustment schedule.

Subledger in G/L (subledger in general ledger)

Enter a UDC (40/SI) to identify the type of information the system uses to update the Subledger field in the F0911 table when you use this adjustment type to price a sales order.

Supplier Rebate Type

Enter a value from UDC 45/SR to specify how the system processes rebate claims. Values are:

1: Generate a claim by creating a sales order (debit memo).

2: Generate a claim by creating a purchase order (credit order).

This field is valid only for standard procurement rebates and supplier proof-of-sale rebates. A standard procurement rebate is an adjustment with a target application of 1 (Procurement) and an adjustment control code of 5 (Rebate). A supplier proof-of-sale rebate is an adjustment with a Sales target application of and an adjustment control code of 7 (Proof of Sale Rebate). Both types of rebates are supplier rebates.

The Generate Rebate Claims program validates the value in this field. The Generate Rebate Claims program determines whether a rebate has been earned and, if so, either invoices the supplier (if the rebate claim type is 1) or creates an accounts payable credit (if the rebate claim type is 2).

Threshold UM (threshold unit of measure)

Enter a value from UDC 00/UM to indicate the quantity in which to express an inventory item, for example, CS (case) or BX (box).