
Accept Percentage and Accept Quantity

Indicates the percentage of tests that must pass in order for the sample to pass quality control. The system evaluates this value when the sample percentage is not equal to 100. To use the accept percentage value, you must complete these fields on Test Definitions accordingly. Values are:

Blank: accept quantity

1: display/evaluate

Allowed Maximum

Enter the highest value for a passing test result.

Allowed Minimum

Enter the lowest value for a passing test result.

Customer Number

Enter a number that identifies an entry in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Address Book system, such as employee, applicant, participant, customer, supplier, tenant, or location.

Item Number

Enter a number that the system assigns to an item. It can be in short, long, or third item number format.

Number of Samples

Enter the number of samples to be taken for the test.

Preferred Maximum

Enter the highest value for the preferred test result. This value must be less than or equal to the allowed maximum value. Use the preferred maximum value to measure quality to a more precise specification than a customer requests.

Processing options for the Certificate of Analysis program enable you to print the preferred value on the Certificate of Analysis report. Processing options for the Test Revisions program allow you to evaluate samples against the preferred values.

Preferred Minimum

Enter the lowest value for the preferred test result. This value must be greater than or equal to the allowed minimum value. Use the preferred minimum value to measure quality to a more precise specification than a customer requests.

Processing options for the Certificate of Analysis program allow you to print the preferred value on the Certificate of Analysis report. Processing options for the Test Revisions program allow you to evaluate samples against the preferred values.

Print Test

Enter a code used to determine whether or not a test will be printed on the Certificate of Analysis. Values are:

0: The test will not be printed on the Certificate of Analysis.

1: Print all occurrences of a test on the Certificate of Analysis.

2: Print just the average test result record when printing the Certificate of Analysis.

3: Print the last occurrence of a test when printing the Certificate of Analysis. The last occurrence will be the test results record that was entered last using Test Results Revisions.


Enter the item attribute that is being tested.

Sample Percent

Enter the percentage of an order quantity that determines the number of samples to create in Test Results Revisions. For example, if the sample percentage is 50 percent and the order quantity is 10, then 5 samples will be created in Test Results Revisions. Use either this field or Number of Samples to control how many samples to create. You can use this field only with the order mode of Test Results Revisions.

If the sample percentage is 100 percent, then testing is required for every unit on the order. You cannot use Accept Percentage or Accept Quantity, since all units on the order must pass for the lot to pass.


Enter the sequence in order to set up the order in which the valid environments are displayed.

Target Value

Enter the preferable or target test result within the test results range. As the system does not test against a target value, this field is for the information only.

Test Method

Enter a description of how to run a quality test. The test method is useful to both the company Quality Control department and the customers. For example:

Test: Viscosity

Method: RVF #4 @10RPM

Text: Run the viscosity test on a RVF viscometer with a number 4 spindle at 10 revolutions per minute.