A JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Real Estate Management Reports

This appendix contains the following topics:

A.1 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Real Estate Management Reports

You can print real estate management reports to verify accuracy and track changes to the Real Estate Management information and to review current and historical information, including tenant and lease information, receipts, and billing and sales information.

A.2 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Real Estate Management Reports: A to Z

These tables list the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Real Estate Management reports, sorted alphanumerically by report ID. This section discusses:

  • System and facility setup reports.

  • Tenant and lease reports.

  • Receipt, security deposit, tenant work order, and recurring billing reports.

  • Sales overage and expense participation reports.

  • Escalation, holdover, revenue fees, fees and interest, and straight-line rent reports.

A.2.1 System Setup and Facility Setup Reports

This table describes and provides navigation to the system setup and facility setup reports:

Report ID and Report Name Description Navigation

Property/Building Listing

Use this program to print a list of the properties and buildings that are set up. Facility Setup (G15411), Property/Building Listing

Unit Listing

Use this program to print a list of the units that are set up for each building and property. From the Facility Setup (G15411), Unit Listing

Building / Unit Statistics

Use this program to print information about the area types defined for each unit. Facility Setup menu (G15411), Building / Unit Statistics

Bill Code/Adjustment Reason Listing Report

Use this program to print a list of bill codes and adjustment reason codes. RE System Setup (G15412), Bill Code / Adjustment Reason Listing

A.2.2 Tenant and Lease Reports

This table describes and provides navigation to the tenant and lease reports:

Report ID and Report Name Description Navigation

Tenant Alpha Listing

Use this program to print a list of all the tenants and their leases. Tenant & Lease Reporting (G1514), Tenant Alpha Listing

Lease Date Edit Worksheet

Use this program to print a list of all the important dates associated with leases, such as move-in, move-out, and expiration date. Tenant & Lease Reporting (G1514), Lease Date Edit Worksheet

Lease Master Listing

Use this program to print a profile of specific leases that includes the setup information associated with the tenant, lease, recurring billings, and extraordinary billings. Tenant & Lease Reporting (G1514), Lease Master Listing

Lease Log Information

Use this program to print the log classes that are set up for each lease. Tenant & Lease Reporting (G1514), Lease Log Information

Log Detail Listing

Use this program to print a comprehensive list of information associated with log lines for leases, buildings, floors, and units. Tenant & Lease Reporting (G1514), Log Detail Listing

Log Standards Listing

Use this program to print the information entered as log standards. Tenant & Lease Reporting (G1514), Log Standards Listing

Lease Expiration Listing

Use this program to print the expiration dates, property statistics, and annual rent information for leases for a specified time period. Tenant & Lease Reporting (G1514), Lease Expiration Listing

Tenant Master Listing

Use this program to review a master list of the names and addresses associated with leases. Tenant & Lease Reporting (G1514), Tenant Master Listing

Tenant Rent Roll

Use this program to print rent amounts that are in effect as of the date that you specify in the processing options. Tenant & Lease Reporting menu (G1514), Tenant Rent Roll

Lease Follow-Up Worksheet

Use this program to print information associated with leases and properties, such as the log classes, critical dates, effective dates, extended text, and billing addresses. Tenant & Lease Reporting (G1514), Lease Follow-Up Worksheet

New Leases Report

Use this program to print information about the lease, such as the units and building to which the lease is associated, square footage, base rent, lease start and end dates, and the person who originated the lease. Tenant & Lease Reporting (G1514), New Leases Report

Occupancy/Vacancy Listing

Use this program to print a list of vacant units as of the date that you specify. Tenant & Lease Reporting menu (G1514), Occupancy/Vacancy Listing

Critical Date Review Report

Use this program to print the critical dates associated with log lines for leases, buildings, floors, and units. Tenant & Lease Reporting (G1514), Critical Date Review Report

Tenant Log Information

Use this program to print a list of tenants and leases. The report includes critical dates and lease log information. Tenant & Lease Reporting (G1514), Tenant Log Information

Critical Date Report

Use this program to print information associated with log lines for leases, buildings, floors, and units. Tenant & Lease Reporting (G1514), Critical Date Report

Lease Log Summary Analysis

Use this program to print the lease dates and critical dates of the log classes that are associated with the lease. Tenant & Lease Reporting (G1514), Lease Log Summary Analysis

Legal Clause Report

Use this program to print the tenant or lease (or both) to which the clause applies. The report lists the clause number, option, and detail type, option status, and date fields. Tenant & Lease Reporting (G1514), Legal Clause Report

Legal Clause Option Audit

Use this program to print all of the information that is set up for legal clause options, such as the lease or tenant, option and detail type, date that the option was offered, decision date, whether the option was accepted, and its hierarchy. Tenant & Lease Reporting (G1514), Legal Clause Option Audit Report

Space Detail Audit Report

Use this program to print space detail audit information such as the lease or tenant, date offered, decision date, whether the offer was accepted, and a change date. Tenant & Lease Reporting (G1514), Space Detail Audit Report

Tenant A/R Daily Balance Report

Use this report to review information such as open invoices amounts, applied and unapplied receipts, and write-offs.

Real Estate Receipts (G1513), Tenant A/R Daily Balance

A.2.3 Receipt, Security Deposit, Tenant Work Order, and Recurring Billing Reports

This table describes and provides navigation to the receipt, security deposit, tenant work order, and recurring billing reports:

Report ID and Report Name Description Navigation

Receipts Journal Report

Use this program to print receipt batch information, as an alternative to reviewing receipts online. Real Estate Receipts (G1513), Receipts Journal Report

Recurring Billing Comparison Report

Use this program to print the amounts for recurring billings from two periods for comparison purposes. Recurring Billing (G1521), Recurring Billing Comparison Report

Recurring Billing Information Listing

Use this program to print the setup information for recurring billings, such as the bill codes and frequencies. Recurring Billing menu (G1521), Recurring Billing Information Listing

Tenant Billing Listing

Use this program to print the setup information for recurring billings. Recurring Billing (G1521), Tenant Billing Listing

Receipts Variance Report

Use this program to print the receipt amounts that have been billed and received, and the amounts still outstanding for the month and year-to-date. Real Estate Receipts (G1513), Receipts Variance Report

Tenant Work Order Print

Use this program to print each work order entered. You use data selection to limit the report to specific tenants or leases. Tenant Work Orders (G1516), Tenant Work Order Print

Tenant Work Order Status Summary

Use this program to print tenant work order information such as the description of the work order, the planned completion date, estimated and actual hours, the work order type, and the work order status.

You use data selection to limit the report to specific tenants or leases.

Tenant Work Orders (G1516), Tenant Work Order Status Summary

Rent Change Report

Use this program to print the history of changes in the transactions associated with rent. Recurring Billing menu (G1521), Rent Change Report

Security Deposit Critical Date Report

Use this report to review critical dates for security deposits, such as due dates for security deposits by lease, lease version, unit, bill code, tenant, and gross amount. Security Deposits (G1515), Security Deposit Critical Date Report

Security Deposit Required Versus Received Report

As an alternative to reviewing whether a security deposit has been entered, billed, or received, you can print the Security Deposit Req'd vs Rec'd Report (R15615). You use this report to determine which tenants have not complied with the security deposit requirement. Security Deposits (G1515), Security Deposit Req'd vs Rec'd Report

A.2.4 Sales Overage and Expense Participation Reports

This table describes and provides navigation to the sales overage and expense participation reports:

Report ID and Report Name Description Navigation

Sales History Report

Use this program to print the sales history for the current year and prior year for comparison purposes. Sales Report Processing (G15221), Sales History Report

Weekly Sales History Report

Use this program to print weekly sales information. Sales Report Processing (G15221), Weekly Sales History Report

E.P. Class Listing

Use this program to print the expense participation class information that is set up for the lease. Expense Participation (G1523), E.P. Class Listing

E.P. Extraction Register

Use this program to print the general ledger transactions that qualify as expense amounts for each E.P. class in a specific billing generation. This report is based on the Expense Participation Audit table (F1532B). Expense Participation (G1523), E.P. Extraction Register

Sales Report Listing

Use this program to print expected, unexpected, or estimated sales information. You can limit the data selection to a specific batch, building, or lease. Sales Report Processing (G15221), Sales Report Listing

E.P. Calculation Register - Detail

Use this program to print a list of the calculation details for a batch of expense participation billings before generating the billing. Expense Participation (G1523), E.P. Calculation Register - Detail

E.P. Calculation Register - Summary

Use this program to print a summary of the expense participation calculation before generating the billing. Expense Participation (G1523), E.P. Calculation Register - Summary

E.P. Batch Adjustments Audit

Use this program to review all adjustments made for the batch.

The report displays the adjustments in a level hierarchy – applied at the E.P. Class level, applied at the account level, applied at the lease level.

Expense Participation (G1523), E.P. Batch Adjustments Audit

E.P. Information Listing

Use this program to print the expense participation information that is set up for the lease. Expense Participation (G1523), E.P. Information Listing

Sales Overage Information Listing

Use this program to print the sales overage information that is set up for the lease. Sales Overage (G1522), Sales Overage Information Listing

Review Sales Report

Use this program to print the leases that have no actual sales for the periods that you select. You can determine whether you need estimates or other information from tenants to obtain sales amounts. Sales Report Processing (G15221), Review Sales Report

Occupancy Costs/Rents Report

Use this program to compare the total occupancy costs against the total tenant sales. Sales Report Processing (G15221), Occupancy Cost/Rents Report

Tenant Exclusion Listing

Use this program to print the tenant exclusion information that is set up from the Tenant Exclusion Header (F150120) and Tenant Exclusion Detail (F150121) tables. Expense Participation (G1523), Tenant Exclusion Listing

Share Factor Denominator Listing

Use this program to print the share factor denominator information that is set up from the Share Factor Denominator Header (F150122) and Share Factor Denominator Detail (F150123) tables. Expense Participation (G1523), Share Factor Denominator Listing

Sales Analysis Report

Use this program to print comparison information for sales amounts from last year and this year. Sales Analysis Processing (G15222), Sales Analysis Report

E.P. Batch Delete

Use this program to delete unposted Expense Participation batches. Expense Participation (G1523), E.P. Batch Delete

A.2.5 Escalation, Holdover, Revenue Fees, Fees and Interest, and Straight-line Rent Reports

This table describes and provides navigation to the escalation, holdover, revenue fees, fees and interest, and Straight-line Rent reports:

Report ID and Report Name Description Navigation

Escalation Information Listing

Use this program to print the escalation information that is set up for the lease. Escalations (G1524), Escalation Information Listing

Revenue Fee Listing

Use this program to print the business unit fee or lease fee information that is set up. Revenue Fees (G1526), Revenue Fee Listing

Straight-line Rent Listing

Use this program to print the actual recurring billings and straight-line rent for a lease, and the related straight-line rent information (differences, adjustments, and net effect). Straight-line Rent (G1528), Straight-line Rent Listing

Straight-line Rent Register - Month

Use this program to print the actual recurring billings and straight-line rent for a lease, and the related straight-line rent information (differences, adjustments, and net effect) by month. Straight-line Rent (G1528), Straight-line Rent Register - Month

Next Increase Listing

Use this program as a management tool to help you schedule the generation of escalation billings. The report displays information from the Tenant Escalation Master table (F15016B) and is associated with the Next Period Start - Month and Year fields. Escalations (G1524), Next Increase Listing

Straight-line Rent Register - Year

Use this program to print the actual recurring billings and straight-line rent for a lease, and the related straight-line rent information (differences, adjustments, and net effect) by year. Straight-line Rent (G1528), Straight-line Rent Register - Year

Escalation Calculation Register

Use this program print a list of the calculation details for a batch of escalation billings, to review the information for accuracy before posting the batch. The report is based on the Escalation Billing Register table (F1548B). A processing option for the Escalation Billing Generation program controls which version of the Escalation Calculation Register the system runs when you generate the calculations. Escalations (G1524), Escalation Calculation Register

Holdover Tenant Report

Use this program to print the leases that are in a holdover status. Holdover (G1525), Holdover Tenant Report

Escalation Indices Listing

Use this program to print the escalation index information that is set up. You can use this report to review the monthly index amounts that are associated with the escalation index for the calendar year. The system retrieves information for this report from the Escalation Index Master table (F1550). Escalations (G1524), Escalation Indices Listing

Fee & Interest Listing

Use this program to print the fee information that is set up before you generate fee and interest transactions. The report prints information from the Fees and Interest table (F1525B).

You use data selection criteria as follows to limit the information that appears on the report:

  • Fee type.

  • Search level.

  • Key information for the search level (lease, tenant, building, and bill code).

Fees & Interest (G1527), Fee & Interest Listing

A.3 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Real Estate Management Reports: Selected Reports

Review the detailed description and processing options for the followng reports. These reports are listed in alphanumeric order by report ID in this appendix.

A.3.1 R03B311 - Receipts Journal Report

As an alternative to reviewing receipts online, you can run the Receipts Journal Report (R03B311). You can create the own version to display specific information. For example, you might set up a version of the report that displays specific batches based on a particular date or for a specific user.

When you run the R03B311, the system displays a list of the receipts entered for each bank account, and the invoices that each receipt paid, if any. For drafts, the system does not include a bank account number on the header of the report until the draft reaches a contingent liability or collection status. The report prints unposted transactions unless you use data selection to specify a posted code of D.

The system uses information from the Receipts Header table (F03B13) and the Receipts Detail table (F03B14).

A.3.1.1 Column Headings

The column heading TI represents the receipt type code that the system assigns to the TYIN field in the Receipt Header table when you enter a receipt.

The system assigns one of these receipt type code values from UDC table 03B/TI:

  • A: Applied receipt

  • D: Draft

  • G: General ledger receipt

  • L: Logged receipt

  • R: Rounding record

  • U: Unapplied receipt

A.3.2 Data Sequence

The system displays the transactions in this sequence:

  1. User ID

  2. Batch number

  3. Batch date

  4. GL account

  5. Company

  6. Address number

  7. Payment (receipt) number


The totals on the report depend on this sequence. If you modify the sequence, you must also modify the program logic that determines how totals are calculated.

A.3.3 Processing Options for Receipts Journal Report (R03B311)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.

A.3.3.1 Print

1. Account Format - G/L Receipts and Drafts

Specify the format for the system to use to print account numbers on the report. The system prints the account number in the detail section of the report for general ledger receipts and drafts only; otherwise, the system prints the document numbers of the invoices paid. If you leave this processing option blank, the system does not print the account number. Values are:

1: Print the account number in the standard format, BU.Obj.Sub (business unit.object.subsidiary).

2: Print the eight-character account ID that the system assigns to the account number in the Account Master table (F0901).

3: Print the account number that you assign to the Free Form (3rd Acct. No.) field in the Account Master table (F0901).

2. Account Format - Bank Account

Specify the format for the system to use to print the bank account numbers on the report. The system prints the bank account number in the header section of the report. If you process drafts, the system does not print the bank account number on the report if the draft is at acceptance stage and has not been registered. If you leave this processing option blank, the system does not print the bank account number. Values are:

1: Print the account number in the standard format, BU.Obj.Sub (business unit.object.subsidiary).

2: Print the eight-character account ID that the system assigns to the account number in the Account Master table (F0901).

3: Print the account number that you assign to the Free Form (3rd Acct. No.) field in the Account Master table (F0901).

A.3.4 R15006P - Property/Building Listing Report

As an alternative to reviewing property and building information online, you can print the Property/Building Listing report (R15006P) to review the properties that have been set up. Because properties and buildings are business units, you might want to add data selection for Business Unit Type to limit the report to those business units that are set up as properties. When you run R15006P, you can display category codes and log details.

The system uses information from the Business Unit Master table (F0006) and the Log Detail Master table (F1521).

A.3.5 Processing Options for Property/Building Listing (R15006P)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.

A.3.5.1 Print

1. Print Category Codes

Specify which category codes to print on the report. Values are:

Blank: Print category codes 1 - 10.

1: Print category codes 11 - 20.

2: Print category codes 21 - 30.

2. Print Log Details

Specify whether to print the log details for the property or building that prints on the report. Values are:

Blank: Do not print.

1: Print.

3. Print Attachments

Specify whether to print the attachment information for the building log record. This processing option is valid only when the Print Log Details processing option is set to 1. Values are:

Blank: Print.

1: Do not print.

A.3.6 R1507P - Unit Listing

As an alternative to reviewing unit information online, you can print the Unit Listing report (R1507P).

The report prints the same information that you can review online, including:

  • Unit type

  • Unit usage

  • Unit status

  • Tenant

  • Rentable area

  • Usable area

Additionally, you can use processing options to specify a third area type that the system includes as a column on the report.

A.3.7 Processing Options for Unit Listing (R1507P)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.

A.3.7.1 Process

1. Report As Of Date

Specify the date to use to determine whether the unit is occupied. If the move-in, planned-out, or actual-out date on the unit is on or before the date that you specify, the system recognizes the unit as occupied. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the current date.

2. Alternate Area Type

Specify a user-defined code from UDC table 15/AR that indicates the alternate area type to include on the report, in addition to the rentable and usable area types.

A.3.7.2 Print

1. Page Break on Building Number

Specify whether the system generates a separate page on the report for each building. Values are:

Blank: Do not generate.

1: Generate.

A.3.8 R15250 - Sales History Report

You can use the Sales History report (R15250) to compare the sales history between the current year and prior year. The R15250 report provides information for 12 periods beginning with the Report Month and Report Year that you specify. You can also review the sales history for the year prior to the month and year periods that you specify. The system calculates monthly and yearly percent changes when you select the prior year. The report can also provide sales history information on a year-to-date or rolling 12-month basis.

A.3.9 Processing Options for Sales History Report (R15250)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.

A.3.9.1 Processing

1. Calendar Reporting Month

Specify the beginning calendar reporting month for the sales history report.

2. Calendar Reporting Year

Specify the beginning calendar reporting year for the sales history report.

A.3.9.2 Select

These processing options enable you to specify the records that appear on the report.

1. Sales Amount Selection

Specify whether to print sales amounts per square feet or to print gross sales amounts. Values are:

Blank: Print the gross sales amounts on the report.

1: Divide the gross sales amount by the lease's square footage and print these per square foot amounts on the Sales History Report.

2. Select Area Type

Specify the area type to retrieve from the Real Estate Management Constants table (F1510B) to use on the report. Values are:

Blank: Alternate Area Type processing option.

1: Rentable Area Type field (RNAT).

2: Usable Area Type field (USAT).

If both area-type processing options are blank, the system uses the value from the Rentable Area Type field (RNAT).

3. Alternate Area Type

Enter a user-defined code from UDC table 15/AR that specifies which area type to use if the Select Area Type Processing Option is left blank.

4. Print Actual Or Estimated Sales

Specify whether the system prints actual sales or estimated sales. Values are:

Blank: Actual sales only.

1: Estimated sales only.

A.3.9.3 Print

1. Suppress Print Option

Specify whether to print the product code, the DBA number, and the store number on the Sales History report. Values are:

Blank: Print.

1: Suppress.

2. Totals Option

Specify whether to base report totals on a rolling 12 period cycle, or a year-to-date cycle. Values are:

Blank: Base totals on year-to-date sales beginning with the Calendar Report Month and Calendar Report Year through the end of the specified year.

1: Base totals on rolling 12 month sales beginning with the Calendar Report Month and Calendar Report Year through the next 12 months.

3. Prior Year Sales

Specify whether to include prior year sales in addition to current year sales on the report. If you do include prior year sales, the system calculates the monthly and yearly change percentages. Values are:

Blank: Do not print.

1: Print.

A.3.10 R15251 - Weekly Sales History Report

You print the Weekly Sales History Report (R15251) to review the weekly sales information that is stored in the Tenant Weekly Sales table (F15410). You can review sales based on the gross amounts or per square foot and the prior year sales history.

A.3.11 Processing Options for Weekly Sales History Report (R15251)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.

A.3.11.1 Process

1. Weekly Date

Specify the weekly date, which is the beginning of the current 52 period cycle. The system uses the date to determine weekly sales history amounts. These amounts are retrieved from subsequent processing options for printing prior year history and for reporting YTD totals or totals based on a rolling 52 period cycle. The system process dates based on a calendar year.

If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the system date.

2. Sales Amount Selection

Specify whether to print gross sales amounts or to print sales amounts per square foot. Values are:

Blank: Print the gross sales amounts on the report.

1: Divide the gross sales amounts by the square footage to print the amounts per square foot. If square footage does not exist in the Product Scales Master table (F15014B), the system uses square footage from the lease. If square footage is not found in the lease, the system uses square footage from the Area Master table (F1514).

3. Select Area Type

Specify the area type to retrieve from the Real Estate Management Constants table (F1510B) to use on the report. Values are:

Blank: Alternate Area Type processing option.

1: Rentable Area Type field (RNAT).

2: Usable Area Type field (USAT).

If both area-type processing options are blank, the system uses the value from the Rentable Area Type field (RNAT).

4. Alternate Area Type

Enter a user-defined code from UDC table 15/AR that specifies an area type, other than rentable or usable, that the system can use to retrieve square footage from the lease. If no square footage is found in the lease, the system uses the Area Master table (F1514).

A.3.11.2 Print

1. Prior Year Sales

Specify whether to print prior year sales, in addition to current year sales, on the report. If you print prior year sales, the system calculates a yearly percent change. Values are:

Blank: Do not print.

1: Print.

2. Totals Option

Specify whether to base the report totals on a year-to-date cycle or a rolling 52 period cycle. The processing option for Weekly Date on the Process tab is the beginning period to retrieve sales amounts. Values are:

Blank: Base totals on year-to-date sales beginning with Weekly Date through the end of the specified year.

1: Base totals on the rolling 52 month sales beginning with Weekly Date through the next 52 months.

A.3.12 R1530P - E.P. Class Listing

As an alternative to reviewing expense participation classes online, you can print the E.P. Class Listing report (R1530P). You can use this report to review a list of the general ledger accounts included in each expense participation class to avoid duplicating the accounts in other expense classes that you set up. You can use processing options to specify whether to include adjustments to the expense class on the report, and whether to print the associated expense amounts.

In addition, this report can be utilized to populate the E.P. Class Cap Expenses History (F15303) table with expenses. Because the system can access this table when performing caps processing, amounts have to exist in this table. By using the R1530P report, you can retrieve expenses for a desired date range and save those expenses in the history table for caps processing.

The system uses information from the Expense Participation Class Master table (F1530) and can also include information from these tables, depending on the processing option settings:

  • Account Balances (F0902).

  • Account Ledger (F0911).

  • Expense Participation Class Adjustment (F1531).

A.3.13 Processing Options for E.P. Class Listing (R1530P)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.

A.3.13.1 Select

These processing options are used to specify the dates that the system uses to accumulate transaction totals on the report.

1. Print Transaction Totals

Specify whether to include transaction totals for each account listed. The system prints amounts only if the transaction date is between the beginning and ending dates for the accounts specified in the E.P. Class Master table (F1530). Values are:

Blank: List the accounts included in each class without corresponding total amounts.

1:Print transaction totals for each account listed.

2. Begin Date for Transaction Amounts

Specify the date to begin accumulating transaction amounts. You can include multiple years within the specified date range.

If you leave this processing option blank, the system date is used.

3. End Date for Transaction Amounts

Specify the date to stop accumulating transaction amounts. You can include multiple years within the specified date range.

If you leave this processing option blank, the system date is used.

A.3.13.2 Process

1. Extract Account Balances

Specify whether to extract the account balances from the Detailed Transaction table (F0911) or from the Account Balances table (F0902) to include on the report. Values are:

Blank: Account Balances table (F0902). Selecting balances from this table pulls an amount for each month in the range selected in the begin and end date processing options.

1:Detailed Transaction table (F0911). Selecting balances from this table pulls accounts for the range selected in the begin and end date processing options by the GL date.

2. Override for Account Transactions

Specify an override ledger type for extracting the expense account transactions. This option is helpful if you have posted transactions to a ledger type other than actual amounts (AA). The report prints transactions only from the ledger type that you enter here. Otherwise, no actual amount transactions print.

3. Offset Ledger Type

Specify a ledger type for extracting offset amounts. You can enter an offset ledger type for extracting the expense account transactions. This option is helpful if you have posted adjusting transactions to a ledger type other than actual amount (AA). The amounts for the ledger type entered is added to the AA amounts with the same GL account. If this option is left blank, the system does not extract offset amounts.

4. Account Range Inclusion

Specify which accounts to include in the expense class. Values are:

Blank: Combine object and subsidiary accounts. Includes all accounts greater than or equal to the From object account and subsidiary, and less than or equal to the To account and subsidiary. For example, if the From values equal 5000.010 and the To values equal 59999.020, all accounts between these values are included (account 5555.040 would be included).

1: Use separate comparison for object and subsidiary accounts. Includes all accounts with object accounts between the From and To object accounts and the subsidiary accounts between the From and To subsidiary. For example, if the From values equal 5000.010 and the To values equal 59999.020, all accounts with object accounts between 5000 and 59999 and the subsidiary accounts between 010 and 020 are included (account 5555.040 would not be included).

5. Ledger Type Group

Specify the name of a ledger type group that contains all the ledger types that should be included in the report.

6. Generation Type

Specify the generation type that the system assigns to the generated records. Values are:

2: E.P. Billings. The system recognizes these billings as E.P. Billing records.

6: Estimated E.P./Recurring Billings. The system recognizes these billings as Estimated E.P./Recurring Billing records.

A.3.13.3 Options

These processing options are used to specify the business unit the system uses to generate expense accounts.

1. Global Business Unit Substitution

Specify the business unit to substitute for global business units when deriving accounts. This program only recognizes the business unit substitution if you must enter a wildcard in the Business Unit field for the E.P. class.


If you enter a wildcard in the Business Unit field of the E.P. Class Information program (P1530), the Expense Participation Generation program (R15110) substitutes a tenant's building as the business unit for deriving expense accounts.

2. Class Adjustment Totals

Specify whether to include class adjustment totals for each class. Values are:

Blank: Do not include class adjustment totals.

1: Print class adjustment totals for each class. These adjustments can be the result of identifying an adjustment factor for a class or setting up a specific adjustment amount to apply to an expense.

3. Print Attachments

Specify how to print the attachments. Values are:

Blank: Print all the attachments.

1: Do not print any attachments.

2: Print attachments at account level only.

3: Print attachments at class level only.

A.3.13.4 Caps

1. Save Expenses for Caps

Specify whether the system saves expenses to the E.P. Class Cap Expenses History table (F15303). The E.P. Generation (R15110) batch program uses the F15303 table during cap processing. Values are:

Blank: Do not save expenses.

1: Save expenses.


The E.P. Class Cap Expenses History table (F15303) is automatically populated each time you run the E.P. Generation batch (R15110). As a result, it is generally not necessary to use this processing option when running the E.P. Class Master Listing report (R1530P). In instances where expenses for a particular year do not exist in the F15303 table, this UBE can be run to retrieve and populate those expenses.

2. Expenses Year

Specify the year that the system uses when saving expenses to the E.P. Class Cap Expenses History table (F15303). If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the year from the begin date you entered in the Begin Date for Transaction Amounts processing option.


When saving expenses to the F15303 table, use the appropriate begin and end dates when retrieving transaction amounts. For example, if you want to retrieve expenses for a particular year, you must specify the correct begin and end dates for that year when retrieving expenses. This is necessary because this batch program allows retrieval of expenses across a user-defined date span.

A.3.14 R15301 - Tenant Alpha Listing

You can use the Tenant Alpha Listing report (R15301) to review a listing of all tenants and their leases. You can use processing options to select effective dates by which to limit the information that appears and to select the version of the lease to review.

The report displays tenant and lease information, including lease type and status, usable and rentable areas, and move-in and move-out dates. You can use data selection to limit the number of records that the report includes. The system sequences information in the order that records were entered unless you specify otherwise.

The system uses information from the Lease Master Header File (F1501B) and Lease Master Detail File (F15017) tables.

A.3.15 Processing Options for Tenant Alpha Listing (R15301)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.

A.3.15.1 Process

1. Lease Version Effective Date

Specify the date to use to locate the lease that the system uses to retrieve the tenant information that prints on the report. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the value in the Search Default for Lease Version processing option to retrieve the lease.

2. Search Default for Lease Version

Specify the lease versions to display on the report. Values are:

Blank: The system prints all versions.

1: The system prints information for the version of the lease with the latest (future) effective date. For example, if today's date is June 30, 2007, and the lease has two versions dated January 1, 2007 and October 1, 2007, respectively, the system prints information for the version dated October 1, 2007.

2: The system prints information for the version of the lease that is effective as of the system date.


If versioning is not set up in the Real Estate Management Constants table (F1510B), the system ignores this processing option.

A.3.16 R15305 - Recurring Billing Comparison Report

You use the Recurring Billing Comparison Report (R15305) to compare the amounts for recurring billings from two periods. The system compares a billing period that you select, which is the current period, with the period prior to that period. The R15305 helps you to identify the differences between the recurring billing setup for the current period and the setup for the prior period.

For example, assume that a tenant pays sales tax for a particular bill code line in the setup for recurring billing. The rate code for the sales tax expired in the prior month, but the setup still indicates the rate code in the bill code line. By running this report, you can observe a tax amount for the prior period, no tax amount for the current period, and a difference between the two periods. The system displays the transaction currency code on this report.

The system recalculates the billing amounts for the prior period based on the recurring billing information for that period. It does not use the accounts receivable or accounts payable information that exists for the same period. In this way, the system avoids any differences caused by adjustments to the accounts receivable or accounts payable information, and the report more accurately reflects the differences between the two setups.

The system derives information for this report from the Recurring Billings Master table (F1502B).

A.3.17 Processing Options for Recurring Billing Comparison Report (R15305)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.

A.3.17.1 Process

These processing options enables you to specify the records from the Recurring Billings Master table (F1502B) that appear on the report.

1. Billing Period Number

Specify the billing period number for the current period. The numbers for the billing period and billing year, which specify the current period, are based on the date pattern defined in the Billing Frequency table (F15019).

2. Billing Year

Specify the billing year for the current period.

The numbers for the billing period and billing year, which specify the current period, are based on the date pattern defined in the Billing Frequency table (F15019).

3. Print Lines Without Differences

Specify whether to print lines without differences between Current and Prior period amounts. Values are:

Blank: Do not print lines without differences.

1: Print lines without differences.

4. Weekly Billing Date

Specify the weekly billing date.

If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the period from the Billing Period Number processing option. If the period in processing option #1 does not define the weekly billing period, the system uses this processing option to enter the weekly billing date.

A.3.17.2 Proration

1. Prorate Amounts For Partial Periods

Specify whether to prorate the amounts that are in effect for partial periods. Values are:

Blank: Do not prorate.

1: Prorate.

2. Base Proration on a 30-day Month

Specify whether to base proration on a 30-day month (if monthly). Values are:

Blank: Use the number of days in the billing period.

1: Base proration on a 30-day month.

A.3.17.3 Override

1. Begin Date of Current Period

Specify whether to override the period begin date. If left blank, the system uses the period specified in the billing period number processing option. The purpose of this option, along with the period end date override option, is to override the billing period begin date associated with the period specified in the billing period number processing option. This redefines the number of days in the billing period, which in turn affects the proration calculation.

2. End Date of Current Period

Specify whether to override the period end date. If left blank, the system uses the period specified in the fiscal year for billing control processing option. The purpose of this option, along with the period begin date override option, is to override the billing period end date associated with the period specified in the fiscal year for billing control processing option. This redefines the number of days in the billing period, which in turn affects the proration calculation.

3. Begin Date of Prior Period

Specify the beginning date of the prior period that the system uses for prorated billings. The system uses the beginning and ending dates to determine the period instead of using the period immediately prior to the one that was specified as the current period.

If the beginning and ending dates for the prior period are left blank, the prior period is based on the month prior to the current period if using a monthly frequency.

4. End Date of Prior Period

Specify the ending date of the prior period that the system uses for prorated billings. The system uses the beginning and ending date to determine the period instead of using the period immediately prior to the one that was specified as the current period.

If the beginning and ending dates for the prior period are left blank, the prior period is based on the month prior to the current period if using a monthly frequency.

A.3.17.4 Lessee

1. Receivables or Payables

Specify whether the report processes AR or AP leases. This processing option works with the Lessee field in the Tenant/Lease Master table (F1501B). You cannot run reports for both types of leases at the same time. Values are:

Blank: Process leases with a blank Lessee field. (AR)

Y or 1: Process leases with a non-blank Lessee field. (AP)

A.3.17.5 Print

1. Print Sequence

Select one of these print sequences for the Recurring Billing Comparison Report:

Blank: Bill code.

1: Lease number.

A.3.18 R1532 - E.P. Extraction Register

You use the E.P. Extraction Register report (R1532) to review the general ledger transactions that qualify as expense amounts for each E.P. class in a specific billing generation. The system uses information from the Expense Participation Audit table (F1532B).

A.3.19 Processing Options for E.P. Extraction Register (R1532)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.

A.3.19.1 Select

1. Batch Number to Process

Specify the batch number for the E.P. Extraction Register report (R1532).

A.3.20 R1538 - E.P. Calculation Register - Detail

You use the E.P. Calculation Register - Detail report (R1538) to review a list of the calculation details for a batch of expense participation billings before generating the billing. You can also refer to this report to locate information more quickly on the E.P. Calculation Revisions form. The system uses information from the EP Billing Register table (F1538B) and includes both calculated amounts and their related limits for comparison.

A.3.21 Processing Options for E.P. Calculation Register - Detail (R1538)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.

A.3.21.1 Select

1. Batch Number to Process

Specify the batch number of the E.P. billing calculation records to print.

A.3.22 R1538S - E.P. Calculation Register - Summary

You use the E.P. Calculation Register - Summary report (R1538S) to review a summary of the expense participation calculation before generating the billing. This report is similar to the E.P. Calculation Register - Detail report, except that it summarizes the information and presents the billable amount, class totals, and grand totals.

A.3.23 Processing Options for E.P. Calculation Register - Summary (R1538S)

Set these processing options to specify the default processing for this report.

A.3.23.1 Select

1. Batch Number to Process

Specify the batch number of the E.P. billing calculation records to print.

A.3.24 R1539 - E.P. Batch Adjustments Audit

You use the E.P. Batch Adjustments Audit report to review all adjustments made for the batch. The report uses information from the E.P. Billing Adjustments Audit table (F1539) and includes all adjustments at the E.P. class, account, and lease level that were made when you ran E.P. Calculation Generation (R15110). The report displays the adjustments in a level hierarchy – applied at the E.P. class level, applied at the account level, applied at the lease level.

The report includes adjustments from the Expense Participation Class Adjustments (F1531), Tenant Account Exclusions (F1533B), E.P. Class Master (F1530) and E.P Class Account Overrides (F15301) tables.

A.3.25 Processing Options for E.P. Batch Adjustments Audit (R1539)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.

A.3.25.1 Print

1. Batch Number to Process

Specify the batch number to use when the system runs the E.P. Batch Adjustments Audit report (R1539).

2. Common Adjustment Detail

Specify whether to print common adjustment information on the report. Values are:

Blank: Print.

1: Do not print.

3. Adjustment Factor Detail

Specify whether to print adjustment factor information on the report. Values are:

Blank: Print.

1: Do not print.

4. Account Adjustment Detail

Specify whether to print account adjustment on the report. Values are:

Blank: Print.

1: Do not print.

5. Account Exclusion Detail

Specify whether to print account exclusion information on the report. Values are:

Blank: Print.

1: Do not print.

6. Class Adjustment (1) Detail

Specify whether to print class adjustment information on the report when the adjustment is calculated before the administration fee. Values are:

Blank: Print.

1: Do not print.

7. Class Adjustment (2) Detail

Specify whether to print class adjustment information on the report when the adjustment is calculated before the administration fee. Values are:

Blank: Print.

1: Do not print.

A.3.26 R15400 - Lease Date Edit Worksheet

You can use the Lease Date Edit Worksheet (R15400) to review a list of all the important dates associated with leases, such as move-in, move-out, and expiration dates. The worksheet is a one-line, easy-to-read report that lists the building, unit, tenant, lease, lease status, and all pertinent dates. Processing options enable you to add an additional report heading.

The system uses information from the Lease Master Header table (F1501B), the Lease Master Detail table (F15017), and the Business Unit Master table (F0006).

A.3.27 Processing Options for Lease Date Edit Worksheet (R15400)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.

A.3.27.1 Print

1. Report Heading

Specify whether to print an additional line on the report heading. Values are:

Blank: Print the standard report heading.

Category code: Print the description of the category (reporting) code. Enter one of the 30 UDCs for the associated project number.

A.3.28 R15401 - Lease Master Listing

You use the Lease Master Listing report (R15401) to review a profile for specific leases that includes the setup information associated with the tenant, lease, recurring billings, and extraordinary billings.

You can generate the entire profile or limit the report to one or more of these sections (as specific changes occur to respective setup information):

  • Lease unit details

  • Lease log details

  • Recurring billings

  • Expense participation

  • Sales overages

  • Escalation

You use processing options to control the sections that the report includes.

This system uses information from the Lease Master Header (F1501B) and Lease Master Detail (F15017) tables.

A.3.29 Processing Options for Lease Master Listing (R15401)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.

A.3.29.1 Select

1. Report As Of Date

Specify the date the system uses to select records that appear on the report. When you specify an as of date for the report, the system excludes records with expiration dates prior to the date entered.

If you leave this processing option blank, the system includes all records.

A.3.29.2 Process

1. Unit Detail Information

Specify whether to include the unit detail information on the report. Values are:

Blank: Do not include unit information.

1: Include detailed unit information.

2: Include summarized unit information.

2. Lease Log Information

Specify whether to include the lease log information on the report. Values are:

Blank: Do not include log line information on the report.

1: Include detailed log information.

2: Include summarized log information.

3. Log Class Selection

Select specific log classes for processing. This option lets you restrict the log classes that print on this report. You can enter up to five log classes, and only log lines with those log classes are included on the report.

If you leave this processing option blank, the system prints all log classes.

4. Legal Clause Information

Specify how the system includes legal clause information on the report. Values are:

Blank: Do not include legal clause information on the report.

1: Include detailed legal clause information.

2: Include summarized legal clause information.

5. Related Legal Clause Information

Specify the tables from which the system prints related legal clause information on the report. Values are:

Blank: Print related legal clause information from the Legal Clause table (F1570) only.

1: Print related legal clause information from these tables:

Legal Clause Options Audit (F15701)

Legal Clause Space Detail (F15702)

Legal Clause Space Detail Audit (F157021)

Legal Clause Amounts (F15703)

6. Recurring Billing Information

Specify whether to include the recurring billing information on the report. Values are:

Blank: Do not include recurring billing information.

1: Include detailed recurring billing information.

2: Include summarized recurring billing information.

7. Select or Omit Bill Codes

Specify the records to include on the report based on bill code; use this processing option with the bill code processing options. Values are:

Blank: Include all records on the report.

1: Include only the records for the bill codes specified in the processing options.

2: Omit the records for the bill codes specified in the processing options. The system selects records for all other bill codes.

8. Expense Participation Information

Specify whether to include the expense participation information on the report. Values are:

Blank: Do not include expense participation information.

1: Include detailed expense participation information.

2: Include summarized expense participation information.

9. Sales Overage Information

Specify whether to include the sales overage information on the report. Values are:

Blank: Do not include sales overage information on the report.

1: Include detailed sales overage information on the report.

2: Include summarized sales overage information on the report.

10. Escalation Information

Specify whether to print the escalation information on the report. Values are:

Blank: Do not include escalation information.

1: Include detailed escalation information.

2: Include summarized escalation information.

11. Search Default for Lease Version

Specify the lease versions to display on the report. Values are:

Blank: The system prints all versions.

1: The system prints information for the version of the lease with the latest (future) effective date. For example, if today's date is June 30, 2007, and the lease has two versions dated January 1, 2007 and October 1, 2007, respectively, the system prints information for the version dated October 1, 2007.

2: The system prints information for the version of the lease that is effective as of the system date.


If you do not set up versioning in the Real Estate Management Constants table (F1510B), the system ignores this processing option.

A.3.29.3 Print

1. Tax Information

Specify whether tax information prints on the report. If the summarized report format is selected, the system does not print tax information, regardless of the value entered in this processing option. Values are:

Blank: Print.

1: Do not print.

2. Page Break On Lease Number

Specify whether to insert page breaks in the report when the lease number changes. Values are:

Blank: Do not enter page break for each lease number change.

1: Advance to a new page for each lease number change.


You must set up Lease as the first sequence in order to specify a page break by lease number change.

A.3.30 R154011 - Recurring Billing Information Listing

As an alternative to reviewing recurring billing information online, you can run the Recurring Billing Information Listing (R154011). You can use this report to verify that the recurring information is set up correctly before you generate recurring billings.

A.3.31 Processing Options for Recurring Billing Information Listing (R154011)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.

A.3.31.1 Select

This processing option enables you to specify the recurring billing records that appear on the report.

1. Report As Of Date

Specify the date to use to retrieve the recurring billing information to print on the report. The system prints only those recurring billing records that have an ending date that is on or after the date that you specify. For example, if you enter December 31, 2008, the system retrieves billing records that have an ending date that is on or after December 31, 2008. If you leave this processing option blank, the system prints all the recurring billing records.

A.3.31.2 Print

These processing options enable you to specify which information appears on the report.

1. Detail or Summary

Specify whether to print a summarized or detailed report. Values are:

Blank: Detailed report. The system includes the Billing Group, Alternate Payee, Remark, and Deal Number in addition to the information that the system prints for a summarized report.

1: Summarized report.

2. Tax Information

Specify whether to print tax information on the detailed report. The system ignores this processing option if the Detail or Summary processing option is set to 1 (summary). Values are:

Blank: Print.

1: Do not print.

3. Page Break On Lease Number

Specify whether the system inserts a page break (starts a new page) when the lease number changes. Values are:

Blank: Do not insert.

1: Insert.


Lease number (DOCO) must be the first item in the Data Sequence for the system to insert a page break when the lease number changes.

A.3.32 R154012 - Lease Log Information

To review the log classes that you have set up for each lease, you can run the Lease Log Information report (R154012). This report displays the lease, lease type, and lease status, and then lists the tenant and each log type (log class) associated with the lease.

The system uses information from the Log Detail Master table (F1521).

A.3.33 Processing Options for Lease Log Information (R154012)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.

A.3.33.1 Select

1. Report As Of Date

Specify the date the system uses to determine the records that appear on the report. When you specify an as of date for the report, the system excludes log lines with ending dates prior to the date entered.

If you leave the as of date blank, the system includes all records.

A.3.33.2 Process

1. Search Default for Lease Version

Specify the lease versions to display on the report. Values are:

Blank: The system prints all versions.

1: The system prints information for the version of the lease with the latest (future) effective date. For example, if today's date is June 30, 2007, and the lease has two versions dated January 1, 2007 and October 1, 2007, respectively, the system prints information for the version dated October 1, 2007.

2: The system prints information for the version of the lease that is effective as of the system date.


If versioning is not set up in the Real Estate Management Constants table (F1510B), the system ignores this processing option.

A.3.33.3 Print

1. Detail or Summary

Specify whether the report should print detailed or summarized information. Values are:

Blank: Detailed information.

1: Summarized information.

2. Page Break on Lease Number

Specify whether to control the page breaking of the report when the lease number changes. Values are:

Blank: Do not enter a page break for each lease number change.

1: Advance to a new page for each lease number change.


You must set up Lease as the first sequence in order to specify a page break by lease number change.

A.3.34 R154013 - E.P. Information Listing

You use the E.P. Information Listing report (R154013) to review the billing setup for leases that use expense participation. If you print and review this report before you generate invoices, you can save time and reduce billing errors. The system uses information from the Tenant E.P. Class Master (F15012B) and the Tenant Account Exclusions (F1533B) tables.

A.3.35 Processing Options for E.P. Information Listing (R154013)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.

A.3.35.1 Select

1. Report As Of Date

Specify the date to use to retrieve the recurring billing information to print on the report. The system prints only those recurring billing records that have an ending date that is on or after the date that you specify. For example, if you enter December 31, 2008, the system retrieves billing records that have an ending date that is on or after December 31, 2008. If you leave this processing option blank, the system prints all the recurring billing records.

A.3.35.2 Print

1. Detail or Summary

Specify whether to print a summarized or detailed report. Values are:

Blank: Detailed report. The system includes the Billing Group, Alternate Payee, Remark, and Deal Number in addition to the information that the system prints for a summarized report.

1: Summarized report.

2. Tax Information

Specify whether to print tax information on the detailed report. The system ignores this processing option if the Detail or Summary processing option is set to 1 (summary). Values are:

Blank: Print.

1: Do not print.

3. Page Break on Lease Number

Specify whether the system inserts a page break (starts a new page) when the lease number changes. Values are:

Blank: Do not insert.

1: Insert.


Lease number (DOCO) must be the first item in the Data Sequence for the system to insert a page break when the lease number changes.

A.3.36 R154014 - Sales Overage Information Listing

As an alternative to reviewing sales overage information online, you can run the Sales Overage Information Listing report (R154014). This report includes the same information that appears on the Sales Information Revisions form. By reviewing the sales overage setup information before you generate billings, you can save time and avoid errors.

The system uses information from the Sales Overage Master File table (F15013B).

A.3.37 Processing Options for Sales Overage Information Listing (R154014)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.

A.3.37.1 Select

1. Report As Of Date

Specify the date to use to retrieve the recurring billing information to print on the report. The system prints only those recurring billing records that have an ending date that is on or after the date that you specify. For example, if you enter December 31, 2008, the system retrieves billing records that have an ending date that is on or after December 31, 2008. If you leave this processing option blank, the system prints all the recurring billing records.

A.3.37.2 Print

1. Detail or Summary

Specify whether to print a summarized or detailed report. Values are:

Blank: Detailed report. The system includes the Billing Group, Alternate Payee, Remark, and Deal Number in addition to the information that the system prints for a summarized report.

1: Summarized report.

2. Tax Information

Specify whether to print tax information on the detailed report. The system ignores this processing option if the Detail or Summary processing option is set to 1 (summary). Values are:

Blank: Print.

1: Do not print.

3. Page Break on Lease Number

Specify whether the system inserts a page break (starts a new page) when the lease number changes. Values are:

Blank: Do not insert.

1: Insert.


Lease number (DOCO) must be the first item in the Data Sequence for the system to insert a page break when the lease number changes.

A.3.38 R154015 - Escalation Information Listing

As an alternative to reviewing escalation information online, you can print the Escalation Information Listing report (R154015). Use this report to verify the escalation information that is set up before you run escalation billings.

Processing options enable you to select whether to generate a summary report or a detailed report, and whether to include taxes. The report includes the escalation information that is entered as of the date that you enter in the Report As Of Date processing options. You can use data selection to further limit the number of records that the report includes.

The system uses information from the Tenant Escalation Master table (F15016B).

A.3.39 Processing Options for Escalation Information Listing (R154015)

Set these processing options to specify the default processing for this report.

A.3.39.1 Select

1. Report As Of Date

Specify the date to use to retrieve the recurring billing information to print on the report. The system prints only those recurring billing records that have an ending date that is on or after the date that you specify. For example, if you enter December 31, 2008, the system retrieves billing records that have an ending date that is on or after December 31, 2008. If you leave this processing option blank, the system prints all the recurring billing records.

A.3.39.2 Print

1. Detail or Summary

Specify whether to print a summarized or detailed report. Values are:

Blank: Detailed report. The system includes the Billing Group, Alternate Payee, Remark, and Deal Number in addition to the information that the system prints for a summarized report.

1: Summarized report.

2. Tax Information

Specify whether to print tax information on the detailed report. The system ignores this processing option if the Detail or Summary processing option is set to 1 (summary). Values are:

Blank: Print.

1: Do not print.

3. Page Break on Lease Number

Specify whether the system inserts a page break (starts a new page) when the lease number changes. Values are:

Blank: Do not insert.

1: Insert.


Lease number (DOCO) must be the first item in the data sequence for the system to insert a page break when the lease number changes.

A.3.40 R15402 - Log Detail Listing

You use the Log Detail Listing report (R15402) to review a comprehensive list of information associated with log lines for leases, buildings, floors, and units. You can use data selection to limit the report to one or more log classes, buildings, and units. Processing options specify whether associated log text appears on the report.

A.3.41 Processing Options for Log Detail Listing (R15402)

Set these processing options to specify the default processing for this report.

A.3.41.1 Print

1. Print Associated Log Text

Specify whether to print the associated text information for a given lease log record on the report. The system pulls the text information from the media object attached to the individual log record. Values are:

Blank: Print.

1: Do not print.

A.3.41.2 Process

1. Search Default for Lease Version

Specify the lease versions to display on the report. Values are:

Blank: The system prints all versions.

1: The system prints information for the version of the lease with the latest (future) effective date. For example, if today's date is June 30, 2007, and the lease has two versions dated January 1, 2007 and October 1, 2007, respectively, the system prints information for the version dated October 1, 2007.

2: The system prints information for the version of the lease that is effective as of the system date.


If versioning is not set up in the Real Estate Management Constants table (F1510B), the system ignores this processing option.

A.3.42 R154021 - Log Standards Listing

You use the Log Standards Listing report (R154021) to review the information entered as log standards (templates of standard log lines and attached media objects).

The system uses information from the Log Standard Master table (F1523) and can also include information from these tables:

  • Lease Master Header (F1501B)

  • Lease Master Detail (F15017)

  • Business Unit Master (F0006)

A.3.43 Processing Options for Log Standards Listing (R154021)

Set these processing options to specify the default processing for this report.

A.3.43.1 Print

1. Print Associated Log Text

Specify whether to print the associated text information for a given lease log record. The system pulls the text information from the media object attached to the individual log record. Values are:

Blank: Print.

1: Do not print.

A.3.44 R15403 - Lease Expiration Listing

You use the Lease Expiration Listing report (R15403) to review the expiration dates, property statistics, and annual rent information for leases for a specified time period.

The system uses information from the Lease Master Header table (F1501B) and the Lease Master Detail table (F15017), The report can also include information from these tables:

  • Business Unit Master (F0006)

  • Tenant Escalation Master (F15016B)

  • Recurring Billings Master (F1502B)

  • Log Detail Master (F1521)

A.3.45 Processing Options for Lease Expiration Listing (R15403)

Set these processing options to specify the default processing for this report.

A.3.45.1 Select

1. Report As Of Date

Specify the date the system uses to select the information for the report. When you specify an as of date for the report, the system includes information for only those leases that begin on or begin after the as of date.

If you leave the as of date blank, the system uses the system date.

2. Number of Future Months to Print

Specify the number of future months that appear on the report. The starting date for this period should be specified in the report as of date processing option.

3. Override Option Log Class

Specify the log classes the system uses to determine whether options exist for a lease. The report displays a date of the log type in the Option Date column of the report.

If you leave this processing option blank, the system reviews the second description of the UDCs for Log Type to determine which log types are lease options.


The begin date of the unit option log must be within the date range selected for the report.

A.3.45.2 Bill Codes

1. Bill Codes for Base Rent Amounts

Select the bill codes that the system uses to calculate base rate amounts. You can enter up to 12 bill codes.

To calculate the base rent, the system adds the rent amounts for all the bill codes you specify. The other rent on the report then includes those billings that are in addition to the base rent. Finally, the effective rent is the base and other rents combined, and indicates the total amount of the bill codes related to recurring billing for the tenant and unit.

A.3.45.3 Print

1. Print Report in Condensed Format

Specify whether to print the Lease Expiration Listing in a condensed format (without rent amounts) or as a detail listing. Values are:

Blank: Detailed report.

1: Condensed format. The system excludes the columns related to rent.

2. Page Break on Building Number

Specify whether to control the page breaking of the report when the building number changes. Values are:

Blank: Do not enter a page break for each building number change.

1: Enter a page break for each building number change.


You must set up Building as the first sequence in order to specify page breaks and addresses by building.

3. Print Building Address on Report

Specify which information should be printed on the report heading. Values are:

Blank: Print only the first line of the description from the Property/Building Information table (F0006).

1: Print the first line of the description from the Property/Building Information table and the address from the address book record for the Facility Address field.


You must set up building as the first sequence in order to specify page breaks and addresses by building.

A.3.45.4 Currency

These processing options enable you to specify the currency and exchange rate that the system uses in the "as if" currency code feature.

1. As If Currency Code

Specify the currency code for As If currency processing when the GL constant for currency conversion is not set to N. The system translates and prints amounts for the bill codes that you select in a currency other than the stored currency. If you leave this processing option blank, the system converts and accumulates the billing amounts in the base currency of the building that is being processed.

2. As If Exchange Rate Date

Specify the date on which to retrieve an exchange rate when a default exchange rate does not exist for the lease billing record, and the GL constant for currency conversion is not set to N. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the as of date for the report.

A.3.46 R15405 - Revenue Fee Listing

As an alternative to reviewing the business unit and lease fee information online, you can print the Revenue Fee Listing (R15405). The system uses information from the Management Fee Master table (F1505B).

A.3.47 Processing Options for Revenue Fee Listing (R15405)

Set these processing options to specify the default processing for this report.

A.3.47.1 Print

1. Detail or Summary

Determine whether the report should print detailed or summarized information. Values are:

Blank: Summarized information.

1; Detailed information.

2. Lease or Business Unit Based Fees

Select either lease-based fees or business-unit based fees for reporting. Values are:

Blank: Print business unit-based fees.

1: Print lease-based fees.

A.3.48 R15406 - Straight-line Rent Listing

You use the Straight-line Rent Listing report (R15406) to review the actual recurring billings and straight-line rent for a lease, and the related information (differences, adjustments, and net effect). The system uses information from the Straight-line Rent Lease Control table (F1513B). The report shows the information for a specific period, in either detail or summary format. It can include either the current (active) or previous (inactive) generation.

A.3.49 Processing Options for Straight-line Rent Detail Listing (R15406)

Set these processing options to specify the default processing for this report.

A.3.49.1 Process

These processing options enable you to specify the records from the Straight-line Rent Lease Control table (F1513B) that appear on the report.

1. Report Through Date

Specify the beginning date to use to print straight-line rent information. The system prints all straight-line rent information from the date specified through the end of the lease term. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses today's date.

2. Select Straight-line Rent Generation

Specify whether to print straight-line rent records from the current or previous straight-line rent generation. Values are:

Blank: Current straight-line rent generation.

1: Previous straight-line rent generation.

A.3.49.2 Print

1. Print Format

Specify whether to print a detailed or summarized report. Values are:

Blank: Detailed report. The system prints the actual, straight line, and net effect of straight-line rent for each period.

1: Summarized report. The system prints only the net effect of straight-line rent for each period.

A.3.50 R15407 - Straight-line Rent Register - Month Report

You use the Straight-line Rent Register - Month report (R15407) to review the actual recurring billings and straight-line rent for a lease, and the related straight-line rent information (differences, adjustments, and net effect). The system uses information from the Straight-line Rent Lease Control table (F1513B). The report shows the current information by month, for a specific year, in either detail or summary format. The detailed report shows actual and straight-line rent; the summary report shows only the total straight-line rent effect for the lease.

A.3.51 Processing Options for Straight-line Rent Register - Month (R15407)

Set these processing options to specify the default processing for this report.

A.3.51.1 Process

1. Report Year Selection

Specify the year to use to print straight-line rent information from the Straight-line Rent Lease Control table (F1513B).

A.3.51.2 Print

1. Print Format

Specify whether to print a detailed or summarized report. Values are:

Blank: Detailed report. The system prints the actual, straight line, and net effect of straight-line rent for each period.

1: Summarized report. The system prints only the net effect of straight-line rent for each period.

A.3.52 R15409 - Straight-line Rent Register - Year Report

Use the Straight-line Rent Register - Year report (R15409) to review the actual recurring billings and straight-line rent for a lease, as well as to review the related straight-line rent information (differences, adjustments, and net effect). The system uses information from the Straight-line Rent Lease Control table (F1513B). The report shows the information by year and includes columns for up to five years from the date that you specify in the Report From Date processing option. For example, if you enter January 01, 2007 as the Report From Date, the system displays information for 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, and 2011. The report can include records from either the current (active) or previous (inactive) straight-line rent generation.

A.3.53 Processing Options for Straight-line Rent Register - Year (R15409)

Set these processing options to specify the default processing for this report.

A.3.53.1 Process

These processing options enable you to specify the records from the Straight-line Rent Lease Control table (F1513B) that appear on the report.

1. Report From Date

Specify the beginning date to use to print straight-line rent information. The system prints all straight-line rent information from the date specified through the end of the lease term. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses today's date.

2. Select Straight-line Rent Generation

Specify whether to print straight-line rent records from the current or previous Straight-line Rent generation. Values are:

Blank: Current straight-line rent generation.

1: Previous straight-line rent generation.

A.3.54 R15410 - Building / Unit Statistics

After you set up units for a building, you can run the Building / Unit Statistics report (R15410) to print information about the area types defined for each unit. The system prints a subtotal of each area type by floor and by building. Processing options enable you to define up to five columns of area information, such as rentable, usable, and so forth.

The system uses information from the Market/Potential/Renewal Rent Master (F159071), the Lease Master Header (F1501B), Lease Master Detail (F15017), and Log Standard Master (F1523) tables.

A.3.55 Processing Options for Building / Unit Statistics (R15410)

Set these processing options to specify the default processing for this report.

A.3.55.1 Select

1. Report As Of Date

Specify the date to use to retrieve area information for the unit. The system retrieves all Area Master records (F1514) that have a begin date equal to or greater than the date specified. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses today's date.

2. Column and Area Types

Enter a user-defined code from the UDC table 15/AR that specifies the area types to print for the corresponding column headings on the report. You must specify a value in the corresponding Column Heading processing option. If you enter an area type, but do not enter a corresponding column heading, the system does not print the column.

A.3.55.2 Print

1. Subtotals By Unit Type

Specify whether the system prints subtotals by unit type. Values are:

Blank: Do not print subtotals.

1: Print subtotals.

A.3.56 R15411 - Review Sales Report

You can use the Review Sales Report (R15411) to determine which leases have no actual sales for the periods that you select. Determine whether you need estimates or other information from tenants in order to obtain sales amounts. The system uses actual sales information from the Tenant Sales History table (F1541B).

You can print all records from the Product Scales table (F15014B) that fall in the date range that you select in the processing options, regardless of whether any associated sales records exist in the Tenant Sales History table (F1541B). The system inserts page breaks in the report based on the building, and it does not include weekly sales.

A.3.57 Processing Options for Review Sales Report (R15411)

Set these processing options to specify the default processing for this report.

A.3.57.1 Process

1. Process Year

Specify the year for processing the Review Sales report (R15411). If you leave this processing option blank, the system prints the report based on the system date.

2. From Period

Specify the date from which to process the Review Sales report. If you leave this processing option blank, the system prints a report with data from the beginning of the process year.

3. Thru Period

Specify the date through which to process the Review Sales report. If you leave this processing option blank, the system prints a report with data through the end of the process year.

A.3.57.2 Print

1. Display Decimals

Specify whether to print the monthly sales amounts as decimals. Values are:

Blank: Do not print monthly sales amounts as decimals.

1: Print monthly sales amounts as decimals.

A.3.58 R15412 - Occupancy Costs/Rents Report

The Occupancy Cost/Rents Report (R15412) enables you to compare the total occupancy costs against the total tenant sales.

The system uses information stored in the Unit Master table (F1507) and displays this information:

  • Building

  • Unit

  • Lease begin

  • Lease end

  • Square footage

  • Tenant

  • Base rent

  • Percent sales rent

  • Recoveries

  • Effective rent

The system provides the building and report totals. The system inserts page breaks in the report whenever the building changes.

Use the Report As Of Date processing option on the Process tab to determine the active leases that the system processes. The system also uses this date as the base date from which amounts are included. The report includes accounts receivable records from the Customer Ledger table (F03B11) and records from the Accounts Payable Ledger table (F0411) per bill code selection if the GL date is greater than or equal to the Report As Of date.

The system accumulates tenant sales for the combination of lease, building, and unit, using the report as of date as the start date for the accumulations from the Tenant Sales History table (F1541B) and the Tenant Weekly Sales table (F15410). Use the Report Through Date processing option on the Process tab as the ending date for records that are included in the gross accumulations.

A.3.59 Processing Options for Occupancy Costs/Rents Report (R15412)

Set these processing options to specify the default processing for this report.

A.3.59.1 Process

1. Report As Of Date

Specify the start date of the report. The system only processes the version of the lease that is active on the start date of the report, which results in a point-in-time view of the data.

If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the system date. Accounts receivable or accounts payable and sales information is processed if the corresponding date (general ledger for AR and AP or the report period and year for sales) is greater than or equal to the from date and less than or equal to the through date.

2. Report Through Date

Specify the date through which the system processes the Occupancy Cost/Rents Report program (R15412). The system processes accounts receivable or accounts payable and sales information if the corresponding date (General Ledger for AR and AP or the Report Period and Year for Sales) is less than or equal to the through date and greater than or equal to the from date.

3. Select Area Type

Specify the area type to retrieve from the Real Estate Management Constants table (F1510B) to use on the report. Values are:

Blank: Alternate Area Type processing option.

1:Rentable Area Type field (RNAT).

2:Usable Area Type field (USAT).

If both area-type processing options are blank, the system uses the value from the Rentable Area Type field (RNAT).

4. Alternate Area Type

Specify a user-defined code from UDC table 15/AR that the system uses if you leave the Select Area Type processing option blank.

5. Receivables or Payables

Select either receivable leases or payable leases for report processing. Values are:

Blank: Receivable leases (a lease in which the lessee is not specified).

1: Payable leases (a lease in which the lessee is specified).


You can process only one type of lease at a time.

A.3.59.2 Base Rent, Sales Rent, Recoveries, and Other Bill Codes

1. Bill Codes for Base Rent Amounts

Specify bill codes for accounts receivable or accounts payable amounts for these categories:

Base Rent

Sales Rent


Other Bill Codes

A.3.60 R15415 - Tenant Master Listing

To review a master list of the names and addresses associated with leases, you can generate the Tenant Master Listing report (R15415). Processing options enable you to customize the report to include the information most pertinent to the business. You can use data selection to limit the number of records that appear on the report. The system sequences information in the order that records were entered unless you specify otherwise.

In addition to the tenant address book information, you can include up to three columns from this list on the report:

  • Party to Bill

  • Occupant

  • Salesman

  • Lease Manager

  • Payment Source

  • Building / Unit / Lease

The system prints information from these tables:

  • Lease Master Header (F1501B)

  • Lease Master Detail (F15017)

  • Address Book Master (F0101)

  • Business Unit Master (F0006)

A.3.61 Processing Options for Tenant Master Listing (R15415)

Set these processing options to specify the default processing for this report.

A.3.61.1 Process

1. Lease Version Effective Date

Specify the date to use to locate the lease that the system uses to retrieve the tenant information that prints on the report. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the value in the Search Default for Lease Version processing option to retrieve the lease.

2. Search Default for Lease Version

Specify the lease versions to display on the report. Values are:

Blank: The system prints all versions.

1: The system prints information for the version of the lease with the latest (future) effective date. For example, if today's date is June 30, 2007, and the lease has two versions dated January 1, 2007 and October 1, 2007, respectively, the system prints information for the version dated October 1, 2007.

2: The system prints information for the version of the lease that is effective as of the system date.


If versioning is not set up in the Real Estate Management Constants table (F1510B), the system ignores this processing option.

A.3.61.2 Columns

1. Select Address for Columns 2-4

Specify which address information to print in the corresponding columns, in addition to the tenants address information. The system considers each address book number/mailing address combination as one column, and allows up to three additional columns (2, 3, and 4) to be printed on the report. Values are:

1: Party to Bill

2: Occupant

3: Salesman

4: Lease Manager

5: Payment Source

*: Building/Unit/Lease


If you specify building/unit/lease, the system prints the building number from the Business Unit Master table (F0006), not the address book number of the building.

A.3.61.3 Print

1. Alpha Name and Mailing Name

Specify whether to print only the mailing name on the report or both the alpha name and mailing name. The system retrieves the information from the Address Book Master table (F0101). Values are:

Blank: Mailing name.

1: Alpha name and the mailing name.

2. Duplicate Address Entries

Specify whether to print all address book entries, regardless of whether they are duplicate, or unique address book entries only. For example, if a tenant leases multiple units, you can suppress the report from printing the same address book information for each unit. Values are:

Blank: Do not suppress printing duplicate address entries.

1: Suppress printing duplicate address entries.

A.3.62 R15420 - Tenant Billing Listing

You use the Tenant Billing Listing report (R15420) to review the setup information for recurring billings. The report includes information from these tables:

  • Lease Billings Master (F1511B)

  • Recurring Billings Master (F1502B)

A.3.63 Processing Options for Tenant Billing Listing (R15420)

Set these processing options to specify the default processing for this report.

A.3.63.1 Process

1. Report As Of Date

Specify the date to use to retrieve the tenant billing information to print on the report. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses today's date.

2. Select Area Type

Specify the area type to retrieve from the Real Estate Management Constants table (F1510B) to use on the report. Values are:

Blank: Alternate Area Type processing option.

1:Rentable Area Type field (RNAT).

2:Usable Area Type field (USAT).

If both area-type processing options are blank, the system uses the value from the Rentable Area Type field (RNAT).

3. Alternate Area Type

Specify the area type to retrieve if the Select Area Type processing option is blank. The value that you enter must exist in UDC table 15/AR. If both area type processing options are blank, the system uses the value from the Rentable Area Type field (RNAT) from the Real Estate Management Constants table (F1510B).

4. Tenant Move Out Information

Specify whether to print information on tenants who have moved out (the move out day on the lease is after the date specified in the Report As Of Date processing option.) Values are:

Blank: Print.

1: Do not print.

A.3.63.2 Print

1. Detail or Summary

Specify whether the system prints a summarized or detail report. Values are:

Blank: Summarized report.

1: Detailed report. The system includes the lease start and end dates, and the bill codes on the report in addition to the information that prints when you select summary.

A.3.64 R15421 - Tenant Rent Roll

You use the Tenant Rent Roll report (R15421) to review rent amounts that are in effect on the date that you specify in the processing options. The information is stored in the Recurring Billings Master table (F1502B).

The quantities associated with the recurring billing records can include:

  • Base rent.

  • Expense participation.

  • Escalation.

  • Sales overage or rent steps.

  • Miscellaneous recurring billings.

  • Market, renewal, or potential rent.

  • Vacant and occupied units.

  • Speculative leases, preleases, and subleases.

  • Monthly and annual amounts.

  • Gross amounts and amounts per square foot.

If the information is available, the system also includes the market, renewal, or potential rent amounts from the Market/Potential/Renewal Rent Master table (F159071).

A.3.65 Processing Options for Tenant Rent Roll (R15421)

Set these processing options to specify the default processing for this report.

A.3.65.1 Process

1. Report As Of Date

Specify an as of date for the report that determines the version of the lease that is processed. Only the version of the lease that is active on the as of date is processed resulting in a point in time view of the rent roll. If you leave the as of date blank, then the system date is used.

2. Billing Amount Frequency

Specify whether to base billing amounts on a monthly or annual basis. Values are:

Blank: Annual amounts.

1: Monthly amounts.

3. Expression of Billing Amounts

Specify whether to express the billing amounts on a per square footage basis or a gross amount basis. Values are:

Blank: Per square foot.

1: Gross amounts.

4. Line 2 Display Format

Specify whether to display amounts in an alternate format on the second detail line. The selections made in processing options 4 and 5 determine the display format. Values are:

1: Display annual rent amounts.

2: Display monthly rent amounts.


If processing options 4 and 5 are blank, Line 2 does not display.

5. Line 2 Display Format

Specify whether to display amounts in an alternate format on the second detail line. The selections made in processing options 4 and 5 determine the display format. Values are:

1: Display amount per square foot.

2: Display gross amounts.


If you leave processing options 4 and 5 blank, Line 2 does not display.

6. Second Detail Line Description

Specify whether the system retrieves the area type description for the second detail line description. Values are:

Blank: Omit the description.

1: Print the description.

7. Select Area Type

Specify the area type to retrieve from the Real Estate Management Constants table (F1510B) to use on the report. Values are:

Blank: Alternate Area Type processing option.

1:Rentable Area Type field (RNAT).

2:Usable Area Type field (USAT).

If both area-type processing options are blank, the system uses the value from the Rentable Area Type field (RNAT).

8. Alternate Area Type

Enter a user-defined code from UDC table 15/AR that specifies which area type to use if the Select Area Type processing option is left blank.

9. Rent Selection

Select one of these rent types for units if the Sales Overage format is being used. Values are:

M: Comparison to market rent.

P: Comparison to potential rent.

R: Comparison to renewal rent.

A.3.65.2 Bill Codes

These processing options enable you to specify the bill codes that the system uses to identify base rent amounts, expense participation billing amounts, and escalation billing amounts.

1. Bill Codes for Base Rent Amounts

Select the bill codes that the system uses to identify base rent amounts. You can enter up to 12 bill codes.

2. Bill Codes for EP Billing Amounts

Select the bill codes that the system uses to identify Expense Participation billing amounts. You can enter up to 3 bill codes.

3. Bill Codes for Escalation Billing Amts.

Select the bill codes that the system uses to identify Escalation billing amounts. You can enter up to 3 bill codes.

A.3.65.3 Print

1. Print Rent Steps

Specify whether the system displays rent step information or sales overage information on the Tenant Rent Roll report. Values are:

Blank: Print sales overage data.

1: Print rent steps.

2. Print Rent Amounts

Specify whether the system prints the monthly or annual rent amount on the report when using the rent step format. Values are:

Blank: Annual rent amounts.

1: Monthly rent amounts.

3. Print Rent Amounts

Specify whether the system prints the gross rent or the rent per square foot on the report when using the rent step format. Values are:

Blank: Per square foot rent amounts.

1: Gross rent amounts.

4. Rent Steps

Specify whether the system prints all rent steps or rent steps beginning with the as of date. Values are:

Blank: Rent steps beginning with the as of date.

1: All rent steps.

5. Vacancies and Future Leases

Specify whether the system includes vacancies and future leases on the report. Values are:

Blank: Print only occupied units.

1: Print vacancies.

2: Print vacancies and future leases.

6. Print Leased or Vacant Totals

Specify whether the system prints vacant and lease totals on the report. This option is only valid when vacancies are to be printed. Values are:

Blank: Do not display separate totals.

1: Print the leased and vacant totals.

7. Print Building Address

Specify whether the system prints building addresses on the report. Values are:

Blank: Do not print.

1: Print.

8. Speculative Leases

Specify whether the system includes speculative leases on the report. Speculative leases are designated by an 'NA' in the second description of the Tenant Lease Type UDC table 15/LT. Values are:

Blank: Do not include.

1: Include.

9. Non-billable Lease Status

Specify whether the system includes leases with a non-billable status (X in the Description field on UDC table 15/LS on the report. Values are:

Blank: Do not include.

1: Include. This value includes preleases.

10. Subleases

Specify whether the system includes subleases and corresponding rent amounts on the report. Values are:

Blank: Omit subleases.

1: Include subleases.

2: Include subleases and corresponding rent amounts in totals.

A.3.65.4 Currency

These processing options enable you to specify the currency code and exchange rate date for the "as if" currency feature.

1. As If Currency Code

Specify the currency code for As If Currency processing on the Tenant Rent Roll report. This processing option enables the system to translate and print amounts in a currency other than the stored currency. If you leave this processing option blank, the report amounts print in the stored currency.

2. As If Exchange Rate Date

Specify the date for the as if exchange rate. When a default exchange rate does not exist for the lease billing record, use this processing option to specify the date that the system should use to locate an exchange rate when the system uses As If currency processing. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses Report As Of Date to locate an exchange rate.

A.3.66 R15430 - Lease Follow-Up Worksheet

You use the Lease Follow-Up Worksheet (R15430) to review information associated with leases and properties, such as the log classes, critical dates, effective dates, extended text, and billing addresses. For each log entry, the report includes a set of blank lines on which you can manually record any changes and actions associated with the log. A signature line exists for the person who reviewed and corrected the report.

The system uses information in the Lease Master Header table (F1501B) and the Lease Master Detail table (F15017), and might include information from these tables:

  • Business Unit Master (F0006)

  • Address Book Master (F0101)

  • Log Detail Master (F1521)

A.3.67 Processing Options for Lease Follow-Up Worksheet (R15430)

Set these processing options to specify the default processing for this report.

A.3.67.1 Defaults

1. Report As Of Date

Specify an as of date for the report. The system includes information for only those leases that begin on or begin after the as of date. If this processing option is left blank, the system date is used.

2. Report Heading

Specify whether to print an additional line on the report heading. Values are:

Blank: Print the standard report heading.

Category Code: If you enter a value, the system prints the description of the category (reporting) code. Enter one of the 30 UDCs for the associated project number. (MCUS)

A.3.68 R15440 - Receipts Variance Report

You use the Receipt Variances report (R15440) to review the receipt amounts that have been billed and received, and the amounts still outstanding for the month and year-to-date. Each detail line for a bill code is a summary of all the transactions for that bill code.

This report includes information from these tables:

  • Customer Ledger (F03B11)

  • Business Unit Master (F0006)

  • Lease Billings Master (F1511B)

A.3.69 Processing Options for Receipts Variance Report (R15440)

Set these processing options to specify the default processing for this report.

A.3.69.1 Select

1. Reporting Period

Specify the reporting period (month) for the Cash Receipts Variance report (R15440). This option controls the reporting period that appears in the As Of field on the report.

2. Reporting Year

Specify the reporting year for the Cash Receipts Variance report (R15440). This option controls the reporting period that appears in the As Of field on the report.

3. Year-To-Date Amounts

Specify whether the system bases all year-to-date amounts on the company's fiscal year pattern or on a calendar year. Values are:

Blank: Calendar year.

1: Company's fiscal year.

A.3.69.2 Print

1. Print Option

Specify whether the system prints the Cash Receipts Variance report (R15440) by tenant or building. Values are:

Blank: Tenant.

1: Building.


If running this report by building, use Business Unit 2 in data selection for the building.

A.3.69.3 Currency

1. Report Currency

Specify the currency code in which to print amounts on the Cash Receipts Variance Report when the General Accounting Constant flag is not set to N. Values are:

Blank: Base currency.

1: Transaction currency.

A.3.70 R15450 - Bill Code/Adjustment Reason Listing Report

You can print a list of the bill codes and adjustment reason codes that you have set up by running the Bill Code/Adjustment Reason Listing report (R15450). The report prints the same information that appears online, but has a processing option that you can set to include the corresponding AAIs that are set up for each bill code and adjustment reason code. Review the AAI information to verify that the correct accounts have been set up for each AAI.

Because the system uses the bill code to retrieve the corresponding AAIs, the report does not validate that a bill code exists for all AAIs.

The system uses information from the Billing Code Extension table (F1512).

A.3.71 Processing Options for Bill Code/Adjustment Reason Listing (R15450)

Set these processing options to specify the default processing for this report.

A.3.71.1 Print

1. Print Corresponding AAIs

Specify whether to print the AAI that corresponds to the bill codes and adjustment reason codes that print on the report. Values are:

Blank: Do not print.

1: Print.

A.3.72 R15471 - New Leases Report

You can run the New Leases Report (R15471) to review information about a new or existing lease. This report provides information about the lease, such as the units and building to which the lease is associated, square footage, base rent, lease start and end dates, and the person who originated the lease.

Processing options enable you to specify whether the system includes annual or monthly amounts and to specify up to twelve bill codes to use.

The system uses information from the Lease Master Header table (F1501B) and the Lease Master Detail table (F15017).

A.3.73 Processing Options for the New Leases Report (R15471)

Set these processing options to specify the default processing for this report.

A.3.73.1 Process

1. From Date

Specify the beginning date of the reporting period. The report prints leases entered on or after this date.

2. Through Date

Specify the ending date of the reporting period. The report prints leases entered on or before this date.

3. Billing Amount Frequency

Specify whether to base billing amounts on a monthly or annual basis. Values are:

Blank: Annual amounts.

1: Monthly amounts.

A.3.73.2 Bill Codes

1. Bill Codes for Base Rent Amounts

Specify that the bill codes that the system uses to identify base rent amounts. You can use as many as 12 bill codes.

A.3.74 R15490 - Holdover Tenant Report

You use the Holdover Tenant report (R15490) to review the lease information associated with leases in a holdover status, rent amounts, and receivable balances. The system calculates the days in holdover as the number of days from the original lease end date to the current system date.

The system uses information from the Lease Billings Master table (F1511B).

A.3.75 Processing Options for Holdover Tenant Report (R15490)

Set these processing options to specify the default processing for this report.

A.3.75.1 Bill Codes

1. Bill Codes for Base Rent Amounts

Specify the bill codes that the system uses to identify base rent amounts. You can enter up to twelve bill codes.

To calculate the base rent, the system adds the rent amounts for the selected bill codes. The system includes the other rents on the report in addition to the base rent. The effective rent is the base and other rents combined, and indicates the total amount of the bill codes related to recurring billing for the tenant and unit.

A.3.75.2 Defaults

1. Search Default for Lease Version

Specify the lease versions to display on the report. Values are:

Blank: The system prints all versions.

1: The system prints information for the version of the lease with the latest (future) effective date. For example, if today's date is June 30, 2007, and the lease has two versions dated January 1, 2007 and October 1, 2007, respectively, the system prints information for the version dated October 1, 2007.

2: The system prints information for the version of the lease that is effective as of the system date.


If versioning is not set up in the Real Estate Management Constants table (F1510B), the system ignores this processing option.

A.3.75.3 Select

1. Excluded Document Types

Specify the document types to exclude from the receivables balance.

A.3.75.4 Print

1. Summary or Detail Report

Specify whether the system generates detailed or summary reports. Values are:

Blank: Detail report.

1: Summary report.

A.3.75.5 Currency

1. Currency Code

Specify the currency code in which to locate rent amounts and open amounts for the report. If currency processing is set to N in the General Accounting Constants, the system ignores this processing option.

A.3.76 R15550 - Rent Change Report

You use the Rent Change Report (R15550) to review the transactions associated with changes in rent. Other than to indicate the percent increase, the system does not perform any calculations for the report. It provides only a history of changes in rent. The system uses information from the Lease Billings Master table (F1511B).


To ensure that the system makes valid comparisons, you must enter a transaction currency in the Billing Transaction Currency processing option on the Currency tab.

A.3.77 Processing Options for Rent Change Report (R15550)

Set these processing options to specify the default processing for this report.

A.3.77.1 Select

These processing options enable you to specify records from the Lease Billings Master table (F1511B).

1. Begin Date Of Analysis Period

Specify the beginning date of the analysis period.

If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the beginning date from the lease.

2. End Date Of Analysis Period

Specify the ending date of the analysis period.

If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the ending date from the lease.

3. Number Of Years Back or Forward

Specify the number of years to go back from the end date or to go forward from the beginning date, if not working with explicit dates.

If you use this processing option, you must specify either a beginning or ending date.

4. Amount Selection

Specify whether the system bases all figures on monthly or annual amounts. Values are:

Blank: Annual amounts.

1: Monthly amounts.

A.3.77.2 Default

1. Search Default for Lease Version

Specify the lease versions to display on the report. Values are:

Blank: The system prints all versions.

1: The system prints information for the version of the lease with the latest (future) effective date. For example, if today's date is June 30, 2007, and the lease has two versions dated January 1, 2007 and October 1, 2007, respectively, the system prints information for the version dated October 1, 2007.

2: The system prints information for the version of the lease that is effective as of the system date.


If versioning is not set up in the Real Estate Management Constants table (F1510B), the system ignores this processing option.

A.3.77.3 Bill Codes

1. Select or Omit Bill Codes

Select or omit bill codes from the Rent Change report (R15550). You can select up to six bill codes. Values are:

Blank: Include all bill codes.

1: Include only the selected bill codes.

2: Omit the selected bill codes.

Bill Code 1 - 6

Select or omit bill codes for the Rent Change report.

A.3.77.4 Print

1. Lease Commencement Rent Increases

Specify whether the system prints rent increases caused by lease commencements on the Rent Change report (R15550). Values are:

Blank: Print.

1: Do not print.

2. Lease Expiration Rent Decreases

Specify whether the system prints rent decreases caused by lease expirations on the Rent Change report (R15550). Values are:

Blank: Print.

1: Do not print.

3. Print Building Address on Report

Specify which information should be printed on the report heading. Values are:

Blank: Print only the first line of description.

1: Print the first line of description from the Property/Building Information table (F0006) and the address in the Facility Address field from the address book record on the report.


You must set up Building as the first sequence in order for the system to create page breaks and addresses by building.

4. Blank Line For New Lease or Unit

Specify whether the system prints a blank line before every new lease or unit on the report. Values are:

Blank: Do not print.

1: Print.

5. Active, Non-Escalated Rent Amounts

Specify whether the system includes active, non-escalated rent amounts (rent amounts that have not changed) on the report. Values are:

Blank: Do not print active, non-escalated rent amounts.

1: Print all active, non-escalated rent amounts.

A.3.77.5 Currency

1. Billing Transaction Currency

Specify the recurring billing transaction currency code to use for reporting when the G/L Constant field for Currency Conversion is not set to N. The report includes billing amounts for all selected bill codes where the transaction currency equals the selected value.

A.3.78 R15600 - Occupancy/Vacancy Listing

You can use the Occupancy/Vacancy Listing report (R15600) to view a list of vacant units as of the date that you specify.

You can use this report to view this information:

  • Square footage.

  • Rental rate per square foot.

  • Undefined square footage.

  • Annual rent.

    To calculate the annual rent, the system multiplies the quantity in the Rate Per Sq Foot field by the quantity in the Square Feet field.

  • Monthly rent.

    To calculate the monthly rent, the system divides the annual rent by 12.

  • Lost Rent to Date.

    To calculate the lost rent, the system divides the monthly rent by 30 and then multiplies that quantity by the quantity of Days Vacant.


    The system does not calculate lost rent for interim periods of vacancy. For example, suppose that during the course of a month, a unit was occupied from days 1-10, vacant from days 11-15, and then occupied from days 16-31. If the Report As Of Date is the 31st of the month, the system does not calculate the rent lost for days 11-15.

    The Annual Rent, Monthly Rent, and Rental Lost To Date columns are based on the Rate Per Sq Foot value and Square Feet values for a unit.

  • Date on which the unit became vacant or occupied.

    The Date Since column contains the date that the unit became vacant and is based on the date that the most recent tenant moved out. To calculate this date, the system adds one day to the tenant's move-out date.

    The Days Vacant column indicates the number of days that the unit has been vacant. This value is the number of calendar days between the dates in the Date Since column and the As of Date.

This report is based on the Unit Master table (F1507) and can include information from the Business Unit Master table (F0006). Based on processing option selections, the report displays all of the occupied units and the square footage summaries.


The system determines the amount in the Rental Lost To Date column based on the rent type that you specify in the Rent Selection field in the processing options. The choices are Market, Renewal, or Potential. This selection appears on the column headings for Rate Per Sq Ft, Monthly Rent, and Annual Rent.

A.3.79 Processing Options for Occupancy/Vacancy Listing (R15600)

Set these processing options to specify the default processing for this report.

A.3.79.1 Process

1. Report As Of Date

Specify the beginning date that a unit is either vacated or occupied on the vacancy listing report. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the system date.

2. Report Heading

Specify whether the system displays an additional line on the report heading. Values are:

Blank: Display the standard report heading.

Project Category Code: Display the description of the category (reporting) code. Enter one of the 30 UDCs for the associated project number.

3. Select Area Type

Specify the area type to retrieve from the Real Estate Management Constants table (F1510B) to use on the report. Values are:

Blank: Use the value in the Alternate Area Type processing option.

1: Use the value in the Rentable Area Type field (RNAT).

2: Use the value in the Usable Area Type field.

If both area-type processing options are blank, the system uses the value from the Rentable Area Type field.

4. Alternate Area Type

Specify a user-defined code from UDC table 15/AR that the system uses if you leave the Select Area Type processing option blank.

5. Speculative Leases

Specify whether the system includes speculative leases on the report. Speculative leases are designated by NA in the second description of the Tenant Lease Type UDC table 15/LT. Values are:

Blank: Do not include.

1: Include.

6. Rent Selection

Specify the rent type of a unit. Values are:

M: Market rent.

P: Potential rent.

R: Renewal rent.

7. Committed As Occupied

Specify whether to display units that are attached to commitment leases as vacant or occupied. Values are:

Blank: Vacant.

1: Occupied.

A.3.79.2 Totals

1. Print Floor Totals

Specify whether to print floor totals. Values are:

Blank: Do not print.

1: Print.

2. Print Building Totals

Specify whether to print building totals. Values are:

Blank: Do not print.

1: Print.

3. Print Property Totals

Specify whether to print property totals. Values are:

Blank: Do not print.

1: Print.

A.3.80 R15605 - Critical Date Review Report

You use the Critical Date Review Report (R15605) to review the critical dates associated with log lines for leases, buildings, floors, and units. In addition to the critical dates, the report also includes the detail information and extended text for each log, if any. Unlike the Critical Date Report, the Critical Date Review Report does not include quantities for the log lines.

The system uses information from the Log Detail Master table (F1521) and can also include information from the Lease Master Header table (F1501B) and the Lease Master Detail table (F15017).

A.3.81 Processing Options for Critical Date Review Report (R15605)

Set these processing options to specify the default processing for this report.

A.3.81.1 Print

1. Print Associated Log Text

Specify whether to print the associated text information for a given lease log record. The system pulls the text information from the media object attached to the individual log record. Values are:

Blank: Do not print.

1: Print.

A.3.81.2 Process

1. Search Default for Lease Version

Specify the lease versions to display on the report. Values are:

Blank: The system prints all versions.

1: The system prints information for the version of the lease with the latest (future) effective date. For example, if today's date is June 30, 2007, and the lease has two versions dated January 1, 2007 and October 1, 2007, respectively, the system prints information for the version dated October 1, 2007.

2: The system prints information for the version of the lease that is effective as of the system date.


If you do not set up versioning in the Real Estate Management Constants table (F1510B), the system ignores this processing option.

A.3.82 R15610 - Tenant Log Information

You use the Tenant Log Information report (R15610) to review a list of tenants and their leases. The report also includes critical dates, as well as the log information and extended text associated with those dates.

The report is based on information from the Lease Master Header table (F1501B) and the Lease Master Detail table (F15017) and can also include information from these tables:

  • Business Unit Master (F0006)

  • Log Detail Master (F1521)

A.3.83 Processing Options for Tenant Log Information (R15610)

Set these processing options to specify the default processing for this report.

A.3.83.1 Select

1. Report As Of Date

Specify the date that the system uses to select records for this report.


Records with critical dates prior to this date are not selected.

2. Report Heading

Specify whether to print an additional line in the report heading. Values are:

Category Code: If you enter a value, the system prints the description of the category (reporting) code. Enter one of the 30 UDCs (such as 01, 02, 03, and so on) for the associated project number. (MCUS)

Blank: Print the standard report heading.

3. Omit Log Records Without Text

Specify whether log records that do not contain log text information should be omitted from the report. Values are:

Blank: Do not omit log records.

1: Include only those log lines with associated text.

A.3.83.2 Process

1. Search Default for Lease Version

Specify the lease versions to display on the report. Values are:

Blank: The system prints all versions.

1: The system prints information for the version of the lease with the latest (future) effective date. For example, if today's date is June 30, 2007, and the lease has two versions dated January 1, 2007 and October 1, 2007, respectively, the system prints information for the version dated October 1, 2007.

2: The system prints information for the version of the lease that is effective as of the system date.


If versioning is not set up in the Real Estate Management Constants table (F1510B), the system ignores this processing option.

A.3.83.3 Log Class

1. Select Specific Log Classes

Specify specific log classes for processing. You can enter up to ten log classes. If you leave this processing option blank, the system selects all log classes.

A.3.84 R15611 - Critical Date Report

You use the Critical Date Report (R15611) to review information associated with log lines for leases, buildings, floors, and units. The sequence of information is by critical date.

The system uses information from the Log Detail Master table (F1521) and can also include information from these tables:

  • Lease Master Header (F1501B)

  • Lease Master Detail (F15017)

  • Business Unit Master (F0006)

A.3.85 Processing Options for Critical Date Report (R15611)

Set these processing options to specify the default processing for this report.

A.3.85.1 Defaults

1. Omit Log Records Without Text

Specify whether the system omits log records that do not contain log text information from the report. Values are:

Blank: Do not omit log records.

1: Include only those log lines with associated text on the report.

2. Select Area Type

Specify the area type to retrieve from the Real Estate Management Constants table (F1510B) to use on the report. Values are:

Blank: Alternate Area Type processing option.

1: Rentable Area Type field (RNAT).

2: Usable Area Type field (USAT).

If both area-type processing options are blank, the system uses the value from the Rentable Area Type field (RNAT).

3. Alternate Area Type

Enter a user-defined code from UDC table 15/AR that the system uses if the Select Area Type processing option is left blank.

A.3.85.2 Process

1. Search Default for Lease Version

Specify the lease versions to display on the report. Values are:

Blank: The system prints all versions.

1: The system prints information for the version of the lease with the latest (future) effective date. For example, if today's date is June 30, 2007, and the lease has two versions dated January 1, 2007 and October 1, 2007, respectively, the system prints information for the version dated October 1, 2007.

2: The system prints information for the version of the lease that is effective as of the system date.


If versioning is not set up in the Real Estate Management Constants table (F1510B), the system ignores this processing option.

A.3.85.3 Print

1. Print Building's Address on Report

Specify which information the system prints on the report heading. Values are:

Blank: Print only the first line of the description on the report heading.

1: Print the first line of description from the Property/Building Information table (F0006) and the address from the Facility Address field in the address book record.

2. Print Area Type Value

Specify the area type that the system prints on the report. Values are:

Blank: Print the area type from the log line.

1: Print the area type from the lease unit details.

A.3.86 R15614 - Security Deposit Critical Date Report

The system uses information from the Security Deposit Master table (F1565) and the Business Unit Master table (F0006).

A.3.87 Processing Options for Security Deposit Critical Date Report (R15614)

Set these processing options to specify the default processing for this report.

A.3.87.1 Print

1. Print the Building Address on Report

Specify whether the system prints the building address on the report. Values are:

Blank: Do not print.

1: Print.

A.3.88 R15615 - Security Deposit Required Versus Received Report

The report displays this information:

  • The date that the security deposit was entered and the amount of the deposit.

  • The status of the security deposit (for example, whether it was billed).

  • The amount and date that the security deposits were received.

This system uses information from these tables:

  • Lease Master Detail table (F15017).

  • Customer Ledger (F03B11).

  • Receipts Detail (F03B14).

  • Security Deposit Master (F1565).

A.3.89 Processing Options for Security Deposit Required v.s. Received Report (R15615)

Set these processing options to specify the default processing for this report.

A.3.89.1 Print

1. Building Address

Specify whether the system prints the building address on the report. Values are:

Blank: Do not print.

1: Print.

2. Lease Totals

Specify whether to print a lease total when the lease or unit has only one requirement or receipt received. Values are:

Blank: Do not print lease totals. The system prints the lease totals when the lease or unit has multiple requirements or multiple receipts received.

1: Print the lease totals. The system prints the lease totals regardless of the number of requirements or receipts received.

A.3.89.2 Select

1. Leases Without Required Deposit

Specify whether to include the leases on the report for which no security deposit master information exists. Values are:

Blank: Do not include leases for which no security deposit master information exists.

1: Include all leases.

2. Security Group Code

Specify the security group code to use to retrieve the security deposits that have been received, but were not required. If you leave this processing option blank, the system includes all security deposits that have been received.

A.3.89.3 Process

1. Select / Omit Deposit Status and Security Deposit Status

Specify whether to select or omit security deposit records based on the security deposit status codes specified. The status of the code must be a valid in UDC table 15/SD. Values are:

Blank: Include all security deposit records, regardless of the status.

O: Omit from the report the security deposit records that are assigned a specified status.

S: Include on the report only the security deposit records that are assigned a specified status.

A.3.90 R15675 - Sales Analysis Report

You use the Sales Analysis Report (R15675) to generate different ranking reports to sort the sales analysis information by:

  • Building

  • Tenant

  • Product code

The report prints nineteen columns, which are organized into these five groups:

  • Key information

    Key information includes the Detail, Description, and Inv Cmp (Invalid Comparisons) columns. The Print Sequence processing options controls the information that prints in the Detail and Description columns.

  • Square footage

    The current square footage of the building.

  • User-selected statistic

    Processing options enable you to select one statistic on which to report, such as item count, empty months, absolute change in square footage, net change in square footage, sales amount for rolling 12 months, or last year's square footage amount.

  • First column display

    The system prints the gross sales amounts for this year and last year and the amount of change, and the gross sales amount per square foot for this year and last year, and the amount of change, and the percentage of change. Based on the setting of the corresponding processing option, the amounts can be monthly, quarterly, year-to-date or projected annual.

  • Second column display

    Used to compare the amounts from the first column display, the system prints the gross sales amounts for this year and last year and the amount of change, and the gross sales amount per square foot for this year and last year, and the amount of change, and the percentage of change. Based on the setting of the corresponding processing option, the amounts can be monthly, quarterly, year-to-date or projected annual.

A.3.91 Setting Processing Options for Sales Analysis Report (R15675)

Set these processing options to specify the default processing for this report.

A.3.91.1 Select

1. Value To Print

Specify a value to print on the sales analysis report:

1: Print key field count

2: Print number of empty months

3: Print absolute change in square feet

4: Print net change in square feet

5: Print rolling 12 months

6: Print last year's square footage

2. First Column Display

Specify one of these to determine which values the system displays in the first set of columns:

1: Display current monthly sales.

2: Display quarterly sales.

3: Display YTD sales.

4: Display current year projection.

Enter an allowed values to print the corresponding amount on the Sales Analysis Report (R15675). You can then compare these amounts in the first set of columns to the amounts in the second set of columns.

3. Second Column Display

Specify one of these to determine which values the system displays in the second set of columns:

1: Display current monthly sales.

2: Display quarterly sales.

3: Display YTD sales.

4: Display current year projection.

Enter an allowed values to print the corresponding amount on the Sales Analysis Report (R15675). You can then compare these amounts in the second set of columns to the amounts in the first set of columns.

4. Threshold Values for Invalid Comparisons:

Specify the threshold values, if applicable, to control how the system determines invalid comparisons. An invalid comparison appears on the report by an asterisk in the Invalid Comparison column (IC). Values are:

A: Determine allowable net change in square footage.

B: Determine allowable total change in square footage.

C: Determine the number of empty months, which has different meanings depending on the summarization.

A.3.91.2 Print

1. Second Total Line

Specify how the system prints the second total line on the report. Values are:

1: Print the total of all invalid comparisons.

2: Print the total of both valid and invalid comparisons.

3: Do not print the second total line.

2. Print Sequence

Specify one of these print sequences for the Sales Analysis Report (R15675):

1: Print by building within company. The report totals on company.

2: Print by product within building. The report totals on building.

3: Print by tenant within building. The report totals on building.

4: Print by product within tenant within building. The report totals on tenant and building.

5: Print by tenant within product within building. The report totals on product and building.

6: Print by product within building within tenant. The report totals on building and tenant.

A.3.92 R15690 - Lease Log Summary Analysis

You use the Lease Log Summary Analysis report (R15690) to review the lease dates and critical dates of the log classes that are associated with the lease. Processing options enable you to select the log classes to appear on the report.

The system uses information from these tables:

  • Lease Master Header (F1501B)

  • Lease Master Detail (F15017)

  • Log Detail Master (F1521)

A.3.93 Processing Options for Lease Log Summary Analysis (R15690)

Set these processing options to specify the default processing for this report.

A.3.93.1 Print

1. Search Default for Lease Version

Specify the lease versions to display on the report. Values are:

Blank: The system prints all versions.

1: The system prints information for the version of the lease with the latest (future) effective date. For example, if today's date is June 30, 2007, and the lease has two versions dated January 1, 2007 and October 1, 2007, respectively, the system prints information for the version dated October 1, 2007.

2: The system prints information for the version of the lease that is effective as of the system date.


If versioning is not set up in the Real Estate Management Constants table (F1510B), the system ignores this processing option.

2. Report Heading

Specify whether to print an additional line on the report heading. Values are:

Blank: Print the standard report heading.

Category Code: Print the description of the category (reporting) code. Enter one of the 30 UDCs (such as 01, 02, 03) for the associated project number.

3. Print Lease Dates on Report

Specify whether the system prints the beginning and ending dates of the lease on the report. Values are:

Blank: Do not print.

1: Print.

A.3.93.2 Logs

1. Log Classes for Summary Analysis

Specify the log classes that the system uses for summary analysis. You can enter up to 10 log classes.

The key to the headings for columns A–J, which is printed at the top of each page, contains the descriptions of the related log classes.

A.3.94 R15710 - Legal Clause Report

The Legal Clause Report (R15710) displays the tenant or lease (or both) to which the clause applies, and lists the clause number, option, and detail type, option status, and date fields. You can specify whether the system includes related information such as space details, clause amounts, audit information, and attachments.

The system uses information from the Legal Clauses table (F1570).

A.3.95 Processing Options for the Legal Clause Report (R15710)

Set these processing options to specify the default processing for this report.

A.3.95.1 Process

1. Search Default for Lease Version

Specify the lease versions to display on the report. Values are:

Blank: The system prints all versions.

1: The system prints information for the version of the lease with the latest (future) effective date. For example, if today's date is June 30, 2007, and the lease has two versions dated January 1, 2007 and October 1, 2007, respectively, the system prints information for the version dated October 1, 2007.

2: The system prints information for the version of the lease that is effective as of the system date.


If versioning is not set up in the Real Estate Management Constants table (F1510B), the system ignores this processing option.

A.3.95.2 Print

1. Related Legal Clause Information

Specify whether to print additional legal clause information on the report. Values are:

Blank: Prints additional legal clause information only from the Legal Clause table (F1570).

1: Prints additional legal clause information from these tables:

Legal Clause Options Audit (F15701)

Legal Clause Space Detail (F15702)

Legal Clause Space Detail Audit (F157021)

Legal Clause Amounts (F15703)

Legal Clause Attachments (Media Objects)

A.3.96 R157101 - Legal Clause Option Audit Report

The Legal Clause Option Audit Report (R157101) includes all of the information that is set up for legal clause options, such as the lease or tenant, option and detail type, date that the option was offered, decision date, whether the option was accepted, and its hierarchy.

The system uses information from the Legal Clause Options Audit table (F15701).

A.3.97 Processing Option for the Legal Clause Options Audit Report (R157101)

Set this processing options to specify the default processing for this report.

A.3.97.1 Process

1. Search Default for Lease Version

Specify the lease versions to display on the report. Values are:

Blank: The system prints all versions.

1: The system prints information for the version of the lease with the latest (future) effective date. For example, if today's date is June 30, 2007, and the lease has two versions dated January 1, 2007 and October 1, 2007, respectively, the system prints information for the version dated October 1, 2007.

2: The system prints information for the version of the lease that is effective as of the system date.


If versioning is not set up in the Real Estate Management Constants table (F1510B), the system ignores this processing option.

A.3.98 R157102 - Space Detail Audit Report

Rather than reviewing space detail audit information online, you can print the Space Detail Audit Report (R157102). The R157102 report includes the same information that you can review online, such as the lease or tenant, date offered, decision date, whether the offer was accepted, and a change date.

The system uses information from the Legal Clause Space Detail Audit table (F157021).

A.3.99 Processing Option for the Space Detail Audit Report (R157102)

Set this processing option to specify the default processing for this report.

A.3.99.1 Process

1. Search Default for Lease Version

Specify the lease versions to display on the report. Values are:

Blank: The system prints all versions.

1: The system prints information for the version of the lease with the latest (future) effective date. For example, if today's date is June 30, 2007, and the lease has two versions dated January 1, 2007 and October 1, 2007, respectively, the system prints information for the version dated October 1, 2007.

2: The system prints information for the version of the lease that is effective as of the system date.


If versioning is not set up in the Real Estate Management Constants table (F1510B), the system ignores this processing option.

A.3.100 R15733 - Tenant A/R Daily Balance Report

As an alternative to reviewing online the account balances for the tenants, you can print the Tenant A/R Daily Balance Report (R15733).

The system uses information from the Customer Ledger table (F03B11).

A.3.101 Processing Options for Tenant A/R Daily Balance (R15733)

Set these processing options to specify the default processing for this report.

A.3.101.1 Select


1. Report Start Date

Specify the date to use to retrieve the Accounts Receivable transactions to print on the report. The system includes all transactions on the report that have a GL date that is after the date specified. The system includes transactions that have GL dates that are prior to the date specified in the cumulative balances, but it does not include the transactions on the report.

A.3.101.2 Print

1. Cumulative Balances

Specify whether the system calculates a cumulative balance for each tenant or for each lease. Values are:

Blank: Tenant.

1: Lease.

A.3.101.3 Currency

1. Report Currency

Specify whether to print amounts in the base currency or the transaction currency of the record. Values are:

Blank: Base currency.

1: Transaction currency.