7 Working with Availability and Shortages

This chapter contains the following topics:

7.1 Understanding Availability and Shortages

To ensure that jobs are completed in the most cost-effective manner, JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Shop Floor Management coordinates material handling, material availability, setup and tooling availability, and operator skills. You can use availability and shortage tracking programs to determine what inventory you have and what inventory you need.

You verify the availability of the parts that you need to complete a work order, either before you create the work order or when the work order has been processed and is ready for release to the shop floor. You can use the bill of material, as well as the parts list, to review the materials that are available for completing the work order or rate schedule. You can select to print shortages for specified components or print all shortages.

When material shortages exist, you can enter and review them using the Shortage Workbench program (P3118). You can also create shortage reports.

7.2 Defining Availability Calculations for a Branch

The system uses the quantities that are defined for each branch to calculate availability. Therefore, you indicate the quantities that you want the system to add or subtract from the on-hand balance when the system calculates availability at the branch. If you leave any field blank, the system excludes the quantity in that field from the calculation.

This section discusses how to define availability calculations for a branch.

7.2.1 Forms Used to Define Availability Calculations for a Branch

Form Name Form ID Navigation Usage
Item Availability Definition W41001G Inventory Setup (G4141), Branch/Plant Constants

Locate a branch/plant on the Work With Branch/Plant Constants form, and select Availability from the Row menu.

Define availability calculations for a branch.

7.2.2 Defining Availability Calculations for a Branch

Access the Item Availability Definition form.

Figure 7-1 Item Availability Definition form

Description of Figure 7-1 follows
Description of ''Figure 7-1 Item Availability Definition form''

To define availability calculations for a branch:

  1. Select any of these options to subtract the appropriate quantities:

    • Quantity Soft Committed to SO & WO

    • Quantity Hard Committed to SO

    • Quantity Future Committed to SO

    • Quantity Hard Committed to WO

    • Other Quantity 1 SO

    • Other Quantity 2 SO

    • Quantity on Hold

    • Safety Stock

  2. To add a quantity, click any of the these options, and then click OK:

    • Quantity on Purchase Order Receipts

    • Quantity on PO - Other 1

    • Quantity on Work Order Receipts

    • Quantity in Transit

    • Quantity in Inspection

    • Quantity in Operation 1

    • Quantity in Operation 2

7.3 Reviewing Part Availability Information

This section provides an overview of part availability information and discusses how to:

  • Set processing options for the Part Availability program (P30200).

  • Review part availability.

  • Set processing options for the Parts List Inquiry program (P3121).

  • Review parts list availability.

7.3.1 Understanding Part Availability Information

You can determine the availability of the parts that are required to make a certain quantity of a parent item before you create a work order or rate schedule. Use the Part Availability program (P30200) to determine the availability of the parts.

Before you release a work order or rate schedule to the shop floor, you can review the parts list for the work order to determine the availability of the parts that are required to make a certain quantity of a parent item. Use the Parts List Inquiry program (P3121) to determine the availability of a part.

When you specify a soft commitment for the part, the quantities that appear indicate the item's availability at all locations. When you specify a hard-commitment for the part, only quantities from the hard-committed locations appear. You can also display the quantities of each part that have hard and soft commitments to work orders and sales orders.

7.3.2 Forms Used to Review Part Availability Information

Form Name Form ID Navigation Usage
Parts Availability - Multi Level Indented W30200C Daily Order Preparation - Discrete (G3111), Part Availability

Select the Parts Availability tab and locate an item for a branch on the Parts Availability - Multi Level Indented form.

Review part availability.
Parts List Detail Inquiry W3121B Daily Order Preparation - Discrete (G3111), Parts List Inquiry

Locate a work order on the Work With Work Order Parts List form, select an item and click Select.

Review parts list availability.

7.3.3 Setting Processing Options for the Part Availability Program (P30200)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports. Defaults

These processing options control default settings for running this program. For example, you can use a processing option to specify the processing mode that the system uses and the bill of material type that appears.

1. Processing Mode

Specify how the system displays the information on which you inquiry. select from these processing modes: simple inquiry, parts availability, or lead time inquiry.

The simple inquiry mode displays the components of a bill of material.

The parts availability mode displays the components of a bill of material and the available quantities for those components. If you use this mode, specify whether you want the system to subtract safety stock from the quantity on hand and whether to display negative quantities using the Safety Stock and Negative Items processing options under the Select tab.

The lead time inquiry mode displays actual and calculated lead times for an item. Actual lead times are derived from the lead times as updated in the Item Branch table by the Leadtime Rollup program. Calculated lead times are the number of days that you must start to manufacture a part prior to the date that the parent needs it. You can use this mode of processing to define lead times for an item at each routing instruction step or to compare the actual and calculated lead times. If you use this mode, specify whether you want the system to display the actual or calculated lead times in the Leadtime Values processing option under the Select tab. Values are:

1: Displays the simple inquiry mode.

2: Displays the parts availability mode.

3: Displays the lead time inquiry mode.

If you leave this processing option blank, the system displays the simple inquiry mode.

2. Inquiry Mode

Specify the level of detail that you want the system to display. The single level mode displays the parent item and its components. The multilevel mode displays the parent item, its components, and the subassemblies of the components. The multilevel indented mode displays the parent item, its components, and the subassemblies of the components. In addition, it indents the subassemblies. Values are:

1: Displays the single level mode.

2: Displays the multilevel mode.

3: Displays the multilevel indented mode.

If you leave this processing option blank, the system displays the multilevel indented mode.

3. Bill of Material Type

Specify the type of bill of material that the system uses as the default value in the Type of Bill field on the Work With Bill of Material form. Enter a value from user-defined code (UDC) table 40/TB (Bill Type) that designates the type of bill of material. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses M for manufacturing bill of material.

4. Display Sequence

Specify how you want the system to sort information on the Work With Bill of Material form. You can select to sequence the data by component line number or by operation sequence number. The component line number indicates the sequence of the components on a bill of material. The operation sequence number indicates the sequence of the fabrication or assembly steps in the manufacture of an item. Values are:

1: Sorts by component line number.

2: Sorts by operation sequence number.

Blank: Sorts the data by component line number. Versions

These processing options control which version the system uses when these programs are called from the Part Availability program.

1. Bill Of Material Print (R30460)

Specify the version of the Bill of Material Print report that the system uses. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the ZJDE0001 version.

Versions control how the Bill of Material Print report displays information.

Therefore, you might need to set the processing option to a specific version to meet the business need.

2. ECO Workbench (P30225)

Specify the version that the system uses when you select the Row exit to the ECO Workbench program from the Work With Bill of Material form. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the ZJDE0001 version.

Versions control how the ECO Workbench program displays information.

Therefore, you might need to set the processing option to a specific version to meet the business need.

3. ECO Header (P48020)

Specify the version of the ECO Header program that the system uses when you select the Form exit to the Bill of Material Revisions program from the Work With Bill of Material. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the ZJDE0001 version.

Versions control how the ECO Header program displays information. Therefore, you might need to set the processing option to a specific version to meet the business need.

4. Bill of Material Revisions (P3002)

Specify the version that the system uses when you select the Form exit to the Bill of Material Revisions program from the Work With Bill of Material form. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the ZJDE0001 version.

Versions control how the Bill of Material Revisions program displays information. Therefore, you might need to set the processing option to a specific version to meet the business need.

5. Item Master (P4101B)

Specify the version that the system uses when you select the Form exit to the Item Master program from the Work With Bill of material form. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the ZJDE0001 version.

Versions control how the Item Master program displays information. Therefore, you might need to set the processing option to a specific version to meet the business need.

6. Process Inquiry (P30240)

Specify the version that the system uses when you select the Form exit to the Process Inquiry program from the Work With Bill of Material form. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the ZJDE0001 version.

Versions control how the Process Inquiry program displays information.

Therefore, you might need to set the processing option to a specific version to meet the business need.

7. Work With Routing Master (P3003)

Specify the version of the Work With Routing Master program that the system uses. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the ZJDE0001 version.

Versions control how the Work With Routing Master program displays information. Therefore, you might need to set the processing option to a specific version to meet the business need.

8. Item Availability (P41202)

Specify the version of the Item Availability program that the system uses. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the ZJDE0001 version.

Versions control how the Item Availability program displays information.

Therefore, you might need to set the processing option to a specific version to meet the business need.

9. Item Cross Reference (P4104)

Specify the version of the Item Cross Reference program that the system uses. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the ZJDE0001 version.

Versions control how the Item Cross Reference program displays information.

Therefore, you might need to set the processing option to a specific version to meet the business need.

10. Item Search (P41200)

Specify the version of the Item Search program that the system uses. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the ZJDE0001 version.

Versions control how the Item Search program displays information. Therefore, you might need to set the processing option to a specific version to meet the business need. Select

These processing options control how certain values appear, based on the default selection for the Processing Mode processing option.

1. Safety Stock

Specify whether the system subtracts the safety stock from the quantity on hand. Use this processing option in conjunction with the Parts Availability mode in the Processing Mode processing option under the Defaults tab. Values are:

Blank: Does not subtract safety stock.

1: Subtracts safety stock.

2. Negative Quantities

Specify whether the system displays negative amounts for the component quantities. Use this processing option in conjunction with the Parts Availability mode in the Processing Mode processing option under the Defaults tab. Values are:

Blank: Displays all amounts.

1: Displays only negative amounts.

3. Leadtime Values

Specify whether the system displays the actual or calculated lead time values. Use this processing option in conjunction with the Leadtime Inquiry mode in the Processing Mode processing option under the Defaults tab. Values are:

Blank: Displays the actual lead time values from the Item Branch table (F4102).

1: Displays the calculated lead time values. Process

These processing options control how the system uses certain data in the program. For example, you can use a processing option to specify whether phantom or process item are included in the inquiry.

1. Phantom Items

Specify whether the system explodes the phantoms to the next level and omits the display of the phantom. A phantom is normally defined for engineering or manufacturing purposes. Phantoms enable common parts, that may or may not be assembled, to be grouped in a bill of material structure. When viewing the bill of material, you may want to display only the subassemblies and raw material. Values are:

Blank: Omits the phantom items from the inquiry and displays only the subassemblies and raw material.

1: Includes phantom items in the inquiry.

2. Process Items

Specify whether the system displays the process items. Process items include the process, co-products, by-products, and ingredients. A discrete bill may contain a component that is produced from a process. You use this processing option when you combine discrete and process manufacturing to display a complete structure of the requirements. Values are:

Blank: Excludes process items from the inquiry.

1: Includes process items in the inquiry.

3. Text Lines

Specify whether the system displays the text lines. Values are:

Blank: Excludes text lines from the inquiry.

1: Includes text lines in the inquiry.

4. Consolidate Component Items

Specify whether the system consolidates duplicate components. The same component may be listed in the bill of material several times, either on different subassemblies or on the same subassembly at different operations. When you use this processing option with the Subassemblies processing option, the system consolidates components at the subassembly level or for all levels of the bill of material. When viewing the consolidated components, the quantity required is accumulated for duplicate components. Values are:

Blank: Displays individual occurrences of duplicate components in the inquiry.

1: Consolidates duplicate components in the inquiry.

5. Subassemblies

Specify whether the system displays the subassemblies. A subassembly is an assembly that is used at a higher level to make up another assembly. Values are:

Blank: Excludes subassemblies from the inquiry.

1: Includes subassemblies in the inquiry.

6. Shrink

Specify whether the system adjusts the requested quantity for shrinkage. Shrinkage is the planned loss of a parent item caused by factors such as breakage, theft, deterioration, and evaporation. Values are:

Blank: Does not adjust the requested quantity.

1: Adjusts the requested quantity for shrinkage.

7. Scrap

Specify whether the system adjusts the extended quantity for scrap. Scrap is unusable material that results from the production process. It is material outside of specifications and of such characteristics that rework is impractical. Values are:

Blank: Does not adjust the extended quantity.

1: Adjusts the extended quantity.

8. Yield

Specify whether the system adjusts the extended quantity for yield. Yield is the ratio of usable output from a process to its input. Values are:

Blank: Does not adjust the extended quantity.

1: Adjusts the extended quantity.

9. Purchased Items

Specify whether the system explodes to the next level of purchased items in the bill of material report. Values are:

Blank: Excludes lower-level purchased items from the report.

1: Includes lower-level purchased items in the report.

10. Phantom Operation Sequence Number

Specify how the system displays operation sequence numbers for components of a phantom item. Values are:

Blank: Displays the operation sequence number of the component.

1: Displays the operation sequence number of the phantom item.

7.3.4 Reviewing Part Availability

Access the Parts Availability - Multi Level Indented form.

Figure 7-2 Parts Availability - Multi Level Indented form

Description of Figure 7-2 follows
Description of ''Figure 7-2 Parts Availability - Multi Level Indented form''

Quantity Available

Enter the available quantity. The available quantity may be on-hand balance minus commitments, reservations, and backorders. Availability is user-defined and can be set up through the branch/plant constants.

7.3.5 Setting Processing Options for the Parts List Inquiry Program (P3121)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports. Versions

These processing options control which version the system uses when these programs are called from the Parts List Inquiry program.

1. Purchase Order Inquiry Version (P4310)

Specify the version of the Purchase Orders program (P4310). If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses ZJDE0001.

2. Supply/Demand Version (P4021)

Specify the version for the Supply and Demand Inquiry program (P4021). If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses ZJDE0003.

3. Manufacturing WO Parts List (P3111)

Specify the version that the system uses when you select the row exit to the Parts List program (P3111) from the Work With Manufacturing Work Orders form or the Work Order Details form. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the ZJDE0001 version of the Parts List program.

Versions control how the Parts List program displays information. Therefore, you might need to specify the processing options to specific versions to meet the business need.

4. Equipment/Service Order Parts List (P17730)

Specify the version of the Work Order Parts Detail program (P17730) that the system uses. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses ZJDE0001.

7.3.6 Reviewing Parts List Availability

Access the Parts List Detail Inquiry form.

Figure 7-3 Parts List Detail Inquiry form

Description of Figure 7-3 follows
Description of ''Figure 7-3 Parts List Detail Inquiry form''

Qty Required (quantity required)

Enter a number that indicates the quantity that is available.

For example, the available quantity might consist of the on-hand quantity minus commitments, reservations, and backorders.

Availability is user-defined. You can set up availability in the Branch/Plant Constants program (P41001).

WO Hard Commit (work order hard commit)

Enter the number of units hard committed to work orders in the primary unit of measure.

SO Hard Commit (sales order hard commit)

Enter the number of units hard committed to a specific location and lot.

WO/SO Soft Commit (work order/sales order soft commit)

Enter the number of units soft committed to sales orders or work orders in the primary units of measure.

Qty on Order (quantity on order)

Enter the number of units specified on the purchase order in primary units of measure.

7.4 Managing Shortage Information

This section provides an overview of shortage information and discusses how to:

  • Set processing options for the Shortage Revisions program (P3118).

  • Revise shortage information.

7.4.1 Understanding Shortage Information

Shortages occur when you do not have enough of the required materials to complete the quantity of the parent item requested on a work order. When you review the availability of items and compare it to a bill of material or a work order, the system indicates items that are short by displaying a negative available quantity.

You track shortage information for parts with these characteristics:

  • Purchased parts that you obtain from a single source

  • Purchased parts that are difficult to obtain

  • Parts that have a long lead time

  • Parts that, if absent, stop the production line

  • Parts that are expensive to purchase or manufacture

  • Parts that must be closely monitored

  • Parts that are produced at critical work centers

You can change component shortage information by item, work order, branch/plant, work order type, or any combination of these by using the Shortage Workbench program (P3118). You can also review and revise information that indicates how the system fills shortages.

You can locate and review shortage information for an item that is associated with one or more work orders. Use this program to determine the amount of a shortage and how the shortage will be filled. You can locate item shortages by using these criteria:

  • Branch/plant and item number

  • Branch/plant, item number, order number, and order type

  • Order number and order type

  • Order type

You can print a report that lists all shortages or only the component shortages for a specific work order. The system retrieves the shortage information for these reports from the Shortage Maintenance Master File table (F3118).

7.4.2 Forms Used to Manage Shortage Information

Form Name Form ID Navigation Usage
Shortage Maintenance Revisions W3118D Daily Order Preparation - Discrete (G3111), Shortage Workbench

Locate an order on the Work With Shortage Workbench form, and click Select.

Revise shortage information.

7.4.3 Setting Processing Options for the Shortage Revisions Program (P3118)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports. Versions

Enter the reporting feature version. If left blank, default version ZJDE0001 will be used.

1. For Order Inventory Issues:

Specify the reporting feature version for Order Inventory Issues.

2. For Open Work Orders:

Specify the reporting feature version for Open Work Orders.

3. For Open Purchase Orders:

Specify the reporting feature version for Open Purchase Orders. Defaults

1. Enter the default work order type. If left blank, 'WO' will be used.

Specify a value from UDC 00/DT (Document Type - All Documents) that identifies the type of document. This code also indicates the origin of the transaction.

7.4.4 Revising Shortage Information

Access the Shortage Maintenance Revisions form.

Due Date

Specify the date that an item is scheduled to arrive or that an action is scheduled for completion.

Short Quantity

Specify the quantity of units affected by this transaction.

Deliver To W/C

Specify an alphanumeric code that identifies a separate entity within a business for which you want to track costs. For example, a business unit might be a warehouse location, job, project, work center, branch, or plant.

You can assign a business unit to a document, entity, or person for purposes of responsibility reporting. For example, the system provides reports of open accounts payable and accounts receivable by business unit to track equipment by responsible department.

Business unit security might prevent you from viewing information about business units for which you have no authority.

Rel Ord Type (related order type)

Specify a value from UDC 00/DT (Document Type - All Documents) that indicates the document type of the secondary or related order. For example, a purchase order might be document type OP and might have been created to fill a related work order with document type WO.