The image si_outsource_op_process90.png is a process flow titled Outsource operations process for style items. Customer. JEAN.BLK.28.30 Left arrow labelled SO. DISTRIBUTION Branch Plant. Demand JEAN. Down arrow labelled MultiFacility MRP R3483 to WO for JEAN.BLK.28.30. Down arrow labelled OT from DISTRIBUTION Branch Plant to LOGISTICS Branch Plant. Supply JEAN FABRIC ZIPPER. Two right arrows labelled OP to Component Supplier Fabric and Component Supplier Zipper. Down arrow labelled OP from LOGISTICS Branch Plant to Outsdie Vendor - Supplier. WO Processing R31F410 box. JEAN*OP10 box. Up arrow labelled OT from Outside Vendor - Branch Plant to LOGISTICS Branch Plant. Demand FABRIC ZIPPER box next to Outside Vendor - Branch Plant.