3 Setting Up Localizations for Denmark

This chapter contains the following topics:

3.1 Setting Up Bank Information for Suppliers for Denmark

When entering supplier master information:

  • Complete the Bank Account Number field with your bank, Bankgiro or Postgiro, account number.

  • Complete the Remark field with the correct identification code for foreign vouchers.

3.2 Setting Up Additional Bank Information for Foreign Suppliers

This section provides an overview of additional bank information for foreign suppliers, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to:

  • Set up additional bank information for foreign suppliers.

  • Override additional bank information when writing or updating payments.

3.2.1 Understanding Additional Bank Information for Foreign Suppliers

You use the Supplier Inf. Foreign Payments program (P74W001) to add additional bank information that is required for foreign payments made by Nordic companies. If you use a foreign payment format, you must enter this additional bank information for each foreign supplier. The system writes the information that you enter to the Supplier Info. Foreign Payment table (F74W001).

You can use the Work With Payment Groups program (P04571) to override the additional bank information for a specific payment, if necessary. You can also set the processing options in the Create A/P Bank Tape - Finland Foreign program (R04572FI2) to override the payment method and fee code that you enter here.

3.2.2 Prerequisites

Before you complete the tasks in this section, create an address book record for each bank, ensuring that both the name of the bank and the name of the local office are entered in the Alpha Name field.

See "Entering Address Book Records" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Address Book Implementation Guide.

3.2.3 Forms Used to Set Up Additional Bank Information for Foreign Suppliers

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage
Revise Supplier Info. Foreign W0474N3B Swedish Localization (G74W), Swedish Supplier Inf. Foreign Payments

Click Add on the Work With Supplier Info. Foreign form.

Set up additional bank information for foreign suppliers.
Work With Payment Groups W04571A Automatic Payment Processing (G0413), Work with Payment Groups View payment groups for a specific bank account or a specific status.
Foreign Supplier Info Override W74W001B On the Work With Payment Groups form, select a record and select Payments from the Row menu. On the Work With Payment Group - Write or Update Status form, select a payment and then select Regional Info from the Row menu. Override additional bank information.

3.2.4 Setting Up Additional Bank Information for Foreign Suppliers

Access the Revise Supplier Info. Foreign form.

Figure 3-1 Revise Supplier Info. Foreign form

Description of Figure 3-1 follows
Description of "Figure 3-1 Revise Supplier Info. Foreign form"

Address Number

Enter the address book number of the supplier.

Account flag

Enter the type of bank account to be used for payments, for example, checking or currency account. Values are:

0: SEK account (Sweden), NOK account (Norway), DKK account (Denmark), or EUR/FIM account (Finland)

1: Currency account

Fee code

Enter a code that indicates who is going to pay the bank fees.

Values are:

0: All fees are paid by the payer.

1: The payer is responsible for paying the charges in Denmark, and the payee is responsible for paying the charges abroad.

2: All fees are paid by the payee.

Payment Method

Enter a code that indicates the type of payment, for example, normal or express payment. Values are:

0: Normal.

1: Express (always bank).

M: Payment order.

P: Urgent payment.

Q: SWIFT check.

S: Check forwarded to the customer.

T: Account transfer within the bank.

K: Group payment.

R: Capital payment

Supplier Number

The system displays a unique seven-digit number that the bank uses to identify the supplier. The system generates this number automatically for existing records.

3.2.5 Overriding Additional Bank Information

Access the Foreign Supplier Info Override form.

3.3 Setting Up Payment Formats for Denmark

This section provides an overview of payment formats for Denmark and discusses how to set up processing options for:

  • Create A/P Bank Tape - Denmark DDB - Domestic (R04572DK1).

  • Create A/P Bank Tape - Denmark DDB Foreign (R04572DK2).

  • Create A/P Bank Tape - Denmark UNIBANK - Domestic (R04572DK3).

  • Create A/P Bank Tape - Denmark UNIBANK - Foreign (R04572DK4).

  • Create A/P Bank Tape - Denmark GiroBank (R04572DK5).

3.3.1 Understanding Payment Formats for Denmark

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software provides these payment formats for Denmark:

Format Description
R04572DK1 Create A/P Bank Tape - Denmark DDB - Domestic
R04572DK2 Create A/P Bank Tape - Denmark DDB Foreign
R04572DK3 Create A/P Bank Tape - Denmark UNIBANK - Domestic
R04572DK4 Create A/P Bank Tape - Denmark UNIBANK - Foreign
R04572DK5 Create A/P Bank Tape - Denmark GiroBank Considerations for Create A/P Bank Tape - Denmark DDB Foreign (R04572DK2)

You can determine the payment category code for the Central Bank at these levels:

  1. You can accept the default value, which is hard-coded in the print program, for each country (for example, Denmark = %0006).

  2. You can use processing option 10 on the Payment Cat. tab to override the default value from the program. The value that you enter becomes the new default value.

  3. When you enter a voucher, you can override the default value from the program and the processing option. Use the Remark field to enter the Central Bank code. Considerations for Create A/P Bank Tape - Denmark UNIBANK - Domestic

Use the Create A/P Bank Tape - Denmark UNIBANK - Domestic payment format when making domestic payments through Nordea Bank. The system uses the payment instrument of the payment to determine which of these Unitel bank software formats to use:

  • Domestic Transfer (UBT04500).

  • Transfer Form/Giro Payment (UBT04600).

  • Domestic Check (UBT04700).

When setting up supplier bank accounts to use the Domestic Transfer format (UBT4500):

  • Leave the Control Digit field blank on the Set Up Bank Accounts by Address form.

  • Enter the international bank account number (IBAN) for the supplier's bank account in the IBAN field on the Set Up Bank Accounts by Address form.

  • Enter your IBAN number in the IBAN field of the Revise Bank Information form when you set up the bank account information for your bank.

When setting up supplier bank accounts to use the Transfer Form/Giro Payment format (UBT4600):

  • The value in the Control Digit field on the Set Up Bank Accounts by Address form must not be blank. You must use one of these values:

    • 01

    • 04

    • 15

    • 41

    • 71

    • 73

    • 75

  • Complete the Reference/Roll Number field with a seven- or eight-character value.

  • Enter your IBAN number in the IBAN field of the Revise Bank Information form when you set up the bank account information for your bank.

When you are setting up supplier bank accounts to use the Domestic Check format (UBT4700):

  • The supplier's bank account information should not be entered for this format.

  • Enter your IBAN number in the IBAN field of the Revise Bank Information form when you set up the bank account information for your bank

When you run the Create A/P Bank Tape - Denmark (R04572DK3) program for domestic transfers, the system uses the domestic transfer format (UTB04500) and creates one record for each payment, as illustrated in this table.


Fields 19, 21, and 23 are variable fields. If the maximum number of lines is not used, the subsequent fields are moved forward in the file. Spaces (blanks) count as filled.

Field Number and Type Field Name Start Position and Length Description
1 (alphanumeric) System 1 (3) A fixed value of UBT. This field is mandatory.
2 (numeric) Type 4 (3) A fixed value of 045. This field is mandatory.
3 (numeric) Kind 7 (2) A fixed value of 00. This field is mandatory.
4 (numeric) Type of Advice 9 (2) Return advice to remitter. Values are:

00: No advice

01: Long

02: Brief

The system obtains this value from a processing option.

This field is mandatory.

5 (alphanumeric) Account Information Remitter 11 (35) IBAN or four-digit sort code, followed by the ten-digit account number of the remitter's bank. If the account number has fewer than ten digits, include preceding zeros.

The system obtains this value from the IBAN field. If no IBAN number exists, the system uses the bank plus the bank account number (data items TNST and CBNK).

This field is mandatory.

6 (numeric) Amount 46 (15) The amount with two decimal places. For example, 100.00 DKK appears as 10000.

This field is mandatory.

7 (alphanumeric) Currency Code 61 (3) Currency code of the payment, in accordance with ISO 4217. The system obtains this value from the payment currency.

This field is mandatory.

8 (alphanumeric) Currency Equivalent 64 (1) Indicates the relationship between the Amount and Currency Code fields. Values are:

N: No currency equivalent. The amount is paid in the specified currency.

J (yes): The amount is paid in the foreign currency as specified in the Currency Code field that is equivalent to the amount in Danish kroner.

This field is mandatory.

9 (numeric) Transfer Date 65 (8) Date on which to effect transfer in Nordea Bank. The date format is YYYYMMDD.

This field is mandatory.

10 (alphanumeric) Own Reference 73 (20) Contains the reference entered by the remitter in the Own Reference field on each payment instruction. The value for the Own Reference field is specified on the remitter's bank statement and is not passed on to the beneficiary. The field can be used for electronic reconciliation.

This field is optional.

11 (alphanumeric) Account Information: Beneficiary 93 (35) IBAN, or the four-digit sort code and the ten-digit account number of the beneficiary's bank. The system obtains this value from the IBAN field. If no IBAN number exists, the system uses the bank plus the bank account number (data items TNST and CBNK).

This field is mandatory.

12 (alphanumeric) Express Advice 128 (1) Indicates whether the beneficiary's bank notifies the customer immediately. Values are:

J (yes): The beneficiary's bank will send a letter with the advice to the beneficiary on the same day as the amount is credited to the beneficiary's account.

N (no): The beneficiary will receive the advice in the next bank statement at the latest.

This field is mandatory.

13 (numeric) Text Code 129 (3) The field contains a digit code, which is translated by Unitel for PC into the text that appears from the beneficiary's bank statement. The text informs the beneficiary of the item covered by the transfer. If text code 100 is entered, Text Line Code must also be completed.

This field is optional.

14 (alphanumeric) Text Line Code 132 (20) Free text line. Use this field when the value in the Text Code field is 100. This field is optional.
15 (alphanumeric) Beneficiary's Identification of the Remitter 152 (35) Used in connection with transfers to a third party enabling the beneficiary to identify the remitter. For example, a customer number might be used.

This field is optional.

16 (alphanumeric) Reference to Primary Document 187 (35) Reference to a primary document, such as an invoice number. This field is optional.
17 (numeric) Batch Entry 222 (3) Enter 000 if batch entry is not used.

Identification of total amount debited on the remitter's bank statement. Unitel allows you to collect a number of payments into one total debit amount. All payments made with the same transfer date and with the same batch entry number will be debited to your account as one total amount. The field can be completed if the payment type is 45 (domestic transfer) or 46 (transfer form/Giro transfer form). The batch entry number appears on your bank statement.

This field is optional.

18 (numeric) Beneficiary's Name/ Number 225 (2) Number of lines for the beneficiary's name. The maximum number of lines is four. Enter 00 if no lines exist for the beneficiary's name.

This field is mandatory.

19 (alphanumeric) Beneficiary's Name 227 (140) Name of the beneficiary, with a maximum of four lines, 35 bytes each. The number of lines depends on the value entered in the Beneficiary's Name/ Number field.

This field is optional.

20 (numeric) Message to Beneficiary - Number 367 (2) Number of message lines to the beneficiary, with a maximum of 41 lines. Enter 00 if no message to the beneficiary exists.

Minimum and maximum number of lines appear based on the format for each payment type. For example, the number of used lines plus two lines (headings) will be deducted from the 41 advice lines available for domestic payments when an alternative remitter is entered. This means that only 36 lines are available if all three lines are used in alternative remitter.

This field is mandatory.

21 (alphanumeric) Message to Beneficiary 369 (1435) Message to beneficiary, with a maximum of 41 lines with 35 bytes each. Data fields 21 and 23 share the same location. If data field 23 is not used (field 22 = 00), 41 lines can be entered in data field 21. If 01, 02, or 03 lines are entered in data field 23, data field 21 can contain 38, 37, or 36 lines because Nordea uses two lines for headings.

Complete this field if you entered a value other than 00 in the Message to Beneficiary - Number field.

22 (numeric) Alternative Remitter- Number 1804 (2) Number of lines for alternative remitter, with a maximum of three lines. Enter 00 if no alternative remitter exists.

This field is mandatory.

23 (alphanumeric) Alternative Remitter 1806 (105) Alternative remitter, with a maximum of three lines with 35 bytes each. The name and address of an alternative remitter can be entered in this field. If the field is not used, the name and address registered for your Unitel access will be entered for the payment. Data fields 21 and 23 share the same location. If data field 23 is not used (field 22 = 00), 41 lines can be entered in data field 21. If 01, 02, or 03 lines are entered in data field 23, data field 21 can contain 38, 37, or 36 lines because Nordea uses 2 lines for headings.

This field is mandatory.

24 (alphanumeric) Danish Central Bank Notification 1911 (1) An indication of whether the fields intended for notifying the Danish central bank are completed. Values are:

N (no).

J (yes): Enter J if the payment exceeds DKK 250,000 or the currency equivalent. For this payment type, the value of this field is always N.

This field is mandatory.

25 (alphanumeric) Supplemental Payment Purpose Text 1912 (140) Supplementary text used when the value in field 26 is 1. This field is not used for this payment format.
26 (alphanumeric) Payment Purpose Code 2052 (4) Enter either four characters or one character accompanied by text in the Supplemental Payment Purpose Text field.

This field is not used for this payment format.

27 (numeric) Import Date 2056 (6) Import date text used when the value in field 24 is J. Because the value in field 24 is always N for this payment type, this field is not used.
28 (alphanumeric) Beneficiary's Nationality 2062 (2) The field contains a country code (ISO) to specify the nationality of the beneficiary and is used when the value in field 24 is J. Because the value in field 24 is always N for this payment type, this field is not used.

When you run the Create A/P Bank Tape - Denmark (R04572DK3) program for domestic transfers for GiroBank, the system uses the Transfer Form/Giro Payment (UBT04600) format and creates one record for each payment as illustrated in this table:


Fields 16, 18, and 20 are variable fields. If the maximum number of lines is not used, the subsequent fields are moved forward in the file. Spaces (blanks) count as filled.

Field Number and Type Field Name Start Position and Length Description
1 (alphanumeric) System 1 (3) A fixed value of UBT. This field is mandatory.
2 (numeric) Type 4 (3) A fixed value of 046. This field is mandatory.
3 (numeric) Kind 7 (2) A fixed value of 00. This field is mandatory.
4 (numeric) Type of Advice 9 (2) Return advice to remitter. Values are:

00: No advice

01: Long

02: Brief

The system obtains this value from a processing option. This field is mandatory.

5 (alphanumeric) Account information remitter 11 (35) IBAN or four-digit sort code, followed by the ten-digit account number of remitter's bank. If the account number has fewer than ten digits, include preceding zeros.

The system obtains this value from the IBAN field. If no IBAN number exists, the system uses the bank plus the bank account number (data items TNST and CBNK).

This field is mandatory.

6 (numeric) Amount 46 (15) The amount with two decimal places. For example, 100.00 DKK appears as 10000. This field is mandatory
7 (alphanumeric) Currency Code 61 (3) Currency code of the payment, in accordance with ISO 4217. The system obtains this value from the payment currency. This field is mandatory.
8 (alphanumeric) Currency equivalent 64 (1) Indicates the relationship between the Amount and the Currency Code fields. For this format, the value is always N (no). This field is mandatory.
9 (numeric) Transfer Date 65 (8) Date on which to effect transfer in Nordea Bank. The date format is YYYYMMDD. This field is mandatory.
10 (alphanumeric) Own Reference 73 (20) Contains the reference entered by the remitter in the Own Reference field on each payment instruction. The value in the Own Reference field is specified on the remitter's bank statement and is not passed on to the beneficiary. The field can be used for electronic reconciliation.

This field is optional.

11 (alphanumeric) Account Information, Beneficiary 93 (10) The account number of the creditor's account to which the amount is credited. Enter the seven- to ten-digit GiroBank account number.

This field is mandatory.

12 (numeric) Form Type Code 103 (2) Form type code from OCR line. This field is mandatory.
13 (numeric) Payment Reference 105 (19) Payment reference from OCR line. This field is mandatory.
14 (numeric) Batch Entry 124 (3) Enter 000 if batch entry is not used.

Identification of total amount debited on the remitter's bank statement. Unitel allows you to collect a number of payments into one total debit amount. All payments made with the same transfer date and with the same batch entry number will be debited to your account as one total amount. The field can be completed if the payment type is 45 (domestic transfer) or 46 (transfer form/Giro transfer form). The batch entry number appears on your bank statement.

This field is mandatory.

15 (numeric) Beneficiary's Name/ Number 127 (2) Number of lines for the beneficiary's name. The maximum number of lines is four. Enter 00 if no lines exist for the beneficiary's name.

This field is mandatory.

16 (alphanumeric) Beneficiary's Name 129 (140) Name of the beneficiary, with a maximum of four lines with 35 bytes each. The number of lines depends on the value entered in the Beneficiary's Name/ Number field.

This field is optional.

17 (numeric) Message to Beneficiary - Number 269 (2) Number of message lines to the beneficiary, with a maximum of 41 lines. Enter 00 if no message to the beneficiary exists.

Minimum and maximum number of lines appear based on the format for each payment type. For example the number of used lines plus two lines (headings) will be deducted from the 41 advice lines available for domestic payments when an alternative remitter is entered. This means that only 36 lines are available if all three lines are used in alternative remitter.

This field is mandatory.

18 (alphanumeric) Message to Beneficiary 271 (1435) Message to beneficiary, with a maximum of 41 lines with 35 bytes each. Data fields 18 and 20 share the same location. If data field 20 is not used (field 19 = 00), 41 lines can be entered in data field 18. If 01, 02, or 03 lines are entered in data field 20, data field 18 can contain 38, 37, or 36 lines because Nordea uses two lines for headings.

Complete this field if you entered a value other than 00 in the Message to Beneficiary - Number field.

19 (numeric) Alternative Remitter - Number 1706 (2) Number of lines for alternative remitter, with a maximum of three lines. Enter 00, if no alternative remitter exists.

This field is mandatory.

20 (alphanumeric) Alternative Remitter 1708 (105) Alternative remitter, with a maximum of three lines with 35 bytes each. Use this field with form type 73. The name and address of an alternative remitter can be entered in this field. If the field is not used, the name and address registered for your Unitel access will be entered for the payment. Data fields 18 and 20 share the same location. If data field 20 is not used (field 19 = 00), 41 lines can be entered in data field 21. If 01, 02, or 03 lines are entered in data field 20, data field 18 can contain 38, 37, or 36 lines because Nordea uses 2 lines for headings.

This field is optional.

21 (alphanumeric) Danish Central Bank Notification 1813 (1) An indication of whether the fields intended for notifying the Danish central bank are completed. Values are:

N (no).

J (yes): Enter J if the payment exceeds DKK 250,000 or the currency equivalent. For this payment type, the value of this field is always N.

This field is mandatory.

22 (alphanumeric) Supplemental Payment Purpose Text 1814 (140) Supplementary text used when the value in field 23 is 1. This field is not used for this payment format.
23 (alphanumeric) Payment Purpose Code 1954 (4) Enter either four characters or one character accompanied by text in the Supplemental Payment Purpose Text field.

This field is not used for this payment format. This field is new for this payment format.

24 (numeric) Import Date 1958 (6) Import date text used when the value in field 21 is J. Because the value in field 21 is always N for this payment type, this field is not used.
25 (alphanumeric) Beneficiary's Nationality 1964 (2) The field contains a country code (ISO) to specify the nationality of the beneficiary and is used when the value in field 21 is J. Because the value in field 21 is always N for this payment type, this field is not used.

When you run the Create A/P Bank Tape – Denmark (R04572DK3) program for domestic checks, the system uses the Domestic Check (UBT04700) format and creates one record for each payment as shown in this table:


Fields 13, 15, and 17 are variable fields. If the maximum number of lines is not used, the subsequent fields are moved forward in the file. Spaces (blanks) count as filled.

Field Number and Type Field Name Start Position and Length Description
1 (alphanumeric) System 1 (3) A fixed value of UBT. This field is mandatory.
2 (numeric) Type 4 (3) A fixed value of 047. This field is mandatory.
3 (numeric) Kind 7 (2) A fixed value of 00. This field is mandatory.
4 (numeric) Type of Advice 9 (2) Return advice to remitter. Values are:

00: No advice

01: Long

02: Brief

The system obtains this value from a processing option. This field is mandatory.

5 (alphanumeric) Account Information Remitter 11 (35) IBAN or four-digit sort code, followed by the ten-digit account number of remitter's bank. If the account number has fewer than ten digits, include preceding zeros.

The system obtains this value from the IBAN field. If no IBAN number exists, the system uses the bank plus the bank account number (data items TNST and CBNK).

This field is mandatory.

6 (numeric) Amount 46 (15) The amount with two decimal places. For example, 100.00 DKK appears as 10000. This field is mandatory.
7 (alphanumeric) Currency Code 61 (3) Currency code of the payment, in accordance with ISO 4217. The system obtains this value from the payment currency. This field is mandatory.
8 (alphanumeric) Currency Equivalent 64 (1) Indicates the relationship between the Amount and the Currency Code fields. For this format, the value is always N (no). This field is mandatory.
9 (numeric) Transfer Date 65 (8) Date on which to effect transfer in Nordea Bank. The date format is YYYYMMDD.

This field is mandatory.

10 (alphanumeric) Own reference 73 (20) Contains the reference entered by the remitter in the Own Reference field on each payment instruction. The value in the Own Reference field is specified on the remitter's bank statement and is not passed on to the beneficiary. The field can be used for electronic reconciliation.

This field is optional.

11 (alphanumeric) Check Delivery 93 (1) Indicates where the check is to be sent. Values are:

C: Remitter

D: Beneficiary

This field is mandatory.

12 (numeric) Beneficiary's Name/ Number 94 (2) Number of lines for the beneficiary's name. The maximum number of lines is five. Enter 00 if no lines exist for the beneficiary's name.

This field is mandatory.

13 (alphanumeric) Beneficiary's Name 96 (175) Name of the beneficiary, with a maximum of five lines with 35 bytes each. The number of lines depends on the value entered in the Beneficiary's Name/ Number field.

This field is optional.

14 (numeric) Message to Beneficiary - Number 271 (2) Number of message lines to the beneficiary, with a maximum of 41 lines. Enter 00 if no message to the beneficiary exists.

Minimum and maximum number of lines appear based on the format for each payment type. For example, the number of used lines plus two lines (headings) are deducted from the 41 advice lines available for domestic payments when an alternative remitter is entered. This field is mandatory.

15 (alphanumeric) Message to Beneficiary 273 (140) Message to beneficiary, with a maximum of 41 lines with 35 bytes each. Complete this field if you entered a value other than 00 in the Message to Beneficiary - Number field.
16 (numeric) Alternative Remitter - Number 413 (2) Number of lines for alternative remitter, with a maximum of three lines. Enter 00 if no alternative remitter exists. This field is mandatory.
17 (alphanumeric) Alternative Remitter 415 (105) Alternative remitter, with a maximum of three lines with 35 bytes each. This field is optional.
18 (alphanumeric) Danish Central Bank Notification 520 (1) An indication of whether the fields intended for notifying the Danish central bank are completed. Values are:

N (no).

J (yes): Enter J if the payment exceeds DKK 250,000 or the currency equivalent. For this payment type, the value of this field is always N. This field is mandatory.

19 (alphanumeric) Supplemental Payment Purpose Text 521 (140) Supplementary text used when the value in field 20 is 1. This field is not used for this payment format.
20 (alphanumeric) Payment Purpose Code 661 (4) Enter either four characters or one character accompanied by text in the Supplemental Payment Purpose Text field. This field is not used for this payment format.
21 (numeric) Import Date 665 (6) Import date text used when the value in field 18 is J. Because the value in field 18 is always N for this payment type, this field is not used.
22 (alphanumeric) Beneficiary's Nationality 671 (2) The field contains a country code (ISO) to specify the nationality of the beneficiary and is used when the value in field 18 is J. Because the value in field 18 is always N for this payment type, this field is not used. Consideration for Create A/P Bank Tape - Denmark UNIBANK - Foreign

Use the Create A/P Bank Tape - Denmark UNIBANK - Foreign payment format when making international payments through Nordea Bank. The system uses the payment instrument of the payment to determine which of these Unitel bank software formats to use:

  • Economy Transfer (UBT04800).

  • Ordinary Transfer (UBT04900).

  • Express Transfer (UBT05000).

  • Intercompany Transfer to Foreign Bank (UBT05100).

  • Intercompany Transfer to Nordea's International Units (UBT05200).

The file layout is the same for all of the international payment formats. When you run the Create A/P Bank Tape - Denmark UNIBANK - Foreign program, the system uses one of the formats and creates one record for each payment as shown in this table:

Field Number and Type Field Name Start Position and Length Description
1 (alphanumeric) System 1 (3) A fixed value of UBT. This field is mandatory.
2 (numeric) Type 4 (3) A fixed value of 048, 049, 050, 051, or 052. The value used depends on the payment instrument of the payment. This field is mandatory.
3 (numeric) Kind 7 (2) A fixed value of 00. The value is the same as in the UBT00700 format. This field is mandatory.
4 (numeric) Type of Advice 9 (2) Return advice to remitter. Values are:

00: No advice

01: Long

02: Brief

The system obtains this value from a processing option. This field is mandatory.

5 (alphanumeric) Account Information Remitter 11 (35) IBAN or four-digit sort code, followed by the ten-digit account number of remitter's bank. If the account number has fewer than ten digits, include preceding zeros.

The system obtains this value from the IBAN field. If no IBAN number exists, the system uses the bank plus the bank account number (data items TNST and CBNK).

This field is mandatory.

6 (numeric) Amount 46 (15) The amount with two decimal places. For example, 100.00 DKK appears as 10000. This field is mandatory.
7 (alphanumeric) Currency Code 61 (3) Currency code of the payment, in accordance with ISO 4217. The system obtains this value from the payment currency. This field is mandatory.
8 (alphanumeric) Currency Equivalent 64 (1) Indicates the relationship between the Amount and the Currency code fields. Values are

N: No currency equivalent. The amount is paid in the specified currency.

J (yes): The amount is paid in the foreign currency as specified in the Currency Code field that is equivalent to the amount in Danish kroner.

This field is mandatory.

9 (numeric) Transfer Date 65 (8) Date on which to effect transfer in Nordea Bank. The date format is YYYYMMDD.

This field is mandatory.

10 (alphanumeric) Own Reference 73 (20) Contains the reference entered by the remitter in the Own Reference field on each payment instruction. The value in the Own Reference field is specified on the remitter's bank statement and is not passed on to the beneficiary. The field can be used for electronic reconciliation.

This field is optional.

11 (alphanumeric) Exchange Rate Reference 93 (11) A reference number for a forward or contract rate. This field is mandatory only if an agreement has been entered into with Nordea Markets. This field cannot be used for payment type 51 (intercompany transfer to a foreign bank).
12 (numeric) Exchange Rate 104 (12) The exchange rate with six decimals. For example, enter 123 as 123000000. The exchange rate (with six decimals) agreed on in connection with a forward exchange contract. This field is mandatory if a value exists in the Exchange Rate Reference field.
13 (alphanumeric) Expense Code 116 (1) Indicates who is to pay the expenses for the transfer. Values are:

A: Remitter: The costs of both banks are debited to the remitter's account.

M: Beneficiary: The costs of both banks are paid by the beneficiary. Nordea's costs are deducted from the transfer amount.

N: Both. The remitter and the beneficiary each pay their own bank's costs.

The system obtains this value from a processing option. If the processing option is not completed, the system uses the fee code for the supplier. If the supplier does not have a fee code, the system uses a default value of N.

14 (alphanumeric) Bank Code 117 (17) The sort code of the beneficiary's bank. The term for this code varies from country to country. So it can be, for instance, the ABA number, FW number, or BLZ and sorting code. If the BIC/SWIFT address is entered together with a bank code, no discrepancies can exist between the two in order to avoid paying a repair fee.

This field is optional.

15 (alphanumeric) Account Information Beneficiary 134 (35) The IBAN or the account number of the foreign account. If no IBAN number exists, the system uses the bank plus the bank account number (data items TNST and CBNK). This field is mandatory.
16 (alphanumeric) Beneficiary's Bank 169 (140) The name and address of the beneficiary's bank. Enter up to four lines with 35 bytes each. This field is mandatory.
17 (alphanumeric) SWIFT Address 309 (11) SWIFT address of beneficiary's bank. You must enter 11 characters for the BIC/SWIFT number for these formats. If you enter fewer than 11 characters, the system completes the field with an x for each remaining character.

This field is optional.

18 (alphanumeric) Country Code 320 (2) The ISO country code of the beneficiary's bank.
19 (alphanumeric) Danish Central Bank Notification 322 (1) The system completes this field with N.
20 (alphanumeric) Supplemental Payment Purpose Text 323 (140) This field is not used.
21 (alphanumeric) Payment Purpose Code 463 (4) This field is not used.
22 (numeric) Import Date 467 (6) Import date text used when the value in field 18 is J. Enter the date using the format MMYYYY.
23 (alphanumeric) Beneficiary's Nationality 473 (2) The field contains a country code (ISO) to specify the nationality of the beneficiary.
24 (numeric) Beneficiary's Name - Number 475 (2) The number of lines for the beneficiary's name. The maximum number of lines is five. Enter 00 if no lines for the beneficiary's name exist.
25 (alphanumeric) Beneficiary's Name 477 (140) Name of the beneficiary, with a maximum of five lines with 35 bytes each. The number of lines depends on the value entered in the Beneficiary's Name/ Number field.

This field is mandatory.

26 (numeric) Message to Beneficiary - Number 617 (2) Number of message lines to the beneficiary, with a maximum of four lines. Enter 00 if no message to the beneficiary exists. Minimum and maximum number of lines appear based on the format for each payment type This field is mandatory.
27 (alphanumeric) Message to Beneficiary 619 (140) Message to beneficiary, with a maximum of four lines with 35 bytes each. Complete this field if you entered a value other than 00 in the Message to Beneficiary - Number field.
28 (numeric) Alternative Remitter Number 759 (2) Number of lines for alternative remitter, with a maximum of three lines. Enter 00 if no alternative remitter exists.

This field is mandatory.

29 (alphanumeric) Alternative Remitter 761 (105) Alternative remitter, with a maximum of three lines with 35 bytes each. This field is optional.
30 (alphanumeric) Message to Nordea 866 (40) Text for messages about the execution of the payment. This field is used only with prior agreement with Nordea. This field must be blank in all unused positions.

3.3.2 Setting Processing Options for Create A/P Bank Tape - Denmark DDB - Domestic (R04572DK1)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports. Tape

Use these processing options to specify the default values for the bank tape.

1. Devise Name

Enter the devise name.

2. Tape Density

Enter the tape density.

3. Label Name

Enter the label name.

4. Block Size

Enter the block size.

5. New Volume

Enter the new volume name. More Tape

6. New Owner ID

Enter the new owner ID.

7. File Name

Enter the file name. Payment Date

Due Date

Enter 1 to use the due date as payment date and GL date. If you leave this processing option blank, the date entered during the write process is used as the payment date and GL date.


Enter 1 to enable warnings for the due date. The system ignores this processing option if you leave the due date processing option blank. Text

External Attachments

For this format, you cannot specify all vouchers that are included in a payment. The format enables you to include 39 text records for each payment. These text records are used to specify vouchers and external attachments for a payment.

Enter 1 to include only the supplier invoice number and invoice amount in the bank file. No external attachments are included.

Enter 2 to include external attachments if the payment consists of one voucher. If the payment consists of more than one voucher, the supplier invoice number and invoice amount only are included in the bank file; no external attachments are included.

Enter 3 to include external attachments for all vouchers in the payment. When the system reaches 41 text records, it generates a report listing all vouchers and the external attachments.

If you leave this processing option blank, the system does not include external attachments.

3.3.3 Setting Processing Options for Create A/P Bank Tape - Denmark DDB Foreign (R04572DK2)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports. Tape

Use these processing options to specify the default values for the bank tape.

1. Devise Name

Enter the devise name.

2. Tape Density

Enter the tape density.

3. Label Name

Enter the label name.

4. Block Size

Enter the block size.

5. New Volume

Enter the new volume name. More Tape

6. New Owner ID

Enter the new owner ID.

7. File Name

Enter the file name. Payment Date

Due Date

Enter 1 to use the due date as the payment date and GL date. If you leave this processing option blank, the date entered during the write process is used as the payment date and GL date.


Enter 1 to enable warnings for the due date. The system ignores this processing option if you leave the Due Date processing option blank. Payment Cat. (Payment Category Code)

Payment Category Code

Specify the default value for the Payment Category Code for the Central Bank of Sweden.

Type of Goods

Specify the type of goods the payment concerns.

3.3.4 Setting Processing Options for Create A/P Bank Tape - Denmark UNIBANK - Domestic (R04572DK3)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports. Tape

Use these processing options to specify the default values for the bank tape.

1. Devise Name

Enter the devise name.

2. Tape Density

Enter the tape density.

3. Label Name

Enter the label name.

4. Block Size

Enter the block size.

5. New Volume

Enter the new volume name. More Tape

6. New Owner ID

Enter the new owner ID.

7. File Name

Enter the file name. Payment Date

Due Date

Enter 1 to use the due date as the payment date and GL date. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the date entered during the write process as the payment date and GL date.

Due Date Warnings

Enter 1 to enable warnings for the due date. The system ignores this processing option if you leave the Due Date processing option blank. Text

External Attachments

For this format, you cannot specify all vouchers that are included in a payment. The format enables you to include 39 text records for each payment. These text records are used to specify vouchers and external attachments for a payment.

Enter 1 to include only the supplier invoice number and invoice amount in the bank file. No external attachments are included.

Enter 2 to include external attachments if the payment consists of one voucher. If the payment consists of more than one voucher, the supplier invoice number and invoice amount only are included in the bank file; no external attachments are included.

Enter 3 to include external attachments for all vouchers in the payment. When the system reaches 41 text records, it generates a report listing all vouchers and the external attachments.

If you leave this processing option blank, the system does not include external attachments. Advise Type

Advise Type

Specify the advise type for the flat file. The system inserts the value that you enter in this processing option into the flat file to indicate the type of return advise sent to the remitter. Values are:

00: No advise

01: Long advise

02: Brief advise

3.3.5 Setting Processing Options for Create A/P Bank Tape - Denmark UNIBANK - Foreign (R04572DK4)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports. Tape

Use these processing options to specify the default values for the bank tape.

1. Devise Name

Enter the devise name.

2. Tape Density

Enter the tape density.

3. Label Name

Enter the label name.

4. Block Size

Enter the block size.

5. New Volume

Enter the new volume name. More Tape

6. New Owner ID

Enter the new owner ID.

7. File Name

Enter the file name. Payment Date

Due Date

Enter 1 to use the due date as the payment date and GL date. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the date entered during the write process as the payment date and GL date.

Due Date Warning

Enter 1 to enable warnings for the due date. The system ignores this processing option if you leave the Due Date processing option blank. Text

External Attachments

For this format, you cannot specify all vouchers that are included in a payment. The format enables you to include 39 text records for each payment. These text records are used to specify vouchers and external attachments for a payment.

Enter 1 to include only the supplier invoice number and invoice amount in the bank file. No external attachments are included.

Enter 2 to include external attachments if the payment consists of one voucher. If the payment consists of more than one voucher, the supplier invoice number and invoice amount only are included in the bank file; no external attachments are included.

Enter 3 to include external attachments for all vouchers in the payment. When the system reaches 41 text records, it generates a report listing all vouchers and the external attachments.

If you leave this processing option blank, the system does not include external attachments. Advise Type

Advise Type

Specify the advise type for the flat file. The system inserts the value that you enter in this processing option into the flat file to indicate the type of return advise sent to the remitter. Values are:

00: No advise

01: Long advise

02: Brief advise Default Text

Default Payment Purpose Text

This processing option is not used.

Default Payment Purpose Code

This processing option is not used. Expense Code

Expense Code

Specify who pays the expenses associated with the payment. Enter 0 to specify that the remitter pays the costs of both banks. Enter 1 to specify that each bank pays its own expenses. Enter 2 to specify that the beneficiary pays the costs of both banks.

If you do not complete this processing option, the system uses the fee code for the supplier. If the supplier does not have a fee code, the system uses the default value of 1.

3.3.6 Setting Processing Options for Create A/P Bank Tape - Denmark GiroBank (R04572DK5)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports. Tape

Use these processing options to specify the default values for the bank tape.

1. Devise Name

Enter the devise name.

2. Tape Density

Enter the tape density.

3. Label Name

Enter the label name.

4. Block Size

Enter the block size.

5. New Volume

Enter the new volume name. More Tape

6. New Owner ID

Enter the new owner ID.

7. File Name

Enter the file name. Payment Date

Due Date

Enter 1 to use the due date as the payment date and GL date. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the date entered during the write process as the payment date and GL date.

Due Date Warning

Enter 1 to enable warnings for the due date. The system ignores this processing option if you leave the Due Date processing option blank. Text

External Attachments

For this format, you cannot specify all vouchers that are included in a payment. The format enables you to include 39 text records for each payment. These text records are used to specify vouchers and external attachments for a payment.

Enter 1 to include only the supplier invoice number and invoice amount in the bank file. No external attachments are included.

Enter 2 to include external attachments if the payment consists of one voucher. If the payment consists of more than one voucher, the supplier invoice number and invoice amount only are included in the bank file; no external attachments are included.

Enter 3 to include external attachments for all vouchers in the payment. When the system reaches 41 text records, it generates a report listing all vouchers and the external attachments.

If you leave this processing option blank, the system does not include external attachments.