4 Working With Localizations for Venezuela

This chapter contains the following topics:

4.1 Assigning Control Numbers to Invoices for Venezuela

Invoice control numbers are used by the Sales Book program (R76VLV01) to meet legal reporting requirements for Venezuela.

This section provides discusses how to assign invoice control numbers.

4.1.1 Forms Used to Assign Control Numbers to Invoices

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage
Work With Invoice Control Number W76VNCF1B Accounts Receivable (G76V03B), Control Invoice Number Locate invoices.
Invoice Control Number Revision W76VNCF1A On the Work With Invoice Control Number form, select an invoice and then click Select. Assign, revise, and remove invoice control numbers.

4.1.2 Assigning Invoice Control Numbers

Access the Invoice Control Number Revision form.

Figure 4-1 Invoice Control Number Revision

Description of Figure 4-1 follows
Description of "Figure 4-1 Invoice Control Number Revision"

Invoice Ctrol. Number (invoice control number)

Enter the control number to assign to the invoice.

4.2 Add Exportation Numbers to Invoices for Foreign Transactions

This section provides an overview of exportation numbers and lists the forms used to add exportation numbers to invoices.

4.2.1 Understanding Exportation Numbers

When you report VAT for sales transactions, you must include the exportation number for each sales transaction for exported goods. The exportation number is a legal number that is unique to each transaction.

You can add an exportation number to your accounts receivable invoices by using the Exportation Number program (P76V0311). The system writes the exportation number that you enter to the Exportation Number table (F76V0311). When you run the Sales Book program (R76VLV01) to generate the VAT report for sales transactions, the system reads the data in the F76V0311 table and writes the exportation number to the VAT report.

4.2.2 Forms Used to Add Exportation Numbers

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage
Work With Exportation Number W76V0311A Accounts Receivable (G76V03B), Exportation Number Review and select existing Accounts Receivable invoices.
Transportation Number Entry W76V0311C Select an invoice on the Work With Exportation Number form and click Select. Enter the exportation number for the invoice.

4.3 Entering Vouchers for Venezuela

This section provides an overview of vouchers for Venezuela and discusses how to enter additional information for Venezuela.

4.3.1 Understanding Voucher Entry for Venezuela

After you use the standard voucher entry programs to enter vouchers for Venezuela, the system displays the Withholding Additional Information form on which you enter information about income, municipal, and value-added taxes. The system stores the information that you enter in the A/P Ledger Tag File - VEN table (F76V4011).

When you enter a value in the Pay Status field when entering vouchers in the Standard Invoice Entry program (P0411), enter the payment status that you defined in the UDC 00/PS to indicate when vouchers are ready for the calculation of ISLR (Impuesto sobre la Renta), IM (municipal taxes), and VAT. Vouchers for Imported Goods

Vouchers for imported goods must be entered using a document type that you set up in the 00/DT and 00/DV UDC tables specifically for these transactions. When entering these vouchers, enter the customs statement (Form C) number and the import file number in the Invoice Control Number field, separated by a special character. Vouchers with Withholdings

When you use the Standard Voucher Entry program to enter vouchers for Venezuela, the system launches the F0411 Tag File Maintenance program (P76V4011) when you click OK after entering a voucher. You can also access this program from the Regional Info option on the Form menu. You use this program to add codes that identify VAT, municipal, and income tax withholdings for each pay item. You also relate a control number or the import file number to the invoice.

When you add a voucher, the system accesses the tax withholding codes for the supplier that exists in the A/B Additional Info. Tag File (F76V1001) table and displays them in the Withholding Additional Information form. You can accept these default values or change the values. The system saves the default values or the values that you enter in the A/P Ledger Tag File - VEN (F76V0411) table when you click OK on the Withholding Additional Information form.

Additionally, the systems launches the F0411 Tag File Maintenance program when you work with logged vouchers and voucher match.

When you delete a voucher for which withholding records exist, the system deletes the withholding information from the F76V4011 table and the Withholding Historical File - VEN table (F76V4581).

4.3.2 Form Used to Enter Additional Information for Venezuela

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage
Enter Voucher - Payment Information W0411A Supplier & Voucher Entry (G0411), Standard Voucher Entry

Click Add on the Supplier Ledger Inquiry form.

Enter information for the voucher on the standard software entry form.
Withholding Additional Information W76V4011A Click OK on the Enter Voucher - Payment Information form. Enter the withholding information for the voucher.

4.3.3 Entering Additional Information

Access the Withholding Additional Information form.

Figure 4-2 Withholding Additional Information form

Description of Figure 4-2 follows
Description of "Figure 4-2 Withholding Additional Information form"

Invoice Control Number

Enter the invoice number from the supplier's invoice, or the importation number from the Form C for imported goods.

VAT Concept

Enter a code that exists in the VAT Withholding Concept (76V/IV) UDC table.

I.S.L.R. Concept (Impuesto sobre la Renta) concept

Enter a code that exists in the ISLR Withholding Concepts (76V/IS) UDC table.

Municipal Concept

Enter a code that exists in the IM Withholding Concepts (76V/IM) UDC table.

4.4 Entering Credit Notes and Debit Notes for Venezuela

This section provides an overview of credit notes and debit notes for Venezuela, lists prerequisites, lists forms used to select a related voucher for a credit or debit note, and discusses how to set processing options for PO - Voucher Entry (P0411) - VEN (P76V4047).

4.4.1 Understanding Credit and Debit Notes for Venezuela

A debit note, also called a debit memo, is a voucher that you enter when a supplier issues you a credit for a transaction. Similarly, a credit note (credit memo) is a voucher that you enter when you issue a credit to a customer. In Venezuela, companies often choose to associate the credit or debit note to the original voucher to assist with accounting practices.

Use the Credit and Debit Note Inquiry program (P76V4015) to select the voucher to which you associate a credit or debit note.

4.4.2 Prerequisites

Before you complete the tasks in this section:

  • Set up corresponding versions of the Voucher Entry (P0411) program and the PO - Voucher Entry (P0411) program (P76V4047).

  • Verify that appropriate values exist for credit notes and debit notes in the Credit Note Document Types (76V/NC) and the Debit Note Document Types (76V/DC) UDC tables.

4.4.3 Forms Used to Select a Related Voucher for a Credit or Debit Note

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage
Work With Credit/Debit Note - Voucher Relation W76V4015A Credit and Debit Note Relationship (G76V046), Credit and Debit Note Inquiry. View and select existing records.
Credit/Debit Note - Voucher Relation W76V4015B Select a record, then click Select on the Work With Credit/Debit Note form. Enter the related voucher for the credit or debit note.
Select Related Voucher W76V4015C Select Voucher from the Form menu on the Credit/Debit Note form. Select the related voucher. When you click Select, the system displays the voucher number in the Credit/Debit Note - Voucher Relation form.

4.4.4 Setting Processing Option for PO - Voucher Entry (P0411) (P76V4047)

Select Credit and Debit Note Relationship (G76V046), PO - Voucher Entry (P0411) - VEN.


You must select the version to use and then click Select to access the processing option. Default Values

Credit/Debit Note

Enter 1 to specify that the voucher is for a credit or debit note.

4.5 Processing National and Municipal Withholding for Venezuela

This section provides overviews of national and municipal withholding, the ISLR Withholding report for Venezuela, and the withholding integrity report; and discusses how to:

  • Run the ISLR Withholding Calculation program.

  • Set processing options for ISLR Withholding Calculation (R76V4580A).

  • Run the ISRL Withholding - XML File Generation program.

  • Set data selection for the ISRL Withholding - XML File Generation program.

  • Set processing options for ISRL Withholding - XML File Generation (R76V4581).

  • Run the ISLR Withholding Certificate program.

  • Set processing options for ISLR Withholding Certificate (R76VCRNP).

  • Run the IM Withholding Calculation program.

  • Set processing options for IM Withholding Calculation (R76V4590A).

  • Run the WH - Integrity Report program.

  • Set processing options for WH - Integrity Report (R8976V6E).

4.5.1 Understanding National and Municipal Withholding

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software provides country-specific programs to process the withholding of national and municipal taxes. Calculating National Withholding

Run the ISLR Withholding Calculation program (R76V4580A) to calculate the withholding of Venezuelan income taxes (Impuesto sobre la Renta [ISLR]). The system calculates the withholding according to the fee code that you assign to the supplier.

When the fee code for a suppler is 1, the system calculates the withholding amount based on the calculated base amount of a single transaction. When the fee code is 1, the system:

  1. Converts the voucher's gross amount to tributary units by multiplying the gross amount of the voucher by the tributary unit.

  2. Uses the result of Step 1 to retrieve the base percentage, withholding percentage, and withholding factor from the F76V4020 table.

    The system searches for the line for the supplier that has a minimum amount that is less than the result and a maximum amount that is greater than the result, and retrieves the withholding percentage and withholding factor for that line.

    For example, if the gross amount of the voucher is 7000 and the tributary unit is 37.632, the result is 186. The system accesses the line in the F76V4020 table that includes 186 between the minimum and maximum amounts, and uses the base percent, withholding percent, and withholding factor for that line.

  3. Multiplies the gross amount of the voucher by the base percentage to obtain the base amount.

  4. Uses this formula to calculate the tax amount:

    (base amount × withholding percentage) − (withholding factor × tributary unit)

    For example, if the base amount is 7000, the withholding percentage is 22 percent, the withholding factor is 14, and the tributary amount is 37.632, the system performs this calculation: (7000 × .22) − (14 × 37.632) = 1013.15

  5. Updates the Withholdings Historical table (F76V4581) with the new amount.

When the fee code is 2, the system calculates the withholding amount based on accumulated base and withholding amounts. When your supplier is set up to use fee code 2, the system accesses the I.S.L.R. Fee Code 2 File (F76V4583), F76V410, and F76V4020 tables to get the data used for calculating withholding.

When the fee code is 2, the system:

  1. Retrieves data from the historical and setup tables, using the voucher's gross amount converted to tributary units:

    • Retrieves the accumulated base and withholding amounts from the F76V4583 table.

    • Retrieves the base percentage, withholding percentage, and withholding factor from the F76V4020 table.

    • Retrieves the tributary unit from the F76V410 table.

  2. Applies the base percentage to the gross voucher amount to calculate the base amount for the voucher.

  3. Adds the base amount for the voucher to the accumulated base amount from the F76V4583 table.

  4. Multiplies the new accumulated base amount (accumulated base amount from the F76V4583 table and the base amount from the voucher) by the tributary unit.

  5. Uses the result of the calculation in Step 4 to determine the line in the F76V4020 table from which to obtain the withholding percentage and withholding factor.

    The system searches for the line for the supplier that has a minimum amount that is less than the result and a maximum amount that is greater than the result, and retrieves the withholding percentage and withholding factor for that line.

  6. Uses this formula to calculate the tax amount:

    (accumulated base amount × withholding percentage) − (withholding factor × tributary unit) − accumulated withholding amount

    For example, if the accumulated base amount is 7000, the accumulated withholding amount is 500, the withholding percentage is 22 percent, the withholding factor is 14, and the tributary amount is 37.632, the system performs this calculation: (7000 × .22) − (14 × 37.632) − 500 = 513.15

  7. Updates the F76V4581 and F76V4583 tables with the new accumulated amounts. Calculating Municipal Tax

Run the IM Withholding Calculation program (R76V4590A) to calculate the withholding for municipal taxes.

When you run the IM Withholding Calculation program, the system:

  • Accumulates the taxable amounts by document or by supplier and by withholding concept, depending on the processing option values, and by withholding codes and currency.

  • Calculates the basis amount according to the values that you set up in the IM Withholding Setup program (P76V4025) for municipal taxes.

  • Calculates in the local currency the withholding amount according to the rate.

    If related documents are in a foreign currency, the system makes the currency conversion at the rate that is in effect on the date that is specified in the processing options.

  • Changes the payment status to the status specified in the processing options.

  • Generates a report that lists the processed vouchers, the withholding documents, and the batch. Notes About Withholding Taxes

Other notes about the ISLR Withholding Calculation and IM Withholding Calculation programs:

  • If the invoice has VAT, the amount for the withholding calculation is the amount of the invoice without tax.

  • If the withholding is for the total amount to be paid by the supplier, the program calculates the amount that is subject to withholding by adding all of the vouchers with the payment status that is indicated in the processing option and with the same withholding code and currency, without considering any other field selection value.

    Therefore, the Payment Status field is the key field to determine whether a document must be considered for the withholding calculation.

  • For the invoices that are entered in a foreign currency, the system uses the amount in the foreign currency as the basis for the withholding calculation.

    The system calculates the amount in the local currency according to the exchange rate that is in effect for the date that appears in the processing option, unless the processing option item for the exchange rate is active. If the exchange rate is active, the system uses the exchange rate that was in effect when the invoice was entered.

  • The withholding document is created with the same GL offset account to which the withholding is being applied.

    In the event that there are several accounts payable transactions, the withholding calculation must be made by GL offset.

  • When creating each withholding document, the system updates the Withholding Historical File - VEN table (F76V4581). Withholding Reports

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software provides these reports:

  • ISLR Withholding Affidavit (R76VDJRN).

  • IM Withholding Affidavit (R76VDJRM).

  • AR-CV Withholding Certificate (R76VCRVP).

  • Annual Withholding Affidavit - Diskette (R76VPART).

  • Withholding Integrity - Create Historical (R76VIR02C).

  • Withholding Integrity - Erase Historical (R76VIR01B).

See Understanding Additional Reports for Venezuela.

4.5.2 Understanding the ISLR Withholding Report for Venezuela

You calculate the withholding of Venezuelan income taxes (Impuesto sobre la Renta [ISLR]) by running the ISLR Withholding Calculation program (R74U4580A). After you run the withholding calculation, you run the ISRL Withholding - XML File Generation report to generate the XML file that you submit each month to the Venezuela fiscal authority (SENIAT). The XML file consists of the details of salary and other ISLR withholdings. The ISRL Withholding - XML File Generation program also generates a PDF file.


The solution provided by the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software generates the XML file for withholdings for salary only. It does not generate records for withholding for stocks and dividends.

The income tax types known as ISLR withholdings concepts are stored in the A/P Ledger Tag File - VEN (F76V4011). You must create the relationship between the ISLR withholding concept and a VAT withholding type known as ISLR withholding legal concept using the ISLR Relation Concept program (P76V4022) so that ISRL Withholding - XML File includes the legal concept. Generally, you create the relationships only once, or when you add a new concept. The legal concepts are provided by SENIAT.

The ISRL Withholding - XML File Generation report contains the following ISLR withholding information:

  • Company Fiscal ID: Fiscal ID of the company, which is specified in the processing option of the report. The system uses the company number to obtain the fiscal ID (F0101.TAX) from the address book record.

  • Month Reported: Month for which the XML file is generated. The system determines the month from the values that you specify in the From Date and To Date processing options.

  • Supplier Fiscal ID: Tax ID of the address number of the transaction record stored in the F0411 table.

  • Invoice Legal Number: Number stored in the VINV field of the F0411 table for the transaction.

  • Control Invoice Number: Number stored in the 76ICNV field of the F76V4011 table for the transaction.

  • Legal ISLR Withholding Concept: Withholding legal concept (V76ISLC), which the system obtains by using the concept in the voucher to find the related legal withholding concept that you set up in the ISLR Withholding Concepts Relationship program.

  • Amount Operation: Total amount specified in the transaction record.

    Total amount = Gross amount - tax amount for each line of the transaction record.

  • Withholding Percentage: Withholding percentage stored in the Percentage - Withholding Tax (IRPR) field of the Retention History - VEN table (F76V4581). If the documents with ISRL withholding legal concepts do not have a withholding calculated, then the XML is generated with a withholding percentage equal to zero.

  • The ISRL Withholding - XML File Generation report includes all documents that have ISLR withholding concepts even if there is no tax detail in the transaction record. However, voided transactions or transactions without an associated legal concept are not included in the report.

4.5.3 Understanding the Withholding Integrity Report

The WH - Integrity Report program recalculates the following amounts in the Withholding Historical File (F76V4581) and Withholding I.S.L.R. Fee 2 (F76V4583) tables:

  • Base Amount Subject to W/T (IRBI).

  • Foreign Base Amount Subject to W/T (IRBF).

  • Withholding Tax Amount (IRRI).

  • Foreign Withholding Tax Amount (IRRF).

  • Amount - ICMS Reduced Taxable (BBIR).

  • User Reserved Amount (URAT).

The WH - Integrity Report program also deletes from the Withholding Historical File table all records that do not exist in the Accounts Payable Ledger table (F0411).

4.5.4 Prerequisites

Before you run these programs:

See Setting Up UDCs for Supplier Withholding for Venezuela.

4.5.5 Running the ISLR Withholding Calculation Program

Select General WH Calculation Process (G76V045), ISLR Withholding Calculation

4.5.6 Setting Processing Options for ISLR Withholding Calculation (R76V4580A)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports. I.S.L.R.

1. Insert Payment Date

Enter the date that the withholding tax is remitted to the fiscal authority. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the current date. If the voucher is entered in a foreign currency, the system uses this date to determine the exchange rate.

2. Withholding by Document

Enter 1 to calculate withholding by the total of each invoice. Leave this processing option blank to calculate withholding by the total of the invoices for the supplier.

3. Payment Status

Enter the payment status that the system uses to select records to process. If you leave this processing option blank, the system selects records with a payment status of A (approved).

4. Document Type

Enter the document type that the system assigns to the withholding voucher.

5. Account ID

Enter the short account number for the withholding.

6. Payment Status for ISLR

Enter a value that exists in the Payment Status Codes (00/PS) UDC table to identify the payment status for the ISLR withholding document.

7. P0400047 Version

Enter the version of the Voucher Entry MBF Processing Options program (P0400047) that the system uses when you run the ISLR Withholding Calculation program. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses version ZJDE0001.

8. P0900049 Version

Enter the version of the Journal Entry MBF Processing Options program (P0900049) that the system uses when you run the ISLR Withholding Calculation program. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses version ZJDE0001.

9. Exchange Rate

Enter 1 to use the exchange rate of the invoice. Leave this processing option blank to use the exchange rate in effect at the time the withholding voucher is created.

10. Payment Term Mode (Release 9.1 Update)

The system uses this processing option to control the payment term mode. This processing option prevents errors when you calculate withholding, for example discounts taken on withholding documents. If you set up this processing option as Blank, the system retrieves the payment term from the default value you set up in the supplier master. If you enter 1, the system uses the payment term defined in processing option Withholding Payment Term.

11. Withholding Payment Term (Release 9.1 Update)

This processing option enables you to enter a payment term value. This processing option prevents errors when you calculate withholding, for example discounts taken on withholding documents. The system uses this value when retrieving payment terms if you set up the Payment Term Mode processing option with a value of 1. To comply with legal requirements, you must use a payment term with no discounts considered.

4.5.7 Running the ISRL Withholding - XML File Generation Program

You must run the ISLR Withholding Calculation program before you run the ISRL Withholding - XML File Generation program.

Select Monthly Reports (G76V047), ISLR Withholding – XML File Generation.

4.5.8 Setting Data Selection for the ISRL Withholding - XML File Generation Report

To accurately report your tax data, your data selection must include the correct documents. Verify that your data selection and processing options are set to:

  • Select the correct status.

  • Select the document types to select documents with amounts greater than zero, including vouchers, debit notes, and so on.

  • Select dates that are within the date range you want to report.

  • Select the company for which you need to generate the XML file.

  • Not select voided documents.

4.5.9 Setting Processing Options for ISRL Withholding - XML File Generation (R76V4581)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports. General

1. Process Mode

Specify whether to update the payment status of the document. Values are:

Blank: Proof mode.

1: Final mode. The payment status of the document is updated in this mode.

2. Company

Specify the company number for which you generate the XML file for SENIAT.

3. Month to Report. From Date and To Date

Specify the period for which you generate the report. The dates specified in the From Date and To Date fields must be of the same month. You can generate the XML file with the transactions of an entire month or for a range of dates within a month.

4. Pay Status Code

Specify the payment status code that the system assigns to the documents after you run the report. The payment status code (00/PS) indicates the current payment status for a voucher or an invoice.


The system changes the payment status of the document only when the Process Mode processing option is set as 1.

5. XML File Path

Specify the path to the location to which the system writes the XML file.

4.5.10 Running the ISLR Withholding Certificate (R76VCRNP) Program

Select Monthly Reports (G76V047), ISLR Withholding Certificate.

4.5.11 Setting Processing Options for ISLR Withholding Certificate (R76VCNRP)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports. Range of Date

Date From

Enter the first date in a range of dates to select records to process.

Date To

Enter the last date in a range of dates to select records to process.

4.5.12 Running the IM Withholding Calculation (R76V4590A) Program

Select General WH Calculation Process (G76V045), IM Withholding Calculation.

4.5.13 Setting Processing Options for IM Withholding Calculation (R76V4590A)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports. I.M.

Insert Payment Date

Enter the date on which the withholding date is calculated. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the system date.

Withholding by Document

Enter 1 to calculate withholding by the total of each invoice. Leave this processing option blank to calculate withholding by the total of the invoices for the supplier.

Payment Status to Release

Enter the payment status to select records to process. If you leave this processing option blank, the system select records with a payment status of A (approved).

Document Type

Enter the document type that the system assigns to the withholding voucher.

Account ID

Enter the short account number for the withholding.

Payment Status for Withholding Document

Enter the payment status that the system uses to select records to process. If you leave this processing option blank, the system select records with a payment status of A (approved).

P0400047 Version

Enter the version of the Voucher Entry MBF Processing Options program (P0400047) that the system uses when you run the IM Withholding Calculation program. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses version ZJDE0001.

P0900049 Version

Enter the version of the Journal Entry MBF Processing Options program (P04000479) that the system uses when you run the IM Withholding Calculation program. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses version ZJDE0001.

Exchange Rate

Enter 1 to use the exchange rate of the invoice. Leave this processing option blank to use the exchange rate in effect at the time the withholding voucher is created.

Payment Term Mode (Release 9.1 Update)

The system uses this processing option to control the payment term mode. This processing option prevents errors when you calculate withholding, for example discounts taken on withholding documents. If you set up this processing option as Blank, the system retrieves the payment term from the default value you set up in the supplier master. If you enter 1, the system uses the payment term defined in processing option Withholding Payment Term.

Withholding Payment Term (Release 9.1 Update)

This processing option enables you to enter a payment term value. This processing option prevents errors when you calculate withholding, for example discounts taken on withholding documents. The system uses this value when retrieving payment terms if you set up the Payment Term Mode processing option with a value of 1. To comply with legal requirements, you must use a payment term with no discounts considered.

4.5.14 Running the WH - Integrity Report Program

Select Withholding Integrity Reports (G76V049), WH - Integrity Report.

4.5.15 Setting Processing Options for WH - Integrity Report (R8976V6E)

Processing options enable you to specify default processing values. Default

1. I.S.R.L. Document Type

Enter a value that exists in the Document Type (00/DT) UDC table to specify the type of ISLR document to select.

2. I.M Document Type

Enter a value that exists in the Document Type (00/DT) UDC table to specify the type of municipal tax document to select.

3. Company

Specify the company for which you run the report.

4.6 Processing Withholding for VAT for Venezuela

This section provides an overview of VAT for Venezuela, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to:

  • Run the VAT Withholding Calculation program.

  • Set processing options for VAT Withholding Calculation (R76V04570).

  • Run the VAT Withholding - TXT File Generation program.

  • Set processing options for VAT Withholding - TXT File Generation (R76VLO01).

  • Run the VAT Withholding Certificate program.

  • Set processing options for VAT Withholding Certificate (R76VLO03).

4.6.1 Understanding VAT for Venezuela

When you process VAT for Venezuela, you:

  • Use the VAT Withholding Calculation program to calculate VAT withholding.

  • Use the VAT Withholding Certificate program to generate vouchers for the withholding of VAT.

  • Use the VAT Withholding - TXT File Generation program to write flat file data to the Text Processor Header (F007101) and Text Processor Detail (F007111) tables. You then use the Text File Processor program (P00710) to work with the data and generate the flat file for tax reporting.

See "Working with the Text File Processor" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Financial Management Fundamentals Implementation Guide. VAT Withholding Calculation Program

When you run the VAT Withholding Calculation program, the system:

  • Selects all vouchers that have a payment status defined as VAT withholding.

  • Applies to the total tax amount the withholding percentage that is assigned to the supplier in the VAT Withholdings Setup - VEN table (F76V4030).

  • Changes the payment status of payment items to the payment status that is specified in the processing options.

  • Creates the VAT withholding document with a negative amount so that the amount is deducted from the voucher payment.

  • Creates the withholding record in the foreign currency when the voucher is in a foreign currency.

  • Generates a report that lists the processed vouchers and shows the withholding document and the batch number.

  • Changes only the document payment status if the withholding is not calculated.

  • Leaves the payment status unchanged if the program runs with an error. VAT Withholding - TXT File Generation

You run the VAT Withholding - TXT File Generation program to write flat file data to the Text Processor Header (F007101) and Text Processor Detail (F007111) tables. When you run this report for imported goods, only the information that you entered for Form C is reported. The system does not report the supplier purchasing transactions for imports.

The system includes import transactions only when you:

  • Set up tax rate areas for imported goods to show the goods as VAT exempt.

  • Define document types in UDCs 00/DT and 00/DV for imported goods.

  • Enter the supplier invoices as VAT exempt.

4.6.2 Prerequisites

Before you complete the tasks in this section, verify that appropriate codes exist in these UDC tables:

  • Codes for VAT withholding in the Document Type - All Documents (00/DT) and Document Type - Vouchers Only (00/DV) UDC tables.

  • Codes for type of VAT in the VAT Legal Concept (76V/LC) UDC table.

  • Payment status code to calculate VAT withholding in the Payment Status Codes (00/PS) UDC table.

  • Codes for VAT Withholding Concept VE (76V/IV).

4.6.3 Running the VAT Withholding Calculation Program

Select General WH Calculation Process (G76V045), VAT Withholding Calculation.

4.6.4 Setting Processing Options for VAT Withholding Calculation (R76V04570)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports. VAT

Withholding Document Date

Enter 1 to calculate VAT as of the document date. If you leave this processing option blank and complete the Payment Date processing option, the system uses the date that you enter in the Payment Date processing option. If you leave this processing option and the Payment Date processing option blank, the system uses the current date.

Payment Date

Enter the date on which the system calculates VAT. If you complete both this processing option and the Withholding Document Date processing option, the system uses the document date. If you leave this processing option blank and the Withholding Document Date processing option blank, the system uses the current date.

Document Type

Enter the document type that the system assigns to the VAT withholding voucher.

Account ID for Withholding

Enter the short account ID.

Payment Status for Release

Enter the payment status that the system uses to select records to process.

Payment Status for VAT

Enter the payment status that identifies payments for which VAT applies.

Payment Status for Withholding Document

Enter the payment status that the system assigns to the vouchers created. If you leave this processing option blank, the system assigns a payment status of A (approved).

P0400047 Version

Enter the version of the Voucher Entry MBF Processing Options program (P0400047) that the system uses when you run the VAT Withholding Calculation program. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses version ZJDE0001.

P0900049 Version

Enter the version of the Journal Entry MBF Processing Options program (P04000479) that the system uses when you run the VAT Withholding Calculation program. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses version ZJDE0001.

Payment Term Mode (Release 9.1 Update)

The system uses this processing option to control the payment term mode. This processing option prevents errors when you calculate withholding, for example discounts taken on withholding documents. If you set up this processing option as Blank, the system retrieves the payment term from the default value you set up in the supplier master. If you enter 1, the system uses the payment term defined in processing option Withholding Payment Term.

Withholding Payment Term (Release 9.1 Update)

This processing option enables you to enter a payment term value. This processing option prevents errors when you calculate withholding, for example discounts taken on withholding documents. The system uses this value when retrieving payment terms if you set up the Payment Term Mode processing option with a value of 1. To comply with legal requirements, you must use a payment term with no discounts considered.

4.6.5 Running the VAT Withholding Certificate Program

Select Monthly Reports (G76V047), VAT Withholding Certificate.

4.6.6 Setting Processing Options for VAT Withholding Certificate (R76VLO03)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports. Configuration

1. Date From

Enter the first date in a range of dates that the system uses to select records to process.

2. Date To

Enter the last date in a range of dates that the system uses to select records to process.

3. Separating Character

Enter the special character that separates the invoice number from the control number in the Invoice Number field of the Additional Information - Venezuela form.

4. Company

Enter the company for which the report is run.

5. Document Type

Enter the document type that the system uses to select records to process.

6. Address Number of Withholding Agent

Enter the address book number of the company that is withholding the VAT.

7. Certificate Date

Enter the date that the process assigns to the certificate. This can be either the date of the withholding creation or the date when certificate is printed. Values are:

Blank: System date. This is the date that the certificate is printed.

1: Witholding Creation Date.

4.6.7 Running the VAT Withholding - TXT File Generation Program

Select Monthly Reports (G76V047), VAT Withholding - TXT File Generation.

4.6.8 Setting Processing Options for VAT Withholding - TXT File Generation (R76VLO01)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports. Configuration

1. Date From

Enter the first date in a range of dates that the system uses to select records to process.

2. Date To

Enter the last date in a range of dates that the system uses to select records to process.

3. RIF Contributor (Fiscal Information Register contributor)

Enter the tax ID number of the RIF contributor. Enter the number without spaces or special characters.

4. Separating Character

Enter the special character that separates the invoice number from the control number in the Invoice Number field of the Additional Information - Venezuela form.

5. Historical Sales

Enter 1 to save records in the sales history record.

6. Company

Enter the company for which the report is run.

7. Path

This processing option is not used. The system writes write flat file data to the Text Processor Header (F007101) and Text Processor Detail (F007111) tables.

8. Document Type of Form C

Enter the document type from UDC 00/DT that identifies records for which an import form (Form C) exists. Configuration 2

Reason Code for the Retained VAT (Sales)

Enter a code from the Reason Code (03B/RC) UDC table that identifies the retained VAT for sales.

Code of Importation VAT 1

Enter a tax rate area for the tax.

Include Sales

Enter 1 to save records in the sales history record.

4.7 Understanding Additional Reports for Venezuela

Some reports in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system are part of a process. Those reports are included in the sections that describe the process. The software for Venezuela includes additional reports that are not part of a process. Those reports are described in this table:

Report ID and Report Name Description Navigation

AR-CV Withholding Certificate

Run the AR-CV Withholding Certificate program to generate a report that lists the suppliers for which withholdings are calculated. The report also lists the amounts of the withholding and the percentage. Monthly Reports (G76V07), AR-CV Withholding Certificate

IM Withholding Affidavit

Run the IM Withholding Affidavit program to print a report that list the withholdings for municipal taxes. The reports group the amounts withheld by withholding type. Monthly Reports (G76V07), IM Withholding Affidavit

ISLR Withholding Affidavit

Run the ISLR Withholding Affidavit program to print a report that lists the withholdings for income taxes for a specified period. Monthly Reports (G76V07), ISLR Withholding Affidavit

Withholding Integrity - Erases Historical

Run the Withholding Integrity - Erases Historical program to maintain data consistency between the F0411 table and the Withholding Historical File - VEN (F76V4581) table. Withholding Integrity Reports (G76V049), Withholding Integrity - Erases Historical

Withholding Integrity - Create Historical

Run the Withholding Integrity - Create Historical program to maintain data consistency between the F0411 table and the F76V4581 table. Withholding Integrity Reports (G76V049), Withholding Integrity - Create Historical

Annual Withholding Affidavit - Diskette

Run the Annual Withholding Affidavit - Diskette program to write flat file data to the Text Processor Header (F007101) and Text Processor Detail (F007111) tables. You then use the Text File Processor program (P00710) to work with the data and generate a flat file that includes the withholdings for a specified period. Annual Reports (G76V048), Annual Withholding Affidavit (Disquette)

4.7.1 Processing Options for AR-CV Withholding Certificate (R76VCRVP)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports. AR-CV Withholding

Date From

Enter the first date in a range of dates that the system uses to select records to process.

Date To

Enter the last date in a range of dates that the system uses to select records to process.


Enter the company number of the company for which you generate the report.

Withholding Document Type

Enter the document type that the system uses to select records to process.

4.7.2 Processing Options for ISLR Withholding Affidavit (R76VDJRN)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports. ISLR Declaration

Summarize by Supplier

Enter 1 to summarize the report by supplier. Leave this processing option blank to print in detail.

Date From

Enter the first date in a range of dates that the system uses to select records to process.

Date To

Enter the last date in a range of dates that the system uses to select records to process.

4.7.3 R76VIR01B - Withholding Integrity - Erases Historical and R76VIR02C - Withholding Integrity - Create Historical

You run the Withholding Integrity - Create Historical (R76VIR02C) and the Withholding Integrity - Erases Historical (R76VIR01B) programs to maintain data consistency between the F0411 table and the Withholding Historical File - VEN (F76V4581) table.

When you run Withholding Integrity - Erase Historical program, the system deletes records from the F76V4581 table when no record exists in the F0411 table for a transaction which includes:

  • A document type of PV (paid voucher).

  • A document type of PW (paid national withholding).

The Withholding Integrity- Erase Historical program produces a report that lists the records deleted from the F76V4581 table.

You run the Withholding Integrity - Create Historical program to update table F76V4581 with data about the municipal taxes withheld.

4.7.4 Processing Options for Withholding Integrity - Erase Historical (R76VIR01B)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports. Delete


Enter Y to delete historical records.

4.7.5 Processing Options for Withholding Integrity - Create Historical (R76VIR02C)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports. Document

I.S.R.L. Document Type

Enter the document type from UDC 00/DT that identifies ISRL records.

I.M Document Type

Enter the document type from UDC 00/DT that identifies records with municipal taxes.


Enter the company for which you process records.

4.7.6 Processing Options for Annual Withholding Affidavit- Diskette (R76VPART)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports. Withholding

Document Type of Withholding (Country)

Enter the document type from UDC 00/DT that identifies vouchers for national withholding.

Document Type of Withholding (City)

Enter the document type from UDC 00/DT that identifies vouchers for municipal withholding. Company

Withholding Agent Name

Enter the name of the company which processed the withholding.

Address Number

Enter the address book number of the person in charge of processing withholding. Fiscal Year

Fiscal Year

Enter the fiscal year for which you process records.

4.7.7 Processing Options for IM Withholding Affidavit (R76VDJRM)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports. IM Withholding Affidavit

Summarize by Supplier

Enter 1 to summarize the report by supplier. Leave this processing option blank to print in detail.

Date From

Enter the first date in a range of dates that the system uses to select records to process.

Date To

Enter the last date in a range of dates that the system uses to select records to process.