12 Working With Rental Item Workbench

This chapter discusses these topics:

12.1 Understanding Rental Item Workbench (P54R42)

The Rental Item Workbench program (P54R42) provides you quick and easy access to item quantity and item status, and to contracts associated with the rental item. You can review this information to analyze item availability and item status for planning purposes. The workbench includes only those rental items that exist in the Rental Item table (F54R41T).

The Rental Item Workbench program (P54R42) includes columns from the Item Location File table (F41021) and the Rental Item table (F54R41T). The workbench also contains the Rental Contract subform, which includes columns from the Rental Contract Header table (F54R10) and Rental Contract Detail table (F54R11).

You can filter rental items based on items available for rent, items that are rented, or all items from the F54R41T table. The quantity of a non-serialized item can be more than one. Therefore, the system can display a mix of rented and available items for a non-serialized item.

From the workbench, you can access the Item Master program (P4101) and the Rental Item Details program (P54R41). You can also access the Purchase Orders program (P4310), the Sales Order Entry program (P4210), and the Supply and Demand Inquiry program (P4021).


You can use the workbench for inquiry only.

12.1.1 Prerequisite

Before you use the Rental Item Workbench program, you must set up the rental items in the Rental Item Details program (P54R41).

12.2 Setting Processing Options for Rental Item Workbench

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs.

12.2.1 Defaults

1. Business Unit

Specify the business unit that the system uses as the default business unit. The system displays items for this business unit in the Work With Rental Items Workbench form.

2. Item Status

Specify the status that the system uses as the default item status. The system displays items in the Work With Rental Items Workbench form based on the status that you specify in this processing option. Values are:

Blank: Display items that are rented and available for rent.

0: Display items that are available for rent.

1: Display items that are rented.

12.2.2 Versions

1. Item Master (P4101)

Enter the version of the Item Master program (P4101) that the system uses as the default version. If you leave this field blank, the system uses the ZJDE0001 version.

2. Rental Contract (P54R10)

Enter the version of the Rental Contract program (P54R10) that the system uses as the default version. If you leave this field blank, the system uses the ZJDE0001 version.

3. Related Orders (P54R20)

Enter the version of the Related Orders program (P54R20) that the system uses as the default version. If you leave this field blank, the system uses the ZJDE0001 version.

4. Purchase Order (P4310)

Enter the version of the Purchase Order program (P4310) that the system uses as the default version. If you leave this field blank, the system uses the ZJDE0001 version.

5. Sales Order (P4210)

Enter the version of the Sales Order program (P4210) that the system uses as the default version. If you leave this field blank, the system uses the ZJDE0001 version.

12.3 Form Used to Work With Rental Item Workbench

Form Name Form ID Navigation Usage
Work With Rental Items Workbench W54R42C G54R10 (Daily Processing), Rental Item Workbench Review details of rental items and contracts associated with rental items.