4 Working with Direct Debits for CGI

This chapter contains the following topics:

4.1 Understanding CGI Direct Debits

For CGI direct debits, the debtor must authorize the creditor to initiate collection of payment from the debtor bank and also instruct the debtor bank to transfer the funds directly to the creditor bank. This authorization is based on an agreement between the debtor and the creditor and is referred to as a mandate. The mandate can be in paper or in electronic form and expires 36 months after the last initiated direct debit.

The scheme gives full discretion to debtors to accept or refuse a mandate.

The debtor can give authorization for recurrent direct debits or onetime single direct debit:

  • Recurrent direct debits are those for which the authorization by the debtor is used for regular direct debits initiated by the creditor.

  • Single direct debits are one-off direct debits for which the authorization is given once by the debtor to collect only one single direct debit. This authorization cannot be used for any subsequent transaction.

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system supports the format of collecting funds from accounts designated to accept collections. The debtor and the creditor must set up their bank accounts with the BIC (Bank Identifier Code) and IBAN (International Bank Account Number).

You use the SEPA Direct Debit Mandate program (P743002) to enter and store the data related to the mandate in the system. You must then use the Debit Standard application (P03B571) to generate the CGI Direct Debit report (R743008) to create the XML file for collecting the CGI direct debits.

4.2 Setting Up the Direct Debit Mandate Program (P743002) for CGI Direct Debits

You use the EnterpriseOne Direct Debit Mandate program to add a new mandate and enter the mandate information into the system. Enter mandatory information that the creditor must store in the system for use during the running of the CGI Direct Debit processes, such as preparing for collections.

You must store information of every mandate signed with debtors, and this information must be date-effective and must include mandate details, any references, account details of the creditor and debtor, and so on.

You also use the Direct Debit Mandate program to modify an existing mandate in the system. The system saves the modified data and a record of the changes made to the mandate in the History Amendment form. The system saves changes of only that data that is mandatory to be informed during the time of collection.


The SEPA Direct Debit Mandate Program (P743002) is used for CGI Direct Debits.


The Direct Debit Mandate program uses the term Amendment to mean a change or modification made to a mandate.

The header of the History Amendment form contains the basic mandate information, and the detail contains the information related to the changes made to the mandate. In the History Amendment form, you can also view the following original mandate data entered at the time the mandate was created:

  • Original Mandate Identification

  • Original Creditor Scheme Identification

  • Original Creditor Name

  • Original Debtor Account Number (IBAN)

  • Original Debtor Agent (BIC Debtor Bank Account)

You cannot change data from the History Amendment form. You can make the changes only in the Revision Mandate form, which you access from Working with Mandates.

You can access and update the debtor, creditor, or ultimate debtor address book record from the Form menu on the SEPA Direct Debit form. The system automatically updates the History Amendment table if you change address book information that has a record in the mandate table and the information should be included in the XML at the time of collection.

4.2.1 Forms Used to Set Up the Mandate in the SEPA Direct Debit Mandate Program (P743002)

  1. Select Working with SEPA Direct Debit Mandate form (W743002A) from the General CGI Direct Debit menu (G74CGIDD) to view or select the existing mandates.

  2. On the Mandate - SEPA Direct Debit (W743002B), click Add and then enter mandate details and access the debtor, creditor, and ultimate debtor tabs.

  3. Select History Amendment form (W743002C) from Working with SEPA Mandates menu or from the Mandate - SEPA Direct Debit menu to view all mandate amendments.

4.2.2 Entering Mandate Data

Access the SEPA Direct Debit Mandate form. Header

Mandate Identification

Enter the number that identifies the mandate signed by a debtor for that creditor. This number in combination with the value in the creditor identification code field must be unique for each mandate.

Mandate Date

Enter the date on which the mandate was signed.

Mandate Sequence Type

Specify the collection type. The value that you enter must exist in the Mandate Sequence Type (74/SQ) UDC. Values are:

OOFF: One-off collection.

RCUR: Recurring collections.

FRST: First recurrent collection.

FNAL: Last recurrent collection.

Mandate Cancellation Date

Enter the date on which the debtor signs the cancellation of the mandate. If the mandate is not canceled, this field is blank.

Mandate Local Instrument Type

Enter the local instrument as published in an external local instrument code list. Examples are CORE, which is used to indicate a core direct debit, and B2B, which is used to indicate a B2B direct debit.

Mandate Status

Enter the status of the mandate. Values are:

Y: Active

N: Inactive

Mandate Active Date

Enter the date on which the mandate becomes active. You use this field to activate an inactive mandate, and you must enter the activation date in this field if the mandate is inactive.

Mandate Version

Enter the version number of the mandate. A mandate with version number 1 indicates that the mandate has no changes. The default value at the time of the mandate creation is 1 and this value increases with the number of changes made to the mandate.

Last Collection Date

This is an output field and if this field is not populated, the system completes this field with the date on which the last collection was processed for this mandate.

Collection Counter

The system completes this field depending on the number of collections made to the mandate. Debtor

Access the Debtor tab in the SEPA Direct Debit Mandate form.

Address Number - Name

Enter the number that the system uses to search the debtor information from the address book. The mailing name of the debtor appears as an output field. The system uses this number to fetch the IBAN and BIC number from the address book.

Debtor Identification Code

The system completes this field with the value taken from the address book according to the address book number that you have entered. This value is the tax ID of the address number, and in case this field in the address book is blank, the system takes the additional tax ID.

Bank Account - IBAN

The system completes this field with the IBAN of the debtor's bank account. The system fetches this number from the record that you entered in the Bank Account Cross Reference program (P0030A) after you enter the debtor address number.

Bank Account - BIC

The system completes this field with the BIC of the debtor's bank account. The system fetches this number from the record that exists in the Bank Transit Master table (F0030) for the debtor's bank account. Creditor

Access the Creditor tab in the SEPA Direct Debit Mandate form.

Address Number - Name

Enter the number that the system uses to search the creditor information from the address book. The mailing name of the creditor appears as an output field. The system uses this number to fetch the IBAN and BIC number from the bank account record.

You can enter or change the address number only when a mandate has no transaction in process. This field is not editable for a mandate that has transaction in progress.

G/L Bank Account (Release 9.2 Update)

Enter a value that identifies an account in the general ledger.

This is a mandatory field.


If you are already using the SEPA direct debit functionality and have a previous version of the software installed, you must complete the G/L Bank Account field for all existing mandates.

Use one of the following formats to enter account numbers:

  • Standard account number (business unit.object.subsidiary or flex format).

  • Third G/L number (maximum of 25 digits).

  • Account ID number. The number comprises of 8 digits.

  • Speed code. A two-character code that you concatenate to the AAI item SP. You can then enter the code instead of an account number.

The first character of the account number indicates its format. You define the account format in the General Accounting constants.

Scheme Identification

This is the format for creating the creditor identification code that will be used to identify the creditor.

The creditor identification code in combination with the mandate identification code uniquely identifies the mandate for that creditor. A creditor can use the creditor business code extension to identify different business activities, but it is not required to identify the creditor.

Creditor Identification Code

The system completes this field when you enter the country code, verification digit, business code, and National ID in their respective fields.

The creditor identifier code contains the following elements in the order listed:

  • Positions 1 and 2 contain the country code of the country where the National Identification of the creditor has been issued.

  • Positions 3 and 4 contain the two verification digits resulting from the National Identification code of the creditor. When the creditor business code is not used, then the value is set to ZZZ.

  • Positions 8 to 35 contain the code defined by the national community; the system does not validate this value.

A creditor can use more than one identifier. The creditor identification can change due to a merger, acquisition, spin-off, or organizational changes.

Creditor Country Code

Specify the value that identifies the country of the creditor. The value that you enter must exist in the BIC Country Code UDC table (74/SA). The system saves this value in the first two positions of the Creditor Identification Code field. You must complete this field.

Creditor Digit

Enter the two verification digits that result from the National Identifier code of the creditor. The system validates the digits that you enter and saves them in positions 3 and 4 of the Creditor Identification Code field. You must complete this field.

Creditor Business Code

Specify the value to identify business lines or services. The value that you enter must exist in the Business Code UDC table (74/BC). This value is informational and is not needed to identify the mandate in a unique way. Creditors can change it over time for business reasons. If the creditor business code is not used, then the value is set to ZZZ.

Creditor National Identification

Enter the value defined by the national community that identifies the creditor's country as the national identifier of the creditor. The system saves this value in positions 8 to 35 of the Creditor Identification Code field. The system does not validate the value that you enter.

Bank Account - IBAN

The system completes this field with the IBAN of the creditor's bank account. The system retrieves this value from the Bank Transit Master table (F0030) for the creditor's bank account based on the value that you enter in the G/L Bank Account field.

Bank Account - BIC

The system completes this field with the BIC of the creditor's bank account. The system retrieves this value from the Bank Transit Master table (F0030) for the creditor's bank account based on the value that you enter in the G/L Bank Account field. Ultimate Debtor

Access the Ultimate Debtor tab in the SEPA Direct Debit Mandate form.

Ultimate Debtor Address Number

Enter the number that the system uses to search the ultimate debtor information from the address book. The name of the address number appears as an output field. You must complete this field.

Identification Code

The system completes this field with the value taken from the address book according to the ultimate debtor address number that you enter. This value is the tax ID of the address number and in case this field in the address book is blank, the system takes the additional tax ID.

4.2.3 Reviewing Modifications Made to a Mandate

Access the History Amendment form. Original Values

Access the Original Values tab in the History Amendment form. These values will not change if the mandate has collections in progress.

Original Mandate Identification

The system completes this field with the first mandate identification code entered by the creditor when the mandate was created. This data is constant and the system informs this data during collection if it is modified.

Original Creditor ID Code

The system completes this field with the first creditor identification code entered by the creditor (without the business code) when the mandate was created. This data is constant and the system informs this data during collection if it is modified.

Original Creditor Name

The system completes this field with the mailing name of the creditor that was entered when the mandate was created. This is the alpha description of the address book for the creditor. The system informs this data during collection if it is modified.

Original Debtor - IBAN

The system completes this field with the IBAN of the debtor's account number that was entered when the mandate was created. The system informs this data during collection if it is modified.

Original Debtor Agent - BIC

The system completes this field with the BIC of the debtor's bank that was entered when the mandate was created. The system informs this data during collection if it is modified. Grid Data

Mandate Identification

The system completes this field with the new mandate identification code entered for the mandate.

Amendment Date

The system completes this field with the date on which changes were made to the mandate.

Creditor Identification Code

The system completes this field with the new creditor identification code that is generated when you change any of the values in the following fields: Country Code, Verification Digit, Business Code, and National ID.

Creditor Name

The system completes this field with the address number of the new creditor that the system uses to search creditor information from the address book.

Debtor Identification (IBAN)

The system completes this field with the IBAN of the new debtor's bank account.

Debtor Bank Identification (BIC)

The system completes this field with the BIC of the new debtor's bank.

4.3 Generating the XML File for Direct Debits for CGI

To process CGI direct debits for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne, you use the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Automatic Debit program (P03B571). The Automatic Debit program generates the CGI Direct Debit Extractor report (R743008) from the standard Auto Debit table (F03B575). These reports generate the required XML file or files and saves them in the Business Intelligence Publisher (BI Publisher) folders.

You can generate a XML file for all of the mandate sequence types.You use the CGI Direct Debit Extractor report (R743008) to generate a XML file.

From the F03B575 table and the SEPA Direct Debit Mandate table (F743002), the CGI Direct Debit Extractor report extract the receipts of the debtors who have active mandates associated within the period that you process the collection. For each debtor, the report creates a record in the XML file with the mandate data and the receipt information.

To generate the XML file for CGI direct debits, the system selects the active mandates based on the following criteria:

  • Local Instrument Type

  • G/L Bank Account

  • Creditor Address Number

  • Debtor Address Number

  • Ultimate Debtor Address Number

To generate the XML in the format that is required by the banks for direct debits, the system uses Oracle's BI Publisher, which is integrated with the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software.

You run the XML in the automatic debit process to generate the Automatic Debit Statement report, and Structured and Unstructured Remittance reports for both single and multiple invoices. You select a version to print the specific report. When you run the XML, the embedded BI Publisher for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne invokes a report definition. This definition relates the report-specific templates to the report and presents the output in the specified format.

The reports that are generated are described as follows:

CGI Direct Debit Errors Detail: The R03B571 program generates the CGI Direct Debit Errors Detail report to inform the errors generated by the Auto Debit (R03B571) process. If the R03B571 program finds errors, the XML file will not be generated. Instead, the program generates this report in PDF format.

CGI Direct Debit Auto-Debit Statement: The R743008 program generates the CGI Direct Debit Auto-Debit Statement report to inform the receipts included in the XML file that is generated by the CGI Direct Debit Extractor process. If no errors occur when you run the R03B571 program, the R03B575 program displays the processed invoices in the PDF and the R743008 program exports the processed invoices into the XML file.

CGI Direct Debit - Strc - Mult Remittance XML: You must run the XJDE0001 version of the report to generate the CGI Direct Debit Structured Multiple Remittance XML output that you send to the bank for processing the direct debits.

CGI Direct Debit - Unstr - Mult Remittance XML: You must run the XJDE0002 version of the report to generate the CGI Direct Debit Unstructured Multiple Remittance XML output that you send to the bank for processing the direct debits.

CGI Direct Debit - Struct - Singl Remittance XML: You must run the XJDE0003 version of the report to generate the CGI Direct Debit Structured Single Remittance XML output that you send to the bank for processing the direct debits.

CGI Direct Debit - Unstru - Singl Remittance XML: You must run the XJDE0004 version of the report to generate the CGI Direct Debit Unstructured Single Remittance XML output that you send to the bank for processing the direct debits.


BI Publisher for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne does not enable the use of proof and final modes.

You can instruct your bank to initiate transactions once both parties sign the mandate and you prenotify the debtor. The system supports both recurrent and one-off collections.

When you run the R03B571 program, the system validates the data sent to the XML file. If any of the mandatory information is missing, the R03B571 program does not generate any XML file and reports the error in the PDF file.


When you run the R03B571 program, the system performs the CGI validations only if you set the value of the Bank Format Program processing option as R743008.


If there are multiple invoices for multiple payors, Payor A, Payor B, and Payor C, and there is an error during the validation process for one of the invoices for Payor A when you run the R03B571 program, then the system will process the invoices for the other payors that passed the validation but not for Payor A.

These are the validations and the associated errors if the validations fail:

Validations Error Codes Error Description
Mandate exists. K74E053 There is no mandate associated with the debtor who's being processed.
Mandate is active and the mandate active date is equal to or before the date used to process the debit transfer. K74E054 Associated mandate is not active or the mandate active date is in the future.
Mandate is not canceled. K74E055 Mandate being processed has been canceled.
Currency code is valid. K74E060 The currency code specified in processing options of R743008 does not match the transaction currency code of one of the records being processed from Auto Debit Invoice Select and Build table (F03B575).
There is no blank value in the processing options fields. K74E061 The processing options fields cannot be left blank.
Creditor mailing name is set up in the Address Book system. K74E062 Creditor mailing name is not set up in the Address Book system. You must set up the mailing name using the Address Book Revisions program. (P01012).
Creditor tax ID is set up in the Address Book system. K74E063 Creditor tax ID or additional tax ID is not set up in the Address Book system. You must set up the tax ID or additional tax ID using the Address Book Revisions program (P01012).
Creditor mailing address is set up in the Address Book system. K74E064 Creditor mailing address is not set up in the Address Book system. You must set up the mailing address using the Address Book Revisions program (P01012).
Creditor country is set up in the Address Book system. K74E065 Creditor country is not set up in the Address Book system. You must set up the creditor country using the Address Book Revisions program (P01012).
Creditor IBAN is set up in the system. K74E066 Creditor IBAN is not set up in the system.You must set up the IBAN using IBAN By G/L Bank Account program (P700030).
Creditor BIC is set up in the system. K74E067 Creditor BIC (SWIFT Code) is not set up.

You must set up the BIC (SWIFT Code) using the Revise Bank Information program (P0030G).

Ultimate creditor mailing name is set up in the Address Book system. K74E069 Ultimate creditor mailing name is not set up. You must set up the mailing name using the Address Book Revisions program (P01012).
Ultimate creditor tax ID is set up. K74E070 Ultimate creditor tax ID is not set up. You must set up the tax ID using the Address Book Revisions program (P01012).
Debtor mailing name is not set up. K74E071 Debtor mailing name is not set up. You must set up the debtor mailing name using the Address Book Revisions program (P01012).
Debtor tax ID is set up. K74E072 Debtor tax ID is not set up.

You must set up the tax ID or additional tax ID using the Address Book Revisions program (P01012).

Debtor mailing address is set up. K74E073 Debtor mailing address is not set up. You must set up the mailing address using the Address Book Revisions program (P01012).
Debtor country is set up. K74E074 Debtor country is not set up.

You must set up the country using the Address Book Revisions program (P01012).

Debtor IBAN is set up. K74E075 Debtor IBAN is not set up. You must set up the IBAN using the IBAN By Address Number Bank Account program (P700030).
Debtor BIC is set up. K74E076 Debtor BIC (SWIFT Code) is not set up. You must set up the BIC (SWIFT Code) using the Bank Account by Address program (P0030A).
Ultimate debtor mailing name is set up. K74E078 Ultimate debtor mailing name is not set up.

You must set up the mailing name using Address Book Revisions program (P01012).

Ultimate debtor tax ID is set up. K74E079 Ultimate debtor tax ID is not set up.

You must set up the tax ID using the Address book Revisions program (P01012).

The R743008 report update the following fields on the SEPA Direct Debit Mandate table when an XML file is successfully generated for a mandate:

  • Last collection date (this is the last transaction date of the mandate).

  • Transactions counter (this is the number of direct debits under the mandate).

  • Active field with N if the type of mandate is one-off or last so that the report does not process recurrent direct debit transactions in the future.

4.3.1 Replaced Characters in the Direct Debit XML File

The CGI Direct Debit Extractor program (R743008) generates an XML file that you submit to the banking system. The program generates some information, such as addresses, using the language that is set up in your system. The banking system cannot process all of the special characters that exist in all languages. If your JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system generates the CGI Direct Debit XML file with unacceptable characters, you can set up your system to substitute acceptable, alternative characters for the unacceptable characters.

You set up the Replace Character In String (74/RS) UDC table with the acceptable characters to use in place of the unacceptable characters. You then specify in a processing option in the CGI Direct Debit Extractor program that you want to use the74/RS UDC table to substitute characters in the XML output file.

When you set up the 74/RS UDC table, you can specify one or more alternative characters. When you specify multiple alternative characters, the length of the string that is altered does not change; if the original string is three characters, the modified string is three characters. The system drops certain characters from the string if inserting all of the alternate characters will result in the modified string exceeding the allowed length of the string.

These examples illustrate how the system replaces a single character with multiple characters: Example 1: Replacing A with FG

Original string is ABC.

Modified string is FGB.

To retain the field length of three, the system drops the C from the string. Example 2: Replacing A with FG

Original string is ABC_ _ _ (where _ is blank).

Modified string is FGBC_ _.

To retain the field length of six, the system drops the last blank from the string. Example 3: Replacing B with GFHI

String is ABC.

Result is AFG.

To retain the field length of three, the system replaces only the first two letters.

4.3.2 XML File

The XML file includes two blocks of records. Block A is the Group Header block and includes description of the XML file and the initiating party or the creditor. Block B is the Payment Information block. This block will group the records from the standard Auto Debit table (F03B575) and includes the following amendment records that you must inform during debit transfer process:

  • Mandate Identification

  • Creditor Scheme ID

  • Creditor Name

  • Debtor IBAN number

  • Debtor BIC number


The R743008 report includes the preceding amendment records in the XML file only if a change in data occurs during the period from the last transaction date to the new transaction date for a mandate based on a logic.

See Bank Payment ISO20022 CGI Format - XML Layout (Doc ID 2259096.1)

4.3.3 Understanding the Output Modes of Payments in the XML File

You can choose from four versions to specify the mode of payment to inform in the XML file:

  • XJDE0001 - Multiple Structured

  • XJDE0002 - Multiple Unstructured

  • XJDE0003 - Single Structured

  • XJDE0004 - Single Unstructured

The structured output uses XML tags to separate each piece of data for a transaction. The unstructured output puts all the data for a transaction into just one XML tag <ustrd> without using separate tags for each specific piece of data.

4.3.4 Setting Processing Options for CGI Direct Debit Extractor (R743008)

Processing options enable you to set default processing values for programs and reports.


You can access the processing options by selecting CGI XML Direct Debit Extractor (R743008) from the General CGI XML menu (G74CGIDD).

Before you begin, review the processing options for this program.

4.3.5 Generating the XML File for CGI Direct Debits

To generate the XML file for CGI direct debits using the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Automatic Debit process:

  1. Create invoices using the Standard Invoice Entry program (P03B11)

  2. Set up the processing options of the Automatic Debit program (P03B571).


    You must enter the bank account in the processing options for the Automatic Debit program. This account identifies the creditor. You must complete this processing option to avoid the option of selecting more than one company. The CGI Direct Debit process allows only one creditor company per collection. Also, you must set up the P03B571 processing option to process the receipt in euros.

  3. Run the Automatic Debit program in final mode. This process generates the R743008 report along with the standard receipts header and receipts detail reports. The R743008 report automatically generates an XML file and multiple XML files in the process.


    The system generates the R743008 report automatically when you run the R03B571 program only if you specify the applicable report (R743008) in the Bank Format Program processing option and a valid version in the Bank Format Version processing option of the R03B571 program. You can also select the record in the P03B571 application and define the format if you have not specified the format in the processing option. Then you generate the report from the P03B571 Row/Format Bank File.

  4. Download and extract the Debit Statement report.

    See "Extracting the CGI Direct Debit Statement"

4.4 Extracting the CGI Direct Debit Statement

The CGI Direct Debit Extractor program (R743008) uses the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne BI Publisher from Oracle to generate reports. After you generate and download the CGI direct debit files using the R743008 program, you can access the report definitions used by the BI Publisher to extract the Direct Debit Statement. You can access the XML file from the Submitted Jobs form. To generate the PDF, you republish the XML file.

To extract the Debit Statement:

  1. Access the Batch Versions program (P98305W).

  2. On the Available Version form, select Submitted Jobs from the Form menu.

  3. On the Submitted Jobs Search form, select the report that you want to view and then select Republish RD from the Row menu.

  4. On the Publish Report Definition Prompt form, select Prompt for Report Definition, and then click OK.

  5. On the Report Definition Submission Search & Select form, select the RD743008B report and click Select.

  6. On the Submitted Jobs Search form, select View RD Output from the Row menu.

  7. On the Report Definition Output Repository form, select the row for the Error and Debit Statement PDF.

  8. Click the icon in the View Output column to open the PDF.