1 Working with OECD SAF-T XML

This chapter contains the following topics:

1.1 Understanding SAF-T Reporting

The Standard Audit File for Tax Purposes (SAF-T) is a standardized XML file used for exporting the accounting information of a company to the tax authorities. The file contains accounting data that can be exported from an original accounting system for a specific time period.

The SAF-T file is based on a directive by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system generates the SAF-T XML report in a version 2.0 format for XML documents using the following steps:

  1. The OECD SAF-T Generic Extractor report (R705001) gathers the required information and produces the intermediate XML file.

  2. The Business Intelligence Publisher (BIP) XSL transformation and report definition converts the intermediate XML file to the legal SAF-T XML file.

SeeEU OECD SAF-T VAT – V2.0 XML Mapping (Doc ID 2417506.1)

1.2 Setting Up UDCs to Generate OECD SAF-T XML

You set up UDC values when you process OECD SAF-T XML.

1.2.1 Address Type (70/TA)

Select a value from the (70/TA) table to set up the address type required for SAF-T reporting. Values are:

Codes Description
0 StreetAddress
1 PostalAddress
2 BillingAddress
3 ShipToAddress
4 ShipFromAddress

1.2.2 Accounting System (70/AS)

Select a value from the (70/AS) table to set up the accounting system required for SAF-T reporting.Values are:

Codes Description
C Accounting
E Billing, shipping and working
F Invoicing
I Integrated Invoices and Accounts
P Partial Data
S Self Billing

1.2.3 Tax Exemption Reason (70/ER)

Select a value from the (70/ER) table to specify the tax exemption reason required for SAF-T reporting. You specify a value in the additional information section from the Work with Tax Area Additional Information program (P704008A). Values are:

Codes Description
1 Healthcare
2 Social welfare
3 Education and training

1.2.4 Tax Type (70/TT)

Select a value from the (70/TT) table to specify the tax type required for SAF-T reporting. You specify a value in the additional information section from the Work with Tax Area Additional Information program (P704008A). Values are:

Codes Description
IS Stamp Duty
IVA Value Added Tax

1.2.5 Tax Code (70/TC)

Select a value from the (70/TC) table to specify the tax code required for SAF-T reporting. You specify a value in the additional information section from the Work with Tax Area Additional Information program (P704008A).Values are:

Codes Description
INT Intermediate tax rate
ISE Exempted
NOR Normal tax rate
OUT Others
RED Reduced tax rate

1.2.6 Account Type (70/AT)

Select a value from the (70/AT) table to specify the account type required for SAF-T reporting. You specify a value in the additional information section from the Work with Account Master Additional Information program (P700901A).Values are:

Codes Description
1 Asset
2 Liability
3 Sale
4 Expense

1.2.7 Country Code (70/CN)

Set up this UDC to specify the ISO country code in the Description 02 column required for SAF-T reporting. You need to specify this if the ISO country code is different from the country code available in the Country Codes (00/CN) UDC table.

1.2.8 Tax Country Region (70/TR)

Set up this UDC to specify the tax country region in the Description 02 column required for SAF-T reporting.

1.2.9 Invoice Type (70/IV)

Set up this UDC to specify the invoice type in the Special Handling column to relate it with the document type of the purchase and sales transactions.

1.2.10 Line Type (70/LT)

Set up this UDC to specify the line type for the movement sub-type.

1.3 Setting Up Additional Information

Localizations Additional Information is a tag-table methodology that captures and stores country-specific information. The system uses this information for different purposes.

Before you can start working with Localizations Additional Information, you must run the Additional Info Setup program (R7000100) to generate the required tables that store the additional data.

This setup also generates the forms where you enter predefined information that is saved to the Localizations Additional Fields tables.

The system launches the Localizations Additional Information forms from the Regional Info row menu option from the specific programs that require additional data.

When you run the Additional Information Setup program, the system also generates all the additional fields required in the appropriate Regional Info forms. The forms for Localizations Additional Information group the predefined data fields into the following tabs, according to the type of data that you enter:

  • String Data: You enter a set of alphanumeric characters.

  • Numeric Data: You enter a set of numeric characters.

  • Date: You enter a date.

  • Character: You enter single characters.

Every time you run the Additional Information Setup program, the system regenerates the tables required to work with the solution. You do not need to run this program multiple times but if you do, the existing data that you entered and that is saved in the Additional Information tables is not affected.

1.3.1 Prerequisites

Before you complete the task in this section:

  • Verify that the Localization Country Code field in your user profile is set up. For example, NO for Norway or AT for Austria.

  • Set up the following processing option for the Additional Info Setup Program (R7000100):

    Code - Localization Country: Select a value from the Localization Country Code UDC table (00/LC) to specify the country for which the system generates the Additional Information tables and forms.

1.3.2 Running the Additional Info Setup Program (R7000100)

Select System Administration Tools (GH9011), Batch Versions.

Alternatively, enter BV in the Fast Path field.

In the Work With Batch Versions - Available Versions form, enter R7000100 in the Batch Application field to work with the Additional Info Setup program.

1.4 Working with the OECD SAF-T Generic Extractor Report

You generate the OECD SAF-T Generic Extractor Report to get an intermediate XML file.

1.4.1 Prerequisites

Before you generate the OECD SAF-T Generic Extractor report:

1.4.2 Setting Processing Options for the OECD SAF-T Generic Extractor Report (R705001)

Before you generate the SAF-T report, you set the processing options for the OECD SAF-T Generic Extractor report (R705001): Default


Use this option to specify the code that identifies a specific organization, fund, or other reporting entity. The company code must exist in the Company Constants table (F0010). This processing option must not be blank.


Use this option to specify the start of the fiscal year and the accounting period for which the system generates the SAF-T report.


Use this option to specify the end of the fiscal year and the accounting period for which the system generates the SAF-T report.

The start of the fiscal year value in the From processing option should be earlier than the end of the fiscal year value in the To processing option.

Enter the Item Number to be used for the A/R invoices without sales information.
Enter the Item Number to be used for the A/P vouchers without purchase information. General

Audit File Version

Specify the audit file version of the XML schema that is used for SAF-T reporting.

Audit File Country

Specify the code that identifies the country for which the system generates the SAF-T report. The value that you enter must exist in the Country Codes (00/CN) UDC table.

Contact Line ID

Company's International Bank Account Number

Company Bank Account Number

Either company bank account or IBAN should be available to generate the report.

Company's Account ID
Address Type
Ledger Types

The value that you enter must exist in the Ledger Types (09/LT) UDC.

Cost Method

The value that you enter must exist in the Cost Method (40/CM) UDC. Process

Accounting System

The value that you enter must exist in the Accounting System (70/AS) UDC table. This processing option must not be blank.

1.4.3 Setting Up Additional Information for the OECD SAF-T Generic Extractor Report (R705001)

Before you generate the SAF-T report, you must set up the additional information for following programs:

  1. Address Book (P01012)

  2. Tax Rate/Areas (P4008)

  3. Accounts Master (P0901) Address Book (P01012)

Set the following additional information of the Address Book Additional Information program (P700101A):


Self Billing Indicator: Specify the self-billing indicator to identify the existence of a self-billing agreement between the customer and the supplier. Tax Rate/Areas (P4008)

Set the following additional information of the Work with Tax Area Additional Information program (P704008A):

String Data

  1. Tax Exemption Reason: Specify the tax exemption reason associated with the tax rate or tax area. The value that you enter must exist in the Tax Exemption Reasons (70/ER) UDC table.

  2. Tax Type: Specify the tax type for the record. The value that you enter must exist in the Tax Type (70/TT) UDC table.

  3. Tax Country Region: Specify the classified tax region of the country. The value that you enter must exist in the State & Province Codes (00/S) UDC table.

  4. Tax Code: Specify the tax code for the record required by the tax authorities. The value that you enter must exist in the Tax Code (70/TC) UDC table.

  5. Country: Specify the country code to apply the Tax Rate/Area. The value that you enter must exist in the Country Code (00/CN) UDC table.


Tax Exempt: Specify the code indicating whether the tax rate or tax area is tax exempt or taxable. If it is tax-exempt, provide the reason for the exemption. The value that you enter must exist in the Tax Exempt (70/TE) UDC table. Accounts Master (P0901)

Set the following additional information of the Work with Account Master Additional Information program (P700901A):

String Data

  1. Standard Account ID: Specify the account ID based on the standard prescribed by the authorities.

  2. Account Type: Specify the account type–that is, asset, liability, sale, or expense. The value that you enter must exist in the Account Type (70/AT) UDC table.

1.4.4 Generating the OECD SAF-T Generic Extractor Report

To generate the OECD SAF-T Generic Extractor Report, from the OECD SAFT Generic Reporting (G7006) menu, select OECD SAF-T Generic Extractor Report (R705001). When you run the OECD SAF-T Generic Extractor report, the system validates and generates the SAFT XML file.

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system populates various sections of the OECD SAF-T report:

  1. Header Section

    The header section of the OECD SAF-T report includes company information, audit file information, information about the software company producing the file, and the selection criteria.

  2. Master Files Section

    The master files section includes:

    Master File Sections Description
    General Ledger Accounts This section prints the general ledger accounts details. The R705001 report identifies the transactions from the General Ledger Entries section to print the required details.
    Customers This section prints the required details related to the customer. The R705001 report identifies customer-related information from the Source Documents section and the General Ledger Entries section.
    Supplier This section prints the required details related to the supplier. The R705001 report identifies supplier-related information from the Source Documents section and the General Ledger Entries section.
    Tax Table The R705001 identifies the tax area or tax rate from the Source Documents section and the General Ledger Entries section, and retrieves information from the Work with Tax Area Additional Information program (P704008A) to print the details.
    UOM Table This section prints the UOM details. The R705001 report identifies item-related information from the Source Documents section.
    Movement Type Table This section prints the movement type details. The R705001 report identifies the transactions from the Movement of Goods section.
    Products This section prints the product details. The R705001 report identifies item-related information from the Source Documents section.
    Owners The R705001 report identifies company-related information from the processing option to print the details.
    Physical Stock This section prints the physical stock details. The R705001 report identifies item-related information from the Source Documents section to print the physical stock details.

    You must set up unit price in primary Unit of Measure (UOM) in the Cost Revisions program (P4105).

  3. General Ledger Entries

    The general ledger entries section lists the journal entries for the selected period. The R075001 report identifies the posted transactions from the Account Ledger table (F0911) to print the journal entry details.

    The system prints the tax information of the transaction if the transaction is created using the Journal Entries with VAT program (P09106).

  4. Source Documents Section

    The source documents section includes:

    Source Documents Section Description
    Sales Invoices This section prints the Sales and A/R transactions. The report retrieves the posted and non-void transactions from the Customer Ledger table (F03B11). The system considers a transaction line in the F03B11 table for printing sales order details if the Document Company (PKCO), Document No (DOCO), Document type (DCTO), and Line ID (LNID) fields are populated.
    Purchase Invoices This section prints the purchase and A/P transactions. The report retrieves the posted and non-void transactions from the Accounts Payable Ledger table (F0411). The system considers a transaction line in the F0411 table for printing purchase invoices details if the Document Company (KCOO), Document No (DOCO), Document type (DCTO), and Line ID (LNID) fields are populated.
    Payments This section prints the payment details of the posted and non-void transactions. The R075001 report retrieves the posted and non-void transactions from the Accounts Payable Matching Document Detail table (F0414) and the Receipts Header table (F03B13).
    Movement of Goods This section prints the movement of goods details of the transactions. The R075001 report retrieves the transactions from the Sales Order Detail table (F4211) or the Sales History table (F42119), and the Purchase Order Receiver table (F43121) to print movement of goods details.

    You must confirm shipment and complete the sales update process to include the sales transactions in the report. You must complete the voucher match process and purchase order receipt to include the purchase transactions in the report.

    See ”Shipment Planning” in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Transportation Management Implementation Guide to know the process of generating shipment number.


  • The system prints the details of only sales or purchase transactions for UOM Table, Products, and Physical Stock sections.

  • If the Tax Rate Area is available for the transaction, the system prints the Tax Information Block. The Tax Information Block is applicable to Sales Invoices, Purchase Invoices, General Ledger Entries, and Movement of Goods sections.

    The Tax Information Block is not applicable for the Payments section.